How to use Snakemake container for htslib (bgzip + tabix) - docker

I have a pipeline which uses a global singularity image and rule-based conda wrappers.
However, some of the tools don't have wrappers (i.e. htslib's bgzip and tabix).
Now I need to learn how to run jobs in containers.
In the official documentation link it says:
"Allowed image urls entail everything supported by singularity (e.g., shub:// and docker://)."
Now I've tried the following image from singularity hub but I get an error:
minimal reproducible example:
# Files
REF_GENOME: "c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS265.genomic.fa"
GENOME_ANNOTATION: "c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS265.annotations.gff3"
# Directories------------------------------------------------------------------
configfile: "config.yaml"
# Setting the names of all directories
dir_names = ["refs", "logs", "benchmarks", "qc", "trimming", "alignment", "mark_duplicates", "variant_calling", "annotation"]
dirs_dict = dict(zip(dir_list, dir_names))
# Singularity with conda wrappers
singularity: "docker://continuumio/miniconda3:4.5.11"
# Rules -----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule all:
expand('{REF_DIR}/{GENOME_ANNOTATION}{ext}', REF_DIR=dirs_dict["REF_DIR"], GENOME_ANNOTATION=config["GENOME_ANNOTATION"], ext=['', '.gz', '.gz.tbi']),
expand('{REF_DIR}/{REF_GENOME}{ext}', REF_DIR=dirs_dict["REF_DIR"], REF_GENOME=config["REF_GENOME"], ext=['','.fai']),
rule download_references:
shell: """
cd {params.ref_dir}
bgzip -d {params.ref_genome}.gz
bgzip -d {params.genome_annotation}.gz
grep -v "#" {params.genome_annotation} | sort -k1,1 -k4,4n -k5,5n -t$'\t' | bgzip -c > {params.genome_annotation}.gz
tabix -p gff {params.genome_annotation}.gz
rule index_reference:
os.path.join(dirs_dict["LOG_DIR"],"references", "faidx_index.log")
Building DAG of jobs...
Pulling singularity image shub://biocontainers/tabix.
Failed to pull singularity image from shub://biocontainers/tabix:
ESC[31mFATAL: ESC[0m While pulling shub image: failed to get manifest for: shub://biocontainers/tabix: the requested manifest was not found in singularity hub
File "/home/moldach/anaconda3/envs/snakemake/lib/python3.7/site-packages/snakemake/deployment/", line 88, in pull
It appears this is a problem with the container?
(snakemake) [moldach#arc CONTAINER_TROUBLESHOOT]$ singularity pull shub://biocontainers/tabix
FATAL: While pulling shub image: failed to get manifest for: shub://biocontainers/tabix: the requested manifest was not found in singularity hub
In fact, I experience this problem with other biocontainers containers.
For example, I also need to use a container to do bowtie2 indexing and this is the error I get from the biocontainers/bowtie2 versus another developers container of the same tool comics/bowtie2:
^C(snakemake) [moldach#arc CONTAINER_TROUBLESHOOT]$ singularity pull docker://biocontainers/bowtie2
FATAL: While making image from oci registry: failed to get checksum for docker://biocontainers/bowtie2: Error reading manifest latest in manifest unknown: manifest unknown
(snakemake) [moldach#arc CONTAINER_TROUBLESHOOT]$ singularity pull docker://comics/bowtie2
INFO: Converting OCI blobs to SIF format
INFO: Starting build...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob a02a4930cb5d done
Does anyone know why?

Biocontainers does not allow latest as tag for their containers, and therefore you will need to specify the tag to be used.
From their doc:
The BioContainers community had decided to remove the latest tag. Then, the following command docker pull biocontainers/crux will fail. Read more about this decision in Getting started with Docker
When no tag is specified, it defaults to latest tag, which of course is not allowed here. See here for bowtie2's tags. Usage like this will work:
singularity pull docker://biocontainers/bowtie2:v2.4.1_cv1

Using another container solves the issue; however, the fact I'm getting errors from biocontainers is troubling given that these are both very common and used as examples in the literature so I will award the top-answer to whomever can solve that specific issue.
As it were, the use of stackleader/bgzip-utility solve the issue of actually running this rule in a container.
Once again, for those coming to this post, it's probably best to test any container first before running snakemake, e.g. singularity pull docker://stackleader/bgzip-utility.


