Update AWS ECR for every stable release in docker Hub - docker

I have an docker public image, Now for some reason we had to shift it to AWS ECR,Now I am able to transfer the image to ECR from docker hub, but how to make sure that all the stable release in dockerhub will be pushed to AWS ECR, I want my ECR repo update with latest dockerhub image all the time.

You might consider building and publishing your Docker image through GitHub and its CI (Continuous Integration) GitHub Actions option.
That way, you can, in your GitHub workflow, chain:
Publish-Docker-Github-Action: Publishes docker containers to DockerHub
appleboy/docker-ecr-action: Uploads Docker Image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).
Each time you are publishing a new version of your image, it would also be available in ECR.

Using Docker Registry Sync tool, Dregsy -> https://github.com/xelalexv/dregsy


How can we change container registry service from Dockerhub to ECR?

I am looking for a way to move chunk of our organization's images from Dockerhub to ECR. Is there a good way to switch between container registry services?
Thanks in advnace
I have tried creating a ECR repository and get authentication token that we can use to authenticate to an Amazon ECR registry.
Use docker tag to tag new image based on source image from Dockerhub.
Use docker push to upload it to ECR.
Does this sound right, if yes can we automate this for a chunk of images?

Using Artifactory instead of ECR

We've just brought Artifactory into our organization. We have a lot of Fargate stacks that are pulling the Docker images from ECR. We now want to pivot and store our Docker images in Artifactory and tell Fargate to pull the images from Artifactory.
Does anyone know how to do this?
An Artifactory repository for Docker images is a Docker registry in every way, and one that you can access transparently with the Docker client (see documentation)
In Artifactory, start by creating a local Docker repository, then follow the "Set Me Up" instructions for that repository to upload/deploy your docker images to it.
The "Set Me Up" dialog for the Docker repository also provides the steps to have your docker clients consume/download the images from your Docker repository/registry. You would just have to replace the references of ECR with the one for your Artifactory docker repository/registry in your docker client commands.
This documentation page provides step-by-step information on how to use Artifactory as a Docker registry.
Artifactory also provides the capabilities of Remote Docker repositories, which provides proxying/caching of external registries, and Virtual Docker repositories for the aggregation of both local and remote repositories into one single entry point.

Private Proxy Registry for DockerHub, GCR, ECR, ACR and Quay.io

Is there anyway to proxy or mirror the following Docker registries with my own Private Docker Registry?
Google Container Registry
AWS EC2 Container Registry
Azure Container Registry
I want to use a Private Registry to store all Docker Images I need.
I want to pull Images without changing the repo/image:tag name when doing a docker pull? For example, with Nexus if I want to do a:
docker pull gcr.io/google_containers/metrics-server-amd64:v0.2.1
I must change the repo name:
docker pull mynexus.mycompany.com/google_containers/metrics-server-amd64:v0.2.1
Is there any docker/kubernetes config that says if someeone does a pull if a gcr.io Image just go to mynexus.mycompany.com instead and use as a pass thru cache.
GCR, ECR, ACR and Quay.io not supported current docker
Try this proxy
In Sonatype Nexus,
create a "docker (proxy)" repository.
create a "docker (group)" repository.
In the group, repository, add both the proxy and any hosted repos
You should now be able to refer to the group repository URL, qualified with your image names and tags, to retrieve any image in any repository that the group can see. You will need to set-up individual proxies for each of GCR, Quay, etc. Also, your image build processes will need to push to the one of your hosted repositories, NOT to the group repository. You push to your hosted, and pull from your group.

How to pull docker image from github and build image in ec2?

My actual requirement is pull docker image from GitHub and build a docker image in ec2 instance and push that image to ecr. So, am just trying to clear my first step by asking help to pull image from git, very new to all this.
Let's walk through each step you're asking about in your requirements:
Pull from GitHub - You won't pull a docker image from here, however you may pull a Dockerfile from here, which would be used to build an image. The command to do this would be just like cloning any other repository: git clone <repository url>
Build the image on ec2 - First you will need to have docker installed on the ec2 instance. Assuming you're running Ubuntu on your ec2 instance, follow the good instructions on Docker's page (https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/) miror. Once docker is installed, navigate to the directory that has your Dockerfile in it (cloned from git) and type docker build . --tag mytag
Push the image to ecr - To do this, you need to have the amazon CLI installed on your box, and you need an ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY from AWS IAM. Once you have these, configure your connection by storing them as environment variables, or by typing aws configure and entering them. Once your credentials are configured, log into ECR by typing aws ecr get-login --no-include-email, and then copy/pasting the command it gives you. (you can also put ` around it to skip the copying step). This will allow you to push to ecr using docker push.
To clarify some of the points:
Github: It is a web-based hosting service for version control using git. So you can not pull docker image from Github.
To build a Docker image, you need Dockerfile. So you can fork the GitHub project which has this Dockerfile.
Then to build it on ec2, you can check out the project containing Dockerfile on ec2 server and build it using:
and then you can push it to any registry using:

Docker + Kubernetes build

I am trying to use Docker + Kubernetes for my application management.
I have installed kubectl, kubeadm, kubelet (got the steps from google docs) for Kubernetes cluster.
Now cluster is having 2 node(1 Master, 1 Child)
I have a customize Dockerfile , how can it use it as a Kubernetes pods ?
If this is not possible,
How to transmit the docker build to the Kubernetes child from master.
You could use a private Docker registriy outside or inside the cluster or work with local (pre-pulled) images.
Outside the cluster you might want to look at these:
Docker registry image
Jfrog Artifactory registry
Sonatype Nexus
Dockerhub private registry
Google private registry
Amazon ECR
Quai.io registry
Azure registry
Inside the cluster you might want to look at the Private Docker Registry in Kubernetes
If you're not interested to use a registry, you could also build the image on every Kubernetes node so that Docker doesn't have to pull it. To avoid that Kubernetes tried to pull anyways you would then have to set the imagePullPolicy of your containers to Never. That's described within the official documentation.
Dockerfiles create images which are used by pods, Kubernetes only uses your created docker image it doesn't build docker images for you. I think what you want to do is:
create an image from your dockerfile by using docker build
send that image to dockerhub using docker push
create a kubernetes deployment that uses your image https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/deployments/
That should get you in the right direction but you will have to read up more :)
