<ion-input> (click) opens keyboard instead of Modal - ios

I have the following code in my html.
<ion-item (click)="showAddressModal()">
<ion-input [(ngModel)]="address.formattedAddress"
type="text" placeholder="Pick a location for your event">
showAddressModal() essentially opens a modal page where the user can search for an address.
Works like charm when I run it on chrome with ionic cordova run browser.
On ioS, however, it takes 2, sometimes 3 clicks to open the modal. First click brings the keyboard up. If I disable the keyboard by using [readonly]="true" on then the keyboard doesn't come up, but I still need 2 clicks. If I disable the entire input using [disabled], it doesn't serve my purpose - cannot click. I have tried moving the (click) from ion-item to ion-input, I have tried removing ion-item altogether, no avail!
Please share your perspective on how I can fix this.

OK. For now, I've fixed my own problem by removing ion-input altogether and just using ion-text with a (click) listener on it. In lieu of the placeholder, I just show the same placeholder if address.formattedAddress is empty.
Still not sure where the problem is with ion-input and iOS, but will save that problem solving for another day.
For those of you, curious to see the new code, here's what the template code looks like - no change to my component or to the modal itself -
<ion-item (click)="showAddressModal()">
<ion-text inputmode="none">
{{ (address.formattedAddress == "") ? "Pick a location for your event" : address.formattedAddress}}


Buttons need to be tapped twice in order to fire the click event on iOS

When I access at this link from iOS the button with the symbol of the clock needs to be tapped twice in order to show the opening hours. This problem affects also the other buttons.
The first tap is handled like a mouseover event.
How can I fix this problem?
This is the code of the button with the clock:
<li><a href='#openinghours' data-toggle='tab' title='Opening hours'>
<span class='round-tabs four'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i></span>
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="openinghours">
<!--html content of the opening hours-->
On the desktop version of the website everything is working well.
I don't have enough rep to comment, but I would clear all your JS errors on your page before you start to debug this. You seem to have around 6 console errors and 2 warnings.
I've tried this in my Simulator, and it behaves as you say - however the W3C Bootstrap 4 Nav Tabs are fine. Therefore, I'd suggest looking at the difference (as well as seeing if any errors are interfering)
Link to w3 Schools:

Ionic 2 Keyboard reopening after close

I'm facing a situation when I need to close the keyboard programmatically on iOS. For solving it I'm using this piece of code:
It closes the keyboard but whenever I touch the screen, it reopens. Has someone else faced this situation? Thanks!
I also encounter this problem in ios 11 when using an iframe inside a Modal. If I use this.keyboard.close() to close the keyboard manually, it will reopen in each touch. I finally solve it by
In the page that embeds a iframe add the following
declare var cordova;
#ViewChild('ioshack') ioshack;
ionViewWillLeave() {
<iframe [src]="url" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
<ion-input #ioshack type="text" value="" class="ioshack" style="height: 0px;"> </ion-input>
Apparently Ionic 2 has some bugs when mixing iframes and Ionic 2 pages. In my case I was getting back from an iframe and I need the keyboard to close. The way I managed to solve this issue was by inserting a back button in the iframe, emitting an event from the iframe and attaching a listener to the Ionic 2 app which programmatically pops the last page from the stack. By using this method the keyboard gets automatically closed, you just need to trigger the event in order to go one page back. Hope this answer helps someone that has the same issue!

ionic ios all view blank after keyboard hide

in ionic login page , every time when i hide keyboard it will cause a full screen blank (element still there can be click and response) , and after editing input all recover normal. (Only iOS,android is fine,other page's input is fine so it should not be the keyboard plugin's problem)
Maybe this link help you. But it's temporary.
replace <ion-content> with <ion-scroll>
<ion-scroll direction="y" style="right: 0;bottom: 0;left: 0;position: absolute;" class="has-header has-subheader">
keyboard issue
You have to add this two attributes to ion-content padding="true" overflow-scroll="false"
<ion-content padding="true" overflow-scroll="false">
It worked for me.

