Need to run a command if the jenkins build stuck - jenkins

In the Jenkins "Abort the build if it's stuck" feature, if a time out happens I want to run a powershell command, instead of aborting or failing the build. Is it possible to accomplish this?

under system configuration-> configure system, found below option:
once enabled this option, "perform build step option" will be available under "time-out action" where we can execute any script or cmd.

Perhaps you could set a "Time-out variable" in the "Abort the build..." menu. Then run a post-build script using the PostBuildScript plugin that checks that env var and takes action accordingly. Haven't tried it.


How to start Owasp zap server(exe or jar) from jenkins

Actually, the main issue is if I start the server then my next commond will never trigger as it always running as zap server in listening mode.
Can I run two command line in Jenkins. I have added 2 "Execute Windows batch command" still nothing works. I have added the image in same thread
I have tried by creating a batch file
cd /
cd C:\Program Files\OWASP\Zed Attack Proxy
start java -jar zap-2.6.0.jar
I am getting error as below after using above batch file
Process leaked file descriptors. See for more information
I have also use command line arugument directly in "Execute window batch command" like:-
java -jar zap-2.6.0.jar
But the UI of zap is not starting
I have also tried "Windows Exe Runner Plugin"
But jenkins not allowing me to put an exe name in configuration. Looks like a bug of jenkins.
I have also tried by adding zap in environmental variable but that also not working.
Now I am out of idea.
The issue is if I am triggering zap.bat it will do not allow another command to run forward as below which is in my batch:-
Additionally, UI of zap is not open as it is open after direct clicking on zap.bat file
I have added 2 "Execute Windows batch command" still nothing works
Any suggestions will be welcome
Simple - dont start it from the jar!
Start it using the or zap.bat scripts we provide as part of the installation :) You'll also probably want to use the -daemon flag.
Or you can use the official ZAP jenkins plugin:
I have resolve this issue by creating two jobs in jenkins.
The main job trigger the first job.
Follow the steps :-
Go to the configure section of main job
Now add "Trigger/call builds on other projects" from Build option
Add the project name of zombie job
Note :- uncheck the checkbox of "Block until the triggered projects finish their builds".

How can I add a Jenkins post action to execute two different scripts once the build successed or failed exclusively?

I want to execute a shell scripts if the Jenkins job build successful or another scripts if the Jenkins job build failed.
I added the post build task plugin, but it seems only can execute a shell in all status or just successful status, cannot specify another shell script to be run once build failed, the two scripts should be run exclusively.
are there anyone can help me on this?
use Post Build Task plugin for conditional steps
I use Conditional BuildStep Plugin and Text Finder Run Condition Plugin to execute steps when the build fails.
But there's a limitation with this method: You have to find a text that is displayed ONLY when your build fails.
See the pictures below:
I add exit 0 at the end of the script to force the build to be successful so that the program can execute the next step, which is Conditional steps(multiple).
You will see Execute script after a failed build. being displayed on console output when the job fails.
This is the execution result.
You will also need to find a text that is displayed ONLY when the first step succeeds so that you can trigger another script.

Why Jenkins is failing after executing an external windows command line?

I have to create a job in my local Jenkins installation where it executes a SonarQube analysis and then calls a command-line program which searches for duplicated lines of code. However, when I execute the latter command (cpd), it runs okay since it outputs correctly in a external file, but Jenkins still points out it as an error like this:
E:\BASE_DIR>cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --files "E:\BASE_DIR\Project_Folder" --language java 1>>"E:\BASE_DIR\Project_Folder\CPD_CLIG.txt"
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I've tried to create another script which calls that command but I've got the same result.
Any suggestions on how to handle this? Any work-around would be very helpful.
Simple and short answer to your question is
Please add following line into your "Execute shell" Build step.
Now let me explain you the reason why we require this line for "Execute Shell" build job.
By default Jenkins take "/bin/sh -xe" and this means -x will print each and every command.And the other option -e, which causes shell to stop running a script immediately when any command exits with non-zero(when any command fails) exit code.
So by adding the "#!/bin/sh" will allow you to execute with no option.
please refer : How/When does Execute Shell mark a build as failure in Jenkins?
I didn't find a proper solution for my issue but I realized that I can use a Jenkins plugin for static code analysis (DRY Plugin and PMD Plugin) to adress my problem.
Thanks you all.

How to clean Jenkins workspace only if build fails

In the interest of reducing build times I would like to only clean down the Jenkins job workspace if a build fails. Is there of doing this using post build action? Does Jenkins set a variable to the effect of 'BUILD FAILED' that can be read in a script that could be use in the post build action section of the job config?
Thanks in advance.
Post-build Task plugin can read your console output and execute scripts if regex is found. When a build step fails, it will print "BUILD FAILED" into console output.
Configure post-build task to look for that, and execute the cleanup in that case.
Workspace Cleanup Plugin has an option just for that. Add its post build step, tick particular checkbox and it will clean only failed (unstable?) builds.

Run Nant script as a Jenkins post build action

Is it possible to run a Nant script as a Jenkins post build action?
I get the option to run a script as a Build Step but not as a build action. Is there any particular plugin which enables this option.
The reason I am looking for this functionality is that I need to run a script which depends on the ArtifactDeployer post build action. If i specify the code in the build step it gets executed before the ArtifactDeployer and the build fails
You can use the Post Build Task Plugin
One way of getting the build number if it's not working with this plugin is using the Groovy Post Build Plugin
With it you can execute groovy code as a post build action, get the build number and execute NAnt
the build number is accessible from the following property
Post-build Actions -> Execute a set of script run after a build when it succeeds or fails. My experience shows that it only sometimes runs when a build is aborted.
As advised above, the Post-build Actions -> Post build task (via the named post task plug in) is always evaluated for run (regardless of the build exit status). Additional setting via phrase in the log ("Build was aborted") works reliable for me.
My problem was to run something even on an aborted build and post build task sorted out this problem.
