Event Store DB : temporal queries - eventstoredb

regarding to asked question here :
suppose that we have ProductCreated and ProductRenamed events which both contain the title of the product.now we want to query EventStoreDB for all events of type ProductCreated and ProductRenamed with the given title.i want all these events to check whether there is any product in the system which has been created or renamed to the given title, so that i could throw the exception of repetitive title in the domain
i am using MongoDB for creating UI reports from all the published events and everything is fine there.but for checking some invariants, like checking for unique values, i have to either query the event store for some events along with their criteria and by iterating over them, decide whether there is a product created with the same title which has not renamed or a product renamed with the same title.
for such queries, the only way that event store provides is creating a one-time projection with the proper java script code which filters and emits required events to a new stream.and then all i have to do is to fetch events from the new generated stream which is filled by the projection
no the odd thing is, projections are great for subscriptions and generating new streams, but they seem to be odd for doing real time queries.immediately after i create a projection with the HTTP api, i check the new resulting stream for the query result, but it seems that the workers has not got the chance to elaborate on the result and i get 404 response.but after waiting for a bunch of seconds, the new streams pops out and gets filled with the result.
there are too many things wrong with this approach:
first, it seems that if the event store is filled with millions of events across many streams, it wont be able to process and filter all of them immediately to the resulting stream.it does not create the stream immediately, let alone the population.so i have to wait for some time and check for the result hoping the the projection is done
second, i have to fetch multiple times and issue multiple GET HTTP commands which seems to be slow.the new JVM client is not ready yet.
Third, i have to delete the resulting stream after i'm done with the result and failing to do so will leave event store with millions of orphan query result streams
i wish i could pass the java script to some api and get the result page by page like querying MongoDB without worrying about the projection, new streams and timing issues.
i have seen a query section in the Admin UI, but i dont know whats that for, and unfortunetly the documentation doesn't help much
am i expecting the event store to do something that is impossible?
do i have to create a bounded context inner read model for doing such checks?
i am using my events to dehyderate the aggregates and willing to use the same events for such simple queries without acquiring other techniques

I believe it would not be a separate bounded context since the check you want to perform belongs to the same bounded context where your Product aggregate lives. So, the projection that is solely used to prevent duplicate product names would be a part of the same context.
You can indeed use a custom projection to check it but I believe the complexity of such a solution would be higher than having a simple read model in MongoDB.
It is also fine to use an existing projection if you have one to do the check. It might be not what you would otherwise prefer if the aim of the existing projection is to show things in the UI.
For the collection that you could use for duplicates check, you can have the document schema limited to the id only (string), which would be the product title. Since collections are automatically indexed by the id, you won't need any additional indexes to support the duplicate check query. When the product gets renamed, you'd need to delete the document for the old title and add a new one.
Again, you will get a small time window when the duplicate can slip in. It's then up to the business to decide if the concern is real (it's not, most of the time) and what's the consequence of the situation if it happens one day. You'd be able to find a duplicate when projecting events quite easily and decide what to do when it happens.
Practically, when you have such a projection, all it takes is to build a simple domain service bool ProductTitleAlreadyExists.



I have a requirement to create a Fact table which stores granted_share_qty awarded to employees. There are surrounding Dimensions like SPS Grant_dim which stores info about each grant, SPS Plan Dim which stores info about the Plan, SPS Client Dim which stores info about the Employer and SPS Customer Dim which stores info about the customer. The DimKeys (Surrogate Key) and DurableKeys(Supernatural Keys) from each Dimension is added to the Fact.
Reporting need is "as-of" ie on any given date, one should be able to see the granted_share_qty as of that date (similar to account balance as of that date) along with point-in-time values of few attributes from the Grant,Plan, Client, Customer dimensions.
First, we thought of creating a daily snapshot table where the data is repeated everyday in the fact (unless source sends any changes). However since there could be more than 100 million grant records , repeating this everyday was almost impossible, moreover the granted_share_qty doesnt change that often so why copy this everyday?.
So instead of a daily snapshot we thought of adding an EFFECTIVE_DT and EXPIRATION_DT on the Fact table (like a TIMESPAN PERIODIC SNAPSHOT table if such a thing exists)
This reduces the volume and perfectly satisfies a reporting need like "get me the granted_qty and grant details,client, plan, customer details as of 10/01/2022 " will translate to "select granted_qty from fact where 10/01/2022 between EFFECTIVE_DT and EXPIRATION_DT and Fact.DimKeys=Dim.DimKeys"
The challenge however is to keep the Dim Keys of the Fact in sync with Dim Keys of the Dimensions. Even if the Fact doesn't change, any DimKey changes due to versioning in any of the Dimension need to be tracked and versioned in the Fact. This has become an implementation nightmare
(To worsen the things, the Dims could undergo multiple intraday changes , so these are to be tracked near-real-time :-( )
Any thoughts how to handle such situations will be highly appreciated (Database: Snowflake)
P:S: We could remove the DimKeys from the Fact and use DurableKeys+Date to join between the Facts and Type 2 Dims, but that proposal is not favored/approved as of now
First, we thought of creating a daily snapshot table where the data is repeated everyday in the fact (unless source sends any changes). However
Stop right there. Whenever you know the right model but think it's un-workable for some reason, try harder. At a minimum test your assumption that it would be "too much data", and consider not materializing the snapshot but leaving it as a view and computing it at query time.
... moreover the granted_share_qty doesnt change that often so why copy this everyday?.
And there's your answer. Use a monthly snapshot instead of a daily snapshot, and you've divided the data by 30.

