Inject SSH key into a Docker container - docker

I am trying to find a "global" solution for injecting an SSH key into a container. I know that there are several solutions including docker build kit and so on...but I don't want to build an image and inject the SSH key. I want to inject the SSH key by using an existing image with docker compose.
I use the following docker compose file:
version: '3.1'
image: XXXXXXX
container_name: server1
command: bash -c "/root/ && python3 /root/"
- MANAGED_HOST=mserver
- ./
- id_rsa
file: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa
The is as follows:
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" > /dev/null
if [ ! -d "/root/.ssh/" ]; then
mkdir /root/.ssh
ssh-keyscan $MANAGED_HOST > /root/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-add -k /run/secrets/id_rsa
If I run docker compose with the parameter command
bash -c "/root/ && python3 /root/", then the SSH authentication to the appropriate remote host ($MANAGED_HOST) is not working.
An agent process is running:
root 8 1 0 12:50 ? 00:00:00 ssh-agent -s
known_hosts is OK:
root#c67655d87ced:~# cat /root/.ssh/known_hosts
and the agent is running, but the private key is not added:
root#c67655d87ced:~# ssh-add -l
Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
Now, if I log in the container (docker exec -it server1 /bin/bash) and run the commands from one by one from the command line, then the SSH authentication to the appropriate remote host ($MANAGED_HOST) is working?!?
Any idea, how I can get it working by using the docker compose?

It should be enough to cause the file $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa to exist with appropriate permissions; you don't need an ssh agent running.
if ! [ -d "$HOME/.ssh" ]; then
mkdir "$HOME/.ssh"
chmod 0700 "$HOME/.ssh"
if [ -n "$MANAGED_HOST" ]; then
ssh-keyscan "$MANAGED_HOST" >> "$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts"
if [ -f /run/secrets/id_rsa ]; then
cp /run/secrets/id_rsa "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
chmod 0400 "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
# exec "$#"
A typical pattern is to use the Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT to do first-time setup tasks like this. That will get passed the CMD as arguments, and the commented exec "$#" line at the end of the file runs that as a command. You'd set this up in your image's Dockerfile like:
# Script must be executable on the host, and must start with a
# #!/bin/sh "shebang" line
COPY /root
# MUST use JSON-array form
ENTRYPOINT ["/root/"]
# Can use any Dockerfile syntax
CMD ["python3", "/root/"]
In your specific example, you're launching as a subprocess. The ssh-agent setup sets some environment variables, like $SSH_AUTH_SOCK, but when these run as a subprocess they don't get propagated back out to the host process. You can use the standard POSIX shell . builtin (the bash source builtin is equivalent, but non-standard) to cause those environment variables to be set in the context of the parent shell:
command: sh -c ". /root/ && exec python3 /root/"
The exec replaces the shell wrapper with the Python script, which you generally want. This will also wind up being the parent process of ssh-agent, which could potentially surprise your process if it happens to exit.


