How can I access a service running on WSL2 from inside a Docker container? - docker

I am using Windows 10 1909 and have installed WSL2, using Ubuntu 20.04, the 19.03.13-beta2 docker version, having installed Docker for Windows Edge version using the WSL2 option. The integration is working pretty great, but I have one issue which I cannot solve.
On the WSL2 instance, there are services running, exposing some ports (3000, 3001, 3002,...). From one of the docker containers, I need to access the services for a specific development scenario (API Gateway), and this I cannot get to work.
I have tried using the WSL2 IP address directly, but then the connect just times out. I have also tried using host.docker.internal, which resolves to something else than the WSL2 IP address, but it still doesn't work.
Is there a special trick I need to pull, or is this kind of routing currently not supported, but will be, or is this for some other reason not possible?
This illustrates what I am trying to achieve:
The other routings work - i.e. I can access all the service ports coming from the node.js processes inside WSL2 from the Windows browser, and also I can access the exposed service ports from the containers both from inside WSL2 and from Windows. It's just this missing link I cannot make work.

So what you need to do in the windows machine port forward the port you are running on the WSL machine, this script port forwards the port 4000
netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport="4000" # Delete any existing port 4000 forwarding
$wslIp=(wsl -d Ubuntu -e sh -c "ip addr show eth0 | grep 'inet\b' | awk '{print `$2}' | cut -d/ -f1") # Get the private IP of the WSL2 instance
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport="4000" connectaddress="$wslIp" connectport="4000"
And on the container docker run command you have to add
or if you are using docker-compose:
- "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
Then inside the container you should be able to curl to
curl host.docker.internal:4000
and get a response!

For what it's worth: This scenario is working if you use the WSL2 subsystem IP address.
It does not work if you use host.docker.internal - this DNS alias is defined in the containers, but it maps to the IP address of the Windows host, not of the WSL2 host, and that routing back inside the WSL2 host does not work.
The reason why this (probably temporarily) did not work is somewhat unclear - I will revisit this answer if the problem should reappear and I manage to track down what the actual problem may have been.

I ran into this problem with the latest Docker Desktop. I rolled it back to 4.2 and it worked.
Docker Desktop 4.2
Windows 19044.1466
Ubuntu 20.04
I have a java service running on a linux local host (accessing the IP address using ifconfig command), my other containers running on docker desktop using the WSL2 based engine, which can communicate to my java service using the IP address.

This sounds like the issue which is discussed here. For me the only thing that worked was running the docker container with --net=host and then using [::1] instead of localhost in the container to access other containers running in WSL.
So for example, container1 is started with docker run --net=host and then calls container2 like this: http://[::1]:8000/container2 (adjust port and path to your specific application)


Docker nodejs server running in VirtualBox guest OS (Ubuntu Server 20.04): access via host (Win10) localhost

I'm using docker inside VirtualBox (Ubuntu Server 20.04), since I cannot use Docker Desktop in the host (Windows 10).
I have a docker nodejs container on port 3000. In my host I can access it through, where is the IP address of the VM but I need to access it through localhost:3000.
The setup is of course similar to a docker-toolbox installation (as in this question), for which I've found that the host localhost also does not work, to put it simple.
I've tried to map localhost in Windows 10, as suggested in a few answers like this one adding to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts: localhost
But while works right away as expected, localhost doesn't.
Is there a workaround?
When I run an Angular development server in the guest, I can access it via localhost:4200 from the host but it is not completely clear to me what happens behind the scenes. Side question, how does ng serve lead to the "redirection" of localhost in the host OS?
Run as administor a windows command prompt and enter:
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=3000 connectaddress=<replace with docker ip address> connectport=3000
To confirm, run
netsh interface portproxy show all
Good luck.

