TensorFlowFederated: Passing tensor to tff.federated_computation - tensorflow-federated

I have trialled TFF tutorial (MNIST) on my single machine and now I am trying to perform a multi-machine process using MNIST data.
Clearly, I cannot use create_tf_dataset_for_client so I have used GRPC to learn how to pass data from one machine to another.
My scenario is that Server will dispatch the initial model (with zeroes) to all the participating clients where the model will run on local data. Each client will dispatch the new weights to the server that will perform federated_mean.
I was thinking of using tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process where I could hopefully customise the next function (2nd argument) but I failed... I am not even sure if we use this approach to send the model and get the weights back from remote clients.
Then I thought I could use tff.federated_mean under #tff.federated_computation decorator. However, since weights are arrays and I have a list of them (as I have a number of clients), I am unable to understand how do I create a tff.FederatedType that points to that a list of lists. Any help from someone who has modelled federation on distributed dataset will be handy to understand.

TFF computations are designed to be platform/runtime agnostic; a single computation can be executed by several different backends.
TFF's type system can be helpful here in reasoning about how data is expected to flow in you computation. See the custom federated algorithms part 1 tutorial for an intro to how TFF thinks about types.
The result of build_federated_averaging_process expects an argument of datasets which are placed at clients; for a dataset of element type T, in TFF's usual notation this would be denoted {T*}#C. This signature particular is agnostic with respect to how the datasets arrive at the clients, or indeed how the clients themselves are represented.
Materializing the data and representing the clients is really the job of the runtime. TFF provides a few so-called native options here.
For example, in the local Python runtime clients are represented by threads on your local machine. Datasets are simply eager tf.data.Dataset objects, and the threads pull data from the datasets during training.
In the remote Python runtime, clients are represented by (threads on) remote workers, so that a single remote worker could be running more than one client. In this case, as you note, data must be materialized on the remote worker in order to train.
There are several options for accomplishing this.
One, TFF will actually handle serialization and deserialization of eager datasets across this RPC connection for you, so you could use the identical pattern of specifying data as in the local runtime, and it should "just work". This pattern actually got significantly better in March of 2021, via the use of tf.raw_ops.DatasetToGraphV2.
Perhaps better mapping to the concepts of federated computation, however, is the use of some library functions to simply instantiate the datasets on the workers.
Suppose you have an iterative process ip, which accepts a state and data argument, where data is of type {T*}#C. Suppose further we have a TFF computation get_dataset_for_client_id, which accepts a string and returns a dataset of appropriate type (IE, its TFF type signature is tf.str -> T*).
Then we can compose these two computations into another:
#tff.federated_computation(STATE_TYPE, tff.FederatedType(tf.string, tff.CLIENTS))
def new_next(state, client_ids):
datasets_on_clients = tff.federated_map(get_dataset_for_client_id, client_ids)
return ip.next(state, datasets_on_clients)
new_next now requires the controller to only specify the ids of clients on which to train, and delegates responsibility for pointing to a data store to whoever is representing the clients.
This pattern I think is likely what you want; TFF provides some helper s like the dataset_computation attribute on tff.simulation.ClientData and tff.simulation.compose_dataset_computation_with_iterative_process, which will more or less perform the wiring we did above for you.

