Other compression methods for Federated Learning - tensorflow-federated

I noticed that the Gradient Quantization compression method is already implemented in TFF framework. How about non-traditional compression methods where we select a sub-model by dropping some parts of the global model? I come across the "Federated Dropout" compression method in the paper "Expanding the Reach of Federated Learning by Reducing Client Resource Requirements" (https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.07210). Any idea if Federated Dropout method is already supported in Tensorflow Federated. If not, any insights how to implement it (the main idea of the method is dropping a fixed percentage of the activations and filters in the global model to exchange and train a smaller sub-model)?

Currently, there is no implementation of this idea available in the TFF code base.
But here is an outline of how you could do it, I recommend to start from examples/simple_fedavg
Modify top-level build_federated_averaging_process to accept two model_fns -- one server_model_fn for the global model, one client_model_fn for the smaller sub-model structure actually trained on clients.
Modify build_server_broadcast_message to extract only the relevant sub-model from the server_state.model_weights. This would be the mapping from server model to client model.
The client_update may actually not need to be changed (I am not 100% sure), as long as only the client_model_fn is provided from client_update_fn.
Modify server_update - the weights_delta will be the update to the client sub-model, so you will need to map it back to the larger global model.
In general, the steps 2. and 4. are tricky, as they depend not only what layers are in a model, but also the how they are connected. So it will be hard to create a easy to use general solution, but it should be ok to write these for a specific model structure you know in advance.

We have several compression schemas implemented in our simulator:
"FL_PyTorch: Optimization Research Simulator for Federated Learning."
FL_PyTorch is a suite of open-source software written in python that builds on top of one of the most popular research Deep Learning (DL) frameworks PyTorch. We built FL_PyTorch as a research simulator for FL to enable fast development, prototyping, and experimenting with new and existing FL optimization algorithms. Our system supports abstractions that provide researchers with sufficient flexibility to experiment with existing and novel approaches to advance the state-of-the-art. The work is in proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Distributed Machine Learning DistributedML 2021. The paper, presentation, and appendix are available in DistributedML’21 Proceedings (https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3488659.3493775).


What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning in building a chatbot?

To be more specific, The traditional chatbot framework consists of 3 components:
NLU (1.intent classification 2. entity recognition)
Dialogue Management (1. DST 2. Dialogue Policy)
I am just confused that If I use a deep learning model(seq2seq, lstm, transformer, attention, bert…) to train a chatbot, Is it cover all those 3 components? If so, could you explain more specifically how it related to those 3 parts? If not, how can I combine them?
For example, I have built a closed-domain chatbot, but it is only task-oriented which cannot handle the other part like greeting… And it can’t handle the problem of Coreference Resolution (it seems doesn't have Dialogue Management).
It seems like your question can be split into two smaller questions:
What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning?
How does deep learning factor into each of the three components of chatbot frameworks?
For #1, deep learning is an example of machine learning. Think of your task as a graphing problem. You transform your data so it has an n-dimensional representation on a plot. The goal of the algorithm is to create a function that represents a line drawn on the plot that (ideally) cleanly separates the points from one another. Each sector of the graph represents whatever output you want (be it a class/label, related words, etc). Basic machine learning creates a line on a 'linearly separable' problem (i.e. it's easy to draw a line that cleanly separates the categories). Deep learning enables you to tackle problems where the line might not be so clean by creating a really, really, really complex function. To do this, you need to be able to introduce multiple dimensions to the mapping function (which is what deep learning does). This is a very surface-level look at what deep learning does, but that should be enough to handle the first part of your question.
For #2, a good quick answer for you is that deep learning can be a part of each component of the chatbot framework depending on how complex your task is. If it's easy, then classical machine learning might be good enough to solve your problem. If it's hard, then you can begin to look into deep learning solutions.
Since it sounds like you want the chatbot to go a bit beyond simple input-output matching and handle complicated semantics like coreference resolution, your task seems sufficiently difficult and a good candidate for a deep learning solution. I wouldn't worry so much about identifying a specific solution for each of the chatbot framework steps because the tasks involved in each of those steps blend into one another with deep learning (e.g. a deep learning solution wouldn't need to classify intent and then manage dialogue, it would simply learn from hundreds of thousands of similar situations and apply a variation of the most similar response).
I would recommend handling the problem as a translation problem - but instead of translating from one language to another, you're translating from the input query to the output response. Translation frequently needs to resolve coreference and solutions people have used to solve that might be an ideal course of action for you.
Here are some excellent resources to read up on in order to frame your problem and how to solve it:
Google's Neural Machine Translation
Fine Tuning Tasks with BERT
There is always a trade-off between using traditional machine learning models and using deep learning models.
Deep learning models require large data to train and there will be an increase in training time & testing time. But it will give better results.
Traditional ML models work well with fewer data with moderate performance comparatively. The inference time is also less.
For Chatbots, latency matters a lot. And the latency depends on the application/domain.
If the domain is banking or finance, people are okay with waiting for a few seconds but they are not okay with wrong results. On the other hand in the entertainment domain, you need to deliver the results at the earliest.
The decision depends on the application domain + the data size you are having + the expected precision.
RASA is something worth looking into.

