Parse and Return Jenkins Console Output - jenkins

Within Jenkins, I would like to parse the ansible playbook "Play Recap" output section for the failing hostname(s). I want to put the information into an email or other notification. This could also be used to fire off another Jenkins job.
I'm currently submitting an ansible-playbook as a jenkins job to deploy software across a number of systems. I'm using a Jenkins Pipeline script, which was necessary to implement for sshagent to be applied correctly.
pipeline {
agent any
options {
stages {
stage("setup environment") {
steps {
} //steps
} //stage - setup environment
stage("clone the repo") {
environment {
GIT_SSH_COMMAND = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
} //environment
steps {
sshagent(['my_git']) {
sh "git clone ssh://"
} //sshagent
} //steps
} //stage - clone the repo
stage("run ansible playbook") {
steps {
sshagent (credentials: ['apps']) {
withEnv(['ANSIBLE_CONFIG=ansible.cfg']) {
dir('ansible') {
becomeUser: null,
colorized: true,
credentialsId: 'apps',
disableHostKeyChecking: true,
forks: 50,
hostKeyChecking: false,
inventory: 'hosts',
limit: 'production:&*generic',
playbook: 'demo_play.yml',
sudoUser: null,
extras: '-vvvvv'
) //ansiblePlaybook
} //dir
} //withEnv
} //sshagent
} //steps
} //stage - run ansible playbook
} //stages
post {
failure {
emailext body: "Please go to ${env.BUILD_URL}/consoleText for more details.",
recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']],
subject: "${env.JOB_NAME}",
to: '',
attachLog: true
office365ConnectorSend message:"A production system appears to be unreachable.",
factDefinitions: [[name: "Credentials ID", template: "apps"],
[name: "Build Duration", template: "${currentBuild.durationString}"],
[name: "Full Name", template: "${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}"]],
webhookUrl:'[really long alphanumeric key]/IncomingWebhook/[another super-long alphanumeric key]'
} //failure
} //post
} //pipeline
There are several Jenkins plug-ins for parsing the console output, but none will let me capture and utilize text. I have looked at log-parser and text finder.
The only lead I have is using groovy to script this.
An example of "Play Recap" within the console output is:
PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=25 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0
some.ip.address : ok=22 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0
I am trying to get either a list or a delimited string of each host that is failing. Although, in the case of a list, I need to figure out how to send multiple notifications.
If anyone could help me with the full solution, I would very much appreciate your help.

Q: "Parse the ansible playbook 'Play Recap' output section."
A: Use json callback and parse the output with jq. For example
shell> ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=json ansible-playbook pb.yml | jq .stats

