Can I disable "-t" option from docker image - docker

we would like to put a docker image into our client's internet off machine.
To prevent the possible code leak (python script) in some level, my idea would be to make an image that only leave specific port open and write socket programs to pass command/data.
Before I put it into practice, I need to make sure user cannot access the running container using other method, include the "-t" option.
So as a newbie, I would like to ask if this is possible. Thanks a lot!

No: a Docker image has no way to prevent (or require) any specific runtime options.
In the particular case of trying to hide the contents of a Docker image, anyone who can run any docker command at all can trivially get unlimited root access on the host, and can docker run any command; even without being able to use the -t option they can docker run ... tar cvf - /app to copy the source out, or they can probably find the source code in the /var/lib/docker tree with some poking around.
The only way to prevent interactive shell access to a container is to not have a shell in the image at all (and even then, you could bind-mount a Busybox binary into the container and run that). The only way to prevent source code from being copied out of an image is for it to not be there at all. This means you have to use a compiled language (Go, C++, Java, Rust) if this is a concern for you.


Dockerfile save image to ssh host

I'm trying to deploy a docker image that is an core (.NET6) WebApi to ssh server.
I know the command for transferring the image file is:
docker save <my_image_namee> | ssh -C user#address docker load
Is it possible to execute this command within the Dockerfile right after building the image?
A Dockerfile can never run commands on the host, push its own image, save its output to a file, or anything else. The only thing it's possible to do in a Dockerfile is specify the commands needed to build the image within its isolated environment.
So, for example, in your Dockerfile you can't specify the image name that will be used (or its tag), or forcibly push something to a registry, or the complex docker save | ssh sequence you show. There's no option in the Dockerfile to do it.
You must run this as two separate commands using pretty much the syntax you show as your second command. If the two systems are on a shared network, a better approach would be to set up a registry server of some sort and docker push the image there; the docker save...docker load sequence isn't usually a preferred option, unless the two systems are on physically isolated networks. Whatever you need to do after you build the image, you could also consider asking your continuous-integration system to do it for you to avoid the manual step.

Is there an easy way to automatically run a script whenever I (re)start a container?

I have built a Docker image, copied a script into the image, and automatically execute it when I run the image, thanks to this Dockerfile command:
ENTRYPOINT ["/path/to/script/"]
(I had to give it chmod rights in a RUN command to actually make it run)
Now, I'm quite new to Docker, so I'm not sure if what I want to do is even good practice:
My basic idea is that I would rather not always have to create a new container whenever I want to run this script, but to instead find a way to re-execute this script whenever I (re)start the same container.
So, instead of having to type docker run my_image, accomplishing the same via docker (re)start container_from_image.
Is there an easy way to do this, and does it even make sense from a resource parsimony perspective?
docker run is fairly cheap, and the typical Docker model is generally that you always start from a "clean slate" and set things up from there. A Docker container doesn't have the same set of pre-start/post-start/... hooks that, for instance, a systemd job does; there is only the ENTRYPOINT/CMD mechanism. The way you have things now is normal.
Also remember that you need to delete and recreate containers for a variety of routine changes, with the most important long-term being that you have to delete a container to change the underlying image (because the installed software or the base Linux distribution has a critical bug you need a fix for). I feel like a workflow built around docker build/run/stop/rm is the "most Dockery" and fits well with the immutable-infrastructure pattern. Repeated docker stop/start as a workflow feels like you're trying to keep this specific container alive, and in most cases that shouldn't matter.
From a technical point of view you can think of the container environment and its filesystem, and the main process inside the container. docker run is actually docker create plus docker start. I've never noticed the "create" half of this taking substantial time, but if you're doing something like starting a JVM or loading a large dataset on startup, the "start" half will be slow whether or not it's coupled with creating a new container.
For chmod issue you can do something like this
COPY . /path/to/script/
RUN chmod 777 -R /path/to/script/
For rerun script issue
The ENTRYPOINT specifies a command that will always be executed when the container starts.
It can be either
docker run container_from_image
docker start container_from_image
So whenever your container start your ENTRYPOINT command will be executed.
You can refer this for more detail

