Add a widget from awful.spawn.easy_async? - lua

I'd like to add a power-status widget but only if the system supports it (I run the same config on my desktop as my laptop). Obviously I could check the hostname, but I'd rather just check if acpi is available. Currently I've got this:
mybattery = nil
function(stdout, stderr, reason, exit_code)
if string.find(stdout, "^Battery") then
mybattery = batteryarc_widget{
show_current_level = true,
arc_thickness = 1
Then mybattery is added as a widget. This fails, presumably because updating mybattery later doesn't update the wibar. How do I add a widget after the fact? Or is there a better way to do this? I'd rather not call acpi synchronously.
Since this widget periodically polls acpi and pops up warnings when it fails to find a battery I didn't want to create the widget at all unless it would work. So taking Emmanuel's other suggestion, this is what I ended up with. vert_sep is just a separator widget and mybattery is added to the wibar later in the config.
mybattery = wibox.container.background()
function(stdout, stderr, reason, exit_code)
if string.find(stdout, "^Battery") then
local batteryarc_widget =
local w = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
show_current_level = true,
arc_thickness = 1})
mybattery.widget = w

There is multiple ways. You can use the layout :add() or :insert() methods [1]. It is also possible to create the widget even if it wont be used. The use visible = false or forced_width = 0 to make sure it isn't shown. This has a microscopic performance penalty, but is simpler than using the imperative layout methods. A third way would be to add a placeholder container and set its .widget later. However at that point, the visible trick seems simpler.