What's the most efficient way to pull only the records created since last pull?

I am building a Shopify App, and I want my customer (the store owner) to 'sync' the app with their store data occasionally, specifically for their Order data (ignore the fact that I will also have a webhook that pushes this data to my app whenever a new order is created).
Right now, just for crude illustration purposes, I am doing this (which works in dev mode):
store_orders = ShopifyAPI::Order.find(:all)
store_orders.each do |sorder|
new_order = Order.find_or_create_by(s_order_id: sorder.id)
currency: sorder.currency,
So, I am pulling all of the orders directly from the ShopifyAPI. Ideally, what I want to happen is to only pull the new orders that have been made that have not been synced.
I have two constraints:
The Order IDs produced by the ShopifyAPI are not in a sequential order, and can be relatively haphazard
I can't do a where query on the ShopifyAPI according to the updated_at date, i.e. to only select the records after my last synced date (the ShopifyAPI is not allowing this at the moment, I am not sure if this will be fixed in the future).
So that leaves me with two questions:
What's another, efficient way, for me to quickly find the records that have not been pulled and only pull those?
How do I make sure to only update the records locally that any attribute has been changed or no record exists before? (i.e. I am trying to avoid updating every record that has been pulled).
I am not sure where you figure the Shopify order ID is "haphazard" and not in "sequential" order? If you study these things, you will find that they are integers and in fact, they are in order in the sense that an order created after another will have a bigger ID.
So the coolest little thing you can do, really quite easy, is to use the Shopify API filter known as "since_id". You get the luxury of pulling only orders that hit Shopify SINCE the last pull, assuming you stored that last pulled ID in the since_id field you keep around, on the shop model you keep.
Try it. It works perfectly. I have been doing that for years. Just update the since_id in your DB once you're done processing a batch of orders, and then next time you want more, filter using your since_id.

What's the best pattern for logging data on a Stateful Object?

Currently I'm thinking about adding a json array column (I'm using postgres) and just pumping log messages for the object into this attribute. I want to log progress (The object is an import report that does a lot of stuff and takes a while so it's useful to have a sense of what's currently happening - how many rows have been imported, how many rows have been normalized, etc -
The other option is to add one of the gems that allow you to see logs streamed in a view, but this I think isn't as useful since what I'm looking for is something where I can see the history of this specific object.
Using a json column or json[] (PostgreSQL array of json) is a very bad idea for logging.
Each time you update it, the whole column contents must be read, modified in memory, and written out again in their entirety.
Instead, create a table used for logs for objects of this kind, with a FK to the table being logged and a timestamp for each entry. Insert a row for each log entry.
BTW, if the report runs in a single transaction, other clients won't be able to see any of the log rows until the whole view commits, in which case it won't be good for progress monitoring, but neither will your original idea. You'll need to use NOTICE messages instead.

Querying temporal data in Neo4j

There are several possible ways I can think of to store and then query temporal data in Neo4j. Looking at an example of being able to search for recurring events and any exceptions, I can see two possibilities:
One easy option would be to create a node for each occurrence of the event. Whilst easy to construct a cypher query to find all events on a day, in a range, etc, this could create a lot of unnecessary nodes. It would also make it very easy to change individual events times, locations etc, because there is already a node with the basic information.
The second option is to store the recurrence temporal pattern as a property of the event node. This would greatly reduce the number of nodes within the graph. When searching for events on a specific date or within a range, all nodes that meet the start/end date (plus any other) criteria could be returned to the client. It then boils down to iterating through the results to pluck out the subset who's temporal pattern gives a date within the search range, then comparing that to any exceptions and merging (or ignoring) the results as necessary (this could probably be partially achieved when pulling the initial result set as part of the query).
Whilst the second option is the one I would choose currently, it seems quite inefficient in that it processes the data twice, albeit a smaller subset the second time. Even a plugin to Neo4j would probably result in two passes through the data, but the processing would be done on the database server rather than the requesting client.
What I would like to know is whether it is possible to use Cypher or Neo4j to do this processing as part of the initial query?
Whilst I'm not 100% sure I understand you requirement, I'd have a look at this blog post, perhaps you'll find a bit of inspiration there: http://graphaware.com/neo4j/2014/08/20/graphaware-neo4j-timetree.html

RavenDB - How to Use in Production with Many Inserts?

