Problem with saving the product PrestaShop + multistore - save

When saving the product (more precisely, changing the number of main items or in combination) with the multistore option enabled (only in the context of all stores), an error appears. Interestingly, after the second or next (how many stores in multi, how many times you have to click) the record goes correctly.
Go to BO >> set the shop context to >> "all shops"
go to the PRODUCTS tab >> edit the selected product >> change the STOCK (QUANTITY) to another >> click SAVE
I get a red message "Unable to update settings." and there is a problem with writing.
I get an error in JS console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error).
There is no error in the NETWORK tab, despite the debugging mode enabled in Presta.
Screenshots: (headers) (preview) (initiator) (response)
Data for the demo version:
This is the original, freshly installed version.
Only the multistore has been enabled and one demo store has been added. That's all.

You have set your multistore option "Share available quantities to sell" to NO.
This means when you are editing the product in All shops context it does not know what to do with your quantities.


SAP Fiori Default Values App: "no editor metadata" / "no configured plugin"

My customer set up a new S/4HANA system and installed some Fiori apps. When I go into my user settings in the Fiori LaunchPad and navigate into the Default Values tab, I:
don't get a value help,
entered values, e.g. Controlling Area, are not propagated into the backend's user parameter's (SU01).
Per Chrome Developer Tools I get the following error messages. I suspect that something is misconfigured causing the above 2 observations?
The following parameter names have no editor metadata and thus likely no configured plugin:
This has been resolved. The issue was a misconfiguration. The customer has added the correct navigation targets in the respective catalogues. This solves problems (1) and (2).

Where is OMSDataSet.xml (used by EZoms and EZomsRTD)?

Some times the user needs to wipe the cache of stored orders. This could be done by deleting OMSDataSet.xml file.
Where is it located?
OMSDataSet for EZoms and RTD is located in:
You can also accomplish the same thing by using EZoms from the Menu: 
File -> Logout (then close the Login dialog box)
Edit -> Clear All
Then shut down Ezoms and start up RTD.
This will cause both apps to login and fetch all orders from the server.

How to add Job in Customer table with qodbc insert statement

I am trying to add a job to the QuickBooks Customer table using the following sql statement. The customer table has several CustomFields (columns). When I apply the statement without the customField/column the statment works. When I run the sql line with the customField/column - I get an error and the row IS inserted without the customField/column data
INSERT INTO Customer (Name, ParentRefFullName, Companyname, Billaddressaddr1, CustomFieldAddNumber) VALUES ('.10~Root Name 01', '.00~Root Name 01', 'Zen Enterprise', 'my Address one', '.10' )
Error: only with 'CustomFieldAddNumber' set to '.10'
What is the correct way to add a Job to Customer table with CustomFeilds/Columns ?
I would suggest you download & install QODBC latest version 320 from below link & test again:
If you are still facing the issue, I kindly request you to please raise a support ticket to the QODBC Technical Support department from below mentioned link & provide requested information:
We may need the following information, I kindly request you to attach below listed files when replying to the ticket.
1) Screenshot of QODBC Setup Screen -- > About
2) Screenshot of the issue you’re facing.
Share Entire Log Files as an attachment in text format from
3) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review QODBC Messages
4) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review SDK Messages

How do you find a user's last used printer in SysLastValue

I've been trying to find where a user's last used printer is stored so that I can clear this usage data (as a few users have an issue where the remembered printer keeps defaulting to the XPS writer, despite us having KB981681 installed & the printer being available; just not defaulted on certain AX forms).
I know this data's somewhere in the Usage Data, which I can browse via AX:
Microsoft Dynamics AX > Tools > Development Tools > Application Objects > Usage Data
AOT > System Documentation > Tables > SysLastValue > (right click) > Add-Ins > Table Browser
Or through SQL:
use AXDB
select *
from SysLastValue
where userid in
select id
from userinfo
where networkalias in ('userid1','userid2')
and elementname like '%print%'
and iskernel = 1
However so far I've not been able to guess which setting holds the last used printer information. Since the value field is of type image (i.e. a blob) I also can't search based on value.
Any advise on how to find this setting would be helpful.
Unfortunately there really isn't one "last used printer" stored, as much as each process packs and stores the last used print settings. Here is an example of how you can pull the last used print settings after posting a picking slip from the sales form.
static void JobGetPrinterSettingsPickList(Args _args)
container lastValues;
SalesFormLetter_PickingList pickList = new SalesFormLetter_PickingList();
SRSPrintDestinationSettings printSettings;
lastValues = xSysLastValue::getValue(curext(), curUserId(), UtilElementType::Class, classStr(SalesFormLetter_PickingList), formStr(SalesTable));
printSettings = new SRSPrintDestinationSettings(pickList.printerSettingsFormletter());
info(strFmt("%1", printSettings.printerName()));
info(strFmt("%1", printSettings.printerType()));
Edit: Ah I see you're having a specific issue. Check the pack/unpack and version of whatever object is having the issue. That is likely where the issue is. Or if it's on several things, check if they're all extended classes and you need to look at the parent class.