There are a few 'gotchas' that I came across as I solved this problem.
The only successful way I could access the output of the ansible plugin was through pulling the raw log file. def log = currentBuild.rawBuild.getLog(100) In this case I only pulled the last 100 lines, as I'm only looking for the Play Recap box. This method requires special permissions. The console log will display the error and provide a link where the functions can be allowed.
The ansible output should not be colorized. colorized: false Colorized output is quite difficult to parse. The 'console log' doesn't show you the colorized markup, however if you look at the 'consoleText' you will see it.
When using regex, you will most likely have a matcher object which is non-serializable. To use this in Jenkins, it may need to be placed in a function tagged #NonCPS which stops Jenkins from trying to serialize the object. I had mixed results with needing this, so I don't exhaustively understand where it's required.
The regex statement was one of the harder parts for me. I came up with a generic statement that could be easily modified for different scenarios e.g. failed or unreachable. I also had more luck using the 'slashy-style' regex in groovy which places a forward slash on either end of the statement with no need for quotes of any kind. You'll note the 'failed' portion is different failed=([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]), so that it only matches a statement where the failure is non-zero.
/([0-9a-zA-Z\.\-]+)(?=[ ]*:[ ]*ok=([0-9]|[1-9][0-9])[ ]*changed=([0-9]|[1-9][0-9])[ ]*unreachable=([0-9]|[1-9][0-9])[ ]*failed=([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]))/
Here's the full pipeline code that I came up with.
pipeline {
agent any
options {
stages {
stage("setup environment") {
steps {
} //steps
} //stage - setup environment
stage("clone the repo") {
environment {
GIT_SSH_COMMAND = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
} //environment
steps {
sshagent(['my_git']) {
sh "git clone ssh://"
} //sshagent
} //steps
} //stage - clone the repo
stage("run ansible playbook") {
steps {
sshagent (credentials: ['apps']) {
withEnv(['ANSIBLE_CONFIG=ansible.cfg']) {
dir('ansible') {
becomeUser: null,
colorized: false,
credentialsId: 'apps',
disableHostKeyChecking: true,
forks: 50,
hostKeyChecking: false,
inventory: 'hosts',
limit: 'production:&*generic',
playbook: 'demo_play.yml',
sudoUser: null,
extras: '-vvvvv'
) //ansiblePlaybook
} //dir
} //withEnv
} //sshagent
} //steps
} //stage - run ansible playbook
} //stages
post {
failure {
script {
problem_hosts = get_the_hostnames()
emailext body: "${problem_hosts} has failed. Please go to ${env.BUILD_URL}/consoleText for more details.",
recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']],
subject: "${env.JOB_NAME}",
to: '',
attachLog: true
office365ConnectorSend message:"${problem_hosts} has failed.",
factDefinitions: [[name: "Credentials ID", template: "apps"],
[name: "Build Duration", template: "${currentBuild.durationString}"],
[name: "Full Name", template: "${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}"]],
webhookUrl:'[really long alphanumeric key]/IncomingWebhook/[another super-long alphanumeric key]'
} //failure
} //post
} //pipeline
def get_the_hostnames() {
// Get the last 100 lines of the log
def log = currentBuild.rawBuild.getLog(100)
print log
// GREP the log for the failed hostnames
def matches = log =~ /([0-9a-zA-Z\.\-]+)(?=[ ]*:[ ]*ok=([0-9]|[1-9][0-9])[ ]*changed=([0-9]|[1-9][0-9])[ ]*unreachable=([0-9]|[1-9][0-9])[ ]*failed=([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]))/
def hostnames = null
// if any matches occurred
if (matches) {
// iterate over the matches
for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
// if there is a name, concatenate it
// else populate it
if (hostnames?.trim()) {
hostnames = hostnames + " " + matches[i]
} else {
hostnames = matches[i][0]
} // if/else
} // for
} // if
if (!hostnames?.trim()) {
hostnames = "No hostnames identified."
return hostnames


Read data in jenkinsfile from xml file created in current workspace

Some time ago I tried to connect jenkins and gerrit and send cppcheck output from jenkins to gerrit as comment:
I installed proper patches for jenkins and gerrit(that is ok it's work)
In jekinsfile I'm tried to run cppckeck and save it's output to xml file(it's works)
Problem is here that when I'm trying to read xml file, and I have information that there is no such file. I see that script have different root catalog(i groovy I printed dir). I think code with my experimental jenkinsfile explain problem:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
gerritReview labels: [Verified: 0]
sh 'pwd'
sh 'cppcheck --enable=all --inconclusive --xml --xml-version=2 *.c* 2> cppcheck.xml'
script {
def parser = new XmlParser()
def doc = parser.parse("cppcheck.xml"); // No xml file here because script {}
// is run in different place
post {
always {
gerritReview score: 1
step([$class: 'CppcheckPublisher', pattern: 'cppcheck.xml', ignoreBlankFiles: false, treshold: "0"])
} }
How to load this file. Or I'm doing it's all wrong?(I mean integration gerrit with jenkins who purpose is to run cppcheck and cpplint and show results in gerrit).
If the file is in your repo, you need to check out the repo first
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
checkout scm // ADD THIS LINE
gerritReview labels: [Verified: 0]
sh 'pwd'
sh 'cppcheck --enable=all --inconclusive --xml --xml-version=2 *.c* 2> cppcheck.xml'
script {
def parser = new XmlParser()
def doc = parser.parse("cppcheck.xml");
post {
always {
gerritReview score: 1
step([$class: 'CppcheckPublisher', pattern: 'cppcheck.xml', ignoreBlankFiles: false, treshold: "0"])

Jenkins Pipelines periodic build not sending email notification due to empty list of recipients