Lua - table won't insert from function

I have a Lua function where I build a table of value and attempt to add it to a global table with a named key.
The key name is pulled from the function arguments. Basically, it's a filename, and I'm pairing it up with data about the file.
Unfortunately, the global table always comes back nil. Here's my code: (let me know if you need to see more)
(Commented parts are other attempts, although many attempts have been deleted already)
Animator = Class{}
function Animator:init(atlasfile, stringatlasfriendlyname, totalanimationstates, numberofframesperstate, booleanstatictilesize)
-- Define the Animator's operation mode. Either static tile size or variable.
if booleanstatictilesize ~= false then
self.isTileSizeStatic = true
self.isTileSizeStatic = false
-- Define the total animation states (walking left, walking right, up down, etc.)
-- And then the total frames per state.
self.numAnimationStates = totalanimationstates or 1
self.numAnimationFrames = numberofframesperstate or 2
-- Assign the actual atlas file and give it a programmer-friendly name.
self.atlasname = stringatlasfriendlyname or removeFileExtension(atlasfile, 'animation')
generateAnimationQuads(atlasfile, self.atlasname, self.numAnimationStates, self.numAnimationFrames)
function generateAnimationQuads(atlasfile, atlasfriendlyname, states, frames)
spriteWidthDivider = atlasfile:getWidth() / frames
spriteHeightDivider = atlasfile:getHeight() / states
animationQuadArray = generateQuads(atlasfile, spriteWidthDivider, spriteHeightDivider)
animationSetValues = {atlasarray = animationQuadArray, width = spriteWidthDivider, height = spriteHeightDivider}
--gAnimationSets[#gAnimationSets+1] = atlasfriendlyname
gAnimationSets[atlasfriendlyname] = animationSetValues
--table.insert(gAnimationSets, atlasfriendlyname)
Note: when using print(atlasfriendlyname) and print(animationSetValues), neither are empty or nil. They both contain values.
For some reason, the line(s) that assign the key pair to gAnimationSets does not work.
gAnimationSets is defined a single time at the top of the program in main.lua, using
gAnimationSets = {}
Animator class is called during the init() function of a character class called Bug. And the Bug class is initialized in the init() function of StartState, which extends from BaseState, which simply defines dummy init(), enter(), update() etc. functions.
StartState is invoked in main.lua using the StateMachine class, where it is passed into StateMachine as a value of a global table declared in main.lua.
gAnimationSets is declared after the table of states and before invoking the state.
This is using the Love2D engine.
Sorry that I came here for help, I've been picking away at this for hours.
Edit: more testing.
Trying to print the animationQuadArray at the index gTextures['buganimation'] always returns nil. Huh?
Here's gTextures in Main.lua
gTextures = {
['background'] ='graphics/background.png'),
['main'] ='graphics/breakout.png'),
['arrows'] ='graphics/arrows.png'),
['hearts'] ='graphics/hearts.png'),
['particle'] ='graphics/particle.png'),
['buganimation'] ='graphics/buganimation.png')
Attempting to return gTextures['buganimation'] returns a file value as normal. It's not empty.
My brain is so fried right now I can't even remember why I came to edit this. I can't remember.
Global table in Main.lua, all other functions can't access it.
print(gTextures['buganimation']) works inside the function in question. So gTextures is absolutely accessible.
Table isn't empty. AnimationSetValues is not empty.
I'm adding second answer because both are correct in context.
I ended up switching IDE's to VS Code and now the original one works.
I was originally using Eclipse LDT with a Love2D interpreter and in that environment, my original answer is correct, but in VS Code, the original is also correct.
So Dimitry was right, they are equivalent, but something about my actual Eclipse setup was not allowing that syntax to work.
I switched to VS Code after I had another strange syntax problem with the interpreter where goto syntax was not recognized and gave a persistent error. The interpreter thought goto was the name of a variable.
So I switched, and now both things are fixed. I guess I just won't use LDT for now.
Solution: Lua syntax. Brain Fry Syndrome
I wrote:
animationSetValues = {atlasarray = animationQuadArray, width = spriteWidthDivider, height = spriteHeightDivider}
Should be:
animationSetValues = {['atlasfile']=atlasfile, ['atlasarray']=animationQuadArray, ['width']=spriteWidthDivider, ['height']=spriteHeightDivider}
Edit: I'm fully aware of how to use answers. This was posted here to reserve my spot for an answer so I could edit it later when I returned back home, which is exactly what I'm doing right now. I'll keep the old post for archival purposes.
I solved it. I apologize for not posting the solution right now. My brain is melted into gravy.
I will post it tomorrow. Just wanted to "answer" saying no need to help. Solved it.
Solution is basically, "oh it's just one of those Lua things". Wonderful. I'm having so much fun with this language - you can tell by my blank expression.
From the language without line endings or brackets, but forced print parentheses... ugh. I'm going back to C# when this class is done.

How can My GUI appear when my noob is killed?

[My code is :]
local function MWin()
game.StarterGui.ScreenGui1.DemonWin.Visible = true
if game.Workspace.Mages_Boss.Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
[My noob is named : Mages_Boss
And my screen gui is named : DemonWin
I dont know what to put for "print("good")".]
First, modifying the starter GUI does nothing. You need to change the one player or all players with a for loop. In my answer, I’ll use the former with a player named ROBLOX. If you want to start with it invisible, you need game.Players.ROBLOX.PlayerGui.ScreenGui1.DemonWin.Visible = false. To make it visible on the death event, use game.Players.ROBLOX.PlayerGui.ScreenGui1.DemonWin.Visible = true.
Try using
to toggle whether it is active or not. I suppose in the died function, use the latter.
I'm going to assume you're not firing the function so you can get rid of that. You're also going to remove the .Died since it fires even when it's not dead. So your best bet would be to do also add a debounce- kind of function to your script. Here's the modified version:
game.StarterGui.ScreenGui1.DemonWin.Visible = false
if game.Workspace.Mages_Boss.Humanoid.Health == 0 then
game.StarterGui.ScreenGui1.DemonWin.Visible = true
game.StarterGui.ScreenGui1.DemonWin.Visible = false
Also, you would have to put the GUI in the StarterGui (located in game.Players.LocalPlayer.StarterGui) in order to not publicly malfunction this script.

