How to make a background box around a fraction ("bbox") with Katex? - katex

The bbox command is not supported in Katex, see
bbox with MathJax renders \bbox[#e1ffc1,5px]{ \frac{1}{2} } like:
I have tried in Katex the alternative command:
\colorbox{#e1ffc1}{ \frac{1}{2} }
but it throws the error:
KaTeX parse error: Can't use function '\frac' in text mode at position 21: …rbox{#e1ffc1}{ \̲f̲r̲a̲c̲{1}{2} }
Likewise \fcolorbox does not work.
How to get the background box in Katex around a fraction to work?

In LaTeX, \colorbox puts its contents into text mode. And KaTeX is a bit pickier about text mode than MathJax is.
You can still put math inside the box, but you have to explicitly shift it from text mode back into math mode with $…$ delimiters. So, to get your example working, try \colorbox{#e1ffc1}{$ \frac{1}{2} $}
Credits #ronkok via
Alternatively you could add colorboxes only around the elements within the formulas.
Or you dismiss the idea of having a background color, and instead you set the color of the formulas themselves, using e. g. \color{red}{\frac{1}{2}} or \textcolor{red}{\frac{1}{2}} (seems also to accept formulas!).


MathJax Font Size

In MathJax, I am able to adjust the font size using the answer here (i.e. shown below). Is there a way to adjust the font size of the normal text too without dollar signs around it too? For example, when I type the following: Let $f(x)=x^2$.
The text size around the word "Let" would be small and $f(x)=x^2$ would be much larger. I want to scale the text of the words as well, and I am not sure how to do so.
chtml: {scale: 1.5},
svg: {scale: 1.5},
In regular Latex, you could do Let $f(x)=x^2$.
However remember that, as the name suggests, MathJax doesn't aim to make all of Latex available to the web but focuses on the math part of Latex (and also AsciiMath and MathML of course). A key thing to remember here is that MathJax actually uses the math delimiters to find where there are content to typeset and when you do Let $f(x)=x^2$, MathJax doesn't do anything about the Let since it is outside the math delimiters.
Nonetheless, there are ways to use regular text in Latex math mode too. For example by means of \text{} so in your case, you could accomplish what you want with $\text{Let } f(x)=x^2$
Now, simply setting the text size of the surrounding content will make all of the Latex bigger:
<p style="font-size: 1.5em;">$\text{Let } f(x)=x^2$</p>
<p style="font-size: 2.5em;">$\text{Let } f(x)=x^2$</p>
<p style="font-size: 5em;">$\text{Let } f(x)=x^2$</p>
If you want a bigger horizontal space between the math and the Let, you can add a horizontal spacer:
<p>$\text{Let}\hspace{2mm} f(x)=x^2$</p>
I have prepared a sandbox which you can play around with, also try to uncomment the scale part of the configuration to see this factor in play (however, I usually use font height and not scale to control size): Sandbox
Some things to remember:
Example uses MathJax 3, there might be small differences in comparison to version 2.
Example uses the HTML output processor (as in your example), if you load a different MathJax script, you might be outputting svgs instead and then some options won't have impact, so always check these things thoroughly when something doesn't work.
$...$ is not a standard pair of delimiters so it has to be explicitly configured, otherwise MathJax won't recognize it as inline Latex math.
MathJax automatically does one round of initial typesetting, if you want to update content dynamically, you have to explicitly instruct MathJax to typeset again.
Good luck!

How to label boxed text in markdown?

My question in short is: How can you create a boxed text with a label that can be referenced?
Background: I am generating LaTeX output from a Markdown document to be included in a larger LaTeX document. I would like to describe the steps of an algorithm as boxed text with a label that can be referenced. I know how to create a labeled figure and how to create boxed text, but I haven't been able to figure out how to combine the two, i.e. how to label the boxed text as if it was a figure, or how to include the text in a figure (other than converting it to an image, which I'd like to avoid).
An initial "solution": Just putting a the box and an empty figure next to each other (see below) kind of works, except that nothing ensures that the figure label won't float away from the box as I work on the document, since figures are floating objects while text boxes are part of the text, and the two are handled differently by LaTeX. Moreover, you may need to use LaTeX vertical space commands to make it look reasonably good, but it is hard to get it perfect. Is there a simple solution? Thanks!
P.S. I know that I could just switch to LaTeX and figure out a solution there, but here I am looking for a solution in Markdown, possibly making use of some embedded LaTeX commands.
You can see the algorithm in Figure \ref{methods:estimating}.
1. Initialize $b_r=0$ for $r=1..R$ \\
2. For each item $i, i=1..U$, calculate ... \\
3. Re-estimate ... \\
4. Proceed to Step 2 until it converges.
![Estimating ... \label{methods:estimating}]()
It is rendered like this:
You can use one of the packages for writing algorithms. See

Lua script for iOS getColors within range?

