How to invert INDEX formula in Google sheets - google-sheets

I have a sheet named NYSEDB with stock names in column A and the companies that issued them in column B.
In another sheet I have companies in cells B2 and C2 (for example, AAPL, GOOGL etc.).
I have the following formula:
This formula, when I spread it down the sheet, returns all the stocks from NYSEDB that are issued by the companies I have specified in B2 and C2.
How can I make the exact opposite formula and "invert" the task - I want for the formula to show all stocks from NYSEDB WITHOUT those issued by the companies I have specified in B2 and C2.

Use the not equal operand <> instead of the equal one =.
In this case It's better to use the QUERY function. Which is effectively more expressive than an IF statement and makes exclusion straightforward using an array of exceptions.
Your formula will be then like:
=QUERY(NYSEDB!A:B, "select A where B<>'"&TEXTJOIN("' and B<>'", TRUE, B2:C2)&"'", -1)
Note: you can add as many exceptions as you want, but you will have to edit the B2:C2 range in the QUERY formula.
In this way the Query function will return the column A value whenever the column B value is not included in the exception row.
QUERY Formula


Summing specific values in a joined list

I am having some difficulties summing up some values in Google Sheets. In my spreadsheet, from multiple other tabs, values and bonuses are combined into one cell (Cell B1 in this example). The format of each "unit" of data is Name,5%xxx (Where "Name" is the name of the item, "5%" represents the sum I want to add, mostly always a percentage, and "xxx" separates one unit from the next). As you can see in cell B1, there are two instances where "Parkour" receives a bonus to sum up (from different sources).
Parkour,5%xxxParkour (Subskill: Sense of Balance),10%xxxParkour,2%xxx
Parkour (Subskill: Sense of Balance)
H2H Combat: Parkour
The formula in cell B2 is:
(Dragged down through the rest of the list) (Could not figure out how to make the formula "in line" on the question.)
Expected Results:
B2 = .07 (Working)
B3 = .1 (Not working)
B4 = Blank (Working)
The goal of the formula is to look into cell B1, and split everything out by "xxx". Then, filter the array of items with only exact matches with the line item in column A, then split again by the comma and add up those values. It worked for the first line item, but not the second. (Unsure why, but I strongly believe it has something to do with the parenthesis. When I removed the parenthesis from the name in Column A (and adjusted cell B1 to not have parenthesis), it worked. However, given the structure of the data, parenthesis are required, and I need to find a way for it to work with them.)
When I removed the IFERROR wrap around it in cell B3, I get this error note:
Function SUM parameter 1 expects number values. But " is a text and cannot be coerced to a number.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You may find useful combining SPLIT with QUERY like this. It will group names and sum percentages:
=QUERY(INDEX (IFERROR(SPLIT(FLATTEN(INDEX(SPLIT(B1:B100,"xxx"))),","))),"SELECT Col1,SUM(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1")
PS: invented a couple of extra line
I've thought you had another goal, try this formula. Having the previous chart generated by QUERY, I used VLOOKUP to match first column and return second one:
=INDEX(IFERROR (VLOOKUP(A2:A,QUERY(INDEX (SPLIT(FLATTEN(SPLIT(B1,"xxx")),",")),"SELECT Col1,SUM(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1"),2,0)))

Calculate sum and average treating blank values with specific values based on other column condition without adding helper column