How to Import Streamsets pipeline in Dockerfile without container exiting

I am trying to import a pipeline into streamsets, during container start up, by using the Docker CMD command in Dockerfile. The image builds, but while creating the container there is no error but it exits with code 0. So it never comes up. Here is what I did:
FROM streamsets/datacollector:3.18.1
COPY myPipeline.json /pipelinejsonlocation/
EXPOSE 18630
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh"]
CMD ["/opt/streamsets-datacollector-3.18.1/bin/streamsets","cli","-U", "http://localhost:18630", \
"-u", \
"admin", \
"-p", \
"admin", \
"store", \
"import", \
"-n", \
"myPipeline", \
"--stack", \
"-f", \
Build image:
docker build -t cmp/sdc .
Run image:
docker run -p 18630:18630 -d --name sdc cmp/sdc
This outputs the container id. But the container is in the Exited status as shown below.
docker ps -a
537adb1b05ab cmp/sdc "/bin/sh /opt/stream…" 5 seconds ago Exited (0) 3 seconds ago sdc
When I do not specify the CMD command in the Dockerfile, the streamsets container spins up and then when I run the streamsets import command in the running container in shell, it works. But how do I get it done during provisioning itself? Is there something I am missing in the Dockerfile?
In your Dockerfile you overwrite the default CMD and ENTRYPOINT from the StreamSets Data Collector Dockerfile. So the container only executes your command during startup and exits without errors afterwards. This is the reason why your container is in Exited (0) status.
In general this is good and expected behavior. If you want to keep your container alive you need to execute another command in the foreground, which never ends. But unfortunately, you cannot run multiple CMDs in your docker file.
I dug a little deeper. The default entry point of the image is ENTRYPOINT ["/"]. This script sets up a few things and starts the Data Collector.
It is required that the Data Collector is running before the pipeline is imported. So a solution could be to copy the default and modify it to start the Data Collector and import the pipeline afterwards. You could to it like this:
FROM streamsets/datacollector:3.18.1
COPY myPipeline.json /pipelinejsonlocation/
# Replace
EXPOSE 18630 (
# Copyright 2017 StreamSets Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
set -e
# We translate environment variables to and rewrite them.
set_conf() {
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "set_conf requires two arguments: <key> <value>"
exit 1
if [ -z "$SDC_CONF" ]; then
echo "SDC_CONF is not set."
exit 1
grep -q "^$1" ${SDC_CONF}/ && sed 's|^#\?\('"$1"'=\).*|\1'"$2"'|' -i ${SDC_CONF}/ || echo -e "\n$1=$2" >> ${SDC_CONF}/
# support arbitrary user IDs
# ref:
if ! whoami &> /dev/null; then
if [ -w /etc/passwd ]; then
echo "${SDC_USER:-sdc}:x:$(id -u):0:${SDC_USER:-sdc} user:${HOME}:/sbin/nologin" >> /etc/passwd
# In some environments such as Marathon $HOST and $PORT0 can be used to
# determine the correct external URL to reach SDC.
if [ ! -z "$HOST" ] && [ ! -z "$PORT0" ] && [ -z "$SDC_CONF_SDC_BASE_HTTP_URL" ]; then
export SDC_CONF_SDC_BASE_HTTP_URL="http://${HOST}:${PORT0}"
for e in $(env); do
if [[ $key == SDC_CONF_* ]]; then
lowercase=$(echo $key | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
key=$(echo ${lowercase#*sdc_conf_} | sed 's|_|.|g')
set_conf $key $value
#exec "${SDC_DIST}/bin/streamsets" "$#"
check_data_collector_status () {
watch -n 1 ${SDC_DIST}/bin/streamsets cli -U http://localhost:18630 ping | grep -q 'version' && echo "Data Collector has started!" && import_pipeline
function import_pipeline () {
sleep 1
echo "Start to import pipeline"
${SDC_DIST}/bin/streamsets cli -U http://localhost:18630 -u admin -p admin store import -n myPipeline --stack -f /pipelinejsonlocation/myPipeline.json
echo "Finished importing pipeline"
# Start checking if Data Collector is up (in background) and start Data Collector
check_data_collector_status & ${SDC_DIST}/bin/streamsets $#
I commented out the last line exec "${SDC_DIST}/bin/streamsets" "$#" of the default and added two functions. check_data_collector_status () pings the Data Collector service until it is available. import_pipeline () imports your pipeline.
check_data_collector_status () runs in background and ${SDC_DIST}/bin/streamsets $# is started in foreground as before. So the pipeline is imported after the Data Collector service is started.
Run this image with sleep command:
docker run -p 18630:18630 -d --name sdc cmp/sdc sleep 300
300 is the time to sleep in seconds.
Then exec your script manually within the docker container and find out what's wrong.

How to set environment variable in docker container system wide at container start for all users?

