Why does VS 2019 append "_Test" to the folder name when I create .msix packages - msix

I am creating an .msix package from VS 2019. The application being packaged is a .NET Core 3.1 WFP desktop app.
The package (.msixbundle) executes correctly and is named correctly.
However, the folder that the package is placed always has a "_Test" appended (suffix) to the end of the folder it is located in. If I publish the package to a web server or file share there will be an accumulation of folders ending in "_Test". This occurs regardless of whether I'm creating a debug or release version.
I have search the Solution for the word Test but it's not there. I've created simple generic apps and the "_Test" suffix is always present on the folder names of the packages.
Where does this come from?


Port Xamarin Android project to .net6.0-android

I have a Xamarin Android Project that I want to migrate to .net6.0-android so I can use the new versions of MvvmCross. I have tried the upgrade-assistant. It claims to only upgrade Xamarin forms apps. I tried try-convert and it only seems to use msbuild through .net5.0. Can anyone tell me the correct steps to do this migration?
I wanted to maintain consistency in my Git Repository, so here is what I did. I made sure my app used the new PackageReference (to do this, if your project has a packages.config, you can right click it and it will give you an option to migrate). I created a blank .net6.0-android app. I copied the contents of my original app .proj to notepad to keep track of what NuGet packages I had been using. I then overwrote the contents of my original app .proj file with the contents of the blank app .proj. I used Nuget to add back in the required packages. I had to delete AssemblyInfo.cs in the Properties folder and Resource.Designer.cs in the Resources folder. I deleted the obj and bin folders in the project folder. After that, I was able to compile and run fine.

ASP.net 5 wwwroot source control (TFS) ignore compiled TS Files

I have my grunt file building the TS files and placing them in to the wwwroot folder. TFS/VS Keeps thinking that they are new files and adding them to the pending changes.
How do I make is so this is not happen. I only want the TS file in source control.
I have tried using .tfignore file
# Ignore all files in the wwwroot sub-folder
If you want to do front-end dev in Visual Studio 2015, don't use the ASP.NET 5 project template. Use the ASP.NET 4.5.2 Empty Web Project template. NPM, Bower, Gulp, Task Runner all work there too. Just add the appropriate config files through the New Item dialog (NPM Configuration File, Bower Configuration File, etc.).
Though ASP.NET 5 was released with Visual Studio, it is still very much beta. That doesn't only apply to the server-side features. The VS project type is also not ready for prime-time. The project properties are very limited in the UI. You can't choose to exclude items from the project. package.config exclusions don't appear to affect anything. VS doesn't behave with TFS on these projects and performs a TFS ADD on any generated file. This means that if I don't manually fiddle with TFS changes, eventually gulp builds will fail because it will want to make changes which TFS will block (e.g. delete when there is already a pending change).
All in all, the ASP.NET 5 project type is not full baked just yet. Fortunately, the only thing it really provides over the 4.5.2 project (that I've noticed) for the front-end developer is the Dependencies node in the project tree. That has some utility, but is not worth the cost currently. Instead, I installed the Visual Studio Command Line extension, which makes it convenient to run bower and npm commands as needed. I had to do this anyway for tsd (TypeScript definitions) since it doesn't have a GUI, intellisense, or bindings for its config file.
Add a .tfignore file. Details here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms245454.aspx#tfignore
You are using a Web Site project type and not Web Application.
Web site is only provided for legacy support and does not support features added to visual studio after... Well.. For a very long time > 5 years. Web site projects are inherently greedy with files and this is by design and can't be changed.
You should upgrade your project to a web application by creating a blank web application and doing the core files into your website and then opening it in vs. You will see that it has no files and you need to manually tell it which files to load.
This was a bug in the asp.net core tooling/TFS souce control interaction and has been fixed in VS 2015 Update 3, where the .tfignore file instructions should now be honoured:

Should umbraco & umbraco_client be checked in to source control?

Just installed the latest Umbraco (7.2.1) package via NuGet. My development environment is as follows:
Umbraco is installed installed on IIS8 as shown below and is all up and running.
My Visual studio project is set up as shown below (For the sake of clarity, any folder/file excluded from project is not in included in my source control.
The content folder houses all scripts, images & css
On build - bin, config, content, masterpages, usercontrols, Views, xslt, default.aspx, Global.asax & the transformed Web.config are copied to the IIS instance (I don't like running Umbraco in the same place as my project, it just seems messy.)
Is this an appropriate way of developing for Umbraco? Am I missing anything, my biggest concern is whether or not I should include the umbraco & umbraco_client folders in version control and in the post build action. Any suggestions would be great.
There is some debate over what should and shouldn't be in your repository and ultimately it comes down to personal preference. I used to only add custom files and files that I changed from the Umbraco install such as the config files however since the introduction of the Nuget package I do put all but the binaries into source control because when I upgrade via Nuget later on I can easily see changes and merge customisations back in.
It saves a lot of hassle running Umbraco directly (IMO) especially if you make any changes via the UI and if you're not running it directly then there is little point really in using the Nuget package because you will end up with a bunch of unused files in your project. In your situation you might as well keep your project clean and do a manual install into the location IIS is using for the site and only keep files in your project that you have created.
This is only my opinion so take from it what you wish but hopefully it is of some help.

VS 2013 - pdb files are added automatically to source control

I have a solution with a web site project and two library projects (.dll).
The web site has references to the two dlls. The references are added as project references.
The web site also has a binary reference to log4net.dll.
When we build the solution the pdb files from the two project references is automatically added to TFS source control under the web site Bin folder.
How can I prevent this from happening?
Peter B. Frederiksen
By defaut a Web Site project has no option to include or exclude files. As such they do not work well with source control systems and are not recommended for use.
You need to flip over to a Web Application. This is simple but has ramification.
Create an empty web application
Update the settings and assemblyinfo to be what you want
Copy only the Project file and the AssemblyInfo files into the Web Site location (maintain folders.)
Add the new project to your solution with "open existing"
Make work / build
Remove web site from solution
Remember that your files are now pre-built and you may need to fix duplicate class names that are allowed in web sites.
It looks like from the diagram above that your bin directory was somehow checked in as part of source control, this directory should be deleted (bin) from tfs unless you intend to version the output, which in this case you should not.

.Net Build does not contain output folders from other projects

We had a Project in our solution called DatabaseCreation - which was responsible for creating the database and running the scripts (contained in directories within the project).
Everything was fine.
We then wanted to make the creation of this database to be available from an app and from a console, so re-factored so that we had ...
Core has the directories containing scripts, and the App and Console run them.
When built with Visual Studio the directories containing the scripts are copied to the Output bin directory (either App or Console) but problem is: when the build server runs, the script directories don't get copied to the bin folder.
We've tried with TFS and Team City. I realise I could just copy them over, but its frustrating that it works when building in Visual Studio!
Can anyone put me on the right track please?
Check the Build Type for the files in the scripts directory. Find that by clicking one or many files (ctrl+click) then hitting properties (often f4). You likely want them to be content with Copy Always or Copy if newer.
The files were set to copy always, but the build just wouldn't pick them up.
The slightly awkward work around was to add the files as links from one project to another.
Add Existing -> navigate to other project - Looking for the little arrow on the right of the add button -> press that, Add as link option appears.
