Understanding Docker overlay network - docker

I am using an overlay network to deploy an application on multiple VMs on the same LAN. I am using nginx as the front end for this application and this is running on host_1. All the containers that are part of the application are communicating with each other without any issues. But HTTP requests to the published port 80 of the nginx container (mapped to port 8080 on host_1) from a different VM on the same LAN, say host_2, time out[1]. But HTTP requests to localhost:8080 on host_1 succeed[2]. If I start the nginx container by removing the overlay network, I am able to send HTTP requests[3].
Output of curl -vvv <host_1 IP>:8080 on host_2.
ubuntu#host_2:~$ curl -vvv <host_1>:8080
Rebuilt URL to: <host_1 IP>:8080/
Trying <host_1 IP>...
connect to <host_1 IP> port 8080 failed: Connection timed out
Failed to connect to <host_1 IP> port 8080: Connection timed out
Closing connection 0 curl: (7) Failed to connect to <host_1 IP> port 8080: Connection timed out
Output of curl localhost:8080 on host_1.
nginx welcome page
Output of curl -vvv <host_1 IP>:8080 on host_2 when I recreate the container without the overlay network
nginx welcome page
The docker-compose file for the front end is as below:
version: '3'
hostname: nginx-frontend
image: nginx
ports: ['8080:80']
restart: always
external: {name: overlay-network}
I checked that the nginx and the host are listening on and respectively.
Since the port 80 of the nginx is published by mapping it to port 8080 of the host, I should be able to send HTTP requests from any VM that is on the same LAN as the host of this container. Can someone please explain what I am doing wrong or where my assumptions are wrong?


Unable to connect to port 53589 on EC2 instance using Docker and Caddy server

What I'm trying to do
Host a Taskwarrior Server on an AWS EC2 instance, and connect to it via a subdomain (e.g. task.mydomain.dev).
Taskwarrior server operates on port 53589.
Tech involved
AWS EC2: the server (Ubuntu)
Caddy Server: for creating a reverse proxy for each app on the EC2 instance
Docker (docker-compose): for launching apps, including the Caddy Server and the Taskwarrior server
Cloudflare: DNS hosting and SSL certificates
How I've tried to do this
I have:
allowed incoming connections for ports 22, 80, 443 and 53589 in the instance's security policy
given the EC2 instance an elastic IP
setup the DNS records (task.mydomain.dev is CNAME'd to mydomain.dev, mydomain.dev has an A record pointing to the elastic IP)
used Caddy server to setup a reverse proxy on port 53589 for task.mydomain.dev
setup the Taskwarrior server as per instructions (i.e. certificates created; user and organisation created; taskrc file updated with cert, auth and server info; etc)
Config files
version: '3.3'
image: connectical/taskd
restart: always
- /opt/task:/var/taskd
- 53589:53589
name: caddy_net
version: "3.4"
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
container_name: caddy
restart: always
- 80:80
- 443:443
- ./config:/config
- ./data:/data
- ./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
name: caddy_net
task.mydomain.dev:53589 {
reverse_proxy taskd:53589
tls {
dns cloudflare myCloudflareAPIkey
What's actually happening
I'm unable to connect to port 53589 on task.mydomain.dev
Running telnet task.mydomain.dev 53589 times out
I'm unable to connect to port 53589 on mydomain.dev
Running telnet mydomain.dev 53589 times out
I'm able to connect to port 53589 at by ssh'ing into the EC2 instance
Runningtelnet 53589 from the EC2 instance successfully connects
I'm able to connect to port 80 on task.mydomain.dev, but unable to sync with the Taskwarrior server
Running task sync init returns:
c: 1 Received record packet of unknown type 72
Syncing with task.mydomain.dev:80
Cannot perform this action while handshake is in progress.
Sync failed. Could not connect to the Taskserver.
I'm able to connect to port 443 on task.mydomain.dev, but unable to sync with the Taskwarrior server
Running task sync init returns:
Syncing with task.mydomain.dev:443
Malformed message
Sync failed. Could not connect to the Taskserver.
What I've tried to fix it
Changing the Caddyfile's first line to:
task.mydomain.dev { and task.mydomain.dev:80 {, then connecting to port 80
Running task sync init returns:
c: 1 Received record packet of unknown type 72
Syncing with task.mydomain.dev:80
Cannot perform this action while handshake is in progress.
Sync failed. Could not connect to the Taskserver.
task.mydomain.dev { and task.mydomain.dev:443 {, then connecting to port 443
Running task sync init returns:
Syncing with task.mydomain.dev:443
Malformed message
Sync failed. Could not connect to the Taskserver.
Changing Caddyfile's second line to reverse_proxy, reverse_proxy and reverse_proxy localhost:53589. Same errors occur.
Removing the CNAME records for the subdomain. Same errors occur
Does anyone have any idea what's happening or could point me in the right direction?
If you are attempting to proxy HTTPS traffic on Cloudflare on a port not on the standard list, you will need to follow one of these options:
Set it up as a Cloudflare HTTPS Spectrum app on the required port 53589
Set up the record in the Cloudflare DNS tab as Grey cloud (in other words, it will only perform the DNS resolution - meaning you will need to manage the certificates on your side)
Change your service so that it listens on one of the standard HTTPS ports listed in the documentation in point (1)

