Set Pixelratio in Gimp to 0.5mm x 0.75mm - gimp

I have to paint some pictures for a small display of a micro controller. The Display has a resolution of 128x64 Pixel. But the Pixel aren't a square. They have a width of 0.5 mm and a height of 0.75mm. All my nice drawn images in GIMP look ugly on this display.
Can i change the ratio of drawn pixel in GIMP so i can see the image the same way like on my micro controller screen? Is there a setting for this or do i need to use my imagination?
I've looked around in settings menu but found nothing ...
thx in advanced
PS: Wrong Network?

Use Image>Print size to set a different definition for the vertical and horizontal axis (don't forget to "unlink" the two entry fields otherwise changing one will change the other).
Then untick View>Dot for dot so that Gimp no longer maps image pixels to screen pixels and displays the images with their intended definition (and aspect ratio in your case).


How to scale Image with GIMP?

I am trying to change an image to 2688x1242.
But GIMP changes to 2688 to 2606. What should I change, interpolation?
By default, Gimp keeps the aspect ratio (height/width constant). If you want to scale these independently, you click the chain link icon between the width and height fields to open it:
You can then use arbitrary values, with the caveat that this can make your image look distorted (flattened/stretched). Usually, you scale the image keeping the aspect ratio, and either add margins on the side that is too small, or crop some on the side that is too big.

Change bounding box in Figma

I want to export icons in the same width and height, for example, say I want all of them to be exported as 30x30. So, in short I'd like to change bounding box of the icons in Figma without scaling them.
is that possible?
or is there any workaround?
Ensure that the bounding box is set to Frame (not group). You can scale just the frame bounding by pressing and holding Command / Control while you resize.
I solved it with just a transparent rectangles(30x30) behind them and grouped each of them, and when exported those icons become 30x30 ^

ImageJ TIFF import image dimensions?

I have a bunch of auto-scanned slides using a slide scanner (Hamamatsu), which I can export from the NDPview software at different magnifications. So far, I have been zooming in to where I get the best resolution of my region on interest and add a scale bar for 1mm (as 1000 um) using the native scale bar option in the NDP view software. I then export the "view" from NDPview to TIFF. This TIFF is then imported into ImageJ (Fiji) where I set the scale using the scale bar I drew. This has been working well, but with over 500 images to do it's a bit of a pain.
Since the TIFF imports to ImageJ with inchxinch dimensions, I figured I can go to Image -> Properties and just change the unit of length to um. To test this, I selected an area to measure. I then compared this to my old method... and the values are completely different. Any idea why? 1 is the old method, 2 is the new method.
I made certain to "remove scale" in the scale bar window between each test. The whole image dimensions are different too:
If the images are all the same magnification and resolution, then as long as you know a measured distance (in pixels) and the physical distance (in microns or mm), you can set it using Analyze > Set Scale...
To do this in a macro you can use
run("Set Scale...", "distance=255 known=1 pixel=1 unit=micron");
where 255 is the distance in pixels for your known unit (1 micron). This can be applied to all TIFFs in a folder if you wrap that line in a loop operating on all TIFFs and save each resulting image.

Xcode 5 Image Slicing

I'm trying to slice an image in assets Xcode 5. I don't know if what I'm trying to do is possible with slicing.
The image looks like this:
I need to change the width and the height of the image, although not at the same time. The closest I've got is when I use Horizontal for the height and Vertical for the width. The problem is when I change the width, the left side of the image starts as a straight line and the skews and change to the original shape.
I'm about to give up on the idea of slicing and just create three images, left, center and right. Is that the only way to go?
This is how my current slice looks like:
Is there any way to change it so it works at least for the width?
Instead of slicing the image I used a mask and moved the mask.
Slicing works by taking the center section, and stretching it to fill the required space and then putting on the image end caps.
Because your button has a continuous diagonal line you will not be able to slice it. It will stretch the image out like so:
In fact even if you make a centre section and end caps you will still have the same issue as this image can only be scaled.
If you only need a finite set of heights then you should create individual assets for each height that can be sliced horizontally. If you need N heights then you should look into using core graphics to draw your shape in code in a -drawRect: method for arbitrary dimensions.
P.S. if you want to horizontally slice so you can grow the width its most optimal to have only 1 pixel width of image that will be stretched out so your button image resources would look a bit like this:
Aha. TIL: You can change the slicing options from the attributes inspector in the right hand pane in Xcode. To make your slicing work choose only "Horizontal"

Auto adjust alignment to screen size

I am working on a BlackBerry App that has a lot of ImageButtons, LabelFields and MessageBoxes. What appears to be perfect on one screen size, seems a mess on the other. For instance, Vertical Field Managers that are neatly aligned center with LabelFields, are left/right aligned on bigger screens. Images that cover the width of the screen appear too small on larger screens. Is there some mechanism to auto-align and dynamically change images with respect to the screen size. Any ideas and documents that can help in this regard?
Here are some tips for making screens that look good on almost all devices:
Use less images. If you have to use images, use atleast 3-4 for different screen sizes. for example if you need to have an image as the screen header, use images with widths 320px, 480px and 640px. Load image depending on the width of the screen.
Do not use pixel measurements. Use point measurements instead. Most of the devices are similar in terms of physical size, whereas they have huge difference in pixel density. Using this you can have a screen which will look exactly identical on curve (320x240), bold2 (480x360) and bold 4 (640x480). If you notice, they have the same aspect ratio and similar physical size.
Do not hardcode positions. Instead use FIELD_HCENTER and DRAW_HCENTER etc for fields.
Do not use fonts with fixed pixel height. Use fixed point height instead.
If using custom fields, make sure that they can automatically expand according to device and pixel density.