Orchard CMS installing error?

I tried to install orchard CMS the from source code. I opened it in VS 2012, and I m using Sql Server 2012.
I am geting the following error.
error text:
Setup failed: could not execute query
[ select rolerecord0_.Id as Id13_, rolerecord0_.Name as Name13_ from Test_Orchard_Roles_RoleRecord rolerecord0_ where rolerecord0_.Name=#p0 ]
Name:p1 - Value:Anonymous
[SQL: select rolerecord0_.Id as Id13_, rolerecord0_.Name as Name13_ from Test_Orchard_Roles_RoleRecord rolerecord0_ where rolerecord0_.Name=#p0]
I cant find any solution for this error. Where did I go wrong? How can I fix this error? When I choose built-in storage, it runs. Also, are there any disadvantages if I use the built-in one?
UPDATE (new error message)
Setup failed: could not execute query [ SELECT TOP (#p0) this_.Id as
Id17_2_, this_.Number as Number17_2_, this_.Published as
Published17_2_, this_.Latest as Latest17_2_, this_.Data as Data17_2_,
this_.ContentItemRecord_id as ContentI6_17_2_, contentite1_.Id as
Id16_0_, contentite1_.Data as Data16_0_, contentite1_.ContentType_id
as ContentT3_16_0_, contenttyp4_.Id as Id18_1_, contenttyp4_.Name as
Name18_1_ FROM Orchard_Framework_ContentItemVersionRecord this_ inner
join Orchard_Framework_ContentItemRecord contentite1_ on
this_.ContentItemRecord_id=contentite1_.Id left outer join
Orchard_Framework_ContentTypeRecord contenttyp4_ on
contentite1_.ContentType_id=contenttyp4_.Id WHERE contentite1_.Id =
#p1 and this_.Published = #p2 ] Name:cp0 - Value:2 Name:cp1 -
Value:True [SQL: SELECT TOP (#p0) this_.Id as Id17_2_, this_.Number
as Number17_2_, this_.Published as Published17_2_, this_.Latest as
Latest17_2_, this_.Data as Data17_2_, this_.ContentItemRecord_id as
ContentI6_17_2_, contentite1_.Id as Id16_0_, contentite1_.Data as
Data16_0_, contentite1_.ContentType_id as ContentT3_16_0_,
contenttyp4_.Id as Id18_1_, contenttyp4_.Name as Name18_1_ FROM
Orchard_Framework_ContentItemVersionRecord this_ inner join
Orchard_Framework_ContentItemRecord contentite1_ on
this_.ContentItemRecord_id=contentite1_.Id left outer join
Orchard_Framework_ContentTypeRecord contenttyp4_ on
contentite1_.ContentType_id=contenttyp4_.Id WHERE contentite1_.Id =
#p1 and this_.Published = #p2]
Before creating SQL Server database, set collocation as Latin1_General_100_CI_AS
Do this, right click to Database note on SQL Server management Tool and click to New Database. When you see the New Database window, type the database name and click to Option tab left hand side on New Database windows.
You will see Collocation combobox top of the New Database window. Change default to Latin1_General_100_CI_AS. And then run Orchard setup again.
Set up a new application pool in your IIS manager and have it run as an account with permissions to query your sql server. Then assign your orchard website to use that application pool. Here is a screen shot of where to set the identity of the application pool, click the "Advanced Settings" link to get to this menu:
In the "Process Model" section - set the Identity to an account with SQL server permissions. Set "Load User Profile" = 'false'. This will prevent the pool from trying to retrieve the user profile when running the orchard website.
I find that usually when I get that error message, it's because the query being executed has a syntax error, or table/column names don't match. If you can halt execution where the exception is thrown, you can check the InnerException to see if that provides more info. If not, just copy the SQL from the message, fill in the parameters #p0, #p1, #p2 with values, and try to run it in whatever tool you use to manually query your database. It will often give you a more helpful error message.
