Side effects within xsl:accumulator - saxon

It appears that xsl:message does not work (i.e. no output is generated to message list) within an accumulator-rule. However, I don't see anything in the spec that disallows this.
<xsl:accumulator name="acc1" streamable="yes" initial-value="1">
<xsl:accumulator-rule match="cdf:ContestSelection">

There's all sort of possible reasons for this: the accumulator is never used, the rule never fires, the optimizer optimizes the call on xsl:message away, etc. One would need a complete repro to see what is actually going on.
Note that pretty well everything about xsl:message is implementation-defined, and one reason for that is to give the processor maximum freedom for optimization.


Is there any purpose for an empty Try/Finally block?

I have inherited a large code base that is full of constructs like this:
Sometimes "DoWhatever" involves some fiddling with controls, and very often it's a post to a database, and there are many cases in the code where there IS something in the finally block.
But my understanding is, if there's nothing in the finally block, then the whole try...finally thing is pointless. The code is pretty noisy overall so I'm assuming it was just a placeholder for future code or a holdover from previous code. (There are many placeholders in the code.)
Is my understanding correct or is there some secret double-bluff reverso in Delphi try...finally blocks I've overlooked? (This is Delphi 2010.)
There is no functional purpose to it — it has no effect on the run-time behavior of the program. When control leaves the try section, the program will jump to the finally section, do nothing, and then continue to whatever the next instruction should be (according to how control reached the finally statement), the same as if the try-finally block hadn't been there at all. The only difference will be that the program spends an extra moment before and after the try-finally block as it sets up and clears the control structure form the stack.
It might be that the author had a template that included a try-finally block, but that some instances of that template ended up not needing any cleanup code. Having the code fit a consistent pattern might have made certain automated tasks easier.
The try-finally block might also provide a convenient place to put a breakpoint that triggers after the protected code runs, even in the event of an exception or other premature termination.
To find out why the code has such apparently useless constructs, ask the previous author, or check the commit history.

IfThen(Assigned(Widget), Widget.Description, 'No Widget') doesn't crash. Should it?

In code that I help maintain, I have found multiple examples of code that looks like this:
Description := IfThen(Assigned(Widget), Widget.Description, 'No Widget');
I expected this to crash when Widget was nil, but when I tested it, it worked perfectly.
If I recompile it with "Code inlining control" turned off in Project - Options - Compiler, I do get an Access Violation.
It seems that, because IfThen is marked as inline, the compiler is normally not evaluating Widget.Description if Widget is nil.
Is there any reason that the code should be "fixed", as it doesn't seem to be broken? They don't want the code changed unnecessarily.
Is it likely to bite them?
I have tested it with Delphi XE2 and XE6.
Personally, I hate to rely on a behavior that isn't contractual.
The inline directive is a suggestion to the compiler.
If I understand correctly what I read, your code would also crash if you build using runtime packages.
inlining never occurs across package boundaries
Like Uli Gerhardt commented, it could be considered a bug that it works in the first place. Since the behavior isn't contractual, it can change at any time.
If I was to make any recommendation, I would flag that as a low priority "fix". I'm pretty sure some would argue that if the code works, it doesn't need fixing, there is no bug. At that point, it becomes more of a philosophical question (If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?)
Is there any reason that the code should be "fixed", as it doesn't seem to be broken?
That's really a question that only you can answer. However, to answer it then you need to understand fully the implications of reliance on this behaviour. There are two main issues that I perceive:
Inlining of functions is not guaranteed. The compiler may choose not to inline, and in the case of runtime packages or DLLs, a function in another package cannot be inlined.
Skipping evaluation of an argument only occurs when the compiler is sure that there are no side effects associated with evaluation of the argument. For instance, if the argument involved a function call, the compiler will ensure that it is always evaluated.
To expand on point 2, consider the statement in your question:
Description := IfThen(Assigned(Widget), Widget.Description, 'No Widget');
Now, if Widget.Description is a field, or is a property with a getter that reads a field, then the compiler decides that evaluation has no side effects. This evaluation can safely be skipped.
On the other hand, if Widget.Description is a function, or property with a getter function, then the compiler determines that there may be side effects. And so it ensures that Widget.Description is evaluated exactly once.
So, armed with this knowledge, here are a couple of ways for your code to fail:
You move to runtime packages, or the compiler decides not to inline the function.
You change the Description property getter from a field getter to a function getter.
If it were me, I would not like to rely on this behaviour. But as I said right at the top, ultimately it is your decision.
Finally, the behaviour has been changed from XE7. All arguments to inline functions are evaluated exactly once. This is in keeping with other languages and means that observable behaviour is no longer affected by inlining decisions. I would regard the change in XE7 as a bug fix.
It already has been fixed - in XE7 and confirmed that this was supposed to be wrong behavior.

Why does VkAccessFlagBits include both read bits and write bits?