JQuery Mobile - select onchange breaks tabbing to next field

When using Jquery mobile, When you select an option from a select with the keyboard, you cannot tab to the next input in the DOM. If you take out the jquery mobile bits, things work as expected.
I have the following html:
<input type='text' id='starter' /><br />
<select id='sel'>
<option value=''></option>
<option value='1'>One</option>
<option value='2'>Two</option>
</select><br />
<input type='text' id='ender' /><br />
I have set this up on fiddler with jquery and jquery mobile below:
http://jsfiddle.net/58jkj1wa/ - raw jquery works as expected.
http://jsfiddle.net/a5reojmo/4/ - jquery mobile broken select.
To reproduce the issue perform the following:
The cursor starts in the first input
press 'tab' to move to the select
press down arrow to activate the options
press down arrow to select the first option
press return to accept the change (non mobile - focus is now correctly on the select)
press tab
In the non-mobile version the cursor is now in the second input as expected. In the mobile version it's someplace else... and I don't know where. You have tab a lot for the focus to move to the first input again... then through the inputs to the field you want after the select you just used.
Personally I reckon this is a bug, so the most interfering I felt prepared to do was to try the on change trigger to try and set the focus back to the select like this:
$("#sel").on("change", function (e) {
But this does not work. If you do the focus call anywhere else, it works as expected, highlighting correctly and tabbing off if you do not change the value. but as soon as you change the value the focus is someplace else.
I can set the focus to the next item however:
$("#sel").on("change", function (e) {
But I'd rather not do this as this means I can't do some of the dynamic hiding of inputs I'm doing and have to programmatically mirror the flow handling in the form.
I've tried updating some of wrapper stuff that JQM adds and I've tried setting focus on another input and then back again, and then optionally doing a selectmenu refresh, but the mobile still can't tab out to the next input. I've also tried various blur() and focus() calls all to no avail.
I did see this answer doing something similar by adding a keydown handler, but since I don't know where the focus is after a value change I don't know where to add the keydown handler... besides this sounds like a JQuery Mobile bug doesn't it??
Do you know how I can make tab and focus-highlight work correctly after a select change in JQuery Mobile?
Is this a bug I should report?

jquery ui 1.8.16 & firefox 6 - sortable not working properly

As I was developing an application with jQuery (latest version), my firefox browser decided to update itself to version 6. Right after that, I got the standard jquery ui "sortable" function not working properly. I tried on the jquery website and same thing. Tried with the demo files downloaded with the jquery ui bundle => same result. No hacks, no custo, just vanilla.
Here are the symptoms: starting the sorting (by clicking and dragging the mouse around), the sortable element sticks to the mouse pointer. Fine until there. But when releasing the left mouse button, the sortable element drops on its final position and suddenly, as I move the mouse elsewhere (no mouse buttons clicked) the last sorted element sticks back to the mouse and moves with the pointer.
Clicking somewhere on the page moves the sortable element back to the final dropped position but as soon as I move again the mouse, that element sticks again and does not drop.
Has anyone come over such a bug with firefox 6?
FYI, this sortable function was working like a charm on FF 5.0
All right guys!! I found the root cause of such a weird behaviour!!! Its name is "FireQuery 1.0" addon for Firefox.
When I saw Guntram telling me that he is using FF6 with the latest version of jQuery + jQuery-UI with no issues at all, I wondered if that could come from an addon. So I disabled everything and re-activated them, one by one, with a restart after each enabling. I found the guilty addon: FireQuery 1.0.
Not saying that this addon is not good but at least, if you ever come with the same issue as mine, at least now you may know the root cause. ;)
to me the sorting works alright.
the elements dont move unexpectedly.
when i have an item in an element, like a button or a textfield, nothing happens.
if i right-click into the field or button the cursor appears (the button is clicked).
and when i escape the windows right-click options menu i can type into the text field...
so still strange behaviour. i don't know how it works on ff5, i am on ff6, latest jquery version.
after i found this:
i took a closer look at the cancel option provided by the jquery-sortable.
i finally could solve it like this:
<ul id="sortable">
<li class="ui-state-default"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span><input type="text" value="text" ></input></li>
<li class="ui-state-default" style="height: 70px;"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span><textarea cols="20" rows="3">textarea</textarea></li>
<li class="ui-state-default"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span><button>button</button></li>
// initialize the sortable including the cancel option
$( "#sortable" ).sortable({cancel: 'input,button,textarea'});
I have the same problem. After a day's worth of testing I have found out what the issue is and what kicks this behaviour off.
Let me first show you what we're using the sortable class on.
| Header |
| |
|Contents |
Header is draggable. If you quickly or erratically move the mouse cursor while dragging and the mouse cursor somehow gets moved off the header (e.g. onto the contents), the div sticks to the cursor.
To re-pin the div back onto the page, you can again quickly move the cursor and try to get it back on the header. Then it seems the events are re-attached and you can place the div back on the page.
To sum up, the mouse shifts off the div with the sortable events attached so the object is not seeing the mouseup or click events that place the object back on the page.
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to fix this.
We implemented a solution which works for us, but may not be ideal for everyone. Simply .trigger("mouseup") on the draggable element when a click event occurs on any element that should not be dragable. This will snap the draggable element back onto the page.