Imagemagick yasm singularity build fails

I am attempting to convert the docker file for :
to singularity. The docker builds fine in docker. In my singularity def file the following line fails with the error.
yasm cmake
libde265-0 libde265-dev libjpeg62-turbo libjpeg62-turbo-dev x265 libx265-dev libtool
libpng16-16 libpng-dev libjpeg62-turbo libjpeg62-turbo-dev libwebp6 libwebp-dev libgomp1 libwebpmux3 libwebpdemux2 ghostscript
yasm cmake
yasm: warning: can open only one input file, only the last file will be processed
yasm: file name already has no extension: output will be in `yasm.out'
yasm: FATAL: Could not open input file
FATAL: failed to execute %post proc: exit status 1
FATAL: While performing build: while running engine: exit status 255
When I cut the list of names to 1 it still fails to open the file.
I can't find a reference for this with singularity.
The docker build looks the same and works fine. So I assume its a singularity thing?
Seems like something with the assembler and the build environment being a bit different than it's expecting.
Is there a reason you're creating a definition file from scratch rather than using the docker image directly? singularity pull docker://dpokidov/imagemagick should give you what you need.
If you want to make further changes to the image, you can also use:
Bootstrap: docker
From: dpokidov/imagemagick
# custom stuff here

Rule in snakemake using singularity: unterminated quoted string

I'm running a snakemake pipeline that for a specific rule loads a container:
rule counts:
outdir= (os.environ["OUTDIR"] + "/counts/"),
indir= (os.environ["INDIR"] + "{sample}"),
name = lambda wildcards: SAMPLES[wildcards.sample]
(os.environ["OUTDIR"] + "counts/" + "{sample}" + "/outs/web_summary.html")
cellranger count --id={wildcards.sample} --transcriptome={params.transcriptome} --fastqs={params.indir} --sample={}
mkdir -p {params.outdir}
mv ./{wildcards.sample}/ {params.outdir}
Dry run looks fine, the rule itself I'm sure it works (tried it without the container). However, when I run it with docker I get this error:
Activating singularity image /some/path/.snakemake/singularity/c288fbc3fef5771f055a688c6678c24d.simg
/bin/sh: syntax error: unterminated quoted string
[ 1.228141] reboot: Power down
And then it waits for the missing files, and fails.
I think the answer to this situation might be related to this previous question, but I have tried everything i can think of in terms of escaping characters (except for the wildcards and variables within curly brackets because I'm guessing it should be fine, and if not why am i even using snakemake :-( ). The paths for the directories I'm using are valid and exist, the name and wildcard "sample" are in the shape "sample_123", nothing fancy.
It's also worth saying that there are no single or double quotes in any of these variables.
Thank you!!
Software and OS:
I am in macos catalina 10.15.5, running snakemake 5.20.1, and I have been using the beta version of singularity for macos (3.3.0-rc.1.658.g7427b73f1.dirty).
Running singularity outside Snakemake:
I tried running the singularity outside snakemake, the software that I'm trying to run starts, but then complains that there is no disk left on space (which is not true). I'm running the singularity as sudo singularity run -B "$(pwd):$(pwd)" docker://marcusczi/cellranger_clean
I think this latest error might be either 1) I'm not running singularity as I should..? Or 2) A false statement of what is happening since cellranger (the software I'm trying to run) often has misleading error messages.
Minimal reproducible example:
If you install snakemake, you should be able to reproduce my error when running snakemake -j1 --use-singularity in the same directory of the Snakefile.
rule all:
rule counts:
cellranger count --help
echo "hurray!" > {output}

kubectl error: error loading config file "/var/lib/jenkins/.kube/config":

I am configuring Jenkins to automatically deploy my successfull builds to my Kubernetes cluster. I have manually set up the KUBECONFIG file in /var/lib/jenkins/.kube/config.
But my Jenkins job keeps giving the same error:
+ kubectl config --kubeconfig=/var/lib/jenkins/.kube/config view
error: error loading config file "/var/lib/jenkins/.kube/config": v1.Config.Contexts: \
[]v1.NamedContext: Clusters: []v1.NamedCluster: v1.NamedCluster.Name: Cluster: v1.Cluster.Server: \
CertificateAuthorityData: decode base64: illegal base64 data at input byte 47, error found in #10 byte of ... \
|ASXY9gkN$","server":|..., bigger context ...|"LS3tGS1PR0dJTiBDRVJUMLPAR0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUV5gkN$", \
I copied the kube config file manually from my SSH accessible account, i.e
cat home/username/.kube/config
You most likely copied the wrong screen output from the terminal, or while editing the file in i.e nano.
The $ characters are illegal characters and the result of truncated file viewing in the terminal, make sure that you copy the real file data correctly.
For example:
xclip -sel clip < home/username/.kube/config
I have fixed this error by removing files in this directory:
Note: take backup on first priority of this directory as well.