In vulkan.h, every instance of VkAccessFlagBits appears in a pair that contains a srcAccessMask and a dstAccessMask:
VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask;
VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask;
In every case, according to my understanding, the purpose of these masks is to help designate two sets of operations, such that results of operations in the first set will be visible to operations in the second set. For instance, write operations occurring prior to a barrier should not get hung up in caches but should instead propagate all the way to locations from which they can be read after the barrier. Or something like that.
The access flags come in both READ and WRITE forms:
/* ... */
/* ... */
But it seems to me that srcAccessMask should probably always be some sort of VK_ACCESS_*_WRITE_BIT combination, while dstAccessMask should always be a combination of VK_ACCESS_*_READ_BIT values. If that is true, then the READ/WRITE distinction is identical to and implicit in the src/dst distinction, and so it should be good enough to just have VK_ACCESS_SHADER_BIT etc., without READ_ or WRITE_ variants.
Why are there READ_ and WRITE_ variants, then? Is it ever useful to specify that some read operations must fully complete before some other operations have begun? Note that all operations using VkAccessFlagBits produce (I think) execution dependencies as well as memory dependencies. It seems to me that the execution dependencies should be good enough to prevent earlier reads from receiving values written by later writes.
While writing this question I encountered a statement in the Vulkan specification that provides at least part of an answer:
Memory dependencies are used to solve data hazards, e.g. to ensure that write operations are visible to subsequent read operations (read-after-write hazard), as well as write-after-write hazards. Write-after-read and read-after-read hazards only require execution dependencies to synchronize.
This is from the section 6.4. Execution And Memory Dependencies. Also, from earlier in that section:
The application must use memory dependencies to make writes visible before subsequent reads can rely on them, and before subsequent writes can overwrite them. Failure to do so causes the result of the reads to be undefined, and the order of writes to be undefined.
From this I surmise that, yes, the execution dependencies produced by the Vulkan commands that involve these access flags probably do free you from ever having to put a VK_ACCESS_*_READ_BIT into a srcAccessMask field--but that you might in fact want to have READ_ flags, WRITE_ flags, or both in some of your dstAccessMask fields, because apparently it's possible to use an explicit dependency to prevent read-after-write hazards in such a way that write-after-write hazards are NOT prevented. (And maybe vice-versa?)
Like, maybe your Vulkan will sometimes decide that a write does not actually need to be propagated all the way through a particular cache to its final specified destination for the sake of a subsequent read operation, IF Vulkan happens to know that that read operation will simply read from that same cache, saving some time? But then a second write might happen, and write to a different cache, and there'll be two caches left in a race (with the choice of winner undefined) to send their two values to the same spot. Or something? Maybe my mental model of these caches is entirely wrong.
It is fairly solidly established, at least, that memory barriers are confusing.
Let's go over all the possibilities:
read–read — well yeah that one is pretty useless. Khronos seems to agree #131 it is pointless value in src (basically equivalent to 0).
read–write — execution dependency should be sufficient to synchronize without this. Khronos seems to agree #131 it is pointless value in src (basically equivalent to 0).
write–read — that's the obvious and most common one.
write–write — similar reason to write–read above. Without it the order of the writes would be undefined. It is a bit pointless for most situations to write something you haven't even read in between. But hey, now you have a way to synchronize it.
You can provide bitmask of more of these masks to both src and dst. In which case it makes sense to have both masks for driver to sort the dependencies out for you. (I don't expect performance overhead from this on API level, so it is allowed as convenience)
From API design perspective, it could mean adding different enum for srcAccess. But perhaps _READ variants could just be forbidden in srcAccess through "Valid Usage", making this argument weak. The src == READ variant might have been kept, because it is benign.

How to control freeglut's warnings

When freeglut is compiled with _DEBUG it outputs a lot of warnings of different types when an event occurs, such as: 'LeaveNotify', 'MotionNotify' and 'ButtonPress'. Some of these are more useful than others depending on the situation. Specifically, 'MotionNotify' basically spams my debug logs as it is generated on mouse motion.
I am looking for a way to control the warning level by disabling warnings by type.
I have looked into FREEGLUT_PRINT_WARNING , but this does not work. Warnings are printed either with this defined or undefined. Even if it worked, I am still looking for a finer-grained solution.
I have also looked into glutInitWarningFunc to set a callback for warning printing. The callback function receives the formatted string for printing and the corresponding list of arguments. Warnings can be disabled entirely with this, but I see no other option besides string comparison for filtering what should actually get printed. As I see it, comparing strings in at least every mouse movement would be heavy.

Any way to find more detail about WARNING: ID3D10Buffer::SetPrivateData: Existing private data of same name with different size found!

I'm encountering this error when I'm running my DirectX10 program in debug mode:
D3D10: WARNING: ID3D10Buffer::SetPrivateData: Existing private data of same name with different size found! [ STATE_SETTING WARNING #55: SETPRIVATEDATA_CHANGINGPARAMS ]
I'm trying to make the project highly OOP as a learning exercise, so there's a chance that this may be occurring, but is there a way to get some more details?
It appears this warning is raised by D3DX10CreateSprite, which is internally called by font->DrawText
You can ignore this warning, seems to be a bug in the Ms code :)
Direct3D11 doesn't have built-in text rendering anymore, so you won't encounter it in the future.
Since this is a D3D11 warning, you could always turn it off using ID3D11InfoQueue:
D3D11_MESSAGE_ID hide [] = {
// Add more message IDs here as needed
memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(filter));
filter.DenyList.NumIDs = _countof(hide);
filter.DenyList.pIDList = hide;
See this page for more. I found your question while googling for the answer and had to search a bit more to find the above snippet, hopefully this will help someone :)
What other data are you looking for or interested in?
The warning is pretty clear about what is going on, but if you want to hunt down a bit more data, there may be a few things to try.
Try calling ID3D10Buffer::GetPrivateData with the same name or do some other check to see if there is data with that name already, and if so, what the contents are. Print your results to a file, output window, or console. This may be combined with breakpoints to see where the duplicate is occurring (break when there's already data).
You may (not positive) be able to set the D3D runtimes to debug mode and to break on warnings (not sure if it can do warnings or just errors). Debug your app in VS or your preferred debugger, and when the warning is shown, it will break and you can look at the parameters.
Go through your code and track down all calls to ID3D10Buffer::SetPrivateData and look to see if there are any obvious duplicates. If there are, work up the program flow and see why and what you can do about them (this may work best after you use one of the former methods to know where to start).
How are your data names set up, and what is the buffer used for? Examining one or both may lead you to a conflict somewhere.
You may also try unicorns, they've been known to help with this kind of problem.