Forward TCP requests from host to container on specific port

I am running the container and mapping the port like so:
docker run -d --expose 4242 -p 4242:4242 42wim/matterbridge:stable --debug
I've created a firewall rule to allows TCP connections over port 4242 to my VM. When I send an http request to the public IP of my VM the connection is refused:
Howevever if I open a shell into the container and do a curl to the path I get the expected response curl localhost:4242/api/messages
What is the correct way to map TCP requests on port 4242 from my Host to my Container? I'm running a Ubuntu VM on GCP that hosts my docker container
Update, if use docker run --network="host" I can curl from the host to the docker container with curl localhost:4242/api/messages with the expected response. Yet when I do the same curl request with the public IP the connection is still refused.
if I ss -na | grep :4242
tcp LISTEN 0 4096*
it shows it's listening. Is there additional mapping I need to do? I have validated from google firewall logs that it is allowing and forwarding TCP connections from port 4242 to the VM

Docker refusing connection on port 443

I'm setting up my AWS EC2 instance. I wanted to let that instance access via https but I get a
This is what I tried
run docker pull abiosoft/caddy
Put Caddyfile in home folder
Run mkdir -p $HOME/caddycerts; chmod ugo+rwx $HOME/caddycerts;
Run docker run -d -e "CADDYPATH=/etc/caddycerts" -v $HOME/Caddyfile:/etc/Caddyfile -v $HOME/caddycerts:/etc/caddycerts -p 443:443 abiosoft/caddy
Run docker restart *dockerName*
My Caddyfile looks like this:
some-domain-name.com {
tls myemail
proxy / {
header_upstream Host {host}
header_upstream X-Real-IP {remote}
header_upstream X-Forwarded-Proto {scheme}
Error: curl: (7) Failed to connect to some-domain-name.com port 443: Connection refused
EC2 instance's security group has https enabled for port 443
when you use AWS make sure that the port you are using is allowed and you have the right to use it
AWS Security group and ACL doesn't give connection refused, they silently drops the packet. From the message connection refused it seems the service isn't running or server isn't listening on port 443.
Have you tried to telnet it locally ? Does it work ?
telnet localhost 443
Error: curl: (7) Failed to connect to some-domain-name.com port 443: Connection refused
The above error message means that your web server is not running on the specified port of 443. You can simply validate via a telnet (which I see in James's answer above).
From your caddyfile it points to port 9001. The first line of the Caddyfile is always the address of the site to serve.
Without seeing the dockerfile it's hard to pinpoint, but I'd say there's nothing configured to run on 443 in your application