We've set up a nightly build using a simple pipeline job that runs periodically every day and but the developers are not getting email notifications for it.
We're using the emailext plugin for sending those emails and Kubernetes agents as nodes.
The job is started by a timer because it's a periodic build, making it run the following pipeline configuration (you can ignore the agent's container definition as it's not relevant, IMO):
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
yaml """
some-label: some-label-value
- name: agent
image: python:3.7
- cat
tty: true
options {
stages {
stage('SCM') {
steps {
changelog: false,
poll: false,
scm: [$class : 'GitSCM',
userRemoteConfigs : [[credentialsId: 'Git SSH Key', url: '']]],
branches : [[name: 'master']],
doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
extensions : [[$class : 'CloneOption',
depth : 1,
noTags : false,
reference: '',
shallow : true],
[$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'],
[$class: 'GitLFSPull'],
[$class : 'SubmoduleOption',
disableSubmodules : false,
parentCredentials : true,
recursiveSubmodules: true,
reference : '',
trackingSubmodules : false]],
submoduleCfg : []
stage('Build') {
steps {
container('agent') {
echo '-> install tox'
sh 'pip install tox'
sh 'python --version'
sh 'pip --version'
stage('Test') {
steps {
container('agent') {
sh 'tox -c ./tox.ini'
post {
always {
echo '-> collecting artifacts'
archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: '*.txt'
echo '-> collecting test results'
junit allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: 'output/pytest.xml'
post {
changed {
subject: '$DEFAULT_SUBJECT',
recipientProviders: [culprits(),
The above does work when there is a manual start of the job (the starting developer gets the relevant email), however, when the job is triggered from periodic build (cron) - the recipients' list is always empty:
An attempt to send an e-mail to an empty list of recipients, ignored.
What might be the problem?
Another way is to obtain the committers using git:
// Get all commits from the latest merge in an array
def gitCommits = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git log --merges -1 --format=%p').trim().split(' ')
// Get committer emails:
def emails = ""
gitCommits.each {
emails = emails + sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git --no-pager show -s --format=%ae ${it}').trim() + ","
echo "${emails}"
Obviously all the recipient providers return empty list.
requestor() returns empty list because there is no requestor
upstreamDevelopers() returns empty list because there is no
upstream build
Check the source code to figure out why the culprits(), developers(), brokenBuildSuspects() and brokenTestsSuspects() return empty list.