let's do this step by step. Please let us know if the explanation below answers your question.
Let's start with an example of TF (non-federated, just local) code that takes a dataset and does something with it, say add numbers:
def process_data(ds):
return ds.reduce(np.int32(0), lambda x, y: x + y)
This code takes a dataset of integer numbers at input, and returns a single integer with the sum at output.
You can confirm this by lookin at the type signature, like this:
You should see this:
(int32* -> int32)
So, process_data takes a set of integers, and returns an integer.
Now, using TFF's federated operators we can create a federated computation that does this on multiple clients, like this:
#tff.federated_computation(tff.FederatedType(tff.SequenceType(tf.int32), tff.CLIENTS))
def process_data_on_clients(federated_ds):
return tff.federated_map(process_data, federated_ds)
If you look at the type signature of this new computation (just like above), you will see this:
({int32*}#CLIENTS -> {int32}#CLIENTS)
It means process_data_on_clients takes a federated set of integers (one set per client), and returns a federated integer (one integer with the sum on each client).
What happens in the above is that, the TF logic in process_data will be executed once on each client. This is how the federated_map operator works.
Now, process_data_on_clients is a little bit like the the iterative process you are working with. It wants you to provide a federated dataset as an argument.
Let's see how we can make one by following the same pattern as above.
Here's some TF code that creates a single dataset with integers, say you supply an integer n and want to create a dataset with numbers from 1 up to n, i..e, {1, 2, ..., n}:
def make_data(n):
return tf.data.Dataset.range(tf.cast(n, tf.int64)).map(lambda x: tf.cast(x + 1, tf.int32))
This is obviously a silly example, you could do something more along the lines of what you need (e.g., read data from a file specified by a name, etc.).
And here's what its type signature looks like:
(int32 -> int32*)
You can see the similarity to process_data.
And, just like with processing data, here's now we can make data on all clients by using the federated_map operator:
#tff.federated_computation(tff.FederatedType(tf.int32, tff.CLIENTS))
def make_data_on_clients(federated_n):
return tff.federated_map(make_data, federated_n)
This is the type signature:
({int32}#CLIENTS -> {int32*}#CLIENTS)
Great, so make_data_on_clients takes a federated integer (that tells us how many data items to produce on each client), and returns a federated dataset, just like what process_data_on_clients wants.
You can check that the two work together as intended:
federated_n = [2, 3, 4]
federated_ds = make_data_on_clients(federated_n)
result = process_data_on_clients(federated_ds)
You should get the sums 1+2, 1+2+3, and 1+2+3+4 on the 3 clients involved in this computation (note there were 3 numbers in the federated integer above, so there are 3 clients here):
[<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=3>,
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=6>,
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=10>]
Note that all TF code you have seen so far, including both dataset creation and dataset reduce, were being executed on the clients (using federated_map).
Now, you can put the two together:
#tff.federated_computation(tff.FederatedType(tf.int32, tff.CLIENTS))
def make_and_process_data_on_clients(federated_n):
federated_ds = make_data_on_clients(federated_n)
return process_data_on_clients(federated_ds)
And now, you can invoke the make and process data combo in one shot:
Again, all TF code here is executing on clients, just like in the above.
So where does this leave you?
Going back to Keith's explanation, the iterative process you got from TFF wants a federated dataset at input, just like process_data_on_clients.
The function get_dataset_for_client_id in Keith's example is like our make_data in that it is assumed to contain TensorFlow code that you want to run on each client to physically construct a dataset on that client.
In out silly example, dataset construction logic used range, but it can be anything. For example, you could load data on each client from the same local file my_data, or using a custom TF op, or by whatever other means. Just like in our example, you can pass parameters to that function to give you more centralized control (similarly to whatever did above with the federated integer).
The code snipper new_next in Keith's example is just like our make_and_process_data_on_clients, in that it combines two federated computations: one that makes federated data on clients (supplied by you, just as discussed here), and one that processes that data (from tff.learning, the iterative process).
Does this help?
If still unclear, I would recommend to try the examples I included above on your distributed setup, since you already have one. You could inject some TF print ops to that code to confirm that the TF code you wrote is executing on the client machines in your system.
Once you get that part, it's simple tweak to replace the silly data set construction logic in make_data with one that loads a dataset on each client from whatever local data source you are using.
Re: how to print, any TensorFlow code that appears in the body of a #tff.tf_computation is executed in eager mode, and you can use standard TensorFlow mechanisms such as tf.print to print from within TensorFlow.
On how to configure a multi-machine system with multiple worker nodes, see the Kubernetes tutorial. Note that the machine that drives the process connects to worker nodes, not the other way round.


TFF: What is difference between two type?

