How do I add a Global Tag in Axe DevTools (Attest) - ios

I'm using Axe DevTools and I'm trying to figure out how to tag multiple scans with the same build information. Right now I have my tests running like this:
class MyTestCase : XCTestCase {
func myTest() {
Attest.that(view: view)
.isAccessible({ result in })
.andPushResult(withTags: [myBuild])
How can I add the myBuild tag globally to all tests that I run?

I would build my own class that utilizes the Axe DevTools (Attest) APIs. Then have my test cases interact with my own class instead of interacting with Attest itself!
class AccessibilityTestUtils {
static let buildTag:String = Bundle.main.object(
forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleShortVersionString"
) as! String
init(build: String) {
self.buildTag = build
static func runAccessibilityTestOn(aView : View) {
Attest.that(view: aView).isAccessible({ result in })
.andPushResult(withTags: [buildTag])
Example Usage
class YourTestClass {
func yourTestCase() {
Note: This approach also protects you from future changes to the Attest library by making it so that you only have to change one line of code in the event of non backwards compatible changes.


Understanding how to initialize a Vapor 4 repository

I am trying to migrate some code using a Repository pattern from Vapor 3 to Vapor 4. I have gone through the documentation of this specific pattern from the Vapor 4 documentation, and I think I understand it for the most part.
The one thing I am not getting, however, is the way that the repository factory gets set within the Application extension. The example from the documentation shows this:
extension Application {
private struct UserRepositoryKey: StorageKey {
typealias Value = UserRepositoryFactory
var users: UserRepositoryFactory {
get {[UserRepositoryKey.self] ?? .init()
set {[UserRepositoryKey.self] = newValue
If I am reading the getter method correctly (and I might not be - I'm far from a Swift expert), a new instance of the UserRepositoryFactory structure will be created and returned when app.users is referenced. At that time, however, it does not appear that the contents of[UserRepositoryKey.self] is changed in any way. So if I happened to access app.users two times in a row, I would get 2 different instances returned to me and[UserRepositoryKey.self] would remain set to nil.
Following through the rest of the sample code in the document, it appears to define the make function that will be used by the factory when configuring the app as so:
app.users.use { req in
DatabaseUserRepository(database: req.db)
Here it seems like app.users.use would get a new factory instance and call its use function to set the appropriate make method for that instance.
Later, when I go to handle a request, I use the request.users method that was defined by this Request extension:
extension Request {
var users: UserRepository {
Here it seems like self.application.users.make would be invoked on a different repository factory instance that is referenced by self.application.users. It would therefore not apply the factory's make method that was set earlier when configuring the application.
So what am I missing here?
It looks like the docs are slightly out of date for that. You can have a look at how views or client is done, but somewhere you need to call initialize() to set the repository. Here's what my working repository looks like:
import Vapor
extension Application {
struct Repositories {
struct Provider {
let run: (Application) -> ()
public init(_ run: #escaping (Application) -> ()) { = run
final class Storage {
var makeRepository: ((Application) -> APIRepository)?
init() { }
struct Key: StorageKey {
typealias Value = Storage
let application: Application
var repository: APIRepository {
guard let makeRepository = else {
fatalError("No repository configured. Configure with app.repositories.use(...)")
return makeRepository(self.application)
func use(_ provider: Provider) {
func use(_ makeRepository: #escaping (Application) -> APIRepository) { = makeRepository
func initialize() {[Key.self] = .init()
private var storage: Storage {
if[Key.self] == nil {
var repositories: Repositories {
.init(application: self)
That autoinitializes itself the first time it's used. Note that APIRepository is the protocol used for my repostiory. FluentRepository is the Fluent implementation of that protocol. Then like you I have an extension on Request to use it in request handlers:
extension Request {
var repository: APIRepository {
Finally, you need to configure it to use the right repository. So in my configure.swift I have:
app.repositories.use { application in
FluentRepository(database: application.db)
and in tests I can switch it for the in-memory repository that doesn't touch the DB:
application.repositories.use { _ in
return inMemoryRepository
I have managed to get the example from the docs working as-is.
Tracing through the execution with the debugger, there is the predictable call to get, as you say, and this returns the instance from .init() as the failover from not having a previously stored value. Included in the example you refer to is:
struct UserRepositoryFactory {
var make: ((Request) -> UserRepository)?
mutating func use(_ make: #escaping ((Request) -> UserRepository)) {
self.make = make
This use function is executed next, which is mutating and updates the variable make. I believe it is this change to make that then triggers a call to set. It certainly happens immediately after use and before execution moves on in configure.swift. So, by the time the server formally starts and you actually use the Repository in a route, there is a stored instance that is reused as required.