Transfer Learning for small datasets of structured data

I am looking to implement machine learning for a problems that are built on small data sets related to approvals of expenses in a specific supply chain domain. Typically labelled data is unavailable
I was looking to build models in one data set that I have labelled data and then use that model developed in similar contexts- where the feature set is very similar, but not identical. The expectation is that this allows the starting point for recommendations and gather labelled data in the new context.
I understand this is the essence of Transfer Learning. Most of the examples I read in this domain speak of image data sets- any guidance how this can be leveraged in small data sets using standard tree-based classification algorithms
I can’t really speak to tree-based algos, I don’t know how to do transfer learning with them. But, for deep learning models, the customary method for transfer learning is to load up a pretrained model, then retrain the last layer of the dataset using your new data, and then fine-tune the rest of the network.
If you don’t have much data to go on, you might look into creating synthetic data.
raghu, I believe you are looking for a kernel method when you are saying abstraction layer in deep learning. There are several ML algorithms that support kernel functions. With kernel functions, you might be able to do it; but using kernel functions might be more complex than solving your original problem. I would lean toward Tdoggo's suggestion of using Decision Tree.
Sorry, I want to add a comment, but they won't allow me, so I posted a new answer.
Ok with tree-based algos you can do just what you said: train the tree on one dataset and apply it to another similar dataset. All you would need to do is change the terms/nodes on the second tree.
For instance, let’s say you have a decision tree trained for filtering expenses for a construction company. You will outright deny any reimbursements for workboots, because workers should provide those themselves.
You want to use the trained tree on your accounting firm, and so instead of workboots, you change that term to laptops, because accountants should be buying their own.
Does that make sense, and is that helpful to you?
After some research, we have decided to proceed with random forest models with the intuition that trees in the original model that have common features will form the starting point for decisions.
As we gain more labelled data in the new context, we will start replacing the original trees with new trees that comprise of (a)only new features and (b) combination of old and new features
This has worked to provide reasonable results in initial trials

When true positives are rare

Suppose you're trying to use machine learning for a classification task like, let's say, looking at photographs of animals and distinguishing horses from zebras. This task would seem to be within the state of the art.
But if you take a bunch of labelled photographs and throw them at something like a neural network or support vector machine, what happens in practice is that zebras are so much rarer than horses that the system just ends up learning to say 'always a horse' because this is actually the way to minimize its error.
Minimal error that may be but it's also not a very useful result. What is the recommended way to tell the system 'I want the best guess at which photographs are zebras, even if this does create some false positives'? There doesn't seem to be a lot of discussion of this problem.
One of the things I usually do with imbalanced classes (or skewed data sets) is simply generate more data. I think this is the best approach. You could go out in the real world and gather more data of the imbalanced class (e.g. find more pictures of zebras). You could also generate more data by simply making copies or duplicating it with transformations (e.g. flip horizontally).
You could also pick a classifier that uses an alternate evaluation (performance) metric over the one usually used - accuracy. Look at precision/recall/F1 score.
Week 6 of Andrew Ng's ML course talks about this topic: link
Here is another good web page I found on handling imbalanced classes: link
With this type of unbalanced data problem, it is a good approach to learn patterns associated with each class as opposed to simply comparing classes - this can be done via unsupervised learning learning first (such as with autoencoders). A good article with this available at https://www.r-bloggers.com/autoencoders-and-anomaly-detection-with-machine-learning-in-fraud-analytics/amp/. Another suggestion - after running the classifier, the confusion matrix can be used to determine where additional data should be pursued (I.e. many zebra errors)

Why spark.ml don't implement any of spark.mllib algorithms?

