Issue authenticating to Auth0 via Swagger UI (.NET) with client credentials - swagger-ui

I'm trying to authenticate to my Auth0 tenant via the Swagger UI (auto-generated by Swashbuckle.AspNetCore) using client credentials.
I'm getting the following error:
Auth ErrorError, error: access_denied, description: Non-global clients
are not allowed access to APIv1
Here's a screen shot:
Open API spec looks like this:
"securitySchemes": {
"auth0": {
"type": "oauth2",
"flows": {
"clientCredentials": {
"tokenUrl": ""
"authorizationCode": {
"authorizationUrl": "",
"tokenUrl": "",
"scopes": { }
I suspect this has something to do with the audience not being specified. I was having a similar issue with authorization code flow, but manged to get this working by appending the audience as a query-string param to the authorizationUrl (as shown above). Unfortunately the same trick doesn't work with client credential flow (i.e. attempting to append the audience to the tokenUrl). I need to support client credential flow, as one or more of the routes need to be locked down to M2M tokens only.
Interestingly, it works if I use the global client ID / secret (found under the advanced settings of the tenant), but I'm not sure if we should use this...
Anyone else ran into this issue and if so, any luck with finding a solution?


Created a user pool client using Cognito Identity Provider Client SDK for JavaScript v3, but can't fetch token using (client_credentials) grant type

Created a user pool client using Cognito Identity Provider Client SDK for JavaScript v3
npm install #aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider.
The following code shows how I created the resources server and the user pool client, using the mentioned👆 SDK...
let poolName = 'UserPool';
const client =new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({
region: process.env.COGNITO_AWS_REGION
// create resource server
const createResourceServerCommand = new CreateResourceServerCommand({
Name: poolName,
UserPoolId: UserPool.Id,
Identifier: 'https://localhost:8080/api/v2',
Scopes: [
ScopeName: 'access',
ScopeDescription: 'General access to API'
const { ResourceServer } = await client.send(createResourceServerCommand);
// create the user pool client
const createUserPoolClientCommand = new CreateUserPoolClientCommand({
ClientName: 'Default',
UserPoolId: UserPool.Id,
ExplicitAuthFlows: ['USER_PASSWORD_AUTH'],
GenerateSecret: true,
AllowedOAuthFlows: ['client_credentials'],
SupportedIdentityProviders: ['COGNITO'],
AllowedOAuthScopes: [ 'https://localhost:8080/api/v2/access' ]
const { UserPoolClient } = await client.send(createUserPoolClientCommand);
...but, I can't fetch tokens using the grant type client_credentials. Therefore getting the following error.
"error": "invalid_grant"
However, if I use AWS console to navigate to the user pool > Client > Edit the hosted UI and click on the save button without making any changes...
... I am able to fetch a token using the client_credentials grant type.
Is there any setting that I might be missing in the above code that AWS console is setting? I need the following code to automate the creation of user pools.
When I switched to the old I noticed this notification
Apparently, Oauth flows are not enabled by default. Hence adding the following attribute to the CreateUserPoolClientCommandInput object AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient: true enables it. Hope this helps some newbie like me out there.

Regarding Microsoft Graph API integration in Angular - Spring Boot application

Graph API request for which you are seeing the problem
Graph API error message
'error': {
'code': 'InvalidAuthenticationToken',
'message': 'Access token validation failure. Invalid audience.',
'innerError': {
'request-id': '12e4940d-58af-4d64-98ab-4b3fe645afb8',
'date': '2020-05-05T13:57:38'
Description :
Implementing use case where user can extract emails in our application to download and consolidate attachments to central location using Microsoft graph.
Web application fronted is developed in angular and back-end is developed in spring boot REST API.
Integrating MSAL in angular to authenticate user and get valid tokens.
code configuration :
clientID: '83de5e6f-6a5b-48f4-8b64-5e8d6e70aa9d',
authority: '',
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:4200/TestLawyer/mail',
cacheLocation: 'localStorage',
// storeAuthStateInCookie: isIE, // set to true for IE 11
popUp: true,
consentScopes: [''],
unprotectedResources: [''],
protectedResourceMap: protectedResourceMap,
// logger: loggerCallback,
correlationId: '1234',
piiLoggingEnabled: true
I got the tokens in localstorage. In my solution i want to pass token to our spring boot rest server to extract emails using Microsoft Graph.
can you please help me on this like any tutorials or guidance to implement this use case.
The resource or scope of your token is incorrect.
You should set in the consentScopes.
You can decode your access token in to see if the token includes the correct resource/scope.

Cant get simple Oauth wth vertx to work with google

Trying to create a web client that uses oauth to connect to multiple sso endopints, google mainly. This is on top of a spring boot project, I just keep getting the same error that no code is provided, but I'm not sure how i'm supposed to get a code without the access token first. Here is a simple version of what im trying to run I want localhost/8080 to redir to google to login and comeback to the same page or a different one doesn't matter
fun google(#RequestParam(value = "code") code: String?, model: Model): String {
val clientId = ""
val secret = "1234"
var goog = GoogleAuth.create(Vertx.factory.vertx(), clientId, secret)
goog.authenticate(JsonObject().put("code", code), {
return "test"
the error is always
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Missing required parameter: code"
but how can I provide a code first I need some sort of response from the server. I'm pretty familiar with restful oauth and must be missing something
You can't use the GoogleAuth like that. GoogleAuth provides the basic primitives to handle the OAuth2 protocol. As you're not using the vertx-web part you will need to setup a callback endpoint in your application (I guess it's the /google endpoint you listed) but now you miss the whole Oauth2 handshake. Your client (browser) should call Google, which calls your server to validate the code.
So what you're asking here is to re-implement the vert.x web Oauth2Handler using Spring Boot APIs.

