Process can write to docker volume on Windows not on Ubuntu - docker

I have an image based on opencpu/base. It starts an apache based server, and then invokes R scripts everytime sombody calls an API endpoint.
One of those scripts tries to write a file to a location in the container. When I mount a folder into that location, it works on my Windows machine, but not on Ubuntu.
I've tried using named volumes on Ubuntu, but it does not work either. When I run bash inside the container interactively on Ubuntu, I can write and read the mounted volume just fine. But the apache process cannot.
Does anybody have some hints what could be going on here?

When you log in interactively to the container, you will have root permissions.
Apache usually runs as another user (www-data), and that user must have read permissions on the folder that you want it to read.
Make sure that the permissions of the folder matches the user that will read it.


Copy many large files from the host to a docker container and back

I am a beginner with Docker and I have been searching for 2 days now and I do not understand which would be a better solution.
I have a docker container on a Ubuntu server. I need to copy many large video files to the Ubuntu host via FTP. Docker via cron will process the videos using ffmpeg and save the result to the Ubuntu host somehow so the files are accessible via FTP.
What is the best solution:
create a bind drive - I understand the host may change files in the bind drive
create a volume but I do not understand how may I add files to the volume
create a folder on the Ubuntu and have a cron that will copy using "docker cp" command and after a video has been processed to copy it to the host?
Thank you in advance.
Bind-mounting a host directory for this is probably the best approach, for exactly the reasons you lay out: both the host and container can directly read and write to it, but the host can't easily write to a named volume. docker cp is tricky, you note the problem of knowing when the process is completed, and anyone who can run any docker command at all can pretty trivially root the host; you don't want to give this permission to something network-facing.
If you're designing a larger-scale system, you also might consider an approach where no files are actually shared at all. The upload server sends the files (maybe via HTTP POST) to an internal storage service, then posts a message to a message queue (maybe RabbitMQ). That then retrieves the files from the storage service, does its work, uploads the result, and posts a response message. The big advantages of this approach are being able to run it on multiple systems, easily being able to scale the individual components of it, and not needing to worry about filesystem permissions. But, it's a much more involved design.

How to see the logs of an application inside a docker?

If I am creating a docker image for one of my applications and publishing it in docker hub.
This image was downloaded by many users and ran that application in their containers and that generated application logs in a folder.
Now as a developer how can I see those application logs from my machine when that container is in remote computer for which I dont have access?
If it is a virtual machine, I can do ssh to that same machine and go to that folder anse see the logs for that particular application, so how it is possible with docker?
I am not talking about docker event logs, the logs generated by my python application with the logging module. Could you please help me on how to handle this case in dockers.
I don't have any experience with working on dockers.
docker exec can be used to run bash commands in a docker container. But in your case the containers are running in a remote machine and not in your local machine. So, in that case, you have 2 options.
1. ssh into the remote machine and then use docker exec command to check the logs.
2. Directly ssh to the docker container.
But, in both scenarios, you will need SSH access to the remote machines from the end users.
I hope this helps.
If your application writes log files to the container filesystem, this is one of a couple of good uses for Docker bind mounts. If the operator (the person running the container; not you, the original software author) starts the container with
docker run -v $PWD/logs:/app/logs ... you/yourimage
then they will be able to read the log files directly on their host system.
As the original application developer, you have no access to these logs. This is the same as every other (non-SaaS) application: the end user installs software on their system and runs it, but it's on a system you can't log into, so you can't directly see things like log files. The techniques for dealing with this are the same as anything else: when a user files a bug report make sure they provide a sufficient reproduction, log files, and relevant configuration, and reproduce the issue yourself locally.