Please refer to this question for detailed code.
My question is the difference between the parts marked in red on the photo. In terms of the FL algorithm, I think client_outputs is a individual client' output and collected_output is SequenceType because each client_outputs is combined. Is this correct? If my guess is correct, is member a set of individual client members with client_outputs?
The terminology maybe a bit tricky. client_outputs isn't quite an "individual client's output", it still represents all client outputs, but they aren't individually addressable. Importantly TFF distinguishes that the data lives ("is placed") at the clients, it has not been communicated. collected_outputs is in some sense a stream of all individual client outputs, though the placement has changed (the values were communicated) to the server via tff.federated_collect.
In a bit more detail:
In the type specification above .member is an attribute on the tff.FederatedType. The TFF Guide Federated Core > Type System is a good resource for more details about the different TFF types.
{int32}#CLIENTS represents a federated value that consists of a set of potentially distinct integers, one per client device. Note that we are talking about a single federated value as encompassing multiple items of data that appear in multiple locations across the network. One way to think about it is as a kind of tensor with a "network" dimension, although this analogy is not perfect because TFF does not permit random access to member constituents of a federated value.
In the screenshot, client_outputs is also "placed" #CLIENTS (from the .placement attribute) and follows similar semantics: it has multiple values (one per client) but individual values are not addressable (i.e. the value does not behave like a Python list).
In contrast, the collected_output is placed #SERVER. Then this bullet:
<weights=float32[10,5],bias=float32[5]>#SERVER represents a named tuple of weight and bias tensors at the server. Since we've dropped the curly braces, this indicates the all_equal bit is set, i.e., there's only a single tuple (regardless of how many server replicas there might be in a cluster hosting this value).
Notice the "single tuple" phrase, after tff.federated_collect there is a single sequence of values placed at the server. This sequence can be iterated over like a stream.

General principle to implement node-based workflow as seen in Unreal, Blender, Alteryx and the like?

This topic is difficult to Google, because of "node" (not node.js), and "graph" (no, I'm not trying to make charts).
Despite being a pretty well rounded and experienced developer, I can't piece together a mental model of how these sorts of editors get data in a sensible way, in a sensible order, from node to node. Especially in the Alteryx example, because a Sort module, for example, needs its entire upstream dataset before proceeding. And some nodes can send a single output to multiple downstream consumers.
I was able to understand trees and what not in my old data structures course back in the day, and successfully understand and adapt the basic graph concepts from https://www.python.org/doc/essays/graphs/ in a real project. But that was a static structure and data weren't being passed from node to node.
Where should I be starting and/or what concept am I missing that I could use implement something like this? Something to let users chain together some boxes to slice and dice text files or data records with some basic operations like sort and join? I'm using C#, but the answer ought to be language independent.
This paradigm is called Dataflow Programming, it works with stream of data which is passed from instruction to instruction to be processed.
Dataflow programs can be programmed in textual or visual form, and besides the software you have mentioned there are a lot of programs that include some sort of dataflow language.
To create your own dataflow language you have to:
Create program modules or objects that represent your processing nodes realizing different sort of data processing. Processing nodes usually have one or multiple data inputs and one or multiple data output and implement some data processing algorithm inside them. Nodes also may have control inputs that control how given node process data. A typical dataflow algorithm calculates output data sample from one or many input data stream values as for example FIR filters do. However processing algorithm also can have data values feedback (output values in some way are mixed with input values) as in IIR filters, or accumulate values in some way to calculate output value
Create standard API for passing data between processing nodes. It can be different for different kinds of data and controlling signals, but it must be standard because processing nodes should 'understand' each other. Data usually is passed as plain values. Controlling signals can be plain values, events, or more advanced controlling language - depending of your needs.
Create arrangement to link your nodes and to pass data between them. You can create your own program machinery or use some standard things like pipes, message queues, etc. For example this functional can be implemented as a tree-like structure whose nodes are your processing nodes, and have references to next nodes and its appropriate input that process data coming from the output of the current node.
Create some kind of nodes iterator that starts from begin of the dataflow graph and iterates over each processing node where it:
provides next data input values
invokes node data processing methods
updates data output value
pass updated data output values to inputs of downstream processing nodes
Create a tool for configuring nodes parameters and links between them. It can be just a simple text file edited with text editor or a sophisticated visual editor with GUI to draw dataflow graph.
Regarding your note about Sort module in Alteryx - perhaps data values are just accumulated inside this module and then sorted.
here you can find even more detailed description of Dataflow programming languages.

