Sypder: missing dependeny (parso version) - spyder

When I fire up Spyder, I recently get the following pop up:
error message parso dependency
However, the versions seems to correspond.
(base) C:\Users\ma.kofler>conda list parso
# packages in environment at C:\Users\ma.xxxxx\Miniconda3:
# Name Version Build Channel parso 0.5.2 pypi_0 pypi
Could anyone help me out?
Many thanks in advance

(Spyder maintainer here) To fix this problem you need to open the Anaconda Prompt and run there
conda install parso=0.7.0


Spyder IDE Unittest Plugin does it matter which conda channel

The github repo for the Spyder IDE Unittest Plugin lists only 2 options for installing the plugin: using the conda spyder-ide channel, as well as pip.
I have been able to install the plugin using the conda forge channel, as indicated in here.
Does it make a difference which channel is used to install the plugin ?
Short answer: no it shouldn't make a difference.
Longer answer: before pressing y at the Proceed ([y]/n? prompt you may want to check which versions of any dependencies are going to be installed, and which channels they will be installed from - especially if you are installing into an existing environment where you may want to upgrade other packages later. If you're happy for your environment to become dependent on packages from conda-forge, there's no issue with using the conda-forge package; otherwise (unless someone more knowledgeable can correct me) I would try and stick to the spyder-ide channel package.
This article on the conda-forge website says
The conda-forge and defaults are not 100% compatible. (...) that
mismatch can lead to errors when the install environment is mixing
packages from multiple channels.
For a longer discussion see the answers to this question.
As always, this advice from the conda-forge page is worth following:
we recommend always installing your packages inside a new environment
instead of the base environment from anaconda/miniconda. Using envs
make it easier to debug problems with packages and ensure the
stability of your root env.

Problems with updating pfgplots inside docker with tds file structure

I have a docker image with texlive installed (via apt not tlmgr). I have a pgfplot in my project which needs a newer pgfplot version. I'm searching for ways to update my pgplots because I can't update it with tlmgr because of base install via apt.
Initial error message if I try to compile with texlive 2014:
! Package pgfkeys Error: Choice '1.16' unknown in choice key '/pgfplots/compat/
anchors'. I am going to ignore this key.
See the pgfkeys package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.7 \pgfplotsset{compat=1.16}
! Emergency stop.
l.7 \pgfplotsset{compat=1.16}
I downloaded the pgfplots.tds and did the following steps like the manual said:
docker cp pgfplots.tds docker_container_name:/root/texmf/pgfplots
export TEXINPUTS=/root/texmf/pgfplots/tex//:
export TEXDOCS=/root/texmf/pgfplots/doc//:
export LUAINPUTS=/root/texmf/pgfplots//:
Of course the export and texhash were done inside the container and not on the host system.
After this, the error message is gone, but I have a new issue:
package pgfplots notification 'compat/show suggested version=true': you might b
enefit from \pgfplotsset{compat=1.18} (current compat level: 1.16).
! Illegal parameter number in definition of \pgfmaththisrow#.
<to be read again>
I searched online and got the response that this is because of a broken pgfplots installation. In many articles the fix was just to install the texlive new. But I can't do that.
The issue should also not be in the tex code itself. If I install texlive on my host system, which is the most recent Ubuntu distro, the tex compiles just fine.
Can somebody help me in fixing this or lead me to a better way of upgrading pgfplots?
The pgfplots package 1.18.1 and also 1.16 were to recent. It had conflicts with the pgf package. I tried to go further back and landed on \pgfplotsset{1.14} and version 1.14 of pgfplots.tds.
This works fine now. I was probably pretty lucky that my plot looks and functions the same with this version as in 1.18.
This approach probably won't work for you if your more bound to version 1.18.

ethermint: command not found, When attempting ethermint installation?

