Svcutil --update error output not making sense - svcutil.exe

I am trying to update a soap service reference using svcutil.
I have tried:
dotnet svcutil -u --projectFile "C:\projects\MySolution\MyProject\MyProject.csproj"
Which gives the nonsensical error:
Warning: The specified --projectFile option is not expected in the current operational context of the tool!
Error: The --update option requires a project to be specified, please use the --projectFile option to specify the project to use.
dotnet svcutil -u --projectFile "C:\projects\MySolution\MyProject\MyServiceFolder"
Same Error
And I have tried:
dotnet svcutil -u --projectFile "C:\projects\MySolution\MyProject\MyServiceFolder\dotnet-svcutil.params.json"
Same error.
I have even tried:
dotnet svcutil -u "C:\projects\MySolution\MyProject\Nexus.Services.csproj"
dotnet svcutil -u "C:\projects\MySolution\MyProject\MyServiceFolder"
But that gives the error:
Error: The --update option requires a project to be specified, please use the --projectFile option to specify the project to use.
I cannot find a single example anywhere of how this command should be run.
Has anyone gotten this to work?

To update a service reference using dotnet svcutil --update ..., it needs to find both the project file and the service reference configuration.
From the help dotnet-svcutil --help:
--projectFile <project file> The project file to add the client to (if any). (Short Form: -pf).
--update <web service reference> Updates an existing web service reference. If the project contains more than one web service reference, the name of the web service reference to be updated is required. (Short Form: -u).
When you run the svcutil in a different directory than the one containing your project file, you will need to tell it explicitly where your project is using --projectFile.
So, the easiest solution is to run the update command from the directory containing your project and specify where the service reference is:
dotnet svcutil -u .\path\to\ServiceReference
You can specify the path of the directory containig the dotnet-svcutil.params.json file, or an explicit path to a config file.
From the examples printed when running dotnet svcutil -h:
dotnet-svcutil -u ServiceReference
Update existing web service reference named ServiceReference. The command need to be executed under directory which contains the project file.


Using JMeter plugins with justb4/jmeter Docker image results in error

I am using Docker to run JMeter in Azure Devops. I am trying to use Blazemeter's Parallel Controller, which is not native to JMeter. So, according to the justb4/jmeter image documentation, I used the following command to get the image going and run the JMeter test:
docker run --name jmetertest -i -v /home/vsts/work/1/s/plugins:/plugins -v $ROOTPATH:/test -w /test justb4/jmeter ${#:2}
However, it produces the following error while trying to accommodate for the plugin (I know the plugin makes the difference due to testing without the plugin):
cp: can't create '/test/lib/ext': No such file or directory
As far as I understand, this is an error produced when one of the parent directories of the directory you are trying to make does not exist. Is there something I am doing wrong, or is there actually something wrong with the image?
For reference, I will include links to the image documentation and the repository.
Looking into the Dockerfile:
ENV JMETER_HOME /opt/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}
Looking into
if [ -d /plugins ]
for plugin in /plugins/*.jar; do
cp $plugin $(pwd)/lib/ext
It basically copies the plugins from /plugins folder (if it is present) to /lib/ext folder relative to current working directory
I don't know why did you add this stanza -w /test to your command line but it explicitly "tells" the container that local working directory is /test, not /opt/apache-jmeter-xxxx, that's why the script is failing to copy the files.
In general I don't think that the approach is very valid because:
In Azure DevOps you won't have your "local" folder (unless you want to add plugins binaries under the version control system)
Some JMeter Plugins have other .jars as the dependencies so when you're installing the plugin you should:
put the plugin itself under /lib/ext folder of your JMeter installation
put the plugin dependencies under /lib folder of your JMeter installation
So I would recommend amending the Dockerfile, download JMeter Plugins Manager and installed the plugin(s) you need from the command line
Something like:
RUN wget -O /opt/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}/lib/ext/jmeter-plugins-manager.jar
RUN wget -P /opt/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}/lib/
RUN java -cp /opt/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}/lib/ext/jmeter-plugins-manager.jar org.jmeterplugins.repository.PluginManagerCMDInstaller
RUN /opt/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}/bin/./ install bzm-parallel

