hook postNotificaiton using Frida - nsnotifications

I am trying to hook postNotificationName Function with Frida. I call two functions:
sO, When I trace the functions using frida-trace, I see that in the later case there is calls to postNotificationName. I want to know if postNotification calls postNotification and why is that?
var newObject = ObjC.classes.NSNotification;
var myObj = newObject.alloc().initWithName_object_userInfo_('notificationName','nil','userInfo');
var hook = ObjC.classes.NSNotificationCenter["- postNotification:"];
Interceptor.attach(hook.implementation, {
onEnter: function(args) {
console.log("\n[*] Detected call to: " + NsNotificationCenter + " -> " + postNotification);
console.log("\t[-] Argument Value: " + args[2]);
args[2] = ptr(myObj)
console.log("\t[-] New Argument Value: " + args[2])
works when is injected using Frida to hook the postNotification function.
var nsName = ObjC.classes.NSString;
var notificationName= nsName.stringWithString_("Blah");
var hook = ObjC.classes.NSNotificationCenter["- postNotificationName:"];
Interceptor.attach(hook.implementation, {
onEnter: function(args) {
console.log("\n[*] Detected call to: " + NSNotificationCenter + " -> " + postNotificationName);
console.log("\t[-] Argument Value: " + args[2]);
args[2] = ptr(notifname)
console.log("\t[-] New Argument Value for postNotificaitonName: " + args[2])
is not working for the postNotificationName:Object:userInfo. I guess the issue is in the line "var hook = ObjC.classes.NSNotificationCenter["- postNotificationName:"];".
Does anyone know what is wrong with it and how to make it work please?
Thank you

According to the Apple documentation the class NSNotificationCenter has no selector "- postNotificationName:".
There are two selectors with that name but they have additional parameters:
"- postNotificationName:object:userInfo:"
"- postNotificationName:object:"
If you want to hook any of these selectors you have to use the full selector string as stated above for hooking:
var hook = ObjC.classes.NSNotificationCenter["- postNotificationName:object:userInfo:"];
var hook = ObjC.classes.NSNotificationCenter["- postNotificationName:object:"];


Why my md-autoComplete is not displaying return values

I am using Angular Material for the first time. I am stuck with an issue with autocomplete. Below is my template:
<md-autocomplete class="flex"
md-items="item in querySearch(SearchText)"
<span><span class="search-result-type">{{item.GEOType}}</span><span md-highlight-text="SearchText">{{item.GEOName+(item.country?' / '+item.country:'')}}</span></span>
<md-not-found>No matches found.</md-not-found>
And in ctrl I have:
$scope.querySearch = function (query) {
var GeoDataAPIUrl = '/api/TargetSettings/RetrieveCorridorLeverValues';
if (query.length < 5)
else {
var GeoDataSearchUrl = GeoDataAPIUrl + '?' + 'strGeoName=' + query;
.then(function (geoAPIResponse) {
console.log("GeoAPIResponse was ", geoAPIResponse);
return geoAPIResponse.data;
function (geoAPIError) {
console.log("GeoAPI call failed ", geoAPIError);
With above code, I am getting nothing as suggestions, only my not-found text is displayed, while my http call return an array which is printed in console too. Am I missing something??
I saw at many places, people have used some filters with autocomplete, I dont think that is something essential.
Pls advice how to make above work.
$http returns promise and md-autocomplete uses same promise to display the result. In your case you are returning result but not promise. Your code should be
$scope.querySearch = function (query) {
var GeoDataAPIUrl = '/api/TargetSettings/RetrieveCorridorLeverValues';
if (query.length < 5)
else {
var GeoDataSearchUrl = GeoDataAPIUrl + '?' + 'strGeoName=' + query;
var promise = $http.get(GeoDataSearchUrl).then(function (geoAPIResponse) {
console.log("GeoAPIResponse was ", geoAPIResponse);
return geoAPIResponse.data;
function (geoAPIError) {
console.log("GeoAPI call failed ", geoAPIError);
return promise;
It will work now.

How do I reference "this" while method cascading in Dart?