Getting Group Claims With ADFS 4.0 OAuth2 Token

I successfully set up an ADFS 4.0 instance (Windows Server 2016) which I intend to use to authenticate and authorize the users of a single-page application towards a WebApi.
I pretty much followed this tutorial: .. which is modifying a sample that uses Azure Active Directory.
Now.. all seems to work fine, I can get a basic JWT token from the /oauth2/authorize endpoint:
"aud": "d668d637-7fd4-45ef-9eab-46fee230dcbc",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1494341035,
"exp": 1494344635,
"auth_time": 1494341035,
"nonce": "c91e3f78-c31a-402e-a685-8d1586915227",
"sub": "Rl7sOj0nDbgh8BVWZegrkvgAKaB/SwNuEbmORcWcae4=",
"upn": "",
"unique_name": "CONTOSO\\JohnDoe"
The token from AzureAD contained more properties, particularly family_name and given_name. But I was also hoping to add explicit group claims to the token. I thought I should be able to make this happen by setting the 'Issuance Transform Rules' correctly in the Web application Properties ( Application Groups -> MyApp -> MyApp - WebApplication -> Properties). However, it seems no matter what I do, nothing seems to have any effect on the properties contained in the JWT returned from the endpoint. I always get exactly the same token structure.
I am not really sure how the 'Outgoing Claims' map to the token properties as nothing except the 'UPN' and the 'unique name' seems to be transferred. Any pointers what I may be doing wrong here?
As indicated in nzpcmad's answer, it appears that custom claims in the id_token using the default URL-parameter-encoded GET redirect is simply not supported. The reason for this may be that there is an URL length limit, but I find that quite questionable.
Anyway, apparently this restriction does not apply when the token is returned in a POST redirect. That's also why people describe it working just fine for MVC applications.
So I was able to work around the problem by redirecting the response to a backend API endpoint (POST), which just redirects it to the frontend (SPA) again, but as a GET request with URL-endcoded parameters:
public class LoginController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Login(FormDataCollection formData)
var token = formData["id_token"];
var state = formData["state"];
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Moved);
var frontendUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ad:FrontendUri"];
response.Headers.Location = new Uri($"{frontendUri}#id_token={token}&state={state}");
return response;
Note that to change the response method from GET to POST, one simply has to add &response_mode=form_post to the OAuth request URL.
Windows Server 2016 is ADFS 4.0.
SPA uses OAuth implicit flow and there are a number of posts around this suggesting that this flow doesn't allow extra claims, especially if you are using ADAL.
e.g. ADFS 4.0, Adal JS - No claims.

Django-allauth stores an empty token_secret with linkedin_oauth2

I'm trying the make further requests to linkedinAPI and to do so I need both token and token_secret.
I have several test accounts in linkedin, the login process success with all of them, however the token_secret stores (for all of them is empty).
Is that an error? I suspect so because using the pair token/token_secret in subsecuent oauth2 calls I get the following from linkedin
{ "errorCode": 0, "message": "[unauthorized]. The token used in the OAuth request is not valid. AQVvM2f2qefU3vULPS-R46DXN8Mnra9ImG14hzeTvMMcXvBVOEiUl4RTZCJrdFZoTfGGN1fFzLvxG-O_UWB8s8EDr35ZsgwW59y4KilndoEkr105Sg2GR90jmUxpqxU572IiARjN5gxAjfoWC4-_UupKlEtafQn23XQqvXeuLvE-FsPAaSA", "requestId": "VOAL1ULK4X", "status": 401, "timestamp": 1395348629428 }
Further details:
I check these tokens using the shell:
from allauth.socialaccount.models import SocialToken
map(lambda st: st.token_secret, SocialToken.objects.all())
And I get empty output:
[u'', u'', u'']
I found a solution myself so I'll explain it.
I'm not very into oauth2 so I don't know about the process neither if it was normal to have an empty secret_token. So I debugged a bit into the django-allauth code, and I saw that the requests they perform use only the token (no secret token)
Then I changed the library and started using the same they do: requests. And with the following simple script I can make any other request to the linkedin API:
def see_my_groups_json(request, url):
import requests
token = SocialToken.objects.get(
resp = requests.get(url, params={'oauth2_access_token': token.token})
return resp.json()
You should check the SCOPE parameter for linkedin provider. For example, the next configuration requests permission for accessing user's email address, basic profile and to read and share updates on behalf of the user.
'linkedin_oauth2': {
'SCOPE': ['r_emailaddress', 'r_basicprofile', 'rw_nus'],
'PROFILE_FIELDS': ['id', 'first-name', 'last-name', 'email-address', 'picture-url', 'public-profile-url']
If after the token generation, we try to make an API call that requires some other privilege, we will get a 401 status code HTTP response.
django-allauth, by default, r_emailaddress scope or none at all, depending on whether or not SOCIALACCOUNT_QUERY_EMAIL is enabled.
Hope this helps you.