Following the Spark MLlib Guide we can read that Spark has two machine learning libraries:
spark.mllib, built on top of RDDs.
spark.ml, built on top of Dataframes.
According to this and this question on StackOverflow, Dataframes are better (and newer) than RDDs and should be used whenever possible.
The problem is that I want to use common machine learning algorithms (e.g: Frequent Pattern Mining,Naive Bayes, etc.) and spark.ml (for dataframes) don't provide such methods, only spark.mllib(for RDDs) provides this algorithms.
If Dataframes are better than RDDs and the referred guide recommends the use of spark.ml, why aren't common machine learning methods implemented in that lib?
What's the missing point here?
Spark 2.0.0
Currently Spark moves strongly towards DataFrame API with ongoing deprecation of RDD API. While number of native "ML" algorithms is growing the main points highlighted below are still valid and internally many stages are implemented directly using RDDs.
See also: Switch RDD-based MLlib APIs to maintenance mode in Spark 2.0
Spark < 2.0.0
I guess that the main missing point is that spark.ml algorithms in general don't operate on DataFrames. So in practice it is more a matter of having a ml wrapper than anything else. Even native ML implementation (like ml.recommendation.ALS use RDDs internally).
Why not implement everything from scratch on top of DataFrames? Most likely because only a very small subset of machine learning algorithms can actually benefit from the optimizations which are currently implemented in Catalyst not to mention be efficiently and naturally implemented using DataFrame API / SQL.
Majority of the ML algorithms require efficient linear algebra library not a tabular processing. Using cost based optimizer for linear algebra could be an interesting addition (I think that flink already has one) but it looks like for now there is nothing to gain here.
DataFrames API gives you very little control over the data. You cannot use partitioner*, you cannot access multiple records at the time (I mean a whole partition for example), you're limited to a relatively small set of types and operations, you cannot use mutable data structures and so on.
Catalyst applies local optimizations. If you pass a SQL query / DSL expression it can analyze it, reorder, apply early projections. All of that is that great but typical scalable algorithms require iterative processing. So what you really want to optimize is a whole workflow and DataFrames alone are not faster than plain RDDs and depending on an operation can be actually slower.
Iterative processing in Spark, especially with joins, requires a fine graded control over the number of partitions, otherwise weird things happen. DataFrames give you no control over partitioning. Also, DataFrame / Dataset don't provide native checkpoint capabilities (fixed in Spark 2.1) which makes iterative processing almost impossible without ugly hacks
Ignoring low level implementation details some groups of algorithms, like FPM, don't fit very well into a model defined by ML pipelines.
Many optimizations are limited to native types, not UDT extensions like VectorUDT.
There is one more problem with DataFrames, which is not really related to machine learning. When you decide to use a DataFrame in your code you give away almost all benefits of static typing and type inference. It is highly subjective if you consider it to be a problem or not but one thing for sure, it doesn't feel natural in Scala world.
Regarding better, newer and faster I would take a look at Deep Dive into Spark SQL’s Catalyst Optimizer, in particular the part related to quasiquotes:
The following figure shows that quasiquotes let us generate code with performance similar to hand-tuned programs.
* This has been changed in Spark 1.6 but it is still limited to default HashPartitioning

How to deploy machine learning algorithm in production environment?

I'm new to machine learning algorithm. I'm learning basic algorithms like regression, classification, clustering, sequence modelling, on-line algorithms. All the article that are available on internet shows how to use these algorithm with specific data. There is no article regarding deployment of those algorithm in production environment. So my questions are
1) How to deploy machine learning algorithm in production environment?
2) The typical approach follows in machine learning tutorial is to build the model using some training data, use it for testing data. But is it advisable to use that kind of model in production environment? Incoming data may keep changing so the model will be ineffective. What should be duration for the model refresh