I want to configure TFS2015 and have VS2019 show following error - tfs

In solution explorer new Team option is also not visible
TF206018: The items could not be added to source control because either no team projects have been set up, or because you do not have permission to access any of the team projects in the current collection.

This is a known issue. Please find more detailed information in this ticket: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/690875/cannot-create-a-new-team-project-from-within-the-t.html.
According to the workaround from the product group, please use the "New Project" button on the home page of the org / collection in the web experience.
If you are using an older version of TFS that does not have this option available in the web, you will need to install an older version of Visual Studio that has that option available.
Visual Studio Team Explorer 2017 is a great option. It is free, installs side by side with VS 2019, has minimal footprint, and installs in less than 5 minutes. Download page is here.
Please vote and add your comments in this ticket if you have any questions.


TFS 2017 missing process link

Our IT installed TFS 2017 (15.112.26307.0). It's a clean installation. It currently has few startup projects, just to see and explorer features. But the projects are missing "Process" link under Project Template page, to configure Agile/Scrum/CMMI. I don't see link for "Configure Features" either. My account has Project Administrator and Project Collection Administrators privileges. Ultimately we would like to explorer Agile process. Any help appreciated.
The Process tab is something that Microsoft has been building for VSTS and which is likely to come to on-prem in the near future. But for now TFS still uses the old XML based work item templates which offer a higher level of customizability, but which are also much harder to maintain.
For specific guidance on using witadmin.exe check out:
TFS Process Template Customisation Guide
Practical guidance for Work Item Tracking (WIT) and Process Template customizations.

Unable to see documents in Team Explorer 2013 after upgrade

We have upgraded TFS2008 to 2013 on a new server and source control/workitem tracking is okay - we can use all that from within VS2013 Pro.
We have also upgraded Sharepoint (containing all the project documentation) to a new database server and using the TFS 2013 Adminisration Console we can see the Team Projects listed there.
However although from the VS2013 Team Exlorer we can add the team projects and open the 'web portal' for each team project, we cannot see any of the documents nor can we (seemingly) view in a browser the portal that in VS2008 shows the document libraries.
Are we missing something in the unfamiliar interface, or can anyone advise what the cause might be and how to fix it?
You need to "wire up" the Team Projects to the Sharepoint sites. It sounds like they have been detached through the order of the upgrade.
Sharepoint needs to be upgraded and available during the upgrade process or this happens
You can however easily wire them back up. In the Team Project in Visual Studio go to the Team Explorer and do "Settings|Portal".
You should have a dialog for wiring up The existing Sharepoint to the Team Project.
If you don't you may have Tbeen disconnected at the collection level. In which case you can open the TFS Administration Console and follow: http://nakedalm.com/integrate-sharepoint-2013-with-team-foundation-server-2013/

Where is the "Edit build definition" permission in our TFS 2013 installation?

Our environment is a TFS 2013 server (12.0.21005.1 Tfs2013.RTM) which was upgraded from a fresh installation of TFS 2008, with a number of team projects and developers.
One thing that our developers regularly need to do is create and edit build definitions. According to both Visual Studio and all documentation I've been able to find, there should be a "Edit build definition" privilege (perhaps along with a few others) which controls access to this. But as you can see in the screenshot, it doesn't exist in our installation:
The only workaround I've found is to grant the people in question membership of the Project Administrators group, which is clearly not desirable. There is no group like build administrators or anything of the sort which might help, either; this is the list of groups available to choose from:
As a consequence, whenever a developer wants to edit a build definition (which is perfectly appropriate in our case) they keep running into:
What, short of making everyone a project administrator in every team project they might possibly work in, can I do to resolve this?
Here's where to find the security settings for build definitions.
TFS 2015 UI: Go to the Build Explorer, click on the drop down arrow to the left of All build definitions or All XAML definitions.
VS Team Services and TFS "15" RC2 and newer: Go to Build and click on the Security button in the upper right side.
You will then get a dialog like the following with the build permissions.
The permissions that you show above are for Team Projects and not builds.
If you select a build and right-click on it you should get a permissions option. Here you will find build specific permission that you are looking for.
You can also set permissions through the API with PowerShell...

TF30172: You don't have permission

I have a tfs server installed, and it allow me to connect, but when try to create a team project, it shows this message.
TF30172: You do not have permission to create a new team project.
All my permission are currently set, or at at least I think so.
What else can I check?
This is a know issue with Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2012.
From Buck Hodges' blog:
You must use the Visual Studio Team Explorer 2012 (included in all Visual Studio editions or may be separately downloaded) to create a team project on a TFS 2012 server. If you use VS 2010, you will get an error about not having permission. The error message is very misleading, because it’s not a problem with your permissions.
You should to install this hotfix to resolve this issue.
You Should have the right in Team Project Collection administrator . you have to add yourself in this group.
and after that may be it is also required to add yourself in Contributor group.
kindly check that you have give the rights in Team Project Collection Setting .
not in Team Project Setting.
Having tried a plethora of solutions including many reinstalls, service pack reapplication, hotfixes and the two answers provided by Mak and DaveShaw.
The workaround I used was to create the new team project using Visual Studio 2013. Once I did that I was able to add my solutions to source control. I guess VS 2012 could be used too.

Can't find reports in Team Foundation Server 2010

I have recently setup TFS 2010 and am trying to access the reporting feature. TFS is installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 and I am accessing TFS using Visual Studio 2010.
From what I have seen on the web, I should have a reports option in Team Explorer or from the Team menu in Visual Studio. I don't have this option at all. I have seen MSDN articles saying the option may have a red cross next to it, but I don't see at all.
From the TFS Admin console, reporting seems to be setup. All three options (Warehouse, Analysis Services and Report Server) have a green tick and say "Configured".
If I access the reports URL, I get a web interface but there are no out-of-the-box reports.
Thanks in advance for your help.
The problem was that the default reports folder location had not been set. I only noticed by clicking through all the screens in desperation.
Open the TFS Admin Console, go to Application Tier > Team Project Collections. Then in the Reports Folder tab at the bottom make sure you have set a value. I just used the default example which was /TfsReports/DefaultCollection.
You don't see the folder "Reports" in this view?
Do you have a screen like this?