In Lua, using a boolean variable from another script in the same project ends up with nill value error

This code is for a modding engine, Unitale base on Unity Written in Lua
So I am trying to use a Boolean Variable in my script poseur.lua, so when certain conditions are met so I can pass it to the other script encounter.lua, where a engine Predefined functions is being uses to make actions happens base on the occurring moment.
I tried to read the engine documentation multiple times, follow the exact syntax of Lua's fonction like GetVar(), SetVar(), SetGobal(),GetGlobal().
Searching and google thing about the Language, post on the subreddit and Game Exchange and tried to solve it by myself for hours... I just can't do it and I can't understand why ?
I will show parts of my codes for each.
-- A basic monster script skeleton you can copy and modify for your own creations.
comments = {"Smells like the work\rof an enemy stand.",
"Nidhogg_Warrior is posing like his\rlife depends on it.",
"Nidhogg_Warrior's limbs shouldn't\rbe moving in this way."}
commands = {"GREET", "JUMP", "FLIRT", "CRINGE"}
EndDialougue = {" ! ! !","ouiii"}
sprite = "poseur" --Always PNG. Extension is added automatically.
name = "Nidhogg_Warrior"
hp = 99
atk = 1
def = 1
check = "The Nidhogg_Warrior is\rsearching for the Nidhogg"
dialogbubble = "rightlarge" -- See documentation for what bubbles you have available.
canspare = false
cancheck = true
GreetCounter = 5
Berserk = false
-- A basic encounter script skeleton you can copy and modify for your own creations.
encountertext = "Nidhogg_Warrior is\rrunning frantically"
nextwaves = {"bullettest_chaserorb"}
wavetimer = 5.0
arenasize = {155, 130}
music = "musAncientGuardian"
enemies = {"poseur"}
enemypositions = {{0, 0}}
-- A custom list with attacks to choose from.
-- Actual selection happens in EnemyDialogueEnding().
-- Put here in case you want to use it.
possible_attacks = {"bullettest_bouncy", "bullettest_chaserorb", "bullettest_touhou"}
function EncounterStarting()
-- If you want to change the game state immediately, this is the place. = 20
Player.hp = 99 = "Teemies"
Thank you for reading.
The answer to my problem was to use SetGobal(), GetGobal().
For some reasons my previous attempt to simply use SetGobal()Resulted in nil value despite writing it like that SetGobal("Berserk",true) gave me a nill value error, as soon as I launch the game.
But I still used them wrong. First I needed to put it SetGobal() at the end of the condition instead of at the start of the the poseur.lua script because the change of value... for some reasons was being overwritten by it first installment.
And to test the variable in the function in my encounter.lua, I needed to write it like that
function EnemyDialogueStarting()
-- Good location for setting monster dialogue depending on how the battle is going.
if GetGlobal("Jimmies") == true then
Also any tips an suggestions are still welcome !
Well firstly, in lua simple values like bool and number are copied on assignment:
global.a=a--this is a copy
a=4--this change won't affect value in table
SetGobal and the other mentioned functions are not part of lua language, they must be related to your engine. Probably, they use word 'Global' not as lua 'global' but in a sense defined by engine.
Depending on the engine specifics these functions might as well do a deep copy of any variable they're given (or might as well not work with complicated objects).

Block script execution in Firefox extension?

