attach pdf mail cakepdf with tcpdf - tcpdf

hello community I don't know how to attach a pdf generated with tcpdf to a mail using the cakepdf plugin in cakephp 4 here my action of the controller that sends the mail
public function register()
$names = $doctor->name.' '.$doctor->last_name;
$dir = new Folder(WWW_ROOT.'register'.DS.$doctor->code_cmp, TRUE,0775);
//this function generates the pdf
$email = new Mailer('blue-profile');
'names' => $names,
'specialty' => $doctor->specialty,
'user' => $doctor->code_cmp,
'password' => $this->request->getData('password')
->setFrom(['' => 'Abbott'])
->setSubject('Bienvenido APLV Expertos Pediatras')
$message['success'] = "success";
echo json_encode($message);
function that generates the pdf
public function generatepdf($names,$specialty,$dir)
'pdfConfig' => [
'margin' => [
'top' => 0,
'bottom' => 0,
'left' => 0,
'right'=> 0
'orientantion' => 'portrait',
'download' => false,
here my template that from the pdf
class PdfInvitation extends TCPDF{
public function Header() {
$bMargin = $this->getBreakMargin();
$auto_page_break = $this->AutoPageBreak;
$img = WWW_ROOT.'img'.DS.'fond-pdf-notify.jpg';
$pdf = new PdfInvitation('P',PDF_UNIT,PDF_PAGE_FORMAT,TRUE,'UTF-8',FALSE);
////code pdf
$file = $pdf->Output('Diplomas-Eval-SER.pdf', 'S');
//I saw this code in the plugin documentation
$CakePdf = new \CakePdf\Pdf\CakePdf();
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, I would appreciate your help.


