YouTube Data API Comments: Insert mention #username in a reply - youtube

There're COMMENT THREADS (parent comments) under a YouTube Video.
There're COMMENT REPLIES (replies to parent comments) under a comment thread.
I want to post a COMMENT REPLY including (mentioning) the #author of the comment I'm replying to.
Parent Comment Thread (posted by Adam White): "Love this video!"
|--Child Comment Reply (posted by Eve Black): "Why everybody likes it?"
|--MY COMMENT COMES HERE (posted by Anton Frolov): "#Eve Black because it's awesome!!"
The guys here seemed to have a solution:
I didn't go far with it though.
textOriginal = "+[Eve Black] because it's awesome!!"
textOriginal = "+/channel/UCeMvTX0kLEDXEKrxMnCk-BA because it's awesome!!"
textOriginal = "+[UCeMvTX0kLEDXEKrxMnCk-BA] because it's awesome!!"
textOriginal = "#UCeMvTX0kLEDXEKrxMnCk-BA because it's awesome!!"
textOriginal = "+UCeMvTX0kLEDXEKrxMnCk-BA because it's awesome!!"
Just gets posted as a raw text.
code piece:
response = youtube.comments().insert(
body={"snippet": {
"parentId": "UgzpEQFrEGFZbvj3gZp4AaABAg",
"textOriginal": textOriginal}}).execute()
A ton of karma to anybody trying to help


How to make a Bot listen to a conversation in the background, but respond only if his name is quoted in a sentence

I am developing a ChatBot for Telegram named "Joker". It works perfectly in a private conversation. Has a whole training set up to answer several questions. But when placed in a group, it responds to all messages sent to the group, creating a chat disorder. It would be nice if my Bot could hear the group talk in the background and intervene only if his name "Joker" is quoted in one sentence. He would normally answer the questions as long as the word "Joker" was contained in the sentence. For this reason, I am trying to implement this feature, but it does not work as it should.
Current Reaction
Gillan: Good morning guys!
Mitzi Dupree: Good morning, Gillan!
... Joker is typing
Gillan: Good morning, Joker!
... Joker is typing
Gillan: Joker?
... Joker is typing
def respond(self, message):
Receive message from user and returns corresponding answer.
if"joker", message, re.IGNORECASE):
joker_in_message = True
joker_in_message = False
message_without_joker = re.sub(r'\bjoker\b', '', message, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
#remove duplicate spaces
message_without_joker = re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', message_without_joker)
if joker_in_message and len(message) > 50 and self.watson_usage:
top_answer = get_analysis(message_without_joker)
return f"Hmm, you're talking about {top_answer}"
if joker_in_message and len(message.strip()) == len("joker"):
return "Something wrong is not right, text me what "\
"you told my creators!" \
"Type /info to learn more."
elif joker_in_message:
return self.comm.get_response(self.clean(message_without_joker))
def text_message(self, bot, update):
self.send_type_action(bot, update)
if not self.check_for_emotion(update):
message = update.effective_message.text
answer = self.comm.respond(message)
if answer:
return 0

Link encryption?

I have been stuck on a problem for a few hours. Nothing online has helped and I'm losing the will to live right now.
The site loads up a question with no hints and asks you to find a secret code.
Here's the brief explanation of it:
'Well done on making it to the secret bonus challenge! Our agents have been struggling to deal with a hacker obsessed with clocks and timing. He set up an elaborate collection of pages with content that changes based on a timer. We've replicated it below, can you figure out how to get the secret code?'
There are many links inside this challenge and when they are clicked it opens to a new website and has pseudo strings in there, I don't see much pattern. Links below:
(If it doesn't allow you to go on) then what it has is just a tag and no element with what it seems a three character code which always ends in 'a' for example 'Aja' and makes a new one every 10 seconds (which is not re-generated client side.)
Anyone have any suggestions to whether or not the link is a hint of encryption or not? I've decrypted it once and it came up with:
' tbBgvOMDiHeB5A==' which isn't much help.
Anyways, anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks :)
Its not impossible. I have the answer here:
import requests
page1 = ""
page1_content = requests.get(page1)
page1txt = page1_content.text
page2 = ""
page2_content = requests.get(page2)
page2txt = page2_content.text
page3 = ""
page3_content = requests.get(page3)
page3txt = page3_content.text
page4 = ""
page4_content = requests.get(page4)
page4txt = page4_content.text
page5 = ""
page5_content = requests.get(page5)
page5txt = page5_content.text
code = (page1txt + page2txt + page3txt + page4txt + page5txt)
page6 = ""+code
page6txt = requests.get(page6)
print (page6txt.text)
Replace all of the links with the links you are given