I would like to calculate the sum and average in Google Spreadsheet of a range based on conditions from another column, but treat blanks with a specified value. It can be accomplished using a helper column, but I would like to do it without it. Here is the sample data:
I would like to sum values in column B based on value on Column A, but replacing blanks values with the value specified on E2 and E3 respectivelly.
Here is a sample in google sheet:
I was trying to use the following formulas for the sum of team A but I am not getting the expected result:
=sumif(A2:A,"A", if(B2:B<>"",B2:B,E2)) returns 6 instead of 19
=sum(if(A2:A="A",if(B2:B<>"", B2:B, E2),)) return 27 instead of 19
I cannot use a combintation of sumif and arrayformula like this because it expects a range in the third input argument:
=sumif(A2:A,"A", ARRAYFORMULA(if(B2:B<>"", B2:B,E2)))
I wasn't going to jump in on this one, since it's after midnight and I didn't feel I had the energy to both write and explain such a formula. But I see that you yourself have helped others on this forum. So I'll soldier through for you.
Delete everything from columns G:I (i.e., leave those columns entirely blank); and I suggest removing all of the formatting that you currently have in place in those columns, since it won't make sense after what I propose below.
Place the following formula in G1:
=ArrayFormula(QUERY(FILTER({A2:A,IF(B2:B="",IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2:A&"*",D:E,2,FALSE),0),B2:B)},A2:A<>""),"Select Col1, SUM(Col2), AVG(Col2) GROUP BY Col1 LABEL Col1 'Team', SUM(Col2) 'Sum', AVG(Col2) 'Average'"))
This one formula will generate all headers, team names and results for all teams' sums and averages.
The virtual array between the curly brackets pairs every element of A2:A with the results of the IF function. That IF function checks to see if B2:B is blank. If so, a VLOOKUP with wildcard is performed to find the Col-A team name at the start of any value in Col D and, if found, returns the corresponding filler value from Col E. (If not found, IFERROR returns 0 as the filler value. It's important to have a numerical value because of the way QUERY works.)
FILTER filters in all of the above results only for those rows where A2:A contains a non-null value.
QUERY then pulls the team names, sums and averages; the LABEL portion of the QUERY assigns your desired column headers to the results.
This formula is not restricted to only two teams. You can add as many teams as you like in A:B and assign as many filler values as necessary in D:E.
It's important to note, however, that the formula relies on the FULL team name found in A:A being found at the beginning of the Col-D values. So if your team name is "Bears," just make sure the corresponding entry in Col-D starts with "Bears" as well (e.g., "Bears blanks" or even just "Bears").
You'll need to format the entire Col H as whole numbers and the entire Col I as 0.00 to match the results you shown in your sample.
ADDENDUM (after further comments from OP):
It seems that what you're saying is that the D:E values in your sample spreadsheet were something you wanted included within the formula itself and that you did not intend for them to be used as a reference list. I think your post's reference to "without a helper column" may have been your attempt to say this; but it was not clear, as with or without that D:E list as a live reference range, the main formula may have relied on its own helper column in addition to that list.
If you want a formula that contains the list:
=ArrayFormula(QUERY(FILTER({A2:A,IF(B2:B="",IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2:A,{"A",2;"B",4},2,FALSE),0),B2:B)},A2:A<>""),"Select Col1, SUM(Col2), AVG(Col2) GROUP BY Col1 LABEL Col1 'Team', SUM(Col2) 'Sum', AVG(Col2) 'Average'"))
To add further blank-values, just keep adding to this section...
... being sure to follow the pattern of team-comma-value-semi for all but the last entry which will not need the closing semi.
You can use a combination of sumifs and countifs
to add up the non-blanks
to add up the blanks (and multiply by the default value)
all together
Average (use countifs to work out how many items):