Can't connect to WSL2 localhost server from WSL2 docker container

I am running a simple web server on (accessible also as with mapping to in Ubuntu hosts file) on my WSL2 Ubuntu. I can connect to it from both Ubuntu and Windows host - so far so good. But additionally, in my Docker for Win with WSL2 integration, I run a selenium chrome container which is connecting and testing stuff on that web server (using bridge), but it can't connect to it!
I connected to the container and tried to curl to the web server - connection refused. Since I have dual boot on my computer, I tried to switch to my Linux distro, run web server there and selenium in Linux Docker and connection to the local web server worked. So I think it has something to do with the WSL2.
My docker-compose.yaml (I left out my selenium hub config)
image: selenium/node-chrome-debug:3.141.59
restart: always
- 5901-5902:5900
- /dev/shm:/dev/shm
- ../../temp:/home/seluser/Downloads
- selenium-hub-local
- ""
- selgrid
- dockerhost
driver: bridge
- subnet:
Let me know if you need more config. Thanks.
Are you sure that the Ubuntu WSL2 instance is running bridged? By default, WSL2 instances run NAT'd (whereas WSL1 instances ran bridged). So, while yes, the Docker network is bridged, it still can't access the NAT'd WSL2 VM without some extra work.
I'm fairly sure that you are running into the root problem described in WSL issue #4150. If so, here are some things to try ...
Option #1 - Port forwarding to the WSL2 instance
There are several workarounds suggested in that GitHub issue, but the basics that would work for your case boil down to forwarding port 4000 from the Windows host interface to the WSL2 instance's private IP address. In PowerShell:
netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport="4000" # Delete any existing port 4000 forwarding
$wslIp=(wsl -d Ubuntu -e sh -c "ip addr show eth0 | grep 'inet\b' | awk '{print `$2}' | cut -d/ -f1") # Get the private IP of the WSL2 instance
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport="4000" connectaddress="$wslIp" connectport="4000"
Note that you'll need to do this after each reboot, or else set up a script that runs at logon as described in the GitHub issue (see this comment).
Option #2 - WSL1
I would also propose that assuming it fits your workflow and if your web app runs on it, you can simply use WSL1 instead of WSL2. You can try this out by:
Backing up your existing distro (from PowerShell or cmd, use wsl --export <DistroName> <FileName>
Import the backup into a new WSL1 instance with wsl --import <NewDistroName> <InstallLocation> <FileNameOfBackup> --version 1
It's possible to simply change versions in place, but I tend to like to have a backup anyway before doing it, and as long as you are backing up, you may as well leave the original in place.
Possible Option #3 - socat forwarding or tunnel
While I haven't tested your particular use case directly, I have played around with socat in WSL2 with success. From the looks of it socat could be used for port forwarding from WSL2 to (at the least) the Windows host (which would be accessible to the Docker container). See this comment an example on GitHub about a similar use-case as yours.
Possible Option #4 - WSL2 in bridge mode
The GitHub thread referenced above also has some details on how to enable bridge-mode on the WSL2 interface using Hyper-V. I believe this requires Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise. It also has to be done after each reboot, as with Option 1. Again, probably overkill for this case, if port forwarding or WSL1 can accomplish what you need.
Run this command on PowerShell as Administrator:
Replace {#requiredWindowsPort} with the port that will be used in the browser
Replace {#requiredWSL2Port} with the port running in WSL2 you want to connect to.
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport={#requiredWindowsPort}
listenaddress= connectport={#requiredWSL2Port}
connectaddress=$($(wsl hostname -I).Trim());