Azure Machine Learning Studio Conditional Training Data

I have built an Microsoft Azure ML Studio workspace predictive web service, and have a scernario where I need to be able to run the service with different training datasets.
I know I can setup multiple web services via Azure ML, each with a different training set attached, but I am trying to find a way to do it all within the same workspace and passing a Web Input Parameter as the input value to choose which training set to use.
I have found this article, which describes almost my scenario. However, this article relies on the training dataset that is being pulled from the Load Trained Data module, as having a static endpoint (or blob storage location). I don't see any way to dynamically (or conditionally) change this location based on a Web Input Parameter.
Basically, does Azure ML support a "conditional training data" loading?
Or, might there be a way to combine training datasets, then filter based on the passed Web Input Parameter?
This probably isn't exactly what you need, but hopefully, it helps you out.
To combine data sets, you can use the Join Data module.
To filter, that may be accomplished by executing a Python script. Here's an example.
Using the Adult Census Income Binary Classification dataset, on the age column, there's a minimum age of 17.
If I wanted to filter the data set by age, connect it to an Execute Python Script module and here's the filtering code with the pandas query method.
# The script MUST contain a function named azureml_main
# which is the entry point for this module.
import pandas as pd
def azureml_main(dataframe1 = None, dataframe2 = None):
# Return value must be of a sequence of pandas.DataFrame
return dataframe1.query("age >= 25")
And looking at that output it filters out the data set where the minimum age is now 25.
Sure, you can do that. What you would want is to use an Execute R Script or SQL Transformation module to determine, based on your input data, what model to use. Something like this:
Notice, your input data is cleaned/updated/feature engineered, then it's passed to two different SQL transforms which will tell it to go to one of two paths.
Each path has it's own training data.
Note: I am not exactly sure what your use case is, but if it were me, I would instead train two different models using the two different training data, then try to just use the models in my web service, not actually train on the web service as that would likely be quite slow.

