Error sending messages to module in edgeHub - azure-iot-edge

We have a custom module that receives messages from a Modbus Module but recently the messages started to not be delivered to the destination.
It was working fine until few days ago.
Looking at the edgeHub's log it apparently initializes correctly and then appears the following WARNINGS
<4> 2020-09-23 03:06:30.309 +00:00 [WRN] - Did not receive ack for message 8eba78ae-65f3-426f-97e6-d53681c99ab8 from device/module DEVICE_ID/MODULE_NAME
<4> 2020-09-23 03:06:30.342 +00:00 [WRN] - Error sending messages to module DEVICE_ID/MODULE_NAME
System.TimeoutException: Message completion response not received
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Hub.Core.Device.DeviceMessageHandler.SendMessageAsync(IMessage message, String input) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-hub/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Hub.Core/device/DeviceMessageHandler.cs:line 428
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Hub.Core.Routing.ModuleEndpoint.ModuleMessageProcessor.ProcessAsync(ICollection`1 routingMessages, IDeviceProxy dp, CancellationToken token) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-hub/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Hub.Core/routing/ModuleEndpoint.cs:line 166
<4> 2020-09-23 03:07:01.766 +00:00 [WRN] - Did not receive ack for message fbb1e347-d290-4527-9558-127f2d8f357d from device/module DEVICE_ID/MODULE_NAME
The Custom Module gets stuck in the first very message received from Modbus, and get it repeatedly.
However It does not impact it in receiving Command from the Cloud.
Our version of iotedge is and the Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client version is 1.25.0.


WSO2 token generation, /oauth2/token service failing after 20th request been hit

I am using WSO2 for token generation. By using this console: https://localhost:9443/carbon/admin/login.jsp
I am calling http://localhost:9763**/oauth2/token** service by passing required parameters
<{username=[], password=[], grant_type=[password], client_id=[], client_secret=[], scope=[]},[Content-Type:"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]> after 20th request its failing and giving below error.
{ErrorMessage: I/O error on POST request for "": Connection reset; nested exception is Connection reset.}
How can I increase the number of requests to be served from 20 to 50 or more?

Not able to run Microsoft Bing Speech Recognition API on iOS device using iOS Client Sample provided by Microsoft

I was trying to explore Microsoft's Bing Speech Recognition API for iOS I followed all the steps written in the read me. The app runs and it seems to be detecting the speech from microphone and sending it to the Microsoft server but it gives an error in the logs and the button disables itself without giving any text on the app.
Here are the logs that came in the console. Please help.
Application Name: com.Microsoft.SpeechRecognitionServerExample/1.0.1
Refreshing token /sts/v1.0/issueToken
Initializing Audio Services
Initializing Speech Services
No application id provided to controller
GetIdentityPropertyValue 3
Useragent Value iOS Assistant (iOS; 10.0.1;Mobile;ProcessName/AppName=com.Microsoft.SpeechRecognitionServerExample/1.0.1;DeviceType=Near;SpeechClient=1.0.160824)
Url: ''
Locale: 'en-us'
Application Id: ''
Version: 4.0.150429
ServerLoggingLevel: 1
Initiating websocket connection. m_connection=0x0 port=443
Auth token status: 200
Authorization token hr 0 'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzY29wZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3BlZWNoLnBsYXRmb3JtLmJpbmcuY29tIiwic3Vic2NyaXB0aW9uLWlkIjoiZmNlYThiNTE3NGZmNDdkODk4ZWZiN2ZjYzNjZjM4MzMiLCJwcm9kdWN0LWlkIjoiQmluZy5TcGVlY2guUHJldmlldyIsImNvZ25pdGl2ZS1zZXJ2aWNlcy1lbmRwb2ludCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXBpLmNvZ25pdGl2ZS5taWNyb3NvZnQuY29tL2ludGVybmFsL3YxLjAvIiwiYXp1cmUtcmVzb3VyY2UtaWQiOiIiLCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46bXMuY29nbml0aXZlc2VydmljZXMiLCJhdWQiOiJ1cm46bXMuc3BlZWNoIiwiZXhwIjoxNDc1NDg3MDQ1fQ.4LF0gyhXU0T1iwDahlYlanKJ_wVjOOLhLyalFeDqIzA'
Successfully initialized client connection
Create ImpressionId: f43586374f8d8e455e48b090f2aaa5cd
Create ImpressionId: f627a603daa0cd4a16f59d9581118cdd
Create ImpressionId: dad2c09e82b8eaaacec3b20890de9bb8
ImpressionId: a9776c0ba8dc079c7d9658e6746a46ea
Adding requestId: 'bf17eb3310b2e39944d85dfe3d2868eb' for 'text/cu.client.context'
Subscribing request [bf17eb3310b2e39944d85dfe3d2868eb]
Waiting for connection/send completion.
Audio stream created
Adding requestId: 'dd3d699f39139326bedbb1dafd8816fb' for 'audio/x-wav'
Subscribing request [dd3d699f39139326bedbb1dafd8816fb]
Audio Stream Created
Creating transcoder 2
Microphone permissions: 0
Upgrade request returned with HTTP status code: 101.
Web socket handshake completed
CU Client connected
Sent first chunk of audio stream, requestId='dd3d699f-3913-9326-bedb-b1dafd8816fb'
Received message: ''
Response request id: 'dd3d699f-3913-9326-bedb-b1dafd8816fb'
Response impression: 'a9776c0b-a8dc-079c-7d96-58e6746a46ea'
LanguageGeneration OK
Received message: ''
Response request id: 'dd3d699f-3913-9326-bedb-b1dafd8816fb'
Response impression: 'a9776c0b-a8dc-079c-7d96-58e6746a46ea'
LanguageGeneration OK
Received message: ''
Response request id: 'dd3d699f-3913-9326-bedb-b1dafd8816fb'
Response impression: 'a9776c0b-a8dc-079c-7d96-58e6746a46ea'
LanguageGeneration OK
Received message: ''
Response request id: 'dd3d699f-3913-9326-bedb-b1dafd8816fb'
Response impression: 'a9776c0ba8dc079c7d9658e6746a46ea'
Response Conversation: 'ab7082f3c4de8feb0d6210e8ec07dcb3'
LanguageGeneration OK
Sending audio stream endpoint, requestId='dd3d699f-3913-9326-bedb-b1dafd8816fb'
Sent audio stream endpoint, requestId='dd3d699f-3913-9326-bedb-b1dafd8816fb'
signaling OnAudioEvent(AUDIO_EVENT_RECORD_STOP)
originating error 0x80070057
Client UPL: 32880000 ticks
originating error 0x8000ffff
originating error 0x80070057
originating error 0x80004005
originating error 0x80004005
Failed to 'hresult', HR=80004005, WebSocket connection failed
No messages to retry, closing.
Closing web socket channel
CU Client connection dropped
WebSocket closed unexpectedly, status: 0
Web socket channel already closed.