I'd like to reference "this" (a method owner) while method cascading in Dart.
// NG code, but what I want.
paragraph.append( getButton()
..text = "Button A"
..onClick.listen((e) {
print (this.text + " has been has clicked"); // <= Error. Fail to reference "button.text".
I know I can write a code like this by splitting it onto multiple lines.
// OK code, I think this is verbose.
var button;
button = getButton()
..text = "Button A"
..onClick.listen((e) {
print (button.text + " has been clicked");
paragraph.append( button);
Being unable to reference a cascading source object is preventing me from writing shorter code on many occasions. Is there better way to do method cascading?
You can not use this as you would like.
You can simplify your second code snippet with :
var button = getButton();
..text = "Button A"
..onClick.listen((e) {
print (button.text + " has been has clicked");

firefox extension working on page load

I'm trying to create my first extension.
I've found this sample: http://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2009/01/28/how-to-develop-a-firefox-extension/
I need to get some html content on a specific page and write something in the same page, so I modified it and got what I needed (with javascript I added content in the table I want). But to view my content I have to launch the extension from the button on the status bar, while I would like to have it already active in the page as I load/reload it (with a check on the url so to have it working only on that page) but I can't have it automatically.
I tried to add linkTargetFinder.run(); on init area, but... nothing. Moreover the extension as an "autorun" but eve if active, I don0t see any change.
any working sample?
Here it is the code (I edited just the .js file), I commented a couple of test not working...
var linkTargetFinder = function () {
var prefManager = Components.classes["#mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
return {
init : function () {
gBrowser.addEventListener("load", function () {
var autoRun = prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.linktargetfinder.autorun");
if (autoRun) {
//linkTargetFinder.run(); // doesn't work
}, false);
//linkTargetFinder.run(); // doesn't work
alert("ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"); // doesn't work
run : function () {
var head = content.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
style = content.document.getElementById("link-target-finder-style"),
allLinks = content.document.getElementsByTagName("a"),
foundLinks = 0;
if (!style) {
style = content.document.createElement("link");
style.id = "link-target-finder-style";
style.type = "text/css";
style.rel = "stylesheet";
style.href = "chrome://linktargetfinder/skin/skin.css";
for (var i=0, il=allLinks.length; i<il; i++) {
elm = allLinks[i];
if (elm.getAttribute("target")) {
elm.className += ((elm.className.length > 0)? " " : "") + "link-target-finder-selected";
if (foundLinks === 0) {
alert("No links found with a target attribute");
else {
//alert("Found " + foundLinks + " links with a target attribute");
t = content.document.getElementById("ERSContainer"), // ID of the table
d = t.getElementsByTagName("tr")[1],
r = d.getElementsByTagName("td")[1];
var myMail = "mail: "+r.textContent; //ok scrive nella td
var myName = content.document.getElementById("buyercontactname").value;
var myAddr1 = content.document.getElementById("buyeraddress1").value;
var myAddr2 = content.document.getElementById("buyeraddress2").value;
var myCity = content.document.getElementById("buyercity").value;
var myProv = content.document.getElementById("buyerstateprovince").value;
var myCAP = content.document.getElementById("buyerzip").value;
var elt = content.document.getElementById("buyercountry");
var myCountry = elt.options[elt.selectedIndex].text;
var myTel = content.document.getElementById("dayphone1").value;
var myTag1 = "<tr><td colspan='2'>OK!!!<br />";
var myTag2 = "</td></tr>";
z= t.innerHTML;
t.innerHTML = myTag1 + myMail +
" - "+myName+
myAddr1 + "<br />" +
myAddr2 + "<br />" +
myCity + "<br />" +
myProv + "<br />" +
myCAP + "<br />" +
myCountry + "<br />" +
myTel + "<br />" +
window.addEventListener("load", linkTargetFinder.init, false);
If what you are doing is running a bit of JavaScript on a specific web page, like adding content into a table, maybe you should consider doing a userscript for the Greasemonkey addon instead of a full addon. With this you write your JS for the page and it gets executed each time you browse this specific page.
Try with this :
init: function () {
gBrowser.addEventListener("load", linkTargetFinder.run, true);
I bet that the extensions.linktargetfinder.autorun does not exist. So getBoolPref throws an exception and the rest is history.
Change your code to the following
var autoRun;
try {
autoRun = prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.linktargetfinder.autorun");
} catch(e){
autoRun = false;