After hearing about NoSQL for a couple years I finally started playing with RavenDB today in an .Net MVC app (simple blog). Getting the embedded database up and running was pretty quick and painless.
However, I've found that after inserting objects into the document store, they are not always there when the subsequent page refreshes. When I refresh the page they do show up. I read somewhere that this is due to stale indexes.
My question is, how are you supposed to use this in production on a site with inserts happening all the time (example: e-commerce). Isn't this always going to result in stale indexes and unreliable query results?
Think of what actually happens with a traditional database like SQL Server.
When an item is created, updated, or deleted from a table, any indexes associated with table also have to be updated.
The more indexes you have on a table, the slower your write operations will be.
If you create a new index on an existing table, it isn't used at all until it is fully built. If no other index can answer a query, then a slow table scan occurs.
If others attempt to query from an existing index while it is being modified, the reader will block until the modification is complete, because of the requirement for Consistency being higher priority than Availability.
This can often lead to slow reads, timeouts, and deadlocks.
The NoSQL concept of "Eventual Consistency" is designed to alleviate these concerns. It is optimized reads by prioritizing Availability higher than Consistency. RavenDB is not unique in this regard, but it is somewhat special in that it still has the ability to be consistent. If you are retrieving single document, such as reviewing an order or an end user viewing their profile, these operations are ACID compliant, and are not affected by the "eventual consistency" design.
To understand "eventual consistency", think about a typical user looking at a list of products on your web site. At the same time, the sales staff of your company is modifying the catalog, adding new products, changing prices, etc. One could argue that it's probably not super important that the list be fully consistent with these changes. After all, a user visiting the site a couple of seconds earlier would have received data without the changes anyway. The most important thing is to deliver product results quickly. Blocking the query because a write was in progress would mean a slower response time to the customer, and thus a poorer experience on your web site, and perhaps a lost sale.
So, in RavenDB:
Writes occur against the document store.
Single Load operations go directly to the document store.
Queries occur against the index store
As documents are being written, data is being copied from the document store to the index store, for those indexes that are already defined.
At any time you query an index, you will get whatever is already in that index, regardless of the state of the copying that's going on in the background. This is why sometimes indexes are "stale".
If you query without specifying an index, and Raven needs a new index to answer your query, it will start building an index on the fly and return you some of those results right away. It only blocks long enough to give you one page of results. It then continues building the index in the background so next time you query you will have more data available.
So now lets give an example that shows the down side to this approach.
A sales person goes to a "products list" page that is sorted alphabetically.
On the first page, they see that "Apples" aren't currently being sold.
So they click "add product", and go to a new page where they enter "Apples".
They are then returned to the "products list" page and they still don't see any Apples because the index is stale. WTF - right?
Addressing this problem requires the understanding that not all viewers of data should be considered equal. That particular sales person might demand to see the newly added product, but a customer isn't going to know or care about it with the same level of urgency.
So on the "products list" page that the sales person is viewing, you might do something like:
var results = session.Query<Product>()
.Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfLastWrite())
.OrderBy(x=> x.Name)
.Skip((pageNumber-1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
While on the customer's view of the catalog, you would not want to add that customization line.
If you wanted to get super precise, you could use a slightly more optimized strategy:
When going back from the "add product" page to the "list products" page, pass along the ProductID that was just added.
Just before you query on that page, if the ProductID was passed in then change your query code to:
var product = session.Load(productId);
var etag = session.Advanced.GetEtagFor(product);
var results = session.Query<Product>()
.Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOf(etag))
.OrderBy(x=> x.Name)
.Skip((pageNumber-1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
This will ensure that you only wait as long as absolutely necessary to get just that one product's changes included in the results list along with the other results from the index.
You could optimize this slightly by passing the etag back instead of the ProductId, but that might be less reusable from other places in your application.
But do keep in mind that if the list is sorted alphabetically, and we added "Plums" instead of "Apples", then you might not have seen these results instantly anyway. By the time the user had skipped to the page that includes that product, it would likely have been there already.
You are running into stale queries.
That is a by design part of RavenDB. You need to make distinction between queries (BASE) and loading by id (ACID).