Error when trying to answer a call using Twilio Client: "Missing audio element in offer"

Here's the console output when I set up Twilio.Device in debug mode:
[Device] Stream is ready
twilio.js:2115 [Connection] Received HANGUP from gateway
twilio.js:2115 [Connection] Received an error from the gateway:
twilio.js:2115 Object {code: 31100, message: "Missing audio element in offer", connection: Connection}
twilio.js:2115 [Device] 31100: Missing audio element in offer
twilio.js:1103 Uncaught Twilio.Exception: 31100: Missing audio element in offer
This appears to be a bug in Chrome Canary, version 40.0.2179.0. My workaround is to use regular Chrome (version 37.0.2062.124).

Mirth Connect HTTP Listener Mapping Response ACK message

We are trying to merge two Mirth servers. One server (let's call it Server 1) is keeping all records and another server (Server 2) is getting HL7 message from the first one and writes messages to the database.
Everything was perfect so far. But Server 1, after sending each HL7 message, waits for ACK to consider this transaction as completed and to send another message from the list.
The success status coming from the Server 2 (which writes to the database) contains MySQL response such as "Success: Database write success. 1 rows updated.". This is not what Server 1 is expecting.
Therefore, the Server 1 considers this ACK as invalid, produces an error "Message Read Error - Will Retry" and keeps trying to send the same message again, causing Server 2 to duplicate messages in the database.
We are using Mirth Connect HTTP listener and we could not find any solution to send ACK msg to our first server the same screen HTTP listener.
Is there any way to do this? Any Suggestion?
Really need help.
The problem is you are not setting the response from server 2 correctly, so it just returns what the destination has. You can create an ACK by code on the destination transformer:
var ackMessage = ACKGenerator.generateAckResponse(connectorMessage.getRawData(), "AA", "Message Successfully Received");
responseMap.put("ackresp", ResponseFactory.getSentResponse(ackMessage));
And on your source connector select "ackresp" as response. Your server 1 will receive that ACK instead of the log of the database write.

Indy idftp client "Invalid argument to time encode"

Using Delphi 2010 and Indy
Against the server Titan FTP I'm getting all the time the exception "Invalid argument to time encode" (EConvertError) when connecting.
The server log tells me:
200 Type set to A.<EOL>
The user "*****" has initiated a session on "217.********:21"
215 UNIX Type: L8<EOL>
210 UTC-2147483647<EOL>
221 Session Ended. Downloaded 0KB, Uploaded 0KB. Goodbye *** from 130.******.<EOL>
Any ideas?
The server is sending a faulty UTC offset in response to the SITE ZONE command. That is a bug in Titan. When Indy tries to parse the value for use in later TDateTime operations, the parse fails. Contact the Titan devs and let them know about the bug. In the meantime, I will look into updating TIdFTP to handle that error in the future.