which URL pattern is better, action/id or id/action

I would like to know which of these 2 patterns would be better:
Currently I am using the first, which gives me a Whoops, looks like something went wrong. when I try /photos/123/editxx instead of a 404 not found.
I am unsure where to look for the mistake, these are the photos routes:
Route::post('photos/{id}/retag', ['as' => 'photos.retag', 'uses' => 'PhotosController#retag'])->middleware(['auth']);
Route::get('photos/{id}/albums', 'PhotosController#getAlbums')->middleware(['auth']);
Route::post('photos/{id}/albums', 'PhotosController#postAlbums')->middleware(['auth']);
Route::post('photos/like', 'PhotosController#postLike')->middleware(['auth']);
Route::post('photos/unlike', 'PhotosController#postUnlike')->middleware(['auth']);
getEdit() and postEdit():
The same error, complaining about an undefined variable in the master layout template appears, when I enter /photos/123/a/a/a/ for example.
public function getEdit(Request $request, $id = null)
$pic = Pic::findOrFail($id);
if(Gate::denies('edit-pic',$pic)) {
$pic->text = htmlspecialchars($pic->text);
$years = array_combine(range(date("Y"), 1960), range(date("Y"), 1960));
$location = $pic->location;
$tags = $pic->tags;
$tagsarray = $pic->tagNames();
$albums = $pic->albums;
$locations = array();
$getlocations = Location::orderBy('city')->get();
foreach($getlocations as $gl)
$locations[$gl->id] = $gl->city.' ('.$gl->country.')';
$cats = Cat::lists('cat','cat')->all();
return view('photos.edit',compact('pic','location','tags','tagsarray','albums','locations','cats','years'));
public function postEdit(Request $request, $id = null)
$pic = Pic::findOrFail($id);
if(Gate::denies('edit-pic',$pic)) {
$this->validate($request, [
'title' => 'max:200',
'text' => 'max:3000',
'location' => 'required|exists:locations,id',
'cat' => 'required|exists:cats,cat',
'jahrprod' => 'date_format:Y'
$pic->title = trim($request->input('title'));
$pic->text = trim($request->input('text'));
$pic->jahrprod = ($request->input('jahrprod')) ? $request->input('jahrprod') : null;
$pic->location_id = $request->input('location');
$pic->cat = $request->input('cat');
$maildata = array(
'msg' => 'picture '.$id.' ( '.$request->input('title').' ) was edited by '.Auth::user()->username
Mail::send(['text' => 'emails.empty'], $maildata, function($message){
$message->to('')->from('')->subject('picture edited');
return back()->with('success','photo information updated');
It seems, with more than 2 URL segments, the Controller.php is not working properly. /domain.xy/1/2 shows the 8 but /domain.xy/1/2/3 throws the error Undefined variable: photos_online
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Validation\ValidatesRequests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access\AuthorizesRequests;
use Auth;
use Cache;
use DB;
use App\Pic;
use App\Upload;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class Controller extends BaseController
use AuthorizesRequests, DispatchesJobs, ValidatesRequests;
public function __construct()
If you follow laravel's resource controller guidelines
You should go with the first one.
But to fix your problem show us your route and controller function handling it.
open AppServiceProvider located in app/http/providers
and replace boot() function with this
public function boot()
//initilizw $photos_online
$photos_online = Cache::rememberForever('index_countpics', function()
return Pic::count();
#pics today
if (Cache::has('pics_today')){
$pics_today = Cache::get('pics_today');
$pics_today = Pic::whereRaw('DATE(created_at) = DATE(NOW())')->count();
Cache::put('pics_today', $pics_today, Carbon::tomorrow());
# count waiting uploads
$waiting_uploads = Cache::rememberForever('waiting_uploads', function()
return Upload::where('accepted',0)->where('infos',1)->count();
# user online
$client_ip = request()->ip();
$check = DB::table('useronline')->where('ip', $client_ip)->first();
$username = (Auth::guest()) ? null : Auth::user()->username;
$displayname = (Auth::guest()) ? null : Auth::user()->displayname;
DB::table('useronline')->insert(['ip' => $client_ip, 'datum' => DB::raw('NOW()'), 'username' => $username, 'displayname' => $displayname]);
DB::table('useronline')->where('ip', $client_ip)->update(['datum' => DB::raw('NOW()'), 'username' => $username, 'displayname' => $displayname]);
DB::delete('DELETE FROM useronline WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 MINUTE) > datum');
$users_online = DB::table('useronline')->whereNotNull('username')->get();
$guests_online = DB::table('useronline')->count();
#unread messages
$unread_messages = 0;
$unread_messages = Auth::user()->newThreadsCount();

How to prevent after facebook login redirect url in popup?

This is my controller.
public function actions()
return [
'auth' => [
'class' => 'yii\authclient\AuthAction',
'successCallback' => [$this, 'oAuthSuccess'],
public function oAuthSuccess($client) {
$name = explode(" ",$userAttributes['name']);
$existing_customer = Customer::find()
->where(['email' => $userAttributes['email']])
->orWhere(['id_facebook' => $userAttributes['id']])
$customer = new Customer();
$customer->firstname = $name[0];
$customer->lastname = $name[1];
$customer->id_default_group = 3;
$customer->username = $userAttributes['id'].'';
$customer->id_facebook = $userAttributes['id'];
$customer->email = $userAttributes['email'];
$password = rand(0000, 9999);
$auth_key = Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generateRandomString();
$customer->auth_key = $auth_key;
$hash = Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generatePasswordHash($password);
$customer->password_hash = $hash;
$customer->activation_code = $password;
$customer->active =1;
if ($customer->save(false)) {
$customergroup = new CustomerGroup();
$customergroup->id_customer = $customer->id_customer;
$customergroup->id_group = $customer->id_default_group;
Yii::$app->response->redirect(['advanced','email' => $customer->email]);
This is my main.php file.
'authClientCollection' => [
'class' => 'yii\authclient\Collection',
'clients' => [
'facebook' => [
'class' => 'yii\authclient\clients\Facebook',
'authUrl' => '',
'clientId' => '',
'clientSecret' => '',
'scope' => [
Actually I am doing registration in 2 process.
After user click on facebook button it returns to my second step in popup, But i need it in my site. How is it possible?
change your auth successCallBack in action function with the action you desire..
below a sample where successCallback check if the user is a guest if true call the action authenticate otherwise the action connect
/** #inheritdoc */
public function actions()
return [
'auth' => [
'class' => AuthAction::className(),
'successCallback' => \Yii::$app->user->isGuest
? [$this, 'authenticate']
: [$this, 'connect'],
After the facebook login you return in your code inside the oAuthSuccess function .. i think the popup you are looking for is inside this function and is called from this redirect. if you want somethings others change the bootom part of this function..
Yii::$app->response->redirect(['advanced','email' => $customer->email]);