Docker Storage - Getting a Layman's answer

I am just discovering Docker - I am finding so much information, but I can't seem to get a straight answer on this option. If someone could give me a clear explanation based on my understanding I have of it so far it would be appreciated.
I am downloading a docker image locally - say the default one from Microsoft, using microsoft/dotnet-samples:dotnetapp-nanoserver I am lost as to where this is downloaded to? Is this downloaded and installed as a program on the host machine, with a isolated script that controls the container? The download is about 1.3 gigs because it includes .Net Core
In another example, if I download apache2 to run as a web server, does it install it in the default paths on the host system, but every container I want to use taps into that - or does every container contain it's isolated version of apache2?
I ask this because I can't find files that mimic the file size of these programs.
I know they are not complete VM's but where can I find the files associated with a container?
I am using Windows Server 2016 and a Mac since I want to do some trials with containers.
An image is a filesystem
Docker images are encapsulated filesystems. The software and files inside are not being directly installed onto your system.
You can think of a Docker image sort of the way you think of a .zip file. You can download a .zip file from somewhere, and it is a single file. Contained inside it might be one file, or dozens of files, or a nested tree of directories and files. But on your disk, it exists as one file.
A Docker image is similar (conceptually, at least... the details are more complicated).
Image storage
Where images are stored varies by platform. On a Linux system, they are usually under /var/lib/docker. I don't know where they are stored on Windows, but this is a more or less opaque store. Poking around inside will not reveal very much to you anyway.
To see what you have, you should use the docker images command. It will show you the images you have stored locally.
Like I said earlier, each image may consist of multiple layers. By default, that command will only show you the top layer, which is the one you'll care about, to run containers from. Technically, there are other layers, and you can see all of them using docker images -a.
Where is the software installed?
When you download an Apache image, nothing is installed on your system at all. The image file(s) are downloaded and stored. Hiding inside is Apache and everything Apache needs in order to run, but Apache is not installed onto your Windows OS anywhere.
When you want to use Apache, you would run a container. Docker takes the Apache image and, using it as a starting template, creates a running process container, inside of which Apache is running. This is isolated from your operating system. Apache is only running inside of the container.
If you run a second container from the Apache image, you now have two completely separate Apache instances running, each in their own isolated filesystem environment.
Where can I find the files?
If you just want to poke around in the container filesystem, you can start the container in interactive mode, and run a shell instead of whatever it normally runs (like Apache). For instance, if you have an image apache:latest, you can do this:
docker run --rm -it apache:latest bash
This will run an instance of apache:latest, but instead of launching Apache, it will run a bash shell and drop you into it.
The --rm flag is convenient for cases like this. It tells Docker to remove the running container when its process exits. That way for a "just looking at something" container like this one, it cleans up after itself.
The -it is actually two flags. -i is interactive mode, and -t allocates a terminal. This is a common flag to pass when you want to directly interact with the container.
Once inside, you can use the usual commands to look at files and directory listings. Note that many containers are stripped-down, though. You don't always have all of the tools you are used to having. Things like ls in Linux are typically there, but a lot of things will not be.
Simply exit when you're done looking around to exit.
Looking around while the process is running
You can also look at the container while Apache is running. First start it normally.
docker run -d apache:latest
This will return a container ID. You can also get the ID from docker ps. Then you can attach to the container with that ID by executing a shell.
docker exec -it <container_id> bash
Now you're in the container in a shell, but Apache is in there running.

Monitoring file changes in Docker volumes

I have a docker container that is running a python script: waiting for input requests and processing data accordingly.
Since I am using docker for development, I would like that, whenever I change the source code of that python file (in my machine, not the container), the container would stop the python script and relaunch it with the new code. Because right now I have to manually stop the container and relaunch it. I could also monitor the file changes on my side (rather than inside the container) but I would like to avoid that and do it within the container itself.
I am using docker-compose's volumes option to share the source code between my FS and the container's.
To monitor the file changes, I've been trying to use the watchmedo shell utility from the the watchdog python module. I just have this weird problem that I can't notice the file changes of that python source file unless I am editing it from the inside of the container and not in my local FS, even though they are mounted with the volumes option.
I get the feeling that this is something to do with how docker works and maybe the volumes thing too. I've been trying to read up on it online, but didn't get much luck. Any ideas? I'm totally stuck!
EDIT: Here's a gif that better explains it. The top to panes are connected to the same container and the bottom two to my local machine. All the panes are pointed to the same folder.
You could have your container run something like this ( need inotify installed ):
while true
inotifywait -e create -e modify /path/to/python/script
pkill python
python /path/to/python/script
Basically wait for changes on the file, kill python on the machine, run script again.
If the python script is not running in the background/deamonized in any way you could use an & like so: the python /path/to/python/script &
Put this into, add something like this to your Dockerfile
CMD ["bash", "-l", "/"]
... and you should be good.

Is it possible to use a "blank" docker container without any install on it?

I'm new to Docker and I think having understood that Docker is a Software virtualization tool (by opposition to OS virtualization). I understand, by this image, that Docker provides a very blank environment with a given file structure and is executing on the kernel Host. What we need to do is to put our application and its dependencies (with no OS) to have a very light portable container of our app.
But it seems there is a dark side of Docker : each Dockerfile begins with a "FROM ".
I saw this and this but I'm not sure to understand. It sounds that Docker is near an kind of simplified OS virtualizer.
I was interesting in the advantage of images size. But if we have to install an OS on each image my "portable" application will be quite heavy quickly.
Is there really no way to use a "blank image" ?
You can start with FROM scratch which is an empty filesystem.
Please see the section on Creating a Base Image if you'd like to spin up your own minimal root file system.
You might be surprised how many dependencies your application actually has on the root file system, and in the end, it is usually more efficient to use one of the standard root file systems in your FROM statement, as Charles Duffy commented above.
FROM scratch
build and check size
docker build empty/ -t empty
docker images | grep empty
This may be a bit too late. But I just had a use case where I needed to create a bare bone container that I could launch as part of multi-container docker-compose and get into it afterwards via /bin/bash. Keep in mind, a docker container must run a service and the container will be in existence only for as long as the service is running. So, I created this container with just python in it. I copied a 2 line python script that just makes it sleep. Here's what I did.
1. Create the python script with the following code:
import time
2. Create the Dockerfile with just the following lines:
FROM python:2.7
RUN mkdir -p /test
COPY /test/
CMD python
3. Build and run the container. Using the container id, I could then get inside it. Please adjust the sleep time based on how long you want to keep this container.
Your application haveto have some underlying OS, without, there is no way for it to start..
I think the most basic one in the docker index is busybox, so a FROM busybox will give you a very minimal setup.
Docker is also using a lot of caching for each of its layers. So every docker container that uses FROM centos:centos7 at the top will only use 1 single set of minimal centos7 image.
The base images are very minimalistic, so it is nothing to worry about..
