a way to link xstate visualizer to react app - visualizer

I have a react app that uses xstate and there are lots of variables and services and everytime I would like to display it to the visualizer, I have to remove those variables. Is there a way to link xstate visualizer to my app? like when my app runs it also reflects in state visualizer. Thanks


On IOS using Objective-C and/or React Native how can you get a notification in your app when someone set an Accessibility feature?

I would like to know when a user sets an Accessibility feature to on. Currently there's only a check during startup but if it's set to on/off after the application starts then there's no knowledge of the change in the application.
Is there an event or callback for IOS that'll let the application know when the setting changes?
This application also uses React Native, C++, and Objective-C.

Role of framework in between Extension and App in ios

I'm bit confused about the concepts of Extension in ios. After going through some tutorials I still have doubt how an app and an extension in ios communicate each other, does this has to do anything with Framework. If Yes, why we are adding Frameworks...
Hoping for a response, Thanks
App extensions are not stand alone apps. They are providing extended functionality of the app (which can be accessed from main app, called the host app) that is meant to be efficient and focused towards a single task.
For example, Today widget in iPhone is an extension. We can create a today widget for an iOS app which is an extension of the existing iOS app. For example, let us consider an app which shows current weather in detail. Then you can create an extension for this app, to show only current temperature without much detail in a widget.
The extension uses the data which is shared between both the main app and the extension. Embedded framework is a technique to share same code between two targets. You can share data using NSUserdefaults and app group concept.

Launching a different ios app, within an app

I'm writing a basic application using xcode 5.1. One of the features I'm interested in trying to do is to launch another app or move to other part of iphone, INSIDE the app already running.
Eg. I have an app with 3 menu options, 1 and 2 do certain tasks as part of this parent app, menu option 3 launches another app that's installed on the phone. I'm not sure if this is possible?
No you can not do that. Besides the documented URL handlers, there's no way to communicate with/launch another app.
This is part of the sandbox principle of apple:
What you can do is launch another app by using custom URL-Schemes

PhoneGap application requires native iOS code for background service?

I have a PhoneGap app and it checks your location every 5 minutes and reports it back etc.. to do this When the app needs to run in put at the background .
For Android I have written native code but for iOS will this work?
I'm not even sure how you would implement native objective c into PhoneGap as they are very different compilers etcthe it pause.
Any advice would be appreciatedWhen it come back to front, it will resume all remaining operation.
You need to write a Plugin to do this. A plugin will allow you to write Objective-C code and link it back to a JS function. Here are a few tutorials:
From Apache
From Adobe
Here is also a big list of Plugins people have already created: iOS Plugins

iOS app User simulation and monitoring?

I need to develop a new app or code to simulate user interface in another already existing app and get textFields, messages, etc results. Something like KIF (https://github.com/square/KIF), but I would like it to be independently compiled (not embedded in the same project).
Any ideas?
If I understand correctly, you want to have App A to be able to interact with the UI of App B.
This is not possible.
