Jenkins Pipeline build specific branches on pull/pr - jenkins

I think I'm missing something quite simple here so I thought I would ask.
I have a development branch that developers raise PR's against, when this occurs I would like my Jenkins pipeline to automatically trigger.
Then once a merge happens and a push goes to the development branch, I want to do some extra steps which I have configured in the pipeline successfully.
The problem is how do I get Jenkins to automatically checkout and build branches that have a PR raised against development?
Currently I'm using GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling and I can see the triggers in github being fired but it just constantly rebuilds the master branch instead of the branch that the PR is being raised on.

We are using github-branch-source and this automatically builds PRs.
There is a nice documentation: cloudbees docu


Jenkins not triggering build on PR merged in bitbucket

We are using Bitbucket cloud to host our repos and Jenkins for CI/CD.
I have setup a multibranch pipeline which has develop and release branches. I want to trigger develop branch whenever a PR is merged from the feature branches to develop a branch (In fact on any manual webhook edit).
Below are the cases I tried:
Setup Manage hook in Jenkin:
This creates a webhook in bitbucket and when PR is merged, build is triggered.
But when I disable the Repository Push option in the webhook, the build is not triggering on PR merge.
Setup the webhook manually:
In this case, the Jenkins logs show the branch name as PR-XY since not triggering the develop branch.
I have set up a regex to filter branches (only develop and release are allowed) and when I add regex like PR(.*) then build gets triggers from the PR section (not desired case).
I want the build to be triggered from the develop branch, not as the PR branch. I have followed most of the options available in the forums but it's not working. Any help regarding this will be appreciated.
I faced the same issue, it's look like most of jenkins plugins like bitbucket plugin does not trigger the pipeline on merge only. even though i set the bitbucket trigger options like this:
unless you add a check mark next to push option.
to solve this i used another Jenkins plugin called Bitbucket Push and Pull Request
just make sure to uninstall Bitbucket plugin if you have it.
so you can use this one as they mentioned in there docs.
and follow the setup instructions.
note: i only test it with normal pipeline job

How to track if Jenkins Job is not referring to master branch?

I am facing an issue where I notice in my organisation sometimes engineers make changes to the Jenkins file and they change the Jenkins job branch inside the Branch Specifier (blank for 'any') section. Now, the issue is engineers sometimes forget to merge their changes from their dedicated branch to the stable branches such as the master branch for example.
I want to track all those Jenkins Jobs and send it an alert on Slack if the Jenkins Jobs are running from non-master branches. It will help me and my team to trace out easily the jobs which are not running from the master branch.
Sending alerts via Slack is easy, I am more interested in tracing the non-master branches.
Basically you want to receive an alarm if Jenkins is building a branch other than 'master'?
Since editing Jenkinsfile does not make sense (as your developers can change the file to their taste), you need to think of something else. One of my thoughts was to make Jenkins run on Jenkinsfile2 which would send your alarm and then just build Jenkinsfile. But that is not fully thought through (I guess this is not a full match: How to invoke a jenkins pipeline A in another jenkins pipeline B)
Another, easier to implement option could be to have another Jenkins job monitoring the same repository. It runs a pipeline directly coded in Jenkins that just checks the branch name and sends the alarm if need be. The branch name should be available

Branch disabled in multibranch pipeline and reopened with Scan event

We have one project configured as multibranch pipeline project with branch filtered master and development. After few hours the master branch is disabled with a strikethrough symbol across its name and build option not available .
When clicked on "Scan Multibranch Pipeline", it enabled the branch and pipeline logs show "Branch ReOpened".
Initially we assumed it would be because of Option "Exclude branches included in pull request" but enabling "All branches" too is disabling the master branch time and time again.
Pipeline Logs are not providing any clear indication of whats happening causing it to disable .Please help .
Old topic but I faced the same error today but the solution was different.
The error was in the configuration of branch discovery
Discover branches > Strategy. I was using Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
And there was a PR targeting this branch. Change for All branches did the trick.
This looks like a bug to me. First I'll go to http://[jenkins]/log/all to see if there are any interesting logs there, then I would open an issue on
Also this issue might be happening after a recent upgrade of jenkins plugins or jenkins itself, I would downgrade everything to try to get my jenkins back to the way it was, then upgrade the plugins one by one or few by few to try to isolate what is causing the issue.
Finally, if you have jobdsl scripts, I would check these scripts to see if there is not a script that when executed is recreating the job and overrides the disabled status
Not sure if you're using Bitbucket Branch Source plugin for hook on Jenkins, but I had the same issue on 737.vdf9dc06105be version. Everytime I pushed a change to branch (not pull request) it got disabled (strikethrough). Scan multibranch pipeline was restoring it until next push notification on webhook was performed.
Upgrading the plugin to 751.vda_24678a_f781 version resolved the issues:)

Run Jenkins build for whichever branch was checked into on Gitlab

I recently made the transition from Subversion to Git for all my repos at work. However, with svn we had commit hooks in place so that our Jenkins job would run for whichever branch was checked into. Now, I'm trying to set this up using Gitlab and there appears to only be one place to add a web hook. It looks like any time something is checked into ANY branch, the web hook will run. Meaning if I have a branch_A associated with jenkins_job_A, something could be checked into branch_B and the commit hook for jenkins_job_A will still run. Is there a branch by branch way to configure these web hooks? Or is there some kind of script I can check into each branch that will act as a commit hook? Or (my fear) is this feature not supported in Gitlab?
I guess you set up GitLab to do a post commit request to http://yourserver/jenkins/git/notifyCommit?url=<URL of the Git repository>? In theory this should trigger the polling on all jobs that are configured with that URL, and in the polling step the jobs should decide whether they should build or not. In practice this will unfortunately cause all jobs to fire.
We worked around this issue by moving the Job configuration into a Jenkinsfile and then use a Multibranch Pipeline.
As an alternative you could also install the GitLab plugin for Jenkins and use the Jenkins integration in GitLab. This will allow you to trigger the correct jobs when commits are pushed on a branch. The downside is that it requires a per-job configuration.

Jenkins pipeline automatic branch detection

I am migrating my old Jenkins free-style job to multi-branch pipeline. I also want to use GitLab hook with them.
My problem is the branch detection. I am doing it manually but I want it to be automatic: when a new branch is pushed to git, GitLab trigger a Jenkins job that trigger the branch detection if the branch parameter from GitLab is not known for Jenkins at the moment. Is this possible to do it or doesn't this exist?
FYI: I tried to launch the multi-branch pipeline job but Jenkins says:
ERROR: No parameterized job named XXX found.
Enable "Build Periodcally" in your multibranch job configuration and the branch indexing will automatically started.
What you really need is a branch source plugin for GitLab with webhook integration, which is tracked as an RFE in JIRA.
Failing that, use a plain Git branch source and configure GitLab to send Jenkins notifications to /git/notifyCommit (IIRC) as documented on the Git plugin wiki. Need specify only a url, no other details. The branch indexing this triggers should both detect new or removed branches, and changes to the head of an existing branch, and schedule builds accordingly.
You can set webhook in GitLab for push events and URL like http://<yourserver>/git/notifyCommit?url=<URL of the Git repository>.
GitLab notifies Jenkins on push events which should trigger branch detection also for multibranch pipeline.
I didn't receive the answer I wanted and I ran into this issue today that answered the question :
TLDR: Multi-branch pipeline are not supported yet to be triggered by gitlab commit easily. There is a workaround. Look at the link above.