I need to set some environment variable for all users and processes inside docker container. It should be set at container start, not in Dockerfile, because it depends on running environment.
So the simple Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
RUN echo 'export TEST=test' >> '/root/.bashrc'
works well for interactive sessions
docker run -ti test bash
and there is TEST=test
but when docker run -ti test env there is no TEST
I was trying
RUN echo 'export TEST=test' >> '/etc/environment'
RUN echo 'TEST="test"' >> '/etc/environment'
RUN echo 'export TEST=test' >> /etc/profile.d/
Nothing helps.
Why I need this. I have http_proxy variable inside container automatically set by docker, I need to set another variables, based on it, i.e. JAVA_OPT, do it system wide, for all users and processes, and in running environment, not at build time.
I would create a script which would be an entrypoint:
# if env variable is not set, set it
if [ -z $VAR ];
# env variable is not set
export VAR=$(a command that gives the var value);
# pass the arguments received by the
# to /bin/bash with command (-c) option
/bin/bash -c $#
And in Dockerfile I would set the entrypoint:
Now every time I run docker run -it <image> <any command> it uses my script as entrypoint so will always run it before the command then pass the arguments to the right place which is /bin/bash.
The above script is enough to work if you are always using the entrypoint with arguments, otherwise your $# variable will be empty and will give you an error /bin/bash: -c: option requires an argument. A easy fix is an if statement:
if [ ! -z $# ];
/bin/bash -c $#;
Setting the parameter in ENTRYPOINT would solve this issue.
In docker file pass parameter in ENTRYPOINT

docker-compose run multiple commands for a service

I am using docker on windows - version 18.03 (client)/18.05 (server). I have created docker-compose file for ELK stack. Everything is working fine. What I would like to do is, to install logtrail before kibana is started. I was thinking about copying logtrail*.zip first, then call install:
container_name: kibana
- docker cp kibana:/ ./kibana/logtrail/
- /bin/bash
- ./bin/kibana-plugin install/
But that doesn't look like right way as first of all it doesn't work, second of all I am not sure if I can call mutliple commands like I did and third of all I'm not sure if docker cp in command is even allowed on that stage of service creation
- /bin/bash
- -c
- |
echo "This is a multiline command"
echo "See how I escape $$ sign"
echo $$PATH
You can run multiple commands like above however you can not run docker cp as in your command.
You can run multiple commands for a service in docker compose by:
command: sh -c "command1 && command2 && command2"
# OPTION 01:
# command: >
# bash -c "chmod +x /scripts/
# && sh /scripts/"
# OPTION 02:
# entrypoint: [ "bash", "-c", "chmod +x /scripts/ && sh /scripts/"]
If you're looking to install software David Maze's comment seems to be the standard path. If you want to actually run multiple commands look at the answer to this SO question Using Docker-Compose, how to execute multiple commands

Remove /bin/busybox at build time

For reasons such as hardening a Docker image, I want local users not be able to use wget. Since wget is a function of /bin/busybox, removal seems appropriate, even if a little drastic, and would apparently work at for and at runtime.
However RUN rm /bin/busybox will cause go stack traces, when run on top of Kubernetes or locally.
Is there any build time solution?
The example would be
FROM haproxy:1.6-alpine
RUN addgroup -S haproxy && adduser -S -g haproxy haproxy
RUN rm /bin/busybox
COPY haproxy.cfg /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
With the HAProxy's default ENTRYPOINT
set -e
# first arg is `-f` or `--some-option`
if [ "${1#-}" != "$1" ]; then
set -- haproxy "$#"
if [ "$1" = 'haproxy' ]; then
# if the user wants "haproxy", let's use "haproxy-systemd-wrapper" instead so we can have proper reloadability implemented by upstream
shift # "haproxy"
set -- "$(which haproxy-systemd-wrapper)" -p /run/ "$#"
exec "$#"
If your /bin/sh is provided by busybox, and your entrypoint uses /bin/sh, then you need to delete busybox only after the entrypoint is started.
A simpler entrypoint definition, which doesn't require a shell, might look something like:
RUN ["rm", /bin/busybox"]
ENTRYPOINT ["haproxy-systemd-wrapper", "-p", "/run/"]
CMD ["-f", "/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"]

