Azure-devops rest api - pagination and rate limit - azure-devops-rest-api

I am trying to pull Azure-Devops entities data (teams, projects, repositories, members etc...) and process that data locally,
I cannot find any documentation regarding rate-limiting and pagination,
does anyone has any experience with that?
There is some documentation for pagination on the members api:
But that is the only one, i couldn't find any documentation for any of the git entities,
e.g: repositories.
If someone could point me to the right documentation,
Or shed some light on these subjects it would be great.

I cannot find any documentation regarding rate-limiting and pagination, does anyone has any experience with that?
There is a document about Service limits and rate limits, which introduced service limits and rate limits that all projects and organizations are subject to.
For the Rate limiting:
Azure DevOps Services, like many Software-as-a-Service solutions, uses
multi-tenancy to reduce costs and to enhance scalability and
performance. This leaves users vulnerable to performance issues and
even outages when other users of their shared resources have spikes in
their consumption. To combat these problems, Azure DevOps Services
limits the resources individuals can consume and the number of
requests they can make to certain commands. When these limits are
exceeded, subsequent requests may be either delayed or blocked.
You could refer Rate limits documentation for details
For the pagination, generally, REST API will have paginated response and ADO REST API normally have limits of 100 / 200 (depending which API) per page in each response. The way to retrieve next page information is to refer the response header x-ms-continuationtoken and use this for next request parameter as continuationToken.
But Microsoft does not document this very well - this should have been mentioned in every API call that supports continuation tokens:
Builds - List:
If I use above REST API with $top=50, as expected I get 50 back and a header called "x-ms-continuationtoken", then we could loop output the result with continuationtoken:
You could check this similar thread for some more details.

I think for most of the apis you have query parameter as $top/$skip.You can use these parameter to do pagination. Lets say the default run gives 200 documents in the response. For the next run skip those 200 by providing $skip=200 in the query parameter of the request to get the next 200 items. You can keep on iterating until count attribute of the response becomes 0.
For those apis were you don't have these parameter you can use continuation-token as mentioned by Leo Liu-MSFT.

It looks like you can pass $top and continuationToken to list Azure Git Refs.
The documentation is here:


I need some kind of decission module in flowground

I'm trying to send different message cards to multiple teams channels.
I have already created a webhook (telekom/webhook) for this which gives me the right variables via json.
There are four department receiver channels (telekom/rest-api-component) which are also configured to send pre-formatted teams message cards with the variables they have submitted.
Currently this happens to all channels at the same time. In between I would need an "action" in which I can decide which of the channels is served based on the input values. Unfortunately I don't find anything suitable due to the variety of the apis. Do you know how I could realize this ? So something like if value department = Backoffice then (Teams "Account Management") action.
In order to be able to talk with the different applications from Office 365 I wanted to use the Microsoft Graph api which is now available for some time. I couldn't find them in Flowground. Are you planning to include this module ?
For the implementation with Office365 flows this would be absolutely necessary for me.
I want to come back to this question: The CBR is a good choice for executing decisions indeed. But is is this the best solution in every situation? I do not think so.
Assume the following task:
Depending on an input parameter test you want to fire a request to different web services ( and
Solution 1: You realize the requests with dedicated connectors for WS1 and WS2.
In this case you need the CBR in front of WS1 connector and WS2 connector to decide, what connector has to been used next.
Solution 2: You are able to realize both requests with REST-API connector. In this case you can use a JSONATA expression as URL mapping, e.g.
(test="google") ? "" :
By using JSONATA expressions every connector has (limited) capability for executing decisions.
Solution 2 has a big advantage when you are using realtime flows. In this case you are able to reduce the number of connectors they are needed for running the flow and (very important from a cost perspective ) the number of permanently claimed token by this flow.
For reducing the complexity of JSONATA expressions (e.g. when you add further search engines) and for separation of individual configuration items you can use the configuration connector (we can discuss this in a separate thread if needed).
Solution 1 is the choice without alternative when you have to decide between different structures/connectors they need to be executed within a flow.
Please try the Content-Based-Router:, it is available on the Connector Catalog.

