I am using a latex template I found on Overleaf (link). Using directly Overleaf, I do not have any problem when compiling. Same when using Sublime Text. However, when using Texpad, I got the following error:
LaTeX Warning: File `chapter_head_1.pdf' not found on input line 100.
./main.tex:100: Package pdftex.def Error: File `chapter_head_1.pdf' not found:
using draft setting.
In the beginning, I thought the problem was related to Sandboxing, but I granted already accessibility to the whole folder, so it does not make sense to me that Texpad cannot find the file.
As additional information: I am using the latest version of Texpad v1.8.15 for macOS Catalina v.10.15.6.
I really like some features offered on Texpad, so I would appreciate it very much if you could let me know how to solve this problem. Thanks!
Update: <Sept. 30th, 2020> Find the .log in this link.
I would like to open this cv template on my tex. However, after downloading it, I get this error:
! LaTeX Error: File `parskip.sty' not found.
I believe I downloaded the source files correctly and moved them into Latex packages, including the cls. I also tried updating the packages on my Latex.
Can anyone please assist? Thank you.
You need to download the missing file which is the parskip-2001-04-09.sty from source and save it as parskip.sty to where your other files are.
Tested on Ubuntu.
I am getting lyx set up on my xubonto laptop. I have used some online guides to set the thing and slowly worked my way around several issues, so I cannot recall exactly what I have set up. I am using non-Tex "Culmus" fonts (had to rename them for luatex to recognize them), and Document Class article standard.
Lyx have no problem exporting a luaTex file (or a xetex file) but am complaining about a luabidi.sty file-not-found (or a bidi.sty file-not-found).
So I have downloaded luabidi but I am not sure where to place it..
it contains 2 folders tex and doc, so I have placed their content in
But it did not resolve the issue... Some specific help would be appreciated, as well as may be a better way to manage luatex packages and files?
Installing texlive-lang-arabic fixed it.
I am starting out getting more hands-on with FPGAs and have chosen Xilinx.
In a small trial project I have the problem that XST complains about the library proc_common_v_3 is not found. The ise prj file contains paths looking like "../../.." and so on and it gets recreated when trying to change the paths.
When looking in the project list and not the file, the library is referenced using "........", which is different.
Is there another way to make sure ISE handles libraries correct?
ISE Version 14.7
Error message when doing XST->Check Syntax
Xst:2927 - .... line 1: Source file ../../../../../../../../../../../../../Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v3_00_a/hdl/vhdl/proc_common_pkg.vhd does not exist
NB: Yes I know there is a thread on this issue, but my comment gets deleted. The answer there is using what seems to be known working paths, but as starting out that is not possible. Better to go for Altera perhaps.
Thanks in advance.
Okey, this is not a core programming question; it is more of a question regarding cgns (CFD general notational system) API.
I've exported a grid/mesh file from ANSYS Fluent (which was first created in Gambit 2.46), and I wrote a very simple Fortran program to open and close it (doing nothing else). To check the file is not corrupt I plotted it in Tecplot.
So, when I compiled using gfortran with the mentioned cgns and ran the program I got this error (as part of cg_error_exit_f())
ADF_Database_Open:File does not exist or is not a HDF5 file
Here is the program
program cavity
include "/usr/include/cgnslib_f.h"
call cg_open_f("Cavity.cgns",CG_MODE_READ,index_file,ier)
!check for error if so exit
if (ier .ne. CG_OK) then
call cg_error_exit_f()
end if
write(*,*)"I kind of opened the file?"
call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
end program cavity
I'm able to write both structured and unstructured grids in cgns format, without any problem.
I suspect the cgns library I'm using(version 2.5.5 packaged in Fedora 15 and Scientific linux 6.1) is built to support only HDF5, while the exported grid file is written in ADF format.
Any ideas to circumvent this or perhaps adding ADF? Which by the way is not packaged in both the distributions. Any other grid generator which is compatible with cgns version 2.5.5?
I hope I was clear. Any further info required, I would provide.
There is so much that could've gone wrong in here, and I'm afraid you didn't exactly narrow the problem down.
You said you exported a file from Fluent (what kind of a file is it? Be sure!). cg_error_exit_f() gave you an error listed. I'm assuming you have the source of the mentioned routines? In the program you include a cgnslib_f.h file - what's in it? I'm assumming the program compiled without errors of any kind, making this a file format question, not a fortran question.
Again, verify what kind of file Fluent produced.
When I ran into this situation, I discovered the following tools:
They are in the cgns-convert package on Ubuntu and are probably available for your distribution as well.
I'm using Gnuplot 4.4, compiled with Lua support. It supposedly has the tikz terminal.
I've successfully compiled my gnuplots to tex using "set terminal tikz". However, when adding this source to my latex document I keep getting the following error:
! Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/gnuplot' and I am going t
o ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it.
I've included the tikz package in the original tex document. Any ideas?
EDIT: Solved. See answer bellow.
I didn't give in until I found a solution:
If you don't have the gnuplot-lua-tikz.sty just get it from the latest gnuplot development snapshot
Unfortunately I am not allowed to comment here, hence a new answer. The .sty file is not sufficient, you need both of the following files from gnuplot (unfortunately the package is no gnuplot-lua-tikz package at cran):
For later happless Fedora users: The package containing this here is gnuplot-latex, dnf doesn't recognize it as tex(gnuplot-lua-tikz.sty).