How to hide Controller name & action name in yii2

Can anyone suggest me how to hide both controller & action name from url in yii2?
I tried by writing rules but did not work.
this is my anchor tag:
<?php echo Html::a($model->title, ['category/view/', 'type' => $model->category->urlValue,'parameter' => $model->urlValue]); ?>
MY current url is like this :
But I want it like this:
It finally worked by writing a rule in main.php file as follows :
'<type:[A-Za-z0-9-]+>/<param:[A-Za-z0-9 -_.]+>' => 'category/view',
YOu chould create your own UrlRule. Something like:
class CustomUrlRule extends Object implements UrlRuleInterface {
public function createUrl($manager, $route, $params)
$parts = explode('/', $r);
if ($route === 'category/view'
&& isset($params['type'])
&& isset($params['parameter'])
) {
$url = generate some url;
unset($params['view'], $params['parameter']);
if (count($params)) {
$url .= '?' . http_build_query($params);
return $url;
return false;
public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
//parse request url and return true if it's url for category/view
and dont forget to add to config
'urlManager' => [
'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
'showScriptName' => false,
'rules' => [
'class' => 'app\components\CustomUrlRule',

Zend/Session with ZfcUser

I'm using ZfcUser in my app and I need to control the timeout parameter. As it's not part of the configuration I would like to set my own Zend/Session object (with the remember_me_seconds param) to ZfcUser on bootstrap but I don't know how.
By chance, has anyone done this already?
The easiest way to set session params is as follows
return array(
'service_manager' => [
'factories' => [
// Configures the default SessionManager instance
'Zend\Session\ManagerInterface' => 'Zend\Session\Service\SessionManagerFactory',
// Provides session configuration to SessionManagerFactory
'Zend\Session\Config\ConfigInterface' => 'Zend\Session\Service\SessionConfigFactory',
'session_manager' => [
// SessionManager config: validators, etc
'session_config' => [
'cache_expire' => 86400,
'cookie_lifetime' => 86400,
'remember_me_seconds' => 86400,
'gc_probability' => 10,
'gc_divisor' => 1000,
'use_cookies' => true,
'cookie_httponly' => true,
'cookie_lifetime' => 0, // to reset lifetime to maximum at every click
'gc_maxlifetime' => 86400,
And add line to onBootstrap method at Module.php
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
$manager = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('Zend\Session\ManagerInterface');
This will affect session setting and phpinfo() shows it.
I found it in zfcuser github
I don't use zfcuser but try this
use Zend\Session\Config\SessionConfig;
use Zend\Session\SessionManager;
use Zend\Session\Container;
return array(
'service_manager' => array(
'factories' => array(
'SessionManager' => function($sm) {
$sessionConfig = new SessionConfig();
$sessionConfig->setOption('remember_me_seconds', 1440);
$sessionManager = new SessionManager($sessionConfig);
return $sessionManager;
public function onBootstrap($event)
$serviceManager = $event->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
Here is how I did it. I am not the worlds greatest coder but this seems to work. This is all in Module.php
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
$eventManager = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
$sharedManager = $eventManager->getSharedManager();
$sm = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
//This checks to see if the user is logged in.
$eventManager->attach(MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH, array($this, 'checkLogin'), 100);
//This function is attached to a listener to see if the user is not currently logged in
//If they are not logged in they will be redirected to the login page. This check will happen through the
//application so there is no need to keep checking in other modules
public function checkLogin (MvcEvent $e)
$session = new Container('defaults');
$this->route = $e->getRouteMatch();
$this->matchedRouteName = explode('/', $this->route->getMatchedRouteName());
$this->route_root = $this->matchedRouteName[0];
$sm = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
$zfcServiceEvents = $sm->get('ZfcUser\Authentication\Adapter\AdapterChain')->getEventManager();
function ($e) use ($session) {
$session->offsetSet('sessionstart', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
$auth = $sm->get('zfcuser_auth_service');
if (!$auth->hasIdentity() && $this->route_root != 'zfcuser')
$response = new \Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Response();
$response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Location', '/user/login');
return $response;
else if ($auth->hasIdentity() && $session->offsetGet('sessionstart') < ($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 10800) && $this->route_root != 'zfcuser')
$response = new \Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Response();
$response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Location', '/user/logout');
return $response;
else if ($auth->hasIdentity())
$session->offsetSet('sessionstart', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);

