Skip & Top parameters do not pass to the backend - odata

Submitting the request below from to my Server having put a break-point at the beginning of my GET_ENTITYSET method (just pay attention to the skip/top params at the beginning)
GET AgreementsSet?$skip=0&$top=10&$filter=(AgrStatid%20eq%20%27002%27%20or%20AgrStatid%20eq%20%27003%27)%20and%20(StartDate%20ge%20datetime%272014-01-01T00%3a00%3a00%27%20or%20StartDate%20le%20datetime%272020-09-28T00%3a00%3a00%27)%20and%20(LastActDate%20ge%20datetime%272014-01-01T00%3a00%3a00%27%20or%20LastActDate%20le%20datetime%272020-09-28T00%3a00%3a00%27)
At the beginning of the method both IS_PAGING-TOP and IS_PAGING-SKIP are 0 (io_tech_request_context->get_top( )/get_skip( ) bring back the same result). Trying the exact request by copy/paste (just removed the GET and concatenated with my initial path) using Gateway Client and IS_PAGING-TOP is 10 as expected.
Any ideas?
Kind regards,


How to fix encoded URL to bind parameters correctly

I'm using a Bank E-Payment webservice and set the redirectURL into
when the bank finish it's job, browser redirects to preceding url.
But the problem is: Bank webservice has changed my url into (noticing the extra &).
In fact my innocent url encoded and therefore Param2 will be lost.
I cannot change the websercive obviously. but interested to know if there is a way to resolve the second url parameter (Param2) on my website?
For more general explanation: 'mywebsite' calls a webservice and redirected to a whole new website. after 'new website' done, browser redirects to the given URL (in fact 'mywebsite/somesubUrl/param1&param2') but parameter separator (&) changed into (&) so the second parameter (param2) won't delivered correctly to the action method and an exception raise, pointing that the second input parameter in the action method could not be null.
Actually i`m looking for a built-in solution to read encrypted url. that would be the best. but any other idea is welcomed.

MVC URL: show 1 parameter & hide second

Suppose I have URL as
(Above mentioned URL is getting called throug AJAX, in MVC4.paging)
What I want is to show only upto
I want to hide my second parameter which is page=8
Is this possible?
EDIT: More confusion to add.
<a data-ajax="true" data-ajax-loading="#divLoading" data-ajax-method="POST" data-ajax-mode="replace" data-ajax-success="successPaging" data-ajax-update="#searchresults" href="/Search?q=a&page=1" title="Go to first page"><<</a>
Is button of Next in my Paging, it is making an AJAX request, So I don't know how to change GET to POST for this.
The URL isn't there just for looks; it's telling the server what resource is being requested, and in the case of a query string, that's information the server needs to return a response. is a completely different resource than With a GET request, all you have is the URL, so all the information the server needs must be in the URL. What others in the comments are telling you to do is use a POST request, which among other things includes a post body. In other words, you can pass information to the server both in the URL and in the post body. That allows you to remove the page parameter from the URL and include it in the post body instead. That's the only way you can achieve what you want.
That said, strictly speaking, a POST is inappropriate for fetching a resource like this. POST should be used to update or modify a resource or to call some atomic method in an API scenario. It can also be used for the creation of resources, although PUT is more appropriate there. GET is supposed to be used to return a resource which is not variable. For example, any request to should always return the same response no matter what client requests it. And, it's even less important what URL is actually being used because the user does not see it at all, since you're requesting it via AJAX (it won't show in the navigation bar). Just keep it as a GET request and leave the parameters as they are.

do browsers remove # in URL automatically?

our front end guy needs to form a url containing the hash, (i.e, http://blah/#some-link.) when we hit this on the browser and inspect the http traffic using fiddler, we saw that everything after blah/ gets removed, so the request is really just http://blah/. we also confirmed this on our server eclipse debug log.
the request gets redirected to the correct login page by Spring security(because user hasn't logged in), but the url on the browser now shows:
http://blah/some-link (the hash got removed) but the url on the browser should really be http://blah/log-in.
any idea why this is? any fix or workaround? thanks in advance.
URI part after # is called a fragment:
URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
Scheme and hier-part identify the location of a document, and fragment helps the browser to identify a location inside this document.
Fragment is stripped from URI by client software before it is sent as a part of request.
From RFC3986:
the fragment identifier is not used in the scheme-specific
processing of a URI; instead, the fragment identifier is separated
from the rest of the URI prior to a dereference, and thus the
identifying information within the fragment itself is dereferenced
solely by the user agent, regardless of the URI scheme. Although
this separate handling is often perceived to be a loss of
information, particularly for accurate redirection of references as
resources move over time, it also serves to prevent information
providers from denying reference authors the right to refer to
information within a resource selectively.
Content after the # is only used on the client side, per HTTP specification. If you require that information on the server, you can either use a different separator, or you can submit it via ajax after the page has loaded by reading it on the client with javascript.
The part of the URI including and after the hash (#) is never sent to the server as part of the HTTP request.
The reason is that the hash identifier was originally designed to point at references within the given web page and not to new resources on the server.
If you want to get the hash identifier, you'll have to use some client-side JavaScript to grab the value and submit it with the form.
Hashmark is removed from URL when the back button is clicked in IE9, IE10 or IE11
In IE10 , first time on clicking the HREF link leads to the correct below url:
If back button is clicked again the, then it comes to the below url:
Solution :
Please change the url with https
It works for me
you can do this with javascript
if(window.location.hash) {
window.location.hash = window.location.hash;

