Rails 6 app with stimulus reflex deployment on Heroku problem - ruby-on-rails

I deploy my Rails 6 app (with stimulus-relflex) on Heroku. Everything work find including my jQuery and JS but anything related to stimulus-relfex dont work? Everything work fine on my local dev machine. Any ideas?

You give very little information, but my first guess would be to check the config/cable.yml. It is misleading, but ActionCable "just works" in development, while in production mode one has to configure a pubsub queueing system. The default is set to "redis", which is a (payable?) add-on on heroku, and if you already use redis, it has to be configured/linked correctly in the cable.yml.
A very simple solution is to use postgresql as the pubsub queue, which you are probably already using (on heroku), and is as simple as writing
adapter: postgresql

Add the redis addon on heroku to your application maybe that works..


Is redis essential to use actioncable in heroku?

I made live chat using actioncable. This works perfectly locally. However, heroku's view / page does not render.
Is redis essential for heroku to work?
I also wrote the code in product.rb
config.action_cable.allowed_request_origins = ['https://my-url-45158.herokuapp.com', 'http://my-url-45158.herokuapp.com']
config.web_socket_server_url = "wss://my-url-45158.herokuapp.com/cable"
afaik yes it is, see this,
and this
when in production mode rails use redis for its subscription adapter.
as written in the documentation
by default redis for production and async for development and test environments
beside that there is PostgreSQL Adapter and Async Adapter(but should not be used for production)

Can Rails 2 different databases in the production environment?

My goal is to have 2 databases and 2 deployments of rails on the same server. I want to have the regular production server using the production database. Then I want to be able to deploy to a different web address that will use a different database. My goal is to be able to push the backup first and make sure all the migrations etc. work in the full environment. I would then push it to the main server.
The issue I seem to run into is that the database.ml file only lists the 3 database types. The passenger environment will also assume that its running in production and would migrate the main MySQL database even if I deploy the code to a different directory. Whats the best way around this? Was wondering if it is simple or if it involves setting lots of variables in lots of places? Any suggestions would be great!
You can add other database types to database.yml as you see fit.
adapter: postgresql
host: mydb_host
database: mydb_staging
You can copy config/environments/production.rb to config/environments/staging.rb and leave it as is so the two environments are exactly the same, or tweak staging.rb as you see fit.
Now you have a staging environment! Use it where appropriate, e.g.:
rake RAILS_ENV=staging db:migrate
I am not a passenger expert, but know that my shop has both staging and production instances of apps running on the same server under passenger, so it can be done. Google can probably instruct you better on configuring that than I can.

How to setup pgbouncer with rails on heroku?

Heroku recently decreased number of available connections to production database (from 500 to 60). Opened connections were consuming a lot of memory and causing problems, so it seems like a step in right direction.
My app has more than 100 concurrent processes which all access database at same time. Heroku suggests using https://github.com/gregburek/heroku-buildpack-pgbouncer to fix this issue.
I wasn't able to find any proper guide on how to do this. I was able to install and enable buildpack, but I have no ide what these configuration variables do and how do they work. With default configuration, i get tons of ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError errors.
Does anyone has experience with this and if can please provide provide step-by-step guide on how to do this properly and how to configure everything that needs to be configured?
What version of Rails are you running on? I just deployed pgbouncer to our production webapp using these steps (for a Rails 3.2 app running on Ruby 2.0)
Create .buildpacks file in root directory app that contains the text
I created a file called disable_prepared_statements_monkey_patch.rb in config/initializers that contained the code posted by cwninja in this thread: https://github.com/gregburek/heroku-buildpack-pgbouncer/pull/7
Modified my Procfile to add
bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb
heroku config:set PGBOUNCER_PREPARED_STATEMENTS=false --app yourapp
heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi.git --app yourapp
deployed the new .buildpacks and Procfile changes to production
It worked as advertised after that point. The first time I deployed I neglected to disable prepared statements, which caused my application to blow up with lots of 'duplicate prepared statement errors'. If you're using Rails 4.1 or above the monkey patch is apparently not necessary, however I guess there's a bug in Rails 3.2 that doesn't parse pgbouncer's change to the database URL in such a way that prepared statements are actually disabled.

Want to develop rails site offline then move to server

Is there an issue with developing my site on my macbook and then moving to a server when done? Will there be issues I need to plan ahead for? DB or ruby related maybe? Dependencies or something a server could have different from my dev environment that could cause a nightmare later? I'd rather develop it offline since it'd be faster and wouldn't require an internet connection but in the past I've always done everything with live sites so this would be a first, and I am new to ruby on rails.
Developing locally and then deploying to your server(s) via something like capistrano is standard practise.
It's a good idea to keep your development environment as close as possible to your production environment (ruby versions, database versions etc). Bundler makes keeping your gems in sync easy
I used Heroku for some projects. The deployment was as easy as it could be. I just did a git push and it worked without problems... I really like bundler and rake :-)
Your Question embodies THE way to develop in Rails. Your development environment is an offline representation of what you're production site will be.
A quick workflow analysis for you could be:
rails new ~/my_app -d postgresql; cd ~/my_app; rm public/index.html
Next, create the database:
bundle exec rake db:create:all
Now you'll have the db and app all set up, let's set up your main pages:
bundle exec rails generate controller Site index about_us contact_us
Now you'll have something to see on the site, so run:
bundle exec rails server
This server acts as your offline connection and will handle the rendering of any text, images, html etc you want to serve in your rails app. Now you can join in the debates of TDD, to TATFT or JITT, rspec vs test::unit. Welcome.
Developing locally is definitely the way to go. However, I would look into getting it on production as soon as possible and pushing often. This way you can see changes happen as you make them and are aware of any possible breaking changes.
I use heroku a lot and when I start a new project I push it to heroku almost immediately. While developing, I can publish new changes simply by git push heroku master. Everyone has to find their own workflow, but this has always worked well for me.
If you are interested in Heroku here is a good link to get you started:

How do I force Capistrano deployed app to use my development database?

I have a app that I'm deploying to a development server using Capistrano. I'd like to force this deployment to use the development database. So far the only way I've managed to do it is to make my production database info in database.yml equal to the development info. But this is a complete hack.
I've tried setting rails_env to development in deploy.rb but that hasn't worked.
I ended up using the solution over here. Basically a recipe to replace a line in environment.rb after deploy but before restart.
The problems seems to be with DreamHost's Passenger config. It assumes you're running in production mode.
I'd use Capistrano Ext in order to define multiple deployment environments. I have used this in the past to deply staging and production installations of my apps, so I think it'd work well for you.
Jamis Buck has a writeup if you'd like an overview on how to use it.