Beam/Dataflow design pattern to enrich documents based on database queries

Evaluating Dataflow, and am trying to figure out if/how to do the following.
My apologies if anything in the above is trivial--trying to wrap our heads around Dataflow before we make a decision on using Beam, or something else like Spark, etc.
General use case is for machine learning:
Ingesting documents which are individually processed.
In addition to easy-to-write transforms, we'd like to enrich each document based on queries against databases (that are largely key-value stores).
A simple example would be a gazetteer: decompose the text into ngrams, and then check if those ngrams reside in some database, and record (within a transformed version of the original doc) the entity identifier given phrases map to.
How to do this efficiently?
NAIVE (although possibly tricky with the serialization requirement?):
Each document could simply query the database individually (similar to Querying a relational database through Google DataFlow Transformer), but, given that most of these are simple key-value stores, it seems like there should be a more efficient way to do this (given the real problems with database query latency).
SCENARIO #1: Improved?:
Current strawman is to store the tables in Bigquery, pull them down (https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/bigquery.py), and then use them as side inputs, that are used as key-value lookups within the per-doc function(s).
Key-value tables range from generally very small to not-huge (100s of MBs, maybe low GBs). Multiple CoGroupByKey with same key apache beam ("Side inputs can be arbitrarily large - there is no limit; we have seen pipelines successfully run using side inputs of 1+TB in size") suggests this is reasonable, at least from a size POV.
1) Does this make sense? Is this the "correct" design pattern for this scenario?
2) If this is a good design pattern...how do I actually implement this?
https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/bigquery.py#L53 shows feeding the result to the document function as an AsList.
i) Presumably, AsDict is more appropriate here, for the above use case? So I'd probably need to run some transformations first on the Bigquery output to separate it into key, value tuple; and make sure that the keys are unique; and then use it as a side input.
ii) Then I need to use the side input in the function.
What I'm not clear on:
for both of these, how to manipulate the output coming off of the Bigquery pull is murky to me. How would I accomplish (i) (assuming it is necessary)? Meaning, what does the data format look like (raw bytes? strings? is there a good example I can look into?)
Similarly, if AsDict is the correct way to pass it into the func, can I just reference things like a dict normally is used in python? e.g., side_input.get('blah') ?
SCENARIO #2: Even more improved? (for specific cases):
The above scenario--if achievable--definitely does seem like it is superior continuous remote calls (given the simple key-value lookup), and would be very helpful for some of our scenarios. But if I take a scenario like a gazetteer lookup (like above)...is there an even more optimized solution?
Something like, for every doc, writing our all the ngrams as keys, with values as the underlying indices (docid+indices within the doc), and then doing some sort of join between these ngrams and the phrases in our gazeteer...and then doing another set of transforms to recover the original docs (now w/ their new annotations).
I.e., let Beam handle all of the joins/lookups directly?
Theoretical advantage is that Beam may be a lot quicker in doing this than, for each doc, looping over all of the ngrams and doing a check if the ngram is in the side_input.
Other key issues:
3) If this is a good way to do things, is there any trick to making this work well in the streaming scenario? Text elsewhere suggests that the side input caching works more poorly outside the batch scenario. Right now, we're focused on batch, but streaming will become relevant in serving live predictions.
4) Any Beam-related reason to prefer Java>Python for any of the above? We've got a good amount of existing Python code to move to Dataflow, so would heavily prefer Python...but not sure if there are any hidden issues with Python in the above (e.g., I've noticed Python doesn't support certain features or I/O).
EDIT: Strawman? for the example ngram lookup scenario (should generalize strongly to general K:V lookup)
Phrases = get from bigquery
Docs (indexed by docid) (direct input from text or protobufs, e.g.)
Transform: phrases -> (phrase, entity) tuples
Transform: docs -> ngrams (phrase, docid, coordinates [in document])
CoGroupByKey key=phrase: (phrase, entity, docid, coords)
CoGroupByKey key=docid, group((phrase, entity, docid, coords), Docs)
Then we can iteratively finalize each doc, using the set of (phrase, entity, docid, coords) and each Doc
Regarding the scenarios for your pipeline:
Naive scenario
You are right that per-element querying of a database is undesirable.
If your key-value store is able to support low-latency lookups by reusing an open connection, you can define a global connection that is initialized once per worker instead of once per bundle. This should be acceptable your k-v store supports efficient lookups over existing connections.
Improved scenario
If that's not feasible, then BQ is a great way to keep and pull in your data.
You can definitely use AsDict side inputs, and simply go side_input[my_key] or side_input.get(my_key).
Your pipeline could look something like so:
kv_query = "SELECT key, value FROM my:table.name"
p = beam.Pipeline()
documents_pcoll = p | ReadDocuments()
additional_data_pcoll = (p
| beam.io.BigQuerySource(query=kv_query)
# Make row a key-value tuple.
| 'format bq' >> beam.Map(lambda row: (row['key'], row['value'])))
enriched_docs = (documents_pcoll
| 'join' >> beam.Map(lambda doc, query: enrich_doc(doc, query[doc['key']]),
Unfortunately, this has one shortcoming, and that's the fact that Python does not currently support arbitrarily large side inputs (it currently loads all of the K-V into a single Python dictionary). If your side-input data is large, then you'll want to avoid this option.
Note This will change in the future, but we can't be sure ATM.
Further Improved
Another way of joining two datasets is to use CoGroupByKey. The loading of documents, and of K-V additional data should not change, but when joining, you'd do something like so:
# Turn the documents into key-value tuples as well[
documents_kv_pcoll = (documents_pcoll
| 'format docs' >> beam.Map(lambda doc: (doc['key'], doc)))
enriched_docs = ({'docs': documents_kv_pcoll, 'additional_data': additional_data_pcoll}
| beam.CoGroupByKey()
| 'enrich' >> beam.Map(lambda x: enrich_doc(x['docs'][0], x['additional_data'][0]))
CoGroupByKey will allow you to use arbitrarily large collections on either side.
Answering your questions
You can see an example of using BigQuery as a side input in the cookbook. As you can see there, the data comes parsed (I believe that it comes in their original data types, but it may come in string/unicode). Check the docs (or feel free to ask) if you need to know more.
Currently, Python streaming is in alpha, and it does not support side inputs; but it does support shuffle features such as CoGroupByKey. Your pipeline using CoGroupByKey should work well in streaming.
A reason to prefer Java over Python is that all these features work in Java (unlimited-size side inputs, streaming side inputs). But it seems that for your use case, Python may have all you need.
Note: The code snippets are approximate, but you should be able to debug them using the DirectRunner.
Feel free to ask for clarification, or to ask about other aspects if you feel like it'd help.