Run docker container on localhost via VM

I'm new to Docker and Containers, and I'm trying to run a simple web app in a container but running into issues. My OS is Windows 10 Home, so I have to use the Docker Toolbox, which runs on a VM that only includes a basic Linux OS. When I spin up the container, it seems to start fine, but I can't view the app on the localhost.
$ docker run -p 8342:5000 -it jwarren:project
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /app
Now listening on: http://*:5000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
$ docker ps -a
98cc4aed7586 jwarren:project "dotnet run" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes>5000/tcp naughty_brattain
I've tried several different recommendations that I found on the web, but none have helped so far. However, my knowledge of networking is very limited, so maybe I'm not fully understanding what needs to be done. I've tried accessing it with the default VM machine IP and the container IP. I understand that the port forwarding does not carry over to the container. Any assistance would be great, as this project is due on Tuesday, and this is the last road block before finishing.
I found the following post that was really helpful: How to connect to a docker container from outside the host (same network) [Windows]. Following the steps below worked perfectly:
Open Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager
Select the VM used by Docker
Click Settings -> Network Adapter 1 should (default?) be "Attached
Click Advanced -> Port Forwarding Add rule: Protocol TCP, Host Port
8080, Guest Port 8080 (leave Host IP and Guest IP empty)
You should now be able to browse to your container via localhost:8080 and your-internal-ip:8080.
Started up the container (Dockerfile EXPOSES 5000):
docker run -p 8080:5000 -it jwarren:project
Was able to connect with http://localhost:8080
There are few things to consider when working with a VM networking.
Virtual Box has 3 types of networking options NAT, Bridged and Host Only.
NAT would allow your VM to access internet through your internet. But won't allow your HOST machine to access the VM
Host Only network will create a network where the VM can reach the host machine and the Host can reach the VM. No internet using this network
Bridged network will allow your VM to assign another IP from your Wifi router or the main network. This IP will allow VM to have net access as well as access to other machines on the network. This will allow even the host machine to reach the IP
Now in most cases when you want to run Docker inside a VM and access that VM using the host machine you want the VM to have both NAT and Host only bridges
Now accessing your app on port 8342 needs few things checked
seliunx, firewalld, ufw are disabled on your VM (or properly configured to allow the port)
Your VM has a host only network or bridged network
iptables -S should not show REJECT rules
Some VMs come pre-configure to only allow port 22 from external network. So you should try access the app on <hostonlyip>:8342 or <bridgedip>:8342.
If you want to test if the app is up or not you can do the following
docker inspect <containerid> | grep IPA
Get the IP from this and run the command
curl http://<containerip>:5000/
This command needs to be execute inside the VM and not on your machine. If this command doesn't work then your container is not listening on 5000. Sometimes app listen to only inside the container. This means they will work only inside the container and not outside. The app inside the container needs to listen to
If nothing works you can try an ssh tunnel approach
ssh -L 8342: user#<VMIP>
And then you should be able to access the app on localhost:8342

Unable to resolve ip from hostname inside container

Im experimenting with Docker containers and Im having a problem with resolving ips from hostnames from inside my server.
It works fine on my machine (windows 10).
Basically Im just pinging hostnames on our internal network from my server (windows server 2016 running in a VM on VMWare) and it cannot find the host.
I run the container like this:
docker run -it microsoft/nanoserver
and when in the command prompt I ping one of our internal servers using its hostname.
This works fine on my windows 10 machine.
However if I ping the ip directly it works on the server.
If I ping the same hostname directly from the host it works fine.
Im quite new at this and I've been trying to figure it out using various guides, but I havent found anyone who has asked this before.
Any ideas?
The Docker container does not know anything about "your" network. Docker uses virtual interfaces to spin container - networks.
docker run --dns=
Anyway, you can add your DNS Server to the Docker engine or add some static "host" entries like:
docker run --add-host=myserver.local: ...

Access docker-machine VM ports without port forwarding

I'm trying to learn Docker and so far I have run into a lot of "work arounds" that are needed in docker-machine but not in boot2docker.
My current issue is accessing my docker containers from my host.
I have my Windows host, running a VM created with docker-machine, and inside that docker VM I'm running a simple nginx server container.
The nginx container is ran to expose it's 80 port to the docker-machine's 8000.
docker run -d -p 8000:80 nginx
And what I'm trying to achieve is being able to open this server from my Windows using a browser.
If I in Windows use curl (Git bash, not ssh-ed into the docker-machine VM) using the IP that docker-machine ip gives me, then it works. But using my browser doesn't (I'm using Microsoft Edge currently), I can get the browser to work if I set up a NAT port forwarding.
curl $(docker-machine ip dev):8000
As I've read it should be possible to access the VM ports without specifying port forwarding rules for every port, that VirtualBox should expose and forward those automatically.
What am I doing wrong or do I have to specify port forwarding rules for every port between my VM and host OS that I want to use?
After another day of digging I had the wild and crazy idea to try another browser and it works fine.
So for anyone running into this issue and you're using Microsoft Edge (to try it out like me), switch browser. Chrome and even old IE works fine.
In Bash, $(docker-machine ip dev) means "run the command docker-machine ip dev, take the output of that command and insert it into the command-line here".
If you run
docker-machine ip dev
in your shell, it will print an IP address which you can use in your web browser.
If you put this address in /etc/hosts (or your platform's analog) you can use a friendly alias for the IP address.
In my case, it was because my browser was configured with a proxy pac (Proxy_auto-config file) which did not include 192.169.x.y internal boot2docker machines ips.
That means:
the browser tries to contact the enterprise proxy (and that fails),
while a regular CMD shell session, with a NO_PROXY environment variable set to 192.168.x.y, would allow a curl http://192.168.x.y/... to work without a glitch.