Tweepi Imacros Help Please

I've been using Tweepi to try and record an iMacro to unfollow followers who do not follow me back, but have been unsuccessful so far. It just wouldn't work?
What i would do is press record, say no to close all tabs, then click each unfollow button..and after that i'll press next. However it still doesn't work.
Would appreciate it if someone could share a working Tweepi iMacro script to unfollow followers who do not follow you back.
Thanks in advance.
Tweepi has change the whole layout of the site in the last couple of months and its a bit harder to get imacros to work. So far, this is what I've got for "unfollowing":
var CODE="";
for (i = 1; i < 20; i++)
CODE="CODE:TAG POS=" + i + " TYPE=DIV ATTR=CLASS:*label-light-default*ng-scope CONTENT=EVENT:MOUSEOVER \n";
The weird thing is, for some reason the "unfollow" action happens every 2 followers, so for every "unfollow" action, the next person to unfollow gets skipped and goes to the next one.
I'm still working on this so I'll keep you posted.

Google App script: Stumped on command to extract 'title' from forum HTML page & paste into a spreadsheet (my code inside)

I'm Extremely new to this and I've been trying to get the title of each unique forum page (or topic) here is the code I have so far:
function GraalGet() {
//parses forums for ALL posts one by one, extract <title> from HTML webpage
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var i = 31
var url = ""+i;
//var params = {method : "post"}; can this be used at all?
//The aim: loop this once you can get 1 result.
var geturl = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText(); //maybe .getContentText should be elsewhere?
var parseurl = Xml.parse(geturl, true); //confirmed - this is true because it wont parse HTML if false
var titleinfo = parseurl.getElement().getElement("html"); //.getElement('body');//.getElements("title");
sheet.appendRow([titleinfo, i]);
In addition the script would write down the topic number in the adjoining cell.
There's a lot of answered questions about extracting XML data, and this example is about parsing HTML but I couldn't pull up any results - I'm honestly stumped and any help about finding and extracting the tag will be appreciated. (If you have the time, please feel free to explain as well, but I'll be thankful for any help really.)
For reference I have used these:
Google's Kevin Bacon Script
The authors comments on bugs with the script & some explanation
I'm sorry if I'm being pedantic, this is my first post & I don't want to anger anyone, please do tell me if I've broken any rules, I'll do my best to fix them. I've left the comments I made for myself for your perusal too.
You can use Logger.log to print out debugging information. I did this with your function and figured out that the title tag is embedded within the tag. So you should use something like this. Also, getElement returns an XmlElement object which you should convert to String using getText().
var titleinfo = parseurl.getElement().getElement('head').getElement('title');
sheet.appendRow([titleinfo.getText(), i]);

Reddit api return the content of a comment or a self.text

After looking at the documentation I still can't understand how it's all tied up. What I am trying to accomplish is simple: given an url, return the text contents of that url.
For example:
import praw
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent='my_cool_app')
post = "\
comment = "\
Establishing which is a comment and which is a post can be done using regex but if there's a better way I will use that.
So my question is: what is the best way to determine the nature of a reddit url and how do I get the contents of that url?
What I tried so far:
post=praw.objects.Submission.get_info(r, url).selftext
#returns the self.text of a post regardless if that url is a permalink to a comment
comment_text = praw.objects.?????() # how to do this ?
Thanks in advance.
import praw
r = praw.Reddit('<USERAGENT>')
comment_url = (''
comment = r.get_submission(comment_url).comments[0]
print comment.body
My responses here and here should provide additional useful information related to your question.