When are placeholders necessary?

Every TensorFlow example I've seen uses placeholders to feed data into the graph. But my applications work fine without placeholders. According to the documentation, using placeholders is the "best practice", but they seem to make the code unnecessarily complex.
Are there any occasions when placeholders are absolutely necessary?
According to the documentation, using placeholders is the "best practice"
Hold on, this quote is out-of-context and could be misinterpreted. Placeholders are the best practice when feeding data through feed_dict.
Using a placeholder makes the intent clear: this is an input node that needs feeding. Tensorflow even provides a placeholder_with_default that does not need feeding — but again, the intent of such a node is clear. For all purposes, a placeholder_with_default does the same thing as a constant — you can indeed feed the constant to change its value, but is the intent clear, would that not be confusing? I doubt so.
There are other ways to input data than feeding and AFAICS all have their uses.
A placeholder is a promise to provide a value later.
Simple example is to define two placeholders a,b and then an operation on them like below .
a = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
b = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
adder_node = a + b # + provides a shortcut for tf.add(a, b)
a,b are not initialized and contains no data Because they were defined as placeholders.
Other approach to do same is to define variables tf.Variable and in this case you have to provide an initial value when you declare it.
like :
And this solution has two drawbacks
Performance wise that you need to do one extra step with calling
initializer however these variables are updatable .
in some cases you do not know the initial values for these variables
so you have to define it as a placeholder
Conclusion :
use tf.Variable for trainable variables such as weights (W) and biases (B) for your model or when Initial values are required in
tf.placeholder allows you to create operations and build computation graph, without needing the data. In TensorFlow
terminology, we then feed data into the graph through these
I really like Ahmed's answer and I upvoted it, but I would like to provide an alternative explanation that might or might not make things a bit clearer.
One of the significant features of Tensorflow is that its operation graphs are compiled and then executed outside of the original environment used to build them. This allows Tensorflow do all sorts of tricks and optimizations, like distributed, platform independent calculations, graph interoperability, GPU computations etc. But all of this comes at the price of complexity. Since your graph is being executed inside its own VM of some sort, you have to have a special way of feeding data into it from the outside, for example from your python program.
This is where placeholders come in. One way of feeding data into your model is to supply it via a feed dictionary when you execute a graph op. And to indicate where inside the graph this data is supposed to go you use placeholders. This way, as Ahmed said, placeholder is a sort of a promise for data supplied in the future. It is literally a placeholder for things you will supply later. To use an example similar to Ahmed's
# define graph to do matrix muliplication
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
# this is the actual operation we want to do,
# but since we want to supply x and y at runtime
# we will use placeholders
model = tf.matmul(x, y)
# now lets supply the data and run the graph
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as session:
# generate some data for our graph
data_x = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=[5, 5])
data_y = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=[5, 5])
# do the work
result = session.run(model, feed_dict={x: data_x, y: data_y}
There are other ways of supplying data into the graph, but arguably, placeholders and feed_dict is the most comprehensible way and it provides most flexibility.
If you want to avoid placeholders, other ways of supplying data are either loading the whole dataset into constants on graph build or moving the whole process of loading and pre-processing the data into the graph by using input pipelines. You can read up on all of this in the TF documentation.