Trying to install logging on google cloud run but it's failing

I am trying to follow these instructions to log correctly from java to logback to cloudrun...
If I used jdk8, I get alpn missing jetty issues so I moved to a Docker image openjdk:10-jre-slim
and my DockerFile is simple
FROM openjdk:10-jre-slim
RUN mkdir -p ./webpieces
COPY . ./webpieces/
COPY config/logback.cloudrun.xml ./webpieces/config/logback.xml
WORKDIR "/webpieces"
ENTRYPOINT ./bin/customerportal -http.port=:$PORT -hibernate.persistenceunit=cloud-production
AND the only difference is I switched the image from openjdk:8-jdk-alpine which worked fine!!!
When I deploy to google cloud I get this error...
Deploying container to Cloud Run service [staging-customerportal] in project [orderly-gcp] region [us-west1]
⠏ Deploying... Cloud Run error: Invalid argument error. Invalid ENTRYPOINT. [name: "
error: "Invalid command \"/bin/sh\": file not found"
X Deploying... Cloud Run error: Invalid argument error. Invalid ENTRYPOINT. [name: "
error: "Invalid command \"/bin/sh\": file not found"
. Routing traffic...
Deployment failed
ERROR: ( Cloud Run error: Invalid argument error. Invalid ENTRYPOINT. [name: ""
error: "Invalid command \"/bin/sh\": file not found"
However, when I run locally to test, I get this error on project ID being required so it seems it is working. SIDE QUESTION: How to simulate this project ID so I can still run locally?
03:10:08,650 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [CLOUD]
03:10:09,868 |-ERROR in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter#14:13 - RuntimeException in Action for tag [appender] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A project ID is required for this service but could not be determined from the builder or the environment. Please set a project ID using the builder.
at java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A project ID is required for this service but could not be determined from the builder or the environment. Please set a project ID using the builder.
at at
at at<init>(
at at<init>(
at at$
at at
at at
at at
at at
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction.end(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter.callEndAction(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter.endElement(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter.endElement(
at at
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(
The Java 10 version is EOL, and the official images has been removed. More detail here
Prefer a Java 11 version.
Anyway, when you use version, some are optimized and does not install bash by default (for reducing their size) and you have to install it by yourselves.
For a local run, I don't recommend to use a JSON key file (in general, don't use JSON key file, except for automated system out of GCP) due to security constraint, key rotation, secure storage,...
For setting the project, simply perform this command gcloud config set project MY_PROJECT. You don't need credential for this.
Since your current question is how to simulate the project ID for local testing:
You should download service account key file from, make it accessible inside docker container and activate it via
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file my_service_account.json
gcloud config set project MY_PROJECT
This problem may be due to the fact that alpine doesn't have bash:
"/bin/sh" therefore a solution could be to remove the dependency on bash itself by not using bash or by using exec instead of bash.
in my case I solved the problem by using a more complete base image, instead of alpine for instance.

Docker ADD command produces 'cannot find the file' error

I'm trying to move my few microservices to a docker containers using docker-compose project type from Visual Studio.
I also have Service Fabric project so I have to install Service Fabric SDK into my docker containers.
That's what I do to achieve this (my dockerfile(s)):
FROM AS base
ADD /temp #C:\TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe
The rest code doesn't matter since it crashes on line with ADD command.
The error from Output after I run this via Ctrl+F5:
3>Step 4/11 : ADD /temp
3>Service 'bmt.microservices.snowforecastcenter' failed to build: ADD failed: CreateFile \\?\C:\ProgramData\Docker\tmp\docker-builder567273413\temp: The system cannot find the file specified.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong and what does it mean 'system cannot find the file' since I simply load the file from the internet and place it into my newly created \temp folder (the link is valid, I checked).
Does anybody know what this might be related to?
Ok, I've accidentally fixed the problem by moving comment to next line.
From this:
ADD /temp #C:\TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe
To this:
ADD /temp
Then I red on official site ( that you cannot have inline comments since they are treated as arguments:
Docker treats lines that begin with # as a comment, unless the line is a valid parser directive. A # marker anywhere else in a line is treated as an argument.
I hope this will help other people who are new in Docker.

How to use swagger code-generator

I am working on creating the rest client and I will be calling an API which gives this big json output .I want to know how to create the Pojo classes automatically by inputting this json to swagger code gen and let it create my pojo classes for me which will save manual time . Here is what I have tried
To generate a PHP client for, please run the following
git clone
cd swagger-codegen
mvn clean package
java -jar modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate \
-i \
-l php \
-o /var/tmp/php_api_client
(if you're on Windows, replace the last command with java -jar modules\swagger-codegen-cli\target\swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -i -l php -o c:\temp\php_api_client)
I could not get pass the mvn clean package and it is giving the error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) on project swagger-codegen: Execution default-test of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test failed: There was an error in the forked process
[ERROR] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/swagger/models/properties/Property
Anyone have successfully used this swagger ? or even if you can suggest any other framework which can do this functionality would be of great help . Thanks in advance ..,
I seen the following link
Update code generated by Swagger code-gen
and able to run the application .. Can anyone explain if I can use this to get the pojo object created for the json input?
Your problem is not swagger itself. Your problem comes from maven and it says that it can't find a certain class. I downloaded the repo and it compiles on my machine with mvn validate package. Make sure you have .m2\repository\io\swagger\swagger-models... in your standard maven cache directory. Thats the dependency, which has the Property class.
Actually maven should download it right before compiling. Check the maven output for connection errors or unreachable downloads etc.

Dotnet core ENTRYPOINT parameter adds hyphen in Docker

I'm trying to configure running simple .NET Core Web API application inside Docker container. My dockerfile contains following ENTRYPOINT line:
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", ""]
Dockerfile builds image proper. When I run it however I have following exception:
No executable found matching command ""
I don't understand why parameter is transformed in that way (added hyphen). I use microsoft/dotnet:2.0.0-sdk-stretch container. Official documentation recommends following ENTRYPOINT config
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "dotnetapp.dll"]
Which is the same as I use...
It's a bizarre error message, but it really is saying that the dll can not be found. You can see other examples of this "issue" here:
When you run dotnet foo.dll, the dotnet application tries to find foo.dll and execute it. If the dll is not found, dotnet thinks that maybe you are trying to run a dotnet command (along the lines of dotnet foo, similar to dotnet build). This makes dotnet look for an executible named dotnet-foo.dll and try and execute that. Since that file also doesn't exist, dotnet finally errors out that dotnet-foo.dll can not be found.
In your case, it looks like dotnet couldn't find Does the dll really exist? Does it exist in the current directory? Perhaps you need to provide the full path to it?
Oh, and if you are running this on Azure, there are some known gotchas, such as putting your dlls under /home/ will just not work.