I am trying to capture the pixel color of a specific letter in a font within an iOS app. I'd then use that color in an if/then statement to determine the next action of my script. I'm finding no easy way to determine if the color/colors I'm finding are the right ones. Here's my current process: I start recording my inputs and continuously click around the letter. I end up with something like touchdown(123,456). I change that to alert(getColor(123,456)) and run, which produces a popup that tells me the color such as 3094841 (not sure why the colors are in numeric format, but they are). I do this for each touchdown line that is captured. The problem is, I don't know an easy way to determine which color is the small letter I'm trying to tap.
Is there a lua function that will capture and display a range of colors between 2 points? If there were, I could see the commonality of all of the colors within the 2 points and make at least an educated guess as to which is the color in the font. Or even more useful - is there a tool I can use to type in the color I'm getting back and have it display the corresponding color, so I can compare them. That'd be the easiest. Hope this makes sense. Any help would be awesome. In case it matters, I'm using Autotouch 8 on an iPhone 5.
I use this function often in my games.
I find the easiest way to get a color you want to execute every single time is to take a snap of the screen you're checking and then use the helper on getColor(x, y)
And you can use this to alert your color.
local color = getColor(x, y)
-- You can also use:
log(color)--this one keeps it in your log in case you can write it down immediately.
To use this in an if/then statement
function = namedfunction()
local color = getColor(x, y)
if color == YOURCOLOR then
Note that I have the iPhone 5 iOS 8.3 and I have the most recent AutoTouch from Cydia. If you don't have the helper when you're scripting it might be worth it to check if Cydia offers a capatable version.
Edit: I am running version 3.5.3-8 of Autotouch.

Mathematica's spacing of symbol accents when typesetting mathematical formulas

Mathematica appears to have difficulty horizontally aligning accents (e.g. bars, hats, and tildes) when placed on top of certain mathematical symbols.
Here's a simple example:
Using the AdjustmentBox typesetting construct (or Alt-Left/Right arrow in the frontend), one can manually adjust the relative horizontal position of the hat and the symbol j to produce the more aesthetically pleasing:
There are two problems here:
1). It is inconvenient and time-consuming to make these manual adjustments when this should really be the job of the typesetting engine proper. Indeed, LaTeX is able to position accents correctly over all of the standard symbols (roman and greek letter forms) without the need to manually tweak their relative positioning.
2). The relative re-positioning of the symbols using AdjustmentBox is lost when exporting the Notebook to PDF for printing and re-distribution.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a more convenient way (preferably automatic) to improve the typeset quality of formulas in Mathematica notebooks that use accents, that preferably will also survive export of the notebook document to PDF format before printing?
You can select " ĵ " from the Windows character map and paste it in.
Style[ĵ, Italic, 24, Bold, FontFamily -> "Times"]
Also you can assign it to an input alias (borrowing from Andrew Moylan)
n = SelectedNotebook[];
InputAliases ->
Append[Options[n, InputAliases][[1, 2]], "j^" -> "ĵ"]]
Typing Escj^Esc produces ĵ.
Well, I do not think that this is possible.
You may ask Wolfram Research to include unicode character 0135 , i.e., they should add \[JHat], like
\[IHat]. Then italics display nicely.

Latex color box inline with text

I'm trying to put together a LaTeX color box. The xcolor package \fcolorbox seem to be what I want, but I can't get the rendering quite correct. When I use
it renders a small box sunken to the bottom of the text line. The best I've managed to do is to fake it with a similar text color:
However, I'm worried that this won't render correctly in all situations with defined colors. Is there a way I can declare an empty text box with full in-line text height? Is there another solution?
I'm basically looking for the code that produces the color boxes all through the document at The boxes I'm referring to are used throughout, but the first instance is on page 4. Thanks.
The xcolor.dtx file in the same directory as the pdf contains the source for the package and the source for the documentation. The relevant bits from the source for the documentation:
(Answer: 40\% \testclr{green} $+$ 60\% \testclr{yellow} $=$ \testclr{green!40!yellow}, e.g., |\color{green!40!yellow}|)
Basically, use \phantom{} on the contents of your color box, and make sure that at least one of the phantom characters is full-height.