8th wall web app setup child compilation failed

I am new to 8th wall. I have cloned 8th wall web from git and executed below steps properly
# cd <directory_where_you_saved_sample_project_files>
# cd serve
# npm install
# cd ..
# ./serve/bin/serve -d <sample_project_location>
but on execution of last step which is for ex.
./serve/bin/serve -n -d gettingstarted/xraframe/ -p 7777
I am getting below errors
Failed to compile.
Error: Child compilation failed: Entry module not found: Error:
Can't resolve
\index.html' in 'C:\8thWall_Project\web\serve': Error: Can't resolve
\index.html' in 'C:\8thWall_Project\web\serve'
compiler.js:79 childCompiler.runAsChild
Compiler.js:306 compile
Compiler.js:631 hooks.afterCompile.callAsync.err
Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
Compiler.js:628 compilation.seal.err
Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
Compilation.js:1325 hooks.optimizeAssets.callAsync.err
Any idea or pointers what is missing?
I don't know why, but bat file don't want to be opened by path. Just go to the serve\bin directory and launch bat from here, like that:
7777 is unnecessary. problem was, that it can't find path to your xraframe
project, as you are in another directory, so you have to go tow directories up in ypur path for xraframe
It seems as if you're attempting this on a Windows computer. The serve process for Windows is slightly different than on macOS.
Instead of the normal serve script, use the serve.bat executable.
serve\bin\serve.bat -n -d gettingstarted\xraframe -p 7777

How to use Docker in sbt-native-packager 0.8.0-M2 with Play

I am trying to build a Docker image on a Play 2.2 project. I am using Docker version 1.2.0 on Ubuntu Linux.
My Docker specific settings in Build.scala looks like this:
dockerBaseImage in Docker := "dockerfile/java:7"
maintainer in Docker := "My name"
dockerExposedPorts in Docker := Seq(9000, 9443)
dockerExposedVolumes in Docker := Seq("/opt/docker/logs")
Generated Dockerfile:
FROM dockerfile/java:latest
ADD files /
WORKDIR /opt/docker
RUN ["chown", "-R", "daemon", "."]
USER daemon
ENTRYPOINT ["bin/device-guides"]
CMD []
Output looks like the dockerBaseImage is being ignored, and the default
(dockerfile/java:latest) is not handled correctly:
[project] $ docker:publishLocal
[info] Wrote /..../project.pom
[info] Step 0 : FROM dockerfile/java:latest
[info] ---> bf7307ff060a
[info] Step 1 : MAINTAINER
[error] 2014/10/07 11:30:12 Invalid Dockerfile format
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last docker:publishLocal for the full output.
[error] (docker:publishLocal) Nonzero exit value: 1
[error] Total time: 2 s, completed Oct 7, 2014 11:30:12 AM
[project] $ run last docker:publishLocal
java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid port argument: last
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at play.PlayRun$$PlayRun$$parsePort(PlayRun.scala:52)
at play.PlayRun$$anonfun$play$PlayRun$$filterArgs$2.apply(PlayRun.scala:69)
at play.PlayRun$$anonfun$play$PlayRun$$filterArgs$2.apply(PlayRun.scala:69)
at play.PlayRun$$PlayRun$$filterArgs(PlayRun.scala:69)
at play.PlayRun$$anonfun$playRunTask$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(PlayRun.scala:97)
at play.PlayRun$$anonfun$playRunTask$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(PlayRun.scala:91)
at scala.Function7$$anonfun$tupled$1.apply(Function7.scala:35)
at scala.Function7$$anonfun$tupled$1.apply(Function7.scala:34)
at scala.Function1$$anonfun$compose$1.apply(Function1.scala:47)
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last compile:run for the full output.
[error] (compile:run) Invalid port argument: last
[error] Total time: 0 s, completed Oct 7, 2014 11:30:16 AM
What needs to be done to make this work?
I am able to build the image using Docker from the command line:
docker build --force-rm -t device-guides:1.0-SNAPSHOT .
Packaging/publishing settings are per-project settings, rather than per-build settings.
You were using a Build.scala style build, with a format like this:
object ApplicationBuild extends Build {
val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, libraryDependencies).settings(
The settings should be applied to this main project. This means that you call the settings() method on the project, passing in the appropriate settings to set up the packaging as you wish.
In this case:
object ApplicationBuild extends Build {
val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, libraryDependencies).settings(
dockerBaseImage in Docker := "dockerfile/java:7",
maintainer in Docker := "My name",
dockerExposedPorts in Docker := Seq(9000, 9443),
dockerExposedVolumes in Docker := Seq("/opt/docker/logs")
To reuse similar settings across multiple projects, you can either create a val of type Seq[sbt.Setting], or extend sbt.Project to provide the common settings. See for some examples of how to do this (e.g. Rule #4).
This placement of settings is not necessarily clear if one is used to using build.sbt-type builds instead, because in that file, a line that evaluates to an SBT setting (or sequence of settings) is automatically appended to the root project's settings.
It's a wrong command you executed. I didn't saw it the first time.
run last docker:publishLocal
remove the run last
Now you get your docker image build as expected