JqueryUI Autocomplete not working in CakePHP 2.0

My autocomplete is not working and I can't spot the error.
$(function() {
//source: "/groceries/items/autoComplete", ///This works but response isn't formatted correctly'
//dataType: "json"
minLength: 2,
source: function( request, response ) {
url: "/groceries/items/autoComplete",
dataType: "jsonp",
data: {
featureClass: "P",
style: "full",
maxRows: 12,
term: request.term
success: function( data ) {
response( $.map( data, function( el ) {
return { label:, value: }
public function autoComplete() {
Configure::write('debug', 0);
$this->layout = 'ajax';
$query = $_GET['term'];
$items = $this->Item->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(' LIKE' => $query . '%'),
'fields' => array('name', 'id', 'category_id'),
'group' => array('name')));
$this->set('items', $items);
<?php echo $this->Form->create('Item', array('model'=>'item','action' => 'addItem', 'name'=>'AddItem'));?>
<?php echo $this->Form->text('', array('size'=>'30', 'id'=>'autoComplete', 'autocomplete'=>'off')); ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->text('Item.category_id', array('type'=>'hidden', 'value'=>'0')); ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->text('', array('type'=>'hidden', 'value'=>$groclist['Groclist']['id'])); ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->end('Add'); ?>
0: {Item:{name:Cake, id:6, category_id:null}}
1: {Item:{name:Carrot Cake, id:9, category_id:null}}
2: {Item:{name:Carrots, id:8, category_id:null}}
3: {Item:{name:Casserole, id:11, category_id:null}}
4: {Item:{name:Cauliflower, id:10, category_id:null}}
Edited for clarification.
I realize JqueryUI expects label and value and that map should rearrange them, but for some reason it's not. Any ideas?
I found an even better solution. This is done completely in the controller. No view required.
public function autoComplete() {
Configure::write('debug', 0);
$this->layout = 'ajax';
$query = $_GET['term'];
$items = $this->Item->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(' LIKE' => $query . '%'),
'fields' => array('name', 'id', 'category_id'),
'group' => array('name')));
foreach($items as $item){
echo json_encode($response);*
What if you reduce the array that is being returned by the Items model. So instead of $this->set('items', $items); you return the json encoded results like so:
foreach($items as $item) {
$data[] = $item['Item'];
$data = json_encode($data);
echo $data;
This is inside the auto_complete method in the controller.
When querying for Cake for example, it would return a result like so:
{"name":"Cake Batter","id":"1","category_id":"3"},
{"name":"Cake Mix","id":"2","category_id":"3"}
if you are not wanting to return the json, you could just return $data without the json encoding.
Format Update:
I am not certain if this is to "sloppy", but you could change the foreach loop to:
foreach($items as $item) {
$data[]= array(
'label' => $item['Item']['name'],
'value' => $item['Item']['id']
Looks like you forgot the Item:
response($.map( data, function( el ) {
return { label:, value: }
You can also do it in the server side using Set:
$this->set('items', Set::extract('/Item', $items));