Compilation fails with valid code when "Fastest -O" optimizations are set

The following code is a valid Swift code and does compile correctly when optimizations are disabled.
protocol Foo {
var bar: String { get set }
class BaseFoo: Foo {
var bar: String = "hello"
class ChildFoo: BaseFoo {
private var _bar: String = "world"
override var bar: String {
get {
return _bar
set {
_bar = newValue
Once I enable Swift optimizations (Fastest -O), I only get a very vague error message from xcode:
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
So I tried to run the command Xcode said was failing and I was able to find more interesting error:
PHINode should have one entry for each predecessor of its parent basic block!
%11 = phi i64 [ %43, %33 ], [ 0, %29 ], !dbg !747
LLVM ERROR: Broken function found, compilation aborted!
The answer is that there is a bug in the compiler. Somehow it has problem with overriding read-write properties defined in protocols. I could not find a solution, only these following workarounds:
If you make the property read-only in the protocol (by changing { get set } to { get }), the error will disappear. Unfortunately you will not be able to rewrite the variable if you do not have access to the implementation type (and you should not do that, because otherwise you lose the goodness protocols bring you)
Do not override the property in the child class (in our case ChildFoo). If you do not override it, you will not hit this error. On the other hand, you probably would not overriding it if you did not need to do that, so this will not help you much.
Last but not least the workaround that gives you overriding support and read-write access (well, sort of). Change the protocol to not have a variable, but getter and setter methods. That way you can set the value from the outside and you can also override the behavior of either get or set.
I ended up using the third workaround, because I need both read-write and override support. So at the end my code would look like this:
protocol Foo {
func getBar() -> String
func setBar(bar: String)
class BaseFoo: Foo {
private var bar: String = "hello"
func getBar() -> String {
return bar
func setBar(bar: String) { = bar
class ChildFoo: BaseFoo {
private var _bar: String = "world"
override func getBar() -> String {
return _bar
override func setBar(bar: String) {
_bar = bar
I filled a radar report so hopefully Apple will fix it. I have not tried this in the new Xcode nor in Swift 2.0.
Hopefully this will help anyone who will have the same problem.

Anonymous inner Class in Swift

In Java I can do the following:
interface SomeCallback {
void onDone();
then I can create a function like this:
void test(SomeCallback callback) {
To call this function I do:
test(new SomeCallback() {
void done() {
I want to do something similar in Swift. I could create a protocol
protocol SomeCallback : class {
func done()
and a function like this
func test(callback: SomeCallback) {
I am still struggling with the call of this function.
Edit: Since I use an external API which requires a delegate I cannot use a Closure.
Is it possible to create some kind of anonymous inner class like I did it in the Java example to call test()?
Update: If you can't use a closure/function, the direct answer is: no, there are no anonymous inner classes. However, as Mike M points out, you'll have to use a class, and this class may be nested/inner to prevent polluting the global namespace. This class may well have a closure for every method it needs to implement and just call through to those closures.
The Swift-y way of doing this as long as you just need one method is to just use a lambda/closure.
For example, see NSComparator, which is typealiased since it is used all over the place and you are meant to recognize it.
In your example, specifying a function type inline will do fine. So for example:
func test(callback: () -> Void) {
// called as:
test({ in
// or even (since it's the last parameter)
test { in
Just to clarify the syntax because what you wrote is a little confusing.
#objc protocol SomeCallback {
func done() -> Void
No need to inherit from class as you wrote. Also, don't forget the #objc even if you do not want to bridge the protocol to that language. It helps with compiler complaints later on (might be a bug at the moment)
You cannot instantiate a protocol in Swift. You can however have an internal class that inherits from NSObject (root object) and implements this.
class External: NSObject {
class Internal : SomeCallback {
func done() {
// does something
let int = Internal()
func test(callback : SomeCallback) {
// additional work

XCTest expect method call with swift

How to write a test that expects a method call using swift and XCTest?
I could use OCMock, but they don't officially support swift, so not much of an option.
As you said OCMock does not support Swift(nor OCMockito), so for now the only way I see is to create a hand rolled mock. In swift this is a little bit less painful since you can create inner classes within a method, but still is not as handy as a mocking framework.
Here you have an example. The code is self explanatory, the only thing I had to do(see EDIT 1 below) to make it work is to declare the classes and methods I want to use from the test as public(seems that the test classes do not belong to the same application's code module - will try to find a solution to this).
EDIT 1 2016/4/27:
Declaring the classes you want test as public is not necessary anymore since you can use the "#testable import ModuleName" feature.
The test:
import XCTest
import SwiftMockingPoC
class MyClassTests: XCTestCase {
func test__myMethod() {
// prepare
class MyServiceMock : MyService {
var doSomethingWasCalled = false
override func doSomething(){
doSomethingWasCalled = true
let myServiceMock = MyServiceMock()
let sut = MyClass(myService: myServiceMock)
// test
// verify
public class MyClass {
let myService: MyService
public init(myService: MyService) {
self.myService = myService
public func myMethod() {
public class MyService {
public init() {
public func doSomething() {

How to debug static code block in GEB Page model

I am trying out GEB and wanted to debug the static code block in the examples. I have tried to set breakpoints but i seem unable to inspect the data that is used in the static content block.
class GoogleResultsPage extends Page {
static at = { results }
static content = {
results(wait: true) { $("li.g") }
result { i -> results[i] }
resultLink { i -> result(i).find("a.l")[0] }
firstResultLink { resultLink(0) }
Any clue on how this normally can be debugged using for example IntelliJ?
Since the content block is using a DSL and undergoes a transformation when compiled I'm thinking it wouldn't be possible to debug without special support from the IDE, however I hope someone can prove me wrong.
The approach I have been using is to define methods for anything beyond the core content. This provides a few benefits, including debugging support, IDE autocompletion when writing tests, and good refactoring support. The drawback of course is slightly more verbose code, although the tradeoff has been worth it for my purposes.
Here's how I might do the GoogleResultsPage:
class GoogleResultsPage extends Page {
static at = { results }
static content = {
results(wait: true) { $("li.g") }
Navigator result(int i) { results[i] }
Navigator resultLink(int i) { result(i).find("a.l")[0] }
Navigator firstResultLink { resultLink(0) }
Then when writing the test I use a slightly more typed approach:
class MySpec extends GebReportingSpec {
def "google search with keyword should have a first result"() {
GoogleHomePage homePage = to(GoogleHomePage)
GoogleResultsPage resultsPage = at(GoogleResultsPage)