Breezejs Extending Entities

I have an issue with Breezejs (1.4.2) q (0.9.7)
I want to add a computed property for an entity.
var doctorInitializer = function (doctor) {
doctor.FullName = ko.computed(function () {
return doctor.FirstName() + " " + doctor.MiddleName() + " " + doctor.LastName() + " " + doctor.SurName();
var doctorName = '/breeze/polyclinic',
doctorManager = new breeze.EntityManager(doctorName);
var store = doctorManager.metadataStore;
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("Doctor", null, doctorInitializer);
i try adding a knockout computed to the constructor
var doctor = function () {
self.FullName = ko.computed( {
read: function() {
return self.FirstName + " " + self.MiddleName + " " + self.LastName + " " + self.SurName;
deferEvaluation: true
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("Doctor", doctorInitializer);
in both cases only work if i remove the parenthesis but MiddleName and SurName is not required and instead of empty string i got null
this is the error i have http://screencast.com/t/bP9Xnmf9Jm
I try adding the error on console log and follow your example and i have the same error is not a function http://screencast.com/t/bQTyV8XGD0Pk
doctor.FullName = ko.computed(function () {
var fullName = "";
fullName += doctor.FirstName();
if (doctor.FirstName()) {
fullName += ' ' + doctor.FirstName();
fullName += ' ' + doctor.LastName();
if (doctor.SurName()) {
fullName += ' ' + doctor.SurName();
return fullName;
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from("Doctors").orderBy("Id")
.then(function (data) {
.fail(function(error) {
I hope someone can help me
The error you are seeing in the screenshot is because your query is throwing an error that you are not handling. Attach a .fail(failFunction) on the end of your entityQuery.
You can't call doctor.Surname() if there is no Surname function that is attached. Calling doctor.Surname just returns a function that doesn't give you a value.
Odds are, you don't 100% get why it's not working because you don't understand how Knockout works. You probably don't yet understand the meaning of what I am describing above either. You need to understand how Knockout works first, then try to learn Breeze.
If you want to just make it work without understand how or why put this in there and continue on. This assumes that there is a property returned called MiddleName and SurName that are just empty.
doctor.FullName = ko.computed(function () {
var fullName = "";
fullName += doctor.FirstName();
if (doctor.MiddleName()) { fullName += ' ' + doctor.MiddleName(); }
fullName += ' ' + doctor.LastName();
if (doctor.SurName()) { fullName += ' ' + doctor.SurName(); }
return fullName

Problems with addFrameScript on an instance

I'm trying to add a frame script via:
private function addFrameScript(mc:MovieClip, label:String, func:Function, arg:*):void {
var labels:Array = mc.currentLabels;
var i:int = labels.length;
while (--i > -1) {
if (FrameLabel(labels[i]).name == label) {
mc.addFrameScript(FrameLabel(labels[i]).frame-1, func(arg));
trace("WARNING: The label '" + label + "' does not exist in the MovieClip '" + mc.name + "'");
private function dispatchFrameEvent(labelName:String):void {
dispatchEvent(new Event(labelName, true));
addFrameScript(instanceName, "end", dispatchFrameEvent, "end");
But it doesn't seem to be adding and I can't figure out why. Normally I add Frame scripts to the main timeline, but not to an instance on the timeline (as in the example above).
Clearly there's something I'm missing...is there a way to trace out my frame script to see if it's even being added?
The problem here is that addFrameScript functions being added take no arguments. so whatever func you are passing in must must return a function with no arguments
so your dispatchFrameEvent should look like this
private function dispatchFrameEvent(labelName:String):Function {
return function func():void{
dispatchEvent(new Event(labelName, true));