Jenkins pipeline - How to give choice parameters dynamically

pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("foo") {
steps {
script {
env.RELEASE_SCOPE = input message: 'User input required', ok: 'Release!',
parameters: [choice(name: 'RELEASE_SCOPE', choices: 'patch\nminor\nmajor',
description: 'What is the release scope?')]
echo "${env.RELEASE_SCOPE}"
In this above code, The choice are hardcoded (patch\nminor\nmajor) -- My requirement is to dynamically give choice values in the dropdown.
I get the values from calling api - Artifacts list (.zip) file names from artifactory
In the above example, It request input when we do the build, But i want to do a "Build with parameters"
Please suggest/help on this.
Depends how you get data from API there will be different options for it, for example let's imagine that you get data as a List of Strings (let's call it releaseScope), in that case your code be following:
script {
def releaseScopeChoices = ''
releaseScope.each {
releaseScopeChoices += it + '\n'
parameters: [choice(name: 'RELEASE_SCOPE', choices: ${releaseScopeChoices}, description: 'What is the release scope?')]
hope it will help.
This is a cutdown version of what we use. We separate stuff into shared libraries but I have consolidated a bit to make it easier.
Jenkinsfile looks something like this:
#Library('shared') _
def imageList = pipelineChoices.artifactoryArtifactSearchList(repoName, env.BRANCH_NAME)
imageList.add(0, 'build')
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '20')),
choice(name: 'ARTIFACT_NAME', choices: imageList.join('\n'), description: '')
Shared library that looks at artifactory, its pretty simple.
Essentially make GET Request (And provide auth creds on it) then filter/split result to whittle down to desired values and return list to Jenkinsfile.
import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import java.util.regex.Matcher
List artifactoryArtifactSearchList(String repoKey, String artifact_name, String artifact_archive, String branchName) {
// URL components
String baseUrl = ""
String url = baseUrl + "?name=${artifact_name}&repos=${repoKey}"
Object responseJson = getRequest(url)
String regexPattern = "(.+)${artifact_name}-(\\d+).(\\d+).(\\d+).${artifact_archive}\$"
Pattern regex = ~ regexPattern
List<String> outlist = responseJson.results.findAll({ it['uri'].matches(regex) })
List<String> artifactlist=[]
for (i in outlist) {
return artifactlist.reverse()
// Artifactory Get Request - Consume in other methods
Object getRequest(url_string){
URL url = url_string.toURL()
// Open connection
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection()
connection.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", basicAuthString())
// Open input stream
InputStream inputStream = connection.getInputStream()
json_data = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(inputStream.text)
// Close the stream
return json_data
// Artifactory Get Request - Consume in other methods
Object basicAuthString() {
// Retrieve password
String username = "artifactoryMachineUsername"
String credid = "artifactoryApiKey"
credentials_store = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getExtensionList(
credentials_store[0].credentials.each { it ->
if (it instanceof org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.StringCredentials) {
if (it.getId() == credid) {
apiKey = it.getSecret()
// Create authorization header format using Base64 encoding
String userpass = username + ":" + apiKey;
String basicAuth = "Basic " + javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(userpass.getBytes());
return basicAuth
I could achieve it without any plugin:
With Jenkins 2.249.2 using a declarative pipeline,
the following pattern prompt the user with a dynamic dropdown menu
(for him to choose a branch):
(the surrounding withCredentials bloc is optional, required only if your script and jenkins configuration do use credentials)
node {
withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId: 'user-credential-in-gitlab',
usernameVariable: 'GIT_USERNAME',
passwordVariable: 'GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN']]) {
BRANCH_NAMES = sh (script: 'git ls-remote -h https://${GIT_USERNAME}:${GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN} | sed \'s/\\(.*\\)\\/\\(.*\\)/\\2/\' ', returnStdout:true).trim()
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
name: 'BranchName',
choices: "${BRANCH_NAMES}",
description: 'to refresh the list, go to configure, disable "this build has parameters", launch build (without parameters)to reload the list and stop it, then launch it again (with parameters)'
stages {
stage("Run Tests") {
steps {
sh "echo SUCCESS on ${BranchName}"
The drawback is that one should refresh the jenkins configration and use a blank run for the list be refreshed using the script ...
Solution (not from me): This limitation can be made less anoying using an aditional parameters used to specifically refresh the values:
parameters {
booleanParam(name: 'REFRESH_BRANCHES', defaultValue: false, description: 'refresh BRANCH_NAMES branch list and launch no step')
then wihtin stage:
stage('a stage') {
when {
expression {
return ! params.REFRESH_BRANCHES.toBoolean()
this is my solution.
def envList
def dockerId
node {
envList = "defaultValue\n" + sh (script: 'kubectl get namespaces --no-headers -o custom-columns=""', returnStdout: true).trim()
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choice(choices: "${envList}", name: 'DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT', description: 'please choose the environment you want to deploy?')
booleanParam(name: 'SECURITY_SCAN',defaultValue: false, description: 'container vulnerability scan')
The example of Jenkinsfile below contains AWS CLI command to get the list of Docker images from AWS ECR dynamically, but it can be replaced with your own command. Active Choices Plug-in is required.
Note! You need to approve the script specified in parameters after first run in "Manage Jenkins" -> "In-process Script Approval", or open job configuration and save it to approve
automatically (might require administrator permissions).
$class: 'ChoiceParameter',
choiceType: 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT',
name: 'image',
description: 'Docker image',
filterLength: 1,
filterable: false,
script: [
$class: 'GroovyScript',
fallbackScript: [classpath: [], sandbox: false, script: 'return ["none"]'],
script: [
classpath: [],
sandbox: false,
script: '''\
def repository = "frontend"
def aws_ecr_cmd = "aws ecr list-images" +
" --repository-name ${repository}" +
" --filter tagStatus=TAGGED" +
" --query imageIds[*].[imageTag]" +
" --region us-east-1 --output text"
def aws_ecr_out = aws_ecr_cmd.execute() | "sort -V".execute()
def images = aws_ecr_out.text.tokenize().reverse()
return images
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('First stage') {
steps {
sh 'echo "${image}"'
choiceArray = [ "patch" , "minor" , "major" ]
choice(choices: choiceArray.collect { "$it\n" }.join(' ') ,
description: '',
name: 'SOME_CHOICE')

