Greek letter in Maxima plot - maxima

How do you write greek letters as axeslabel with Maxima and/or wxMaxima?
In wxmaxima I tried by clicking on the greek letters in the left panel, but on the plot I got theta instead of $\theta$


How to add ellipses and angled bracket to a exponential number in Latex?

I am currently working on a Latex assignment, and was wondering how to code the exponent below with the ellipses (...) and the angled bracket.
However, the result does not look exactly like the sketch. I hope it's helpful anyway.

Tikz inside gnuplottex

Here is such a code.
set terminal epslatex color
set xrange [-4:4]
set yrange [0:16]
set xlabel '$x$'
set ylabel '$y$'
plot x**2 title '$y=x^2$'
Is it possible to draw primitives using tikz in a coordinate system created by gnuplot, similar to pgfplots? For example, \draw (axis cs:0 , 0) -- (axis cs:1 , 1);
There are probably many ways of doing so, here is a solution using the tikzlibrary tikzmark, which puts a custom mark called "a" in the ylabel string (but which could also be placed by an arbitrary set label command).
Your code was not compilable for me; one of the reasons is that the set terminal command has to be provided as an option to \begin{gnuplot} instead of inside the gnuplot code. Since you want to use tikz I would recommend to use the tikz terminal anyway.
set xrange [-4:4]
set yrange [0:16]
set xlabel '$x$'
set ylabel '$\tikzmark{a}y$'
plot x**2 title '$y=x^2$'
An arrow going from the $y$ label to exactly here.\tikz[remember picture, overlay] \draw[<-, bend angle = 10, bend right] (0,0) to (pic cs:a);

latex: indents in the equation (boxes instead of digit)

I want to do the task - addition to the column with unknown digits.
How to make everything so that it is aligned in the center of the boxes and digits?
To digits were under the digits, boxes under the digits, digits under the boxes?
This can be done with an array. As your values are just squares or number, it is better to use the tabular environment where intercolumn spacing can be more finely controlled. To do that, the simpler is to redefine the tabcolsep length, but there packages like array that can provide other means to control it.
% \def\msquare{\mathord{\scalerel*{\Box}{gX}}} % redifined, because I do know what \Box does.
To avoid the redefinition of tabcolsep in all your document, enclose this code in braces.

gnuplot: use latex code in macros [duplicate]

Using the following script in gnuplot (v 5.0) to generate a graph
set terminal epslatex
unset key
set xlabel "$\zeta$"
set ylabel "$\rho$"
set output "strange_graph.tex"
plot sin(x)
set terminal wxt
set o
along with a latex document to include it,
the Greek letters rho and zeta do not appear on the axes, and furthermore r has disappeared from the y-axis, leaving "ho".
How do I fix this problem, and what is going on?
(And no, please don't ask me for an image, apparently I don't have enough reputation to upload one.)
You must either escape the backslashes, when using double quotes,
set xlabel "$\\zeta$"
set ylabel "$\\rho$"
or use single quotes
set xlabel '$\zeta$'
set ylabel '$\rho$'

math in axes labels for gnuplot (epslatex terminal) not formatted correctly

Using the following script in gnuplot (v 5.0) to generate a graph
set terminal epslatex
unset key
set xlabel "$\zeta$"
set ylabel "$\rho$"
set output "strange_graph.tex"
plot sin(x)
set terminal wxt
set o
along with a latex document to include it,
the Greek letters rho and zeta do not appear on the axes, and furthermore r has disappeared from the y-axis, leaving "ho".
How do I fix this problem, and what is going on?
(And no, please don't ask me for an image, apparently I don't have enough reputation to upload one.)
You must either escape the backslashes, when using double quotes,
set xlabel "$\\zeta$"
set ylabel "$\\rho$"
or use single quotes
set xlabel '$\zeta$'
set ylabel '$\rho$'