Nginx reverse proxy to an app in host

I have an app that is running outside Docker on port 5000. I am trying to run a reverse proxy in nginx via Docker compose but am unable to communicate with the host's port 5000. In my docker-compose.yml file I have:
- 80:80
- 443:443
- 5000:5000
When I try to run this I get:
ERROR: for nginx Cannot start service nginx: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint nginx (374026a0d34c8b6b789dcd82d6aee6c4684b3201258cfbd3fb18623c4101): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
If I comment out - 5000:5000 I get:
[error] 6#6: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream
How do I connect to an already running app in the Host from a Docker nginx container?
My nginx.conf file
user www-data;
worker_processes auto;
pid /run/nginx.pid;
events {
worker_connections 768;
http {
upstream mysite {
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
proxy_pass http://mysite;
The response when I try to curl localhost is 502 Bad Gateway. The app itself and curl responds fine from the host.
I have also tried the solution found here but I get nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "docker". Docker is my host's hostname.
My docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
build: ./simple
container_name: simple
- 80:80
- 443:443
My Dockerfile:
FROM nginx
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
EXPOSE 80 443
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;", "-c", "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"]
I am getting the computer host via the "hostname" command in linux.
The problem lies with Since Nginx is running inside the docker, it tries to find this address inside docker machine but fails since there is nothing running on inside docker.
So in order to resolve this
You need to give it an address that it can reach. Solving it requires that you
first run your application at on your host machine i.e you should be able to open your application at from your browser.
Find your IP address. once you get your IP address you should be able to
open you application through ip_address:5000. since your docker and host share the same network this address can be reached from docker also
Now, replace the in your Nginx conf file with this ip_address:5000. you would be able to serve your application is the default host ip available to docker container running on host.
Just use in your nginx conf file and you should be able to connect to your application running on host outside the container.
My docker version is 19.03.12 where I tested the same.
I need to use a different variable to access the host container: http://host.docker.internal.
Note: I'm running on a Windows host. Not sure if that matters.

Docker Nginx-Proxy Container used for Port 80 Forwarding to other container based on Domain

I am trying to set up a Docker Nginx Proxy server to forward incoming requests to their corresponding Docker Container on or to the Router's Web-Admin at
So right now I am in a bit of a pickle, but I need to set this up regardless. I have this setup right now
Router (Web Admin + Port Forwarding)
Server1 LAMP - (Router Forwards -> port 80 for LAMP Server)
Server2 Docker - (Router Forwards -> 20 SSH, 8080, 9000 Docker Admin)
So I have to configure the port forwarding through my Router's web interface, which is accessible on port 8080. But the issue is that right now I moved to Florida, and I had stupidly added a port-forwarding rule on 8080 to forward to Shipyard Docker Manager, which I eventually planned to install an Nginx-Proxy Forwarding Docker container. I never got the forwarding Docker container working, and I eventually switched to Portainer on port 9000 which I had to configure because it was the only other port I had already set forwarded before I lost access to my Router's web interface, and thus lost the ability to forward ports.
The downside is that I cannot access my Router's web interface. The upside is that - I still have to implement an Nginx-Proxy port forwarding Container anyways, to set up dynamic port 80 forwarding to different Docker containers based on the URL.
So I want to mvoe my LAMP server on as a new Docker Container, and then I will also have a few other Rails Docker containers - but I need to configure a Docker Container to forward the app to differnt servers based on the port. I assume I need to have 2 dockers running - one for port 80 forwarding, and then one for port 8080 forwarding - this is not a problem.
I have not been able to correctly configure my Nginx config to forwarding an incoming request from my domain-name that I have point to my server (my.domain.com below), needs to get forwarded to my router Any help / suggestions on how to configure my Nginx-Proxy Docker Container to forward this correctly, or what I should setup here to forward incoming requests to a web-server dynamically based on the URL. I can install any Docker containers I need for this.
My current Config /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, running on a Nginx-Proxy Docker Container on port 8080 (Google to find the Docker Image for nginx-proxy)
# My Nginx Config to forward my.domain.com
http {
access_log /var/logs/nginx/access.log;
server {
listen 8080;
server_name my.domain.com;
return 301$request_uri;
I get these errors:
[error] 55#55: *2274 datacenter.URL.com could not be resolved (110: Operation timed out), client:, server: datacenter.URL.com, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "datacenter.URL.com:8080"
[error] 55#55: recv() failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:
EDIT: I just noticed that I can only have one Docker Container running at-a-time for each port. So I need to figure out how to forward requests to different servers's + ports based on the Domain Name. So each URL forwarding rule entry needs to be able to go to different servers all running on all different ports.