Declarative pipeline when condition in post

As far as declarative pipelines go in Jenkins, I'm having trouble with the when keyword.
I keep getting the error No such DSL method 'when' found among steps. I'm sort of new to Jenkins 2 declarative pipelines and don't think I am mixing up scripted pipelines with declarative ones.
The goal of this pipeline is to run mvn deploy after a successful Sonar run and send out mail notifications of a failure or success. I only want the artifacts to be deployed when on master or a release branch.
The part I'm having difficulties with is in the post section. The Notifications stage is working great. Note that I got this to work without the when clause, but really need it or an equivalent.
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
maven 'M3'
jdk 'JDK8'
stages {
stage('Notifications') {
steps {
sh 'mkdir tmpPom'
sh 'mv pom.xml tmpPom/pom.xml'
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: 'origin/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://repository.git']]])
sh 'mvn clean test'
sh 'rm pom.xml'
sh 'mv tmpPom/pom.xml ../pom.xml'
post {
success {
script {
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
when {
branch 'master|release/*'
steps {
sh 'mvn deploy'
failure {
script {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
In the documentation of declarative pipelines, it's mentioned that you can't use when in the post block. when is allowed only inside a stage directive.
So what you can do is test the conditions using an if in a script:
post {
success {
script {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master')
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
// failure block
Using a GitHub Repository and the Pipeline plugin I have something along these lines:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh '''
post {
always {
sh '''
make clean
success {
script {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
emailext (
to: '',
subject: "${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} master is fine",
body: "The master build is happy.\n\nConsole: ${env.BUILD_URL}.\n\n",
attachLog: true,
} else if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('PR')) {
// also send email to tell people their PR status
} else {
// this is some other branch
And that way, notifications can be sent based on the type of branch being built. See the pipeline model definition and also the global variable reference available on your server at http://your-jenkins-ip:8080/pipeline-syntax/globals#env for details.
Ran into the same issue with post. Worked around it by annotating the variable with #groovy.transform.Field. This was based on info I found in the Jenkins docs for defining global variables.
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage("Validate") {
parallel {
stage("Ubuntu") {
agent {
steps {{
sh "run tests command"
recordFailures('Ubuntu', 'test-results.xml')
junit 'test-results.xml'
post {
unsuccessful {
// Make testFailures global so it can be accessed from a 'post' step
def testFailures = [:]
def recordFailures(key, resultsFile) {
def failures = ... parse test-results.xml script for failures ...
if (failures) {
testFailures[key] = failures
def notify() {
if (testFailures) {
... do something here ...

Set the build name and description from a Jenkins Declarative Pipeline

I would like to set the build name and description from a Jenkins Declarative Pipeline, but can't find the proper way of doing it. I tried using an environment bracket after the pipeline, using a node bracket in an agent bracket, etc. I always get syntax error.
The last version of my Jenkinsfile goes like so:
pipeline {
stages {
stage("Build") {
steps {
echo "Building application..."
bat "%ANT_HOME%/bin/ant.bat clean compile" = "MY_VERSION_NUMBER"
currentBuild.description = "MY_PROJECT MY_VERSION_NUMBER"
stage("Unit Tests") {
steps {
echo "Testing (JUnit)..."
echo "Testing (pitest)..."
bat "%ANT_HOME%/bin/ant.bat run-unit-tests"
stage("Functional Test") {
steps {
echo "Selenium..."
stage("Performance Test") {
steps {
echo "JMeter.."
stage("Quality Analysis") {
steps {
echo "Running SonarQube..."
bat "%ANT_HOME%/bin/ant.bat run-sonarqube-analysis"
stage("Security Assessment") {
steps {
echo "ZAP..."
stage("Approval") {
steps {
echo "Approval by a CS03"
stage("Deploy") {
steps {
echo "Deploying..."
post {
always {
junit '/test/reports/*.xml'
failure {
emailext attachLog: true, body: '', compressLog: true, recipientProviders: [[$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider']], subject: '[JENKINS] MY_PROJECT build failed', to: '...recipients...'
success {
emailext attachLog: false, body: '', compressLog: false, recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider']], subject: '[JENKINS] MY_PROJECT build succeeded', to: '...recipients...'
Error is:
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
WorkflowScript: 11: Expected a step # line 11, column 5. = "MY_VERSION_NUMBER"
WorkflowScript: 12: Expected a step # line 12, column 5.
currentBuild.description = "MY_PROJECT MY_VERSION_NUMBER"
Ideally, I'd like to be able to read MY_PROJECT and MY_VERSION_NUMBER from the file, or from the Jenkins build log. Any guidance about that requirement would be appreciated as well.
Based on the answer I had below, the following worked:
stage("Build") {
steps {
echo "Building application..."
bat "%ANT_HOME%/bin/ant.bat clean compile"
script {
def props = readProperties file: ''
currentBuild.displayName = "v" + props['application.version']
Now the build version is automatically set during the pipeline by reading the file.
I think this will do what you want. I was able to do it inside a script block:
pipeline {
stages {
steps {
script {
currentBuild.displayName = "The name."
currentBuild.description = "The best description."
... do whatever.
The script is kind of an escape hatch to get out of a declarative pipeline. There is probably a declarative way to do it but i couldn't find it. And one more note. I think you want currentBuild.displayName instead of In the documentation for Jenkins globals I didn't see a name property under currentBuild.
If you want to set build name to a job from a parameter, you can use
currentBuild.displayName = "${nameOfYourParameter}".
Make sure you use double quotes instead of single quotes.
Job Configuration
Build job with parameter
Build History
REFERENCE: How to set build name in Pipeline job?