Handle status 429 in Rails API

I did a Twitter clone using rails api + react, just for study purposes.
I have quite simple logic of requests: click in a user, load its informations and tweets, requesting for the api. However, If I do this fast like 3 times, I receive the status 429 (too many requests) with the header Retry-After: 5.
There is a way to increase the number of requests in a given time? How would be the correct approach to handle with this in such common situation?
From my understanding, the error information you have shown is correct, It means request cannot be served due to the application's rate limit having been peaked for the resource.
Rate limits are divided into 15 minute intervals. All endpoints
require authentication, so there is no concept of unauthenticated
calls and rate limits.
To overcome this situation, here is an example from the documentation itself.

How can I poll the OneNote API frequently without hitting rate limits?

I have a use case where I need to poll the OneNote API approximately every minute in order to respond to text added to pages by the user.
(Aside: I'd LOVE to use webhooks to get notifications only when something changes, but that's only supported for consumer notebooks at this time, as far as I can tell.)
Polling with this frequency works for a few users (5 or so), but then, with more users who authorized the same Microsoft application, the app seems to hit an application-level rate limit and begins receiving 429 Too Many Requests responses.
How can I ensure polling will still work as the number of users grows? And are there any rate limits that can be made public or shared in confidence for valid use cases?
So it is possible to register for webhooks on the sharepoint notebooks as onedrive items - as a notebook page gets updated the notificationUrl fires and you can then using delta calls to determine which sections ( files) have been updated.
I would then use the onenote-api to get the pages in the updated notebook sections GET{id}/pages
An alternative would be to treat the sharepoint drive as a webdav server and use the propfind method with the getlastmodified property to poll the drive determine which sections of various notebooks have been updated.
But I agree it would be easier if onenote webhooks were extended to sharepoint.

How does Parse calculate the total number of requests?

How does Parse calculate the total number of requests?
I sent around 30 query requests to test my app. After each query, Parse sent a push notification. But, in my dashboard I only see "13 requests" in total.
Considering the query requests and the push requests, shouldn't it have been more?
Virtually anything you do in Parse is counted against you in terms of an API request, I think the only thing that isn't counted against you is cached data, which makes sense since it already used an API request to obtain. So if your using kPFCachePolicyCacheElseNetwork, you potentially won't sacrifice an additional request only provided you have something cached. This includes the new local datastore, some things you do with local datastore count against you as well.
You can review their FAQ for reference for a thorough breakdown on their allowances, see the section titled 'What is Considered An API Request'. It literally leaves no room for assumption or misinterpretation :
Anytime you make a network call to Parse on behalf of your app using one of the Parse SDKs or REST API, it counts as an API request. This does include things like queries, saves, logins, amongst other kinds of requests. It also includes requests to send push notifications, although this is seen as a single request regardless of how many recipients are targeted. Serving Parse files counts as an API request, including static assets served from Parse Hosting. Analytics requests do have a special exemption. You can send us your analytics events any time without being limited by your app's request limit.
It's in your best interest to assume everything you do will be counted against you. This will lead you to smarter infrastructure if your app is scaleable.
But below that reference it goes on to explain that Parse requests are actually calculated on a per minute basis. I have an app that can make more than 30 requests per second, but won't max out because it doesn't reach the 1800 per minute limit.

Understanding POST statuses/filter Rate Limit

I need to do a keyword based data fetching on Twitter. I looked up the documentation and "POST statuses/filter" seemed like the best option. However, I do not understand how the rate limiting works. Does this mean that I can fire this request repeatedly? If yes, at what rate should I do so? Or do I have to fire the request only once and keep on getting data continuously? They have given clear explanations for the REST API. There's even a page showing the number of requests permissible in a 15 minute window for each REST API method. I was unable to find something similar for "POST statuses/filter".
From what I've been researching about using the Streaming API there aren't any rate limits because you just make the request once to open the connection, then you keep it open and you are sent a stream (hence the name) of tweets.
Once applications establish a connection to a streaming endpoint, they
are delivered a feed of Tweets, without needing to worry about polling
or REST API rate limits.
