How to fix an error while uploading flutter app in in AppStore? - ios

Last week I have been trying to publish my app Flutter app in App Store.
What do I have
app is compilable and works as expected on my iPhone and in emulator
apple dev account - OK
all done with certificates and apple dev page content (app screenshots and description added)
Archive was created in x-code without any errors
The last step to upload my app from x-code to apple dev page finished with an errors. Screenshot is attached
I have found some suggestions to remove
Pods_Runner.framework from project but i am not sure it will help
I do not understand what should I do to make it work. If anyone faced with this issue before please leave comment

So it was true! Pods_Runner.framework should be deleted from "Frameworks, Libraries^ and Embedded Content".
Have no idea how it get there, but on official flutter docs about how to upload iOS app there is a screenshot of this configuration screen and there is not
Pods_Runner.framework file on it.
I hope this will help someone who want to publish to Appstore!


React Native Simulator Build for Facebook App Review

I'm currently making a react native application and need the user_link permission from Facebook. To do so, I have to submit an ios simulator build for app review.
I followed the instructions here but my request got rejected for these two reasons:
Developer Policy 6.1 - Login
Developer Policy 1.9 - Build a Quality Product
Here's what I have done so far:
Ran my .app using ios-sim launch /path/to/.app since I did not do this previously and just directly submitted a ZIP of my DERIVEDDATA folder but
I encounter a "No bundle URL present." error, which I think is because I did not execute npx react-native start before hand (which I would have normally except I didn't becuase I launched the .app directly to the simulator)
I have reached out to Facebook App Review Support and talked to a live agent.
They were very helpful and pointed out that I should also have provided the path where to find my .app in the sea of folders inside the ZIP however, they could not provide a solution to fix the error I have since it's most probably react-native related.
Thank you very much! Any help is greatly appreciated!

Unity Debug log not showing in iOS build

guys I've been struggling with the following issue for couple of days and hope that somebody could help me.
I want to get my app logs from running iOS device. If I run the app from the Xcode, then I see my logs in debug view as expected.
However, when I download a build from my testflight app I'm not able to access the logs anymore. Google suggest that I use Xcode -> Devices -> Log of a device, but there are only system events log and no messages from my app.
Running Unity 5.5.2.p2, Xcode 8.2.1. with ios 10 and 9 tested.
Would appreciate any help, because this issue is really exhausting.
After a bit more searching I found out that it's not possible, unfortunately. But I've managed to make a solution, hope it helps somebody.
Apple's native NSLog prints all the logs to a console app even after the app was downloaded from TestFlight.
I made a simple iOS plugin wich catches all the debug logs and forwards them to a NSLog. Make sure you call
somewhere on app start.
Hope this will help somebody. The plugin is here
Archiving for TestFlight means Build Configuration is release.
SO you won't be able to see the dubug log on testflight build.
Follow this link to make a debuggable TestFlight build.
Or simply add DEBUG=1 on Release section under Preprocessor Macros

The encryption information is unavailable. Try again. TestFlight

The app is uploaded without errors, but when I press the install button I get this message:
I'm using macOS Sierra 10.12 and Xcode 8.
This has never happened to me in old versions of Xcode. What could be wrong?
TestFlight is currently unavailable, i can't either install from TestFlight or see any of my builds in Itunes Connect. Also my app was in processing for 4 hours, then this happened.
Please check here
or this screenshot
Update: Confirmed by Apple
I had the same issue. I never had an issue with setting or not setting the encryption flag. So I thought maybe they made a change today. So I added the key in and it still didn't work. I decided to remove the last build from testing then re-added it. That worked for me. I was immediately able to download and install the app. Hope that helps.
Build another version and upload to Itunes Connect.
Maybe your time uploading have some problem from Apple Server.
I have just checked.
Seems to be working for me this morning now. Incidentally Brad my app had GPUImage embedded in it so just for giggles I also added the "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption." switch to the embedded GPUImage plist. Not sure if that was relevant.

Appstore Add Build Warning

I am getting a warning icon while trying to submit the app to App Store. I am using XCode 6.4 to submit the app directly to the app store from Organizer itself, I usually do like that only.
On clicking the warning icon, I am unable to see any reasons described. I tried with all the browsers for this.
I saw the below links also where they talk about beta-reports-active = 1 entitlement and I have made sure that it is present and also I am not using watch kit. Below is the snapshot of entitlements
Build warning
Build upload warning
So not sure what is the issue, the only thing that I did recently is that, since our certificate was expiring soon, I did a reset of the certificate using Xcode 7 (since it was easy to do it with Xcode 7). This ended up in having a profile automatically created by Xcode, now when I archive and try to submit, Xcode is picking this XC: profile.
Just wanted to know, if it is okay to submit even with this warning. Need to push a patch fix soon. Thanks in advance for the help.
After a couple of refresh of the screen the Warning went off, then in the next refresh, warning came back.Also I started seeing radio button names eg:"Manually release this version" as ITC.Manuall...... just crazy!!
Looked like something weird with the iTunes Connect site. In the next refresh where I got with no warning, I went ahead and submitted uh!!!...I couldn't run around with no clue :)

Unable to upload new build on iTunes Connect

I have already gone through various similar questions asked here on Stack Overflow and also on other blogs. Unfortunately, none of those solutions are resolving my issue.
After doing a lot of search & when I was not able to solve my issue, I decided to ask you all.
I will explain scenario briefly. I have already uploaded iOS application for beta testing on iTunes Connect. My app's current status in iTunes Connect is "Expired" as 30 days testing period is over. I did few source code modifications and I want to make this updated application available for testers. Therefore, I tried to upload new build version for the app.
What I did is -
App version (Bundle versions string.short) - Not modified (1.0)
Bundle version - Modified from "1.1" to "1.1.1"
Build the application
Submitted application - Window -> Organizer -> Submit
Even though I did it properly, I am getting error as in below -
Can anyone of you please help me to understand where I might be doing mistake? Any help is appreciated.
Edit 1:
I tried to use build version 1.2/ 1.2.1 as well. Also I tried to upload a complete new app record in iTunes Connect with app version 2.0 and build version 2.1.0/ 210, but everytime got same error.
Edit 2:
My app's current status in iTunes Connect is "Expired". Will it matter while uploading new build version for same app? If yes, what could be the best solution for such issue?
Finally my issue got resolved. Along with modifying the Build version and keeping the Bundle version as it is, we need to check for few build settings whether they are set properly.
I was missing them and that is why I was not able to upload updated version of my application to iTunes Connect.
Please, refer below screen shot for these Build Setting.
You can find complete blog here - iOS 8 Beta testing with TestFlight
This helped me and I hope this will help few others.