rails, cannot get params from url

I'm trying to use Google Federated Login REST API. I can succesfully reach out to the google server and validate a user but I cannot pull parameters from the return url
for example:
All the variables in that return string are not accessible in the params array. I have no idea how to get them out. requst.url, request.query_parameter, and all similar calls do not return the query string.
I think i found the issue. I was using the open-uri library to make the call to google's endpoint url so it may have been stepping outside of the normal rails response/request cycle. I've since used Net::HTTP requests and parse the information from the response.
So I have a very similar issue, where I'm actually building a Rails-based openid provider but being consumed by another Rails app. I basically adapted the code from
The whole URL was:
I had a similar problem where the only parameters being reported were:
{"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"openid"}
So, suspecting that some parameter (maybe a period?) was causing it to hiccup, I went through and deleted them one by one until I found that deleting the following parameter enables the entire thing to go through correctly:
That left all the remaining parameters correctly being parsed:
I'm now trying to find why openid.mode causes this issue. It fails even if I change it to openid.mode=5, so it's the key, not the value, causing the problem.
Suspecting the ".mode" part of the string for the trouble (maybe ".mode" is a filetype or something being parsed by the routing?) I am looking towards this post on allowing periods, but it only applies to the value, not the key: rails routing and params with a '.' in them
Will report back if I find more.
Update: I tried, in another Rails app, adding ?openid.mode=0 to the end of a URL -- ".mode" does not result in a parameter being read, but ".modes=" does and so does ".mod=". This confirms that ".mode" is causing a params parsing error.
Update 2: yikes... actually "?a.mode=0" does work. So far, only the complete string "openid.mode" does not work, and this is across various Rails apps. "?openid.mode" with nothing else results in: Parameters: {"openid.mode"=>nil}, but "?openid.mode=" with nothing after the "=" fails to pass any parameters besides action & controller. Very odd.
Update 3: OK, figured it out, I believe -- the params were getting sanitized i.e. deleted by the rack-openid gem, in that gem's path: /lib/openid.rb:168, "sanitize_query_string". This seems to be incompatible with the example I was working with: Going to override that method.
Final update: I replaced this line:
oidreq = server.decode_request(params)
with this line, since we could no longer use the now-empty params hash:
oidreq = server.decode_request(Rack::Utils.parse_query(request.env['ORIGINAL_FULLPATH']))

Twitter oauth_callback parameter being ignored!

I'm trying to get Twitter authentication working on my ASP.NET site. When you create the app on the Twitter website, you have to specify a callback URL, which for sake of argument, I have set to
I've read the oAuth 1.0a spec, and to override this callback URL with your own custom one you have to send the oauth_callback parameter in the request_token phase (url-encoded of course).
So my request URL looks like this:
Supposedly, if all goes to plan, in your response data, you are supposed to receive a new parameter of oauth_callback_confirmed=true in addition to your token and token secret parameters.
However, my response comes through as:
I know I haven't given you guys the greatest amount to go on, but I'm at my wits end as to why I am not receiving the oauth_callback_confirmed parameter. Without this, my application keeps defaulting back to the callback URL hard-coded on the Twitter website. Please if anyone could help me out, I will be eternally grateful!
I've read the oAuth 1.0a spec, and to
override this callback URL with your
own custom one you have to send the
oauth_callback parameter in the
request_token phase (url-encoded of
So my request URL looks like this:
just because YOU read the spec doesn't mean that TWITTER read it. :P
kidding - this is essentially correct - but the way twitter likes to receive this data is a little different (and not well documented).
the way i've found to get the oauth_callback to confirm is as follows: specify the oauth_callback in the parameters of the request function, NOT within the URL.
python example (using oauth2):
''' Create our client.'''
client = oauth.Client(consumer)
''' do the request '''
resp, content = client.request(request_token_url,"POST",body=urllib.urlencode({'oauth_callback':callbackURL}))
''' note that it's called "body" in this particular OAuth function for Client but in OAuth Request object it's called "parameters." YMMV depending on programming language/ library of course. '''
this is ALSO the only way i've managed to get an oauth verifier back. supposedly one should not have to specify the callback URL every time, since we provide it in app settings...but experience seems to indicate otherwise.
finally, please be aware that at leg 3 you have to do the same thing AGAIN - this time including the oauth_verifier as well as the callback URL in the parameters.
hope this helps - can't begin to tell you how much effort i put into figuring this out.
good luck!
I've used this guide to set up my PC to be used as the callback location. Basically you set up your hosts file in a certain way, clear your cache and add a couple of Firefox registry values. At the end when you are debugging an oauth call the redirect comes back to your local PC.
As I said it worked for me.
// oauth-php example
$token = OAuthRequester::requestRequestToken(
array('oauth_callback'=> urlencode($callback_uri))
