I have reactive micro service that talks to AWS RDS Aurora serverless. I want to know if there are any JDBC drivers that are non blocking for this like r2dbc.
The Reactive JDBC Driver for Mysql worked with AWS RDS Aurora Serverless.
I'm comparing Apache StreamPipes and SCDF (Spring Cloud Dataflow).
I found out that there are some similarities:
Components of the Stream are executed as microservices via Wrappers (Flink/standalone)
Internally uses Message Broker to automatically create required topics and connect pipeline-components by that
I found nothing about a Support for using Kubernetes as Execution Engine. Is something planned in the Future? Anyone knows some other differences/similarities?
I have a spring boot application that run in aws as a ECS. This application use a pool of connections for connect to an instance of Aurora RDS serverless. I want to know if there are a mode to "destroy" the pool connection when there are no connection to the database. It's possible?
Just for documentation. I find a resolution by use com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource driver and the following configuration:
connectionTimeout: 60000
idleTimeout: 900000
maxLifetime: 900000
minimumIdle: 0
maximumPoolSize: 10
In our project we have websphere liberty server and IBM MQ as message server. We are moving in cloud. We want to replace IBM MQ with AWS SQS. In server.xml we have following entries to get IBM MQ connection factory using jndi.
<jmsQueueConnectionFactory connectionManagerRef="ABCConnMgr" jndiName="jms/ABC_QCF">
<properties.wmqJms channel="CH.ABC.SVRCONN" hostName="abc-mq1-st4.ebiz.abc.com" port="21414" queueManager="ABC401" transportType="CLIENT"/>
<connectionManager agedTimeout="-1s" connectionTimeout="180s" id="ABCConnMgr" maxIdleTime="1800s" maxPoolSize="50" minPoolSize="0" purgePolicy="EntirePool" purgeagedTimeout="-1s" reapTime="180s"/>
<properties.wmqJms baseQueueName="ABC.ORDERMGT.INPUT.QA"/>
Similarly I am looking jndi configuration for Amazon SQS connection factory and sqs queue. I think IBM need to develop resource adapter for SQS and provide this configuration.
You are correct, you will need a resource adapter for Amazon SQS. It could be provided by any third-party vendor, does not need to be IBM for it to work because JCA is a standard.
Once you have a resource adapter, here are some helpful Knowledge Center links to get it configured in Liberty,
Overview of JCA/JMS config
Configuring Resource Adapters
Configuring JMS Connection Factories
Configuring JMS Destinations
The biggest problem I understand here is managing IPs. The rails pods IPs will be dynamic so will not be able to whitelist them. So how do I get Rails access to the Google Cloud SQL database in a secure way without knowing the IPs of the Rails containers?
You can run the Cloud SQL Proxy in your pod which will allow you to connect to Cloud SQL via a local UNIX socket: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloudsql-proxy#to-use-from-kubernetes
Is it possible to monitor TITAN cassandra server with rexster remotely via JMX using something like VisualVM?
I have titan installed on the cloud and want to monitor it from my dev box. Is this possible.
I have read this
but it seems that JMX MBeans are only available locally however I could be wrong
You can monitor Rexster JMX remotely with VisualVM, but it takes a bit of configuration and changes to rexster.sh as you need to include these environment variables:
You can read some more about how to do remote setup on the VisualVM site.
You mentioned that you are trying to monitor an instance in the cloud. You didn't mention the cloud provider, but I've had trouble doing this with EC2 in the past. Perhaps this post will help you out. While I've had issues with VisualVM remoting to EC2, I have successfully connected to Rexster via VisualVM from another EC2 instance without trouble so if all else fails that could be your workaround.