Xamarin forms how to log in with Apple account - ios

I'm trying to publish my first xamarin forms app on IOS. I barred the issue of login with the Apple account.
I have 4 questions, please.
1- If I implement Sign in with Apple only for IOS 13+ will it be accepted? :(
2- I'm trying to use Xamarin Essentials to log in to IOS 13+ as shown in this article:
Xamarin Essentials
// Use Native Apple Sign In API's
r = await AppleSignInAuthenticator.AuthenticateAsync();
But I only get back the idToken. AccessToken, name and mail return null. Am I missing something?
3 - And finally I tried to use the plugin.firebaseAuth version 4.0.0-pre01:
Link plugin
// For iOS
var credential = CrossFirebaseAuth.Current.OAuthProvider.GetCredential("apple.com", idToken, rawNonce: rawNonce);
var result = await CrossFirebaseAuth.Current.Instance.SignInWithCredentialAsync(credential);
// For Android
var provider = new OAuthProvider("apple.com");
var result = await CrossFirebaseAuth.Current.Instance.SignInWithProviderAsync(provider);
It provides an example using prism to deal with this, but when I install the plugin in this version the application is no more than a splash screen and closes, without showing an error in the output. What am I doing wrong? :(
The first link seems promising for iOS less than 13 and Android using Asp.NET. However in the application I use only the Firebase ClouFirestone and Firebase Hosting for the Administrative Panel. Is it possible for me to sign in Apple without the services of a different backend?
I am very grateful for any light on the path I must follow

1- If I implement Sign in with Apple only for IOS 13+ will it be accepted?
It depends, if they don't find any other issues or violation, it will get accepted.
2- I'm trying to use Xamarin Essentials to log in to IOS 13+ as shown in this article: But I only get back the idToken.
Apple will only provide you the requested details on the first authentication. After that first authentication, you will only get the User Id so be sure to store the details that first time in case you need them.
This feature needs to be tested on a physical device running iOS 13. The simulator is not reliable, it doesn’t always work properly.
Should follow the design guidelines when implementing Apple Sign In. You can find it here: https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/sign-in-with-apple/overview/


How to open app store in ios app?

I'm using this code to rate app from an ios application.
let appLink = "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/[name of the app]/id[idnumber]?mt=8"
let url = URL(string: appLink)
the problem is Safari says "the page address is invalid"
Is there any way to make it work? I'm using xcode 9 and swift 4
Your URL can simply be:
https://itunes.apple.com/app/id<App ID Here>?mt=8
Better yet, use SKStoreProductViewController so you can show the app in an App Store page without the need to leave your app.
And as of iOS 10.3 you can SKStoreReviewController specifically to allow a user to post a review or rate an app.
Use the STORE KIT request review based on the new guidelines and documentation found here.
On older version you can use

iOS Facebook Account kit - Persist user token when app is opened 2nd time after successful login

My doubt is after successful login using Facebook account kit for the first time, I am reopening the app for the 2nd time. When I open how can I detect and use the existing user Access Token?
I tried by fetching Accountkit.currentAccessToken in appdelegate as a condition to show login page or welcome page. But currentAccessToken returns me null.
I have also enabled "Enable Client Access Token Flow" in app settings.
Kindly help to understand if my approach is right.
self.accountKit = AKFAccountKit (responseType: AKFResponseType.accessToken)
if(self.accountKit.currentAccessToken != nil)
I am facing the same issue in Android (not in iOS) but I think the problem is same, since in the document says it so.
this is my code for configuring the login using Email (kotlin, use let to change the val).
val configurationBuilder = AccountKitConfiguration.AccountKitConfigurationBuilder(
notice that the response type is AccountKitActivity.ResponseType.CODE
In the document says:
If you began the login session with AccountKitActivity.ResponseType.TOKEN, a logout option is available to remove the stored AccessToken from the device.
So the problem is on the Response type that I use, need to be changed into AccountKitActivity.ResponseType.TOKEN in order to make the token stored on devices.
I have seen some issues with Xcode8 / iOS 10 Simulators and keychain save/retrieval. See https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/60617
AccountKit stores the accessToken securely in the keychain but there is an intermittent bug on Xcode8 / iOS 10 Simulators that makes read/write from keychain fail.
Can you test if this is also happening on a Device?
Apparently the problem goes away if you add the Shared Keychain Entitlement to your App, but this is still a bug on Apple.

