Google Sheet Formula How to find UNIQUE Data Through Column Reference - google-sheets

Image of formula not working
I am trying to filter data by column reference
Not Work For Me =UNIQUE(A2:C6)
What i want it shoutd be like What actually i want
I want find UNIQUE Data Through Column Reference B is Mo No.

In this case a simple UNIQUE statement is not enough. You are looking for a function that takes in account only one column for your uniqueness check.
In this case SORTN is best suited for this job.
Here is how it works:
n: The number of items to return. Must be greater than 0.
I have 7 rows so at most 7 results
display_ties_mode: A number representing the way to display ties.
In this case 2: Show at most the first n(7) rows after removing duplicate rows.
sort_column1: The index of the column in range or a range outside of range containing the values to sort by.
In this case is 2 as well. Since the uniqueness check is performed in the B Column.
is_ascending: TRUE or FALSE indicating whether to sort sort_column in ascending order.
This is up to you


Rank column with arrayformula and cull duplicates based on another column

I'm struggling with a Google Sheets arrayformula. I want to make an arrayformula to show rank position of Column B values (TOT). With my formula I just achieve a copy of the first position. I don't want duplicate values in the rank, so if there is two equal values the Column A sets the priority.
Test Document:
If you put this in cell C2, it will rank them as you're trying to do. If you wanted to match the other direction (lowest to highest), then swith the sort parameter from false to true.
You also appear to have duplicates including in column A (example see rows 4,25,35). If you wanted to exclude the duplicates (effectively reducing the number of ranked values), This can be done using the unique function which would create a 17 in each row.

Correct Way To "COUNTUNIQUE" That Only Counts Once

I am trying to count the unique values of a column, based on their status in another column, example:
License Active
In this situation, I want to know how many customers have at least 1 active license, and how many customers do not have at least one active license.
The formula I have tried is:
This returns 1 in this situation which is correct, as there is 1 customer who has a Yes on column B.
My issue is when I try to do the reverse, count the "No" using this formula:
=COUNTUNIQUEIFS(A2:A,B2:B,"No") it returns 3 which is not the desired result as it is counting the second Adam as a unique value too because they have a "No" in column B.
The result I want here is 2, because Adam has a yes somewhere in column B so I don't want him counted again the next time his field is counted.
It seems to me that the easiest way to get the "No" count is like this:
It's even easier if you've already pulled the "Yes" count to a cell (say, C2), in which case the "No" count could be gained quite simply with this:
I don't think you can do it in a single step - try filtering out those with at least one "Yes" like this:
When a countifs has a range instead of a single value in its criteria part countifs(B2:B,"Yes",A2:A,A2:A) , the countifs gets re-evaluated for each cell in the range. So you get an array with the results of
and so on all the way down the columns.
The first countifs above checks right through a2:a and b2:b to see if there are any cases where the name is Adam and the license condition is true and gets a count of 1 so that row is filtered out. The same thing happens in the next row containing Adam (row 4) - the countifs checks right through both columns excluding the headers and the count is still 1 so that row is filtered out as well leaving just Barry and Claire.
If you wanted to exclude all records containing "Test" in the Customer column, You could add a condition to the filter using the multiplication operator to 'AND' it with the existing condition:
If you had several names to exclude, you would probably want to make a list of them and use a lookup to stop the formula getting too long and unwieldy, but it would be the same idea.

Third Parameter in Array Formula to check for highest(max) occurence but only if the other conditions are true first

Ok, this is the updated linkI have multiple criteria to look through in my arrayformula(index(match())). The first two are simple as they reference the row the formula is calculating on. The last conditional I have is to find the highest occurrence in a given range, but ONLY if the other conditions are met...something like a filtered maxifs..any ideas?
Here is my code in column P =iferror(ArrayFormula(index($F:$F,match(1,("Fee Taken"=$C:$C)*(H12=$H:$H)(maxifs($M:$M,$H:$H,H2,$C:$C,"Fee Taken"),0))),""))
The result that I would like is to return from column F if the name matches that rows name, the transaction type is "Fee Taken" from column C, and THEN if those conditions are true I want it to find the max value from column M based on those two criterias and return the column F value for that max value row..
Ive attached some pictues to show my data.
The last part of the Match function where I have the Maxifs equaling to eachother is where I am confused; my thoughts were to see if the maxifs for the item in Column "M" can be used as a criteria..but I do not think so....I only want the highest occurence F:F if both conditions are met and it is the highest value for both those criteria in column M..
Please let me know if you need anymore info..Thanks![
Working formula will be:
=ArrayFormula(index($F:$F,match(1,--(M:M=(maxifs($M:$M,$H:$H,H2,$C:$C,"Fee Taken"))),0)))

remove duplicates based on one column and keep last entry

I'm trying to remove duplicates based on one column and keep the last entry. Right now my formula is keeping the first value.
I'm using the formula found in this post:
Selecting all rows with distinct column values - Google query language
Well the short answer is just to change 0 (or false) in your formula to 1 (or true) so that VLOOKUP matches the last entry for each unique value
=ArrayFormula(iferror(VLOOKUP(unique(Data!D:D),{Data!D:D,Data!A:D}, {2,3,4,5},1 ),""))
This does appear to work for your test data
but that isn't the end of the story.
If you use VLOOKUP with this formula the data has to be sorted on the lookup column according to the documentation but in the comments above you said that you can't assume the data is sorted on the lookup column. Things do go horribly wrong if you try this on unsorted data. So you have to sort it on the lookup column like this
=ArrayFormula(iferror(VLOOKUP(sort(unique(Data1!D2:D),1,true),sort({Data1!D2:D,Data1!A2:D},1,true), {2,3,4,5},1 )))
the only slight downside being that this doesn't include the headings (because they would get sorted to the end of the data).
Here is the same test data sorted in descending order on ID
This gives the correct result (but without headers)
You can add the headers just by putting
=query(Data1!A:D,"select * limit 0")
above the data.

Sum above cells ignoring blanks

I have a spreadsheet where I have data from a bank account. Each bank transaction has a date and an indication if that transaction is already done or if it's just expected. When it's already done, it must be added to the total balance up to date. If not, then the total balance up to date must be blank. I need to autofilter the data, so I can filter and order it depending on date or other conditions, that's why I've been using this formula:
Problem here is that when the cell above is blank, total sum resets and it starts from the value of that transaction. I need a formula that ignores the upper blank cells, and sums all cells above that are not blank plus the amount of that transaction.
Besides, once I change the "N" in "Done" Column to a "Y" I need the formula to update and show the correct balance.
I share an example sheet for better understanding
Ok I THINK I understand what your going for - please let me know if I am confused, but I added an example on your sheet.... basically what I ended up doing was including one of your conditionals, but then also adding another function to exclude the blank rows by way of filter , index and counta It looks more complicated than it is because I nested it all back into one formula:
To work it from the inside out - the way I am excluding the blank rows is by using FILTER to get all the rows from the first row with a value ( Like A2 in your example) and using INDIRECT and ADDRESS to end the array I want to include exactly one cell above the current cell.
Then I use the condition that the range I built has a number value in it, there fore excluding the blanks.
In order to get the last value available, I use COUNTA to find out the total rows in the filter, then wrap the formula with INDEX to use the counta value as the row to return (which automatically is the last row available above the current cell)
Try this in A3 and copy down:
If you want to display the "N" rows as blank, add a column (B) fill in the header and the starting number (5000) then put this in B3:
Copy it down then hide column A.
