Problème de configuration Appium pour iOS - ios

I have a problem to communicate between my macmini and my iphone 7 (version 11.4) with Appium. My build is successfull on xCode and the version of Appium is the last 1.18.0-1.
My capabilities in Appium are :
"platformName": "iOS",
"platformVersion": "11.4",
"bundleId": "com.altran.deltadore.tydom",
"deviceName": "iPhone7",
"udid": "0afc3d4352c3f2d720a9ffca2d971b118b9a7e17",
"xcodeSigningId": "",
"xcodeOrgId": "WUQ4U559T2",
"automation_name": "XCUITest"
The error message in Appium when I start the session is :
An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: App with bundle identifier 'com.altran.deltadore.tydom' unknown

Add one more capability as :
"app" : "Path_to_your_ipa_file";
Secondly, you have to add udid while signing the ipa build for the devices you have to use the build.


Error: Simulator architecture is unsupported by the app. Make sure the correct deployment target has been selected for its compilation in Xcode

Appium - iOS - Macbook M1 chip
Appium inspector: 1.21.0
Encountered internal error running command: Error: Simulator architecture is unsupported by the '/var/folders/02/pmtd5x_51_34lk5hp_1h4c000000gn/T/2022327-78661-1k3io4.g3jny/' application. Make sure the correct deployment target has been selected for its compilation in Xcode.
"platformName": "iOS",
"platformVersion": "15.0",
"deviceName": "iPhone 12",
"app": "/Users/sumit.kathuria/Documents/7eeb29ec-6363-4ebd-ba8f-5496edd414d1.ipa",
"automationName": "XCUITest",
"version": "1.21.0"
enter image description here

Appium - Install iOS apps from a testflight public url

I'm trying to install / run an iOS app from a test flight public url when using appium desktop but get the following error when starting the session:
"An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not install app: 'ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir '/var/folders/[DIRECTORY_PATH]/[RANDOM_GENERATED_CODE].app''"
The desired capabilities I provided to appium desktop are shown below:
"automationName": "XCUITest",
"platformName": "iOS",
"deviceName": "[DEVICE_NAME]",
"platformVersion": "13.3",
"xcodeOrgId": "[XCODE_ORG_ID]",
"xcodeSigningId": "iPhone Developer",
"udid": "[DEVICE_UDID]",
"bundleId": "[APP_BUNDLE_ID]",
"updatedWDABundleId": "[WEDRIVER_AGENT_RUNNER]",
Does appium support this functionality? If so what am i missing?
You should try to download the app before setting up Appium. (with bash script or Java itself)
After downloading, set the local URL in the capabilities.
This error:
install app: 'ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir '/var/folders/[DIRECTORY_PATH]/[RANDOM_GENERATED_CODE].app''"
Seems to indicate you are pointing to a file, not a directory, which is what the executing code expected. Are you supposed to expand the artifacts from TestFlight before using them? Perhaps something is wrong with the [DirectoryPath] you specified. What's actually at that location after the failure occurs?

Could not create simulator with name and runtime id

I use Xcode 10.1 and with Appium Desktop my capability is
"uuid": "B13D4F22-AA4E-4890-8C2B-3C5B7B6E3678",
"bundleId": "com.slacorp.eptt",
"platformName": "iOS",
"deviceName": "iPhone 8",
"automationName": "XCUITest"
but when I run Appium Desktop I get
An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not create simulator with name 'appiumTest-iPhone 8', device type id 'iPhone 8' and runtime id 'undefined'. Reason: 'simctl error running 'create': Invalid runtime: undefined'
Udid capability is missing: "udid": auto

Error while connecting real iOS device with Appium server

I'm trying to open the application from Appium server and getting the below mentioned error.
An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command.
Original error: Unknown device or simulator UDID:
"platformName": "iOS",
"deviceName": "iPad",
"automationName": "XCUITest",
"udid": "046e4469d6cb14ff57e378599bd4b1d09390472b",
"bundleId": "com.***",
"platformVersion": "11.2.6",
"app": "/Users/***/***.ipa"
even tried with app location on my Mac machine but getting the same error.
xcode version:9.2
ios version:11.2.6
Mac OS version:10.13.3
Appium server version:1.7.2
configuration which is required -
“platformName”: “iOS”,
“platformVersion”: “10.2.1",
“deviceName”: “------”,
“udid”: “fdbe0d55ced1fd6fa842681b6a058438573fb762",
“app”: “/Users/----/---/---/---.ipa”,
“automationName”: “XCUITest”
Based on app path, it will find the app to be loaded, also you have to provide the iOS version(XCode ios simulator version for simulator/ device OS version for device).
here is the iOS cap config,
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone");
capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "iOS");
capabilities.setCapability("automationName", "XCUITest");
capabilities.setCapability("udid", “******************************”);
capabilities.setCapability("noReset", true);
capabilities.setCapability("app", “*******app path******“);
driver = new IOSDriver(new URL(""),capabilities);
please make sure the UDID you have mentioned it correct ,
and you do need to add "WebDriver Agent" app in your iOS device.

Missing Build.json file in Cordova App

I am trying to run my Ionic Cordova Mobile App on an iPhone from Visual Studio using remotebuild remote device on a Mac.
The issue I am facing is that my Visual Studio project is missing a build.json file which I have since created and entered the following:
"ios": {
"debug": {
"developmentTeam": "XXXXX"
"release": {
"developmentTeam": "XXXXX",
"codeSignIdentity": "iPhone Developer"
I keep receiving the following error:
Error:Remote build error from the build server Build failed with error Unexpected token in JSON at position 0 -1
I am using XCode 8 and Cordova CLI 6.2.0
Any advice as to what I am doing wrong?