Codename one. Log in with Facebook using Webview component

My cn1 app incorporates loggin in with Facebook and Google+. When the doLogn() is called on Iphone, A Safari page is opened which allows the user to enter their credentials for Facebook or Google respectively. The problem I am facing is that my app has just been rejected by apple because the user is taken out of the app and into safari in order to log in with Facebook or Google and this, according to apple, provides "poor user experience". Apple recommended that I use the Safari View Controller API which allows the display of a URL and inspection of the certificate from an embedded browser in an app so that customers can verify the webpage URL and SSL certificate to confirm they are entering their sign in credentials into a legitimate page.
I notice that Codename one has a WebView component. However I'm not sure if it's possible to open the url in Webview instead of Safari when I call the doLogin(). If it is. How do I achieve this and is Web View the right component to use? Or will I need to use the Safari View Controller API, if so, how do I add this api to my cn1 project, is it even possible?
I would recommend that codenameone incorporate this into their Facebook and Google login features to prevent any future users from getting rejected by the app store.
It appears that this happens automatically on Native Iphone apps - Safari web view opening when logging to FB through iOS 9. For IOS should I try to implement a native Facebook log in then? If so. Where do I start?
final Login fb = FacebookConnect.getInstance();
FaceBookAccess.setPermissions(new String[]{"id", "name", "first_name", "last_name"});
fb.setCallback(new LoginCallback() {
public void loginFailed(String errorMessage) {
Dialog dg = new Dialog();
dg.setTitle("Login failed");
public void loginSuccessful() {
Currently the Codename One build server uses Facebook IOS SDK 4.4, which uses the default behaviour of opening the Facebook app to authenticate - if installed - and the Safari app if it is not installed.
If you switch to the "iphone_new" build target (which will soon be standard) it uses the newer Facebook IOS SDK 4.12, which will (by default) handle the authentication inside a web view in your app.
Running some tests on this approach, I found that, on iOS 9, you need to add the following to your ios.plistInject build hint:
I have just committed a change that will include this automatically so after the next server update (probably on Friday), it will just work without this build hint.
UPDATE June 14, 2016
I have just updated this in SVN so that it will use IOS SDK 4.12 by default with will resolve this issue without having to make any changes. The server will be updated Friday - after which you should be able to just send your build (with no special build hints) and it will work.
Codename One uses native Facebook login when the Facebook app is installed and activated. You need to use the Facebook Connect API as explained in the developer guide section.

"Login cancelled by player" callback in facebook api for Unity IOS (only if you have facebook app in device)

I am using unity facebook api 4.3.6 for ios. Its working perfectly fine if I don't have #facebookapp in my device. Once I download it and try login, it takes me to #facebookapp and redirect again to my game with callback
FB Login callback : {"is_logged_in":false, "user_id":"", "access_token":""}
Login cancelled by player
This happens only if I have facebook app downloaded! I think its some how cache issue but not sure exactly what is it. Any luck?
I believe this is not connected with Unity.
Here is few reasons I faced
You need to ask read and write permissions separately. Wait until you get read permissions than send request for write permission.
Make sure your app is allowed to login ( if you have FB app installed on your device )
Make sure you have your app bundle identifier added to developer.facebook.com
Here is what helped me fixed that problem with Unity Facebook-Android.
setting the sandbox mode ON:
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps
Select the respective app from the drop down.
Go to 'Status & Review' from the table in the left side of the page.
Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public? - Select switch to set YES/NO value.
if the ON/OFF button is disable, please go back to Settings and enter a valid email address.
I understood why when the device is installed a facebook app, my app can't login facebook.
First : software OpenSSL create keyhass wrong. I have downloaded OpenSSL from here : http://code.google.com/p/openssl-for-windows/downloads/list , and it creates keyhash wrong.
I have used other OpenSSL sofware, you can download it here : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t6tt44dc2nm6vza/6mp1W74GiZ , it is create keshash right.
Second: In class FacebookAndroidUtil.cs , line 62, you add System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEDRIVE") before System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEPATH"). Facebook SDK requires a file debug.keystore in : C:\Users\UserName.android\debug.keystore.
If the Unity Editor, Edit Setting Facebook has yet to create android debug hash key. Then use the Eclipse Software, create and run onr any project. Eclipse will generate a debug.keystore. If it is't create in folfer : C:\Users\UserName.android\debug.keystore , then find it, coppy and paste into C:\Users\UserName.android\debug.keystore
Third: publish your app in Facebook, so be sure it is:"This app is public and available to all users".

Web service for deep linking

This is my first time create an ios application that required deep linking. I need to create a web service for my custom url scheme for ios in order to publish it online. Please give some pointer on regarding which web service i should use or is there an alternative way to create a deep linking for custom url scheme for iOS. Thanks.
You can do it yourself with any server platform - Rails, PHP, Dot.Net, etc.
Here is a very simple PHP snippet. Replace "myappname" with your app's URL scheme. The param/value query is optional - you can use any other text and parse it in your App Delegate's openUrl method.
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPhone OS') !== FALSE) {
// redirect
header("location: myappname://?key=value");
Client use-cases:
iOS Safari, your app installed - will open your app.
iOS Safari, your app not installed - Safari will complain that it cannot open the link.
Another iOS app, your app installed - will switch to your app.
Another iOS app, your app not installed - same as Safari. However, if the other app is implementing UIApplication's canOpenURL: - it may gracefully take the user to the App Store, but it's up to the other app developer.
Any other device or browser - will continue to render the page, where you can add your html including AppStore links.
If you don't want to create the server code, you can use a tool I created for this purpose. You have it here:
It's mainly a short link tool that checks for user device and give him the right url based on his devices. With this tool you don't need to write any server code and it also takes care of different devices, operating systems and browsers.
Take care of Tal answer as latest versions of Chrome has changed the way to open app and now you need to provide a link in different format, they use something like "intent://..."