Probably looking for an answer to an age-old question, but I would like to block script execution. In my use-case blocking the browser is acceptable.
Also, in my use-case I am trying to do this from a Firefox extension, which means my code is "Chrome code", running in the browser environment.
This can easily be done by using a modal window, then programmatically closing the window. So this demonstrates that there is a blocking mechanism that exists.
Is there any way to achieve modal blocking without actually creating or opening the modal window? Some way to tap into the blocking mechanism used for modal windows?
I've done a lot of searching on this subject, but to no avail.
Using nsIProcess you can block the thread.
You can create an executable which has a sleep or usleep method or equivalent. Then run the process synchronously ( and set blocking argument to true.
Of course for portability you will need to create an executable appropriate for each platform you wish to support, and supply code for discrimination.
Basic code is something like the following. I have verified on 'nix (Mac OS X) this code to work, using a bash script with only the line sleep .03:
let testex = Components.classes[";1"]
let process = Components.classes[";1"]
let delay = 30; // convert this to milliseconds in the executable,[delay],1); // `run` method runs synchronously, first arg says to block thread
In an extension you probably would want to make your nsIFile file object more portable:
let testex = FileUtils.getFile("ProfD",["","resources",""]);
Of course keep in mind that Javascript is basically single-threaded, so unless you are blocking a thread spawned using Web Workers you will be freezing the entire UI during the sleep period (just like you would if you opened a modal window).
There is enterModalState and leaveModalState in nsIDOMWindowUtils here: MDN :: nsIDOMWindowUtils Reference
However they don't seem to work for me. This topic might explain why: nsIDOMWindowUtils.isInModalState() not working they topic says isInModalState is marked [noscript] which I see, but enterModalState and leaveModalState are not marked [noscript] I have no idea why it's not working.
What does work for me though is suppressEventHandling:
var utils = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser').
utils.suppressEventHandling(true); //set arg to false to unsupress
You can open a tiny window with the source window as the window you want to make modal and as dialog but open it off screen. Its dialog so it wont show a new window the OS tab bars. However hitting alt+f4 will close that win, but you can attach event listeners (or maybe use the utils.suppressEventHandling so keyboard doesnt work in it) to avoid the closing till you want it closed. Here's the code:
var sDOMWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(null);
var sa = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsArray);
var wuri = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); = 'about:blank';
let features = "chrome,modal,width=1,height=1,left=-100";
if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.permanentPrivateBrowsing || PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(sDOMWin)) {
features += ",private";
} else {
features += ",non-private";
var XULWindow = Services.ww.openWindow(sDOMWin, 'chrome://browser/content/browser.xul', null, features, sa);
XULWindow.addEventListener('load', function() {
var DOMWindow = XULWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowInternal || Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
DOMWindow.gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(DOMWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab, aTab);
//DOMWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
}, false);

LUA - OnUpdate shift modifier

I'm changing something in an Addon for World of Warcraft which are written in Lua.
There is a simple boolean variable which determines if some "all" frames are shown or only specific one.
So when = true then it will only show specific frames
when = false it will show all frames
I want to make a modifier with the shift key to show all frames when the shiftkey is pressed and hide them again when shift is realeased.
if IsShiftKeyDown() then
cfg.aura.onlyShowPlayer = false
cfg.aura.onlyShowPlayer = true
This is my very simple solution for it which works. The problem here is though it only works on starting of the script. You see in WoW everytime the interface gets loaded it will run the script if not told otherwise. That is not very efficent because I would send my user into a loadingscreen.
OnUpdate should fix my problem here which will run this specific code everytime a frame gets rendered which is pretty handy and is what I want to accomplish.
So this is what I made
local function onUpdate(self,elapsed)
if IsShiftKeyDown() then
cfg.aura.onlyShowPlayer = false
cfg.aura.onlyShowPlayer = true
local shiftdebuffs = CreateFrame("frame")
shiftdebuffs:SetScript("OnUpdate", onUpdate)
My problem is now that it doesn't work. I new to the onUpdate stuff and only copy pasted it from another addon I did which worked fine.
Right it goes straight to = false, which is only happening I think because it is the default.
thanks for the help
Right it goes straight to = false, which is only happening I think because it is the default.
No, there is no "default" branch in the if statement. For the control to get to the then branch the condition has to be evaluated to true. You need to check the logic, but if the script executed cfg.aura.onlyShowPlayer = false, it means that IsShiftKeyDown() was evaluated as true.
