How to update my app prepared on beta iOS 14? - ios

Maybe it’s a stupid question but I launched my app in iOS on March so it’s my first time on a big iOS update...
So I’m preparing my app on iOS 14 using Beta 6 of Xcode implementing the new IDFA message for Google AdMob but I don’t know exactly what is the normal procedure for launching this new version. I mean, do I have to wait until the release of iOS 14 date? Or do you usually schedule the update on App Store Connect knowing the release date of the new iOS?
I’m a little lost because I don’t know even if I’ve to check if iOS 14 is installed on the user’s device prior launching the App Tracking Transparency authorization...
Any helps will be really welcomed!
Thanks in advance!

You’ve done your part, you tested with iOS 14 beta.
If you want to be more confident, you should also test your app with xcode 12 beta, to make sure it builts and archived successfully.
As for the app you currently have in the App Store, no action is required. Once Apple releases iOS 14 officially, you can then built it with the latest xcode 12 and submit an update.
But even if you don’t update your app, users will still be able to download and use it.
I hope this answers your question.


Can't upload/archive iOS app "without latest Swift version" - is this a real problem?

I'm working with iOS developers overseas. I'm not an iOS developer myself.
I currently have an iOS app posted and available in the app store.
I had some work done recently to make a few changes to the app and now my developers are telling me:
"We can't upload the app because it's not archiving since our current project version doesn't have the latest Swift version".
Is this a real problem?
Their solution to this is that a lot of new work needs to be done which will be very expensive, but I'm skeptical that this is even a real problem.
Shouldn't I be able to upload changes to an app without the app having the "latest Swift version"?

Since iOS 13 - A lot of app deletions in App Store Connect, can anybody check if this happens with your App as well

I don´t see any problems like crashes or that the DAU number has changed, but App Store Connect shows 3 times more deletions since the release date of iOS 13. Now I don't know if there is any problem in the App or if Apple has made an upgrade of the "App-Offloading" mechanism? So it would be good to have some feedback, if the app deletion numbers have changed for somebody else as well.
Low-memory phones are prompted to delete all apps before the upgrade.
One of my colleagues has a 6S that is chock-full of photos. When she upgraded she was told that all of her apps would stored in the cloud but deleted on the phone, to make room. After the upgrade, she still had all the app icons, but those were really just shortcuts to re-download each app anew.
Apparently this also kills notifications, because without the app on the device there's nothing to execute the notification.
I have that message in App Store Connect:
App deletions data was reported incorrectly for iOS and tvOS as of
August 2019. This data has been removed from the dashboard for
reprocessing and will be re-enabled once reprocessing is done.
See attached screenshot:

iOS 11 beta - Replay Kit - not working properly

In iOS 11 beta, we have an option for screen recording in the control panel. While selecting it, it should show the app lists which has enabled with Broadcast extensions(ReplayKit).
But, in iOS 11 beta, it does not show any apps.
I have already installed the "MobCrush" app in my device. In WWDC 2017, Apple showed the ReplayKit demo with this app only.
I don't know if any fix in the next version updates. Please share anything you know guys.
You need to wait for App Developers (MobCrush in your example) to add support for ReplayKit2.
Specifically they need to write the "Upload Extension" which will do the job of uploading your screen-recording/broadcast to the MobCrush servers and from where it can be broadcasted.

Remove support for iPhone with new updated version of app

We released few versions of our app with universal support ( i.e. app is supported both on iPhone and iPad). Now with new version of our app (1.14) we want that this version should be available to iPad only. This means 1.14 should be available only on iPad and iPhone user may not able to install it. But when we change setting in Xcode from Universal to iPad only it gives error while uploading ipa to app store that if previous version of app supported iPhone then in updated version of app we cannot remove iPhone support. Now we are looking for solution to this problem. Please guide us what are way to over come this issue. Due to this issue we have to delay our app release so kindly give us possible suggestions as soon as possible.
There is no good way of doing what you want. Apple deliberately don't want you removing functionality for existing users.
Maybe the only way forward is to remove your current app from sale and submit a new, iPad-only version. You'll lose your reviews, sales rank, etc.

Removing support for older iOS version

What exactly happens if you release a version of your app that removes support of an older version of iOS? (e.g. removing iOS 7 support)
Will users that already bought the app still be able to download the old version?
Will users on that iOS version still be able to discover and install the old version of my app?
I just managed to discover the answer to the question myself. I used an old iPhone 4 running iOS 7.1.1 and found an app that used to support iOS 7 but no longer does.
Yes, users that bought/installed the app in the past will be able to restore it by using the "Purchased" section from within the "Updates" tab of the "App Store" app.
No, users will be able to find the app, but actually won't be able to install it:
The app still appears when searching on the app store.
The app states "requires iOS 8 or newer".
The "Get" button is clickable, but they won't actually be able to install the app. Instead (after they've entered their password) they will be presented with an alert view explaining to them that they'll have to upgrade to iOS 8 (even though this is not actually possible on an iPhone 7)