How to get /etc/profile to run automatically in Alpine / Docker

How can I get /etc/profile to run automatically when starting an Alpine Docker container interactively? I have added some aliases to an file and placed it in /etc/profile.d, but when I start the container using docker run -it [my_container] sh, my aliases aren't active. I have to manually type . /etc/profile from the command line each time.
Is there some other configuration necessary to get /etc/profile to run at login? I've also had problems with using a ~/.profile file. Any insight is appreciated!
Based on VonC's answer, I pulled and ran his example ruby container. Here is what I got:
$ docker run --rm --name ruby -it codeclimate/alpine-ruby:b42
/ # more /etc/profile.d/
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/bin
/ # env
no_proxy=*.local, 169.254/16
/ # exit
Although the /etc/profile.d/ file exists, it is not being run when I login and my PATH environment variable is not being updated. Am I using the wrong docker run command? Is something else missing? Has anyone gotten ~/.profile or /etc/profile.d/ files to work with Alpine on Docker? Thanks!
The default shell in Alpine Linux is ash.
Ash will only read the /etc/profile and ~/.profile files if it is started as a login shell sh -l.
To force Ash to source the /etc/profile or any other script you want upon its invocation as a non login shell, you need to setup an environment variable called ENV before launching Ash.
e.g. in your Dockerfile
FROM alpine:3.5
ENV ENV="/root/.ashrc"
RUN echo "echo 'Hello, world!'" > "$ENV"
When you build that you get:
deployer#ubuntu-1604-amd64:~/blah$ docker build --tag test .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048kB
Step 1/3 : FROM alpine:3.5
3.5: Pulling from library/alpine
627beaf3eaaf: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:58e1a1bb75db1b5a24a462dd5e2915277ea06438c3f105138f97eb53149673c4
Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine:3.5
---> 4a415e366388
Step 2/3 : ENV ENV "/root/.ashrc"
---> Running in a9b6ff7303c2
---> 8d4af0b7839d
Removing intermediate container a9b6ff7303c2
Step 3/3 : RUN echo "echo 'Hello, world!'" > "$ENV"
---> Running in 57c2fd3353f3
---> 2cee6e034546
Removing intermediate container 57c2fd3353f3
Successfully built 2cee6e034546
Finally, when you run the newly generated container, you get:
deployer#ubuntu-1604-amd64:~/blah$ docker run -ti test /bin/sh
Hello, world!
/ # exit
Notice the Ash shell didn't run as a login shell.
So to answer your query, replace
ENV ENV="/root/.ashrc"
ENV ENV="/etc/profile"
and Alpine Linux's Ash shell will automatically source the /etc/profile script each time the shell is launched.
Gotcha: /etc/profile is normally meant to only be sourced once! So, I would advise that you don't source it and instead source a /root/.somercfile instead.
You still can try in your Dockerfile a:
RUN echo '\
. /etc/profile ; \
' >> /root/.profile
(assuming the current user is root. If not, replace /root with the full home path)
That being said, those /etc/profile.d/ should run.
See codeclimate/docker-alpine-ruby as an example:
COPY files /
With 'files/etc" including an files/etc/profile.d/ running just fine.
In the OP project Dockerfile, there is a
COPY /etc/profile.d/
But the default shell is not a login shell (sh -l), which means profile files (or those in /etc/profile.d) are not sourced.
Adding sh -l would work:
docker#default:~$ docker run --rm --name ruby -it codeclimate/alpine-ruby:b42 sh -l
87a58e26b744:/# echo $PATH
As mentioned by Jinesh before, the default shell in Alpine Linux is ash
localhost:~$ echo $SHELL
Therefore simple solution is too add your aliases in .profile. In this case, I put all my aliases in ~/.ash_aliases
localhost:~$ cat .profile
# ~/.profile
# Alias
if [ -f ~/.ash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.ash_aliases
.ash_aliases file
localhost:~$ cat .ash_aliases
alias a=alias
alias c=clear
alias f=file
alias g=grep
alias l='ls -lh'
And it works :)
I use this:
docker exec -it my_container /bin/ash '-l'
The -l flag passed to ash will make it behave as a login shell, thus reading ~/.profile