Initial setup for ssh on docker-compose

I am using docker for MacOS / Win.
I connect to external servers via ssh from shell in docker container,
For now, I generate ssh-key in docker shell, and manually send sshkey to servers.
However in this method, everytime I re-build container, sshkey is deleted.
So I want to set initial sshkey when I build images.
I have 2 ideas
Mount .ssh folder from my macOS to docker folder and persist.
(Permission control might be difficult and complex....)
Write scripts that makes the ssh-keymake & sends this to servers in docker-compose.yml or Dockerfile.
(Everytime I build , new key is send...??)
Which is the best practice? or do you have any idea to set ssh-key automatically??
Best practice is typically to not make outbound ssh connections from containers. If what you’re trying to add to your container is a binary or application code, manage your source control setup outside Docker and COPY the data into an image. If it’s data your application needs to run, again fetch it externally and use docker run -v to inject it into the container.
As you say, managing this key material securely, and obeying ssh’s Unix permission requirements, is incredibly tricky. If I really didn’t have a choice but to do this I’d write an ENTRYPOINT script that copied the private key from a bind-mounted volume to my container user’s .ssh directory. But my first choice would be to redesign my application flow to not need this at all.
After reading the "I'm a windows user .." comment I'm thinking you are solving the wrong problem. You are looking for an easy (sane) shell access to your servers. The are are two simpler solutions.
1. Windows Linux subsystem -- (not my choice)
Cygwin -- -- for that comfy Linux feel to your cmd :-)
How I install it.
Download and install it (be careful to only pick the features beyond base that you need. (there is a LOT and most of it you will not need -- like the compilers and X). Make sure that SSH is selected. Don't worry you can rerun the setup as many times as you want (I do that occasionally to update what I use)
Start the bash shell (there will be a link after the installation)
a. run 'cygpath -wp $PATH'
b. look at the results -- there will be a couple of folders in the begging of the path that will look like "C:\cygwin\bin;C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin;..." simply all the paths that start with "C:\cygwin" provided you installed your Cygwin into "C:\Cygwin" directory.
c. Add these paths to your system path
d. Start a new instance of CMD. run 'ls' it should now work directly under windows shell.
Extra credit.
a. move the all the ".xxx" files that were created during the first launch of the shell in your C:\cygwin\home\<username> directory to you windows home directory (C:\Users\<username>).
b. exit any bash shells you have running
c. delete c:\cygwin\home directory
d. use windows mklink utility to create a link named home under cygwin pointing to C:\Users (Administrator shell) 'mklink /J C:\Cygwin\home C:\Users'
This will make your windows home directory the same as your cygwin home.
After that you follow the normal setup for ssh under Cygwin bash and you will be able to generate the keys and distribute them normally to servers.
NOTE: you will have to sever the propagation of credentials from windows to your <home>/.ssh folder (in the folder's security settings) leave just your user id. then set permissions on the folder and various key files underneath appropriately for SSH using 'chmod'.
Enjoy -- some days I have to squint to remember I'm on a windows box ...

Docker-compose volumes not mounted correctly in VirtualBox under Windows

I am trying to run Hyperledger's BYFN Tutorial on a Win10 Home using Docker Toolbox, with VirtualBox 5.2.4. I am using the default image for the VirtualBox VM.
I have set up a shared folder (not in C:/Users, but on my other drive) and it seems to be functioning correctly - changes I make from either Windows, or the docker-machine are reflected in both places as intended. I successfully generate the network artifacts using "./byfn -m generate", but I get an error when trying to "./byfn up" it.
What happens is that, as far as I can see from the logs, all the containers get brought up correctly, but for some reason the volumes of the cli container are not attached correctly (I think). When finishes I get the following error:
When I ssh into the cli container, I can see the channel-artifacts, crypto and scripts folders, but their contents don't seem to correlate with the volumes: part of the docker-compose file. First, the scripts folder is empty (whereas in the docker-compose file it's specified that it should mount a bunch of files), so I get the above error. Second, the channel-artifacts containes only 1 directory named genesis.block, which should actually be a file. And in the crypto folder there are just a bunch of directories.
As you might have guessed, I'm pretty new at docker, so this might be intended behavior, but I'm still getting an error.
Please let me know if I can provide additional information. Thanks in advance.

Dockerized executable read/write on host filesystem

I just dockerized an executable that reads from a file and creates a new file in the very directory that file came from.
I want to use Docker in that setup, so that I avoid installing numerous third-party libraries in the production environment.
My problem now: I have file /this/is/a.file on my underlying (host) file system and my executable is supposed to create /this/is/b.file.
As far as I see it, the only chance to get this done is by mapping a volume that points to /this/is and then let the executable know where I mounted it to in the docker, container.
Am I right? Or is there a way that I just pass docker run mydockerizedstuff /this/is/a.file without using Docker volumes?
You're correct, you need to pass in /this/is as a volume and the executable will write to that location.
If you want to constrain the thing even more, you can pass /this/is/b.file as a volume. You need to create it (simply via touch) beforehand, otherwise Docker will consider it a directory and create it as such for you, but you'll know that the thing won't be able to create /this/is/c.file or any other thing.