Google Sheets: Find a Row that Matches Only a Few Specific Characteristics

I can't seem to find the right equation to find a cell from a row that matches only a few specific characteristics. In this example, I am trying to find the equation for Column D which would be the cell in A that has the same cells for B & C.
Hope this makes sense!
I'll provide two options.
If you're sure your data will only ever have zero or one match, you can place the following formula into D2 of an otherwise empty range D2:D...
However, if you think more than one match may turn up and you want "None" to be returned if there is no match, you can use the following formula in D2 or an otherwise empty range D2:D...
=ArrayFormula(IF(A2:A="",,REGEXREPLACE(REGEXEXTRACT(REGEXREPLACE(SUBSTITUTE(VLOOKUP(B2:B&C2:C,TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(QUERY(QUERY({B2:B&C2:C&"~",A2:A&","}, "Select MAX(Col2) where Col2 IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Col2 PIVOT Col1"),, 9^9)),"~")),2,FALSE),A2:A,""),"^[,\s]+$","None"),"([^,\s].+[^,\s])[,\s]*$"),"[,\s]+",", ")))
The second formula will work even if there will only ever be zero or one match; it's just not necessary to have it be that lengthy. And the second formula is only as lengthy because it was unclear from your posted examples whether the data in Col A, B and C will really only ever be one word or not; so the formula is built to assume there will not always be one-word strings in those columns.
Either formula will provide results for the entire column without dragging.
Here's an option, You can use this formula in column D2:
=iferror(textjoin(", ",true,query($A$2:$C,"Select A where A is not null and A != '"&$A2&"' and B = '"&$B2&"' and C = '"&$C2&"'",0)),"None")
You need to manually drag the formula to its succeeding rows. Arrayformula() cannot be used in looping the query string values.
What it does?
Using query(), filter the data from A2:C that has the same current row last name(Column B) and food(Column C) at the same time having a different first name(Column A)
If there are multiple results, use textjoin() to combine them with ", " as its delimiter.
If there is no matched found, it will return an error, hence use iferror() to set the default value to "None"

Is it possible to use two cells of criteria to return a value from a third column?

I have an Google sheets file with two sheets. I'm trying to reference one sheet's text based on two cells of criteria using a formula in the other sheet. I have one sheet that looks similar to this -
And another that looks like this -
I would like to put a formula on the second sheet that basically says - look on the first sheet for the values in columns A and B and return me the value in column C. The tricky part is - the values in the second sheet may be inverted or there may be an instance where only one value is present, like in row 1 in the first sheet. Also the formula should only fill in a value if both columns match. All text combinations in both sheets are unique.
Is it possible to do this with text? Thank you for your help!
Try the following
(Do adjust locale and ranges according to your needs)
Functions used:
If you can use two keys concated in the lookup table as a virtual key (i.e. make a key like "CAT|DOG"), then you can use that to look in the secondary table.
If you can't guarantee the sort order of the two keys in the secondary table, you can use the following technique to "sort" the two keys so you can make a single lookup key that's always in one stable order.
Sample Table
Sample formulas for row #1.
For column C, use formula: =A1<B1
For column D, use formula: =IF(C1=TRUE, A1, B1)
For column E, use formula: =IF(C1=TRUE, B1, A1)
For SortedKey, use formula: =concat(D1, E1)

Query Formula gives values that can't be summed using =sum()

So I have two query formulas:
=iferror(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE('Index Sheet'!$C$2,"Table 1!A1:Z1000"),"Select sum(Col7) where Col1 = """&$A5&""" label sum(Col7)''",0))
and it repeats for every row with the A5 being dynamic reference.
I am also using the query select formula:
=iferror(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE('Index Sheet'!$C$3,"Table 1!A1:Z1000"),"Select Col7 where Col1 = """&$A5&""" label Col7''",0))
When I try to use the query sum formula it says AVG_SUM_ONLY_NUMERIC for most of the sheets I am referencing, so I'm forced to use the query select formula instead.
So long story short I am trying to sum certain certain parts of columns in this new sheet (eg. H10:H15), but the sums are not summing, they just return a "-". Please see my screenshots below:
Original Source (sheet the queries are referencing):
New sheet query example:
New sheet I am trying to get the values over to (see sum function of D18):
The =sum() functions work when I use the query Sum to get the values, but for certain original sheets I can't use query sum because of AVG_SUM_ONLY_NUMERIC (some of the columns are merged etc.). So basically, forgive my poor explanation, how do I get to sum up these queried values if the query sum function can't put the values in the cells because of AVG_SUM_ONLY_NUMERIC, and the query select function are returning values that even though they appear like numbers can't be summed. I can't change the original sheets.