I'm following the steps to install ethermint on top of tendermint that are listed on the README on this github page:, but at the step ethermint --datadir ~/.ethermint init setup/genesis.json, then I get the following error: ethermint: command not found
And yes, I installed tendermint previous to my attempted installation of ethermint.
While the solution I figured out for my problem is contained on the GitHub issue page linked above, I also wanted to include it here for the sake of people who have the same issue.
OK, so I fixed the problem, and it was so infuriating. It turns out
that whenever I opened a terminal, then the go version would default
to go1.6, even if I was in the go1.8.3 directory. To solve the error,
you need to delete the old go version off of your computer, and then
use gvm to set the right go version. Thanks to everyone who helped me
solve this issue.
Check your current directory:
if ethermint doesn't exist you need to install it again

Installing VIM in Minix 3.1.8

I've Googled this a thousand times and I cannot, for the life of me, get VIM to work on my Minix 3. For the record, I am running on a Windows machine with Minix 3 working on Oracle's VM VirtualBox.
I've tried typing,
# pkgin up && pkgin in vim
but I get the error:
pkgin: Can't open database /usr/var/db/pkgin/pkgin.db: unable to open database file: No such file or directory
I then try to do pkgin search git to search for a package, but I get the same error. Could this be some kind of Internet connection issue? I'm incredibly confused.
If you haven't already, download the binary package from here:
Change "i386" to your correct architecture, if different.
As you're probably already familiar, this page tells you how to install binary packages for Minix:
As far as your "pkgin" errors, here are two possible solutions:
How to install vim into Minix3?
I asked on the Minix 3 Google Groups Forums and they solved my problem. If anyone else has trouble, I'm pasting a response by Lionel:
Switch to http downloads by editing "/usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf" and comment out the line:$osrelease/$arch/All
and add the following:$osrelease/$arch/All
Then do shutdown, boot, pkgin update and then install your desired packages.

Performance graphs on Jenkins causing "Could not initialize class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart" exceptions

When Jenkins tries to generate the Performance Trends graphs there launches several exceptions always with root cause: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart"
This is what I did:
desployed Jenkins , tried with v1.532.2 (stable) and also with v1.539-SNAPSHOT
didn't configured security
just set paths to my JDK (oracle's jdk1.7.0_51), MAVEN (3.1.1) and GIT (
enabled these plugins:
Checkstyle v3.39
Jenkins Cobertura v1.9.3
FindBugs v4.51
Warnings v4.39
PMD v3.38
Performance v.1.10
Jenkins Git client v1.6.2
Jenkins Git 2.0.1
Then I created a project which successfully creates a JMeter report file from my Java webapp using the plugin jmeter-maven-plugin v1.9.0, but there doesn't appear the Performance Trend graphs on the project's page. Jenkins really gathers the results because it shows me the response times, but can't show me the graphs. There launches several Exceptions always with root cause: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart" . Here you will find a complete StackTrace:
Jenkins already has jcommon-1.0.12.jar and jfreechart-1.0.9.jar at it's /WEB-INF/lib/ . This other post doesn't apply.
Can you help me, please?
Thanks in advance!
/ Angel
Angels Answer is correct, you have to add -Djava.awt.headless=true.
However, in my case it wasn't enough: I was running Jenkins on openjdk-8-jre-headless (Debian), which doesn't contain some libraries that JFreeChart requires.
Solution: use openjdk-jre-8 instead of openjdk-jre-8-headless.
Just an additional note to the people arriving from search engines.
Solved! Somebody helped me to solve it here :!topic/jenkinsci-users/o_Dr7Tn0i3U
It's not a bug in Jenkins but a miss-configuration. The solution is just adding
-Djava.awt.headless=true to Jenkin's runtime.
I'm running Jenkins as a webapp on my Tomcat, then I just added this line to my /opt/tomcat/bin/ :
I wanted you to share this solution. Cheers from Barcelona.
/ Angel
On a Debian 9 installation I was able to fix this problem by installing the libjfreechart-java package:
sudo apt-get install libjfreechart-java
I found this solution in the relevant Jenkins bug report: JENKINS-39636
On Debian 10.3 with openjdk-8-jre-headless the fix is to comment the assistive_technologies line in /etc/java-8-openjdk/, as pointed out by #tianon and the first commenter in the Jenkins issue, linked to from the first answer (JENKINS-39636).
My java.awt.headless is already true. So I carefully checked this link and found the solution which works perfectly fine for me:
sudo apt-get install libfontconfig
yum install libXext libXrender fontconfig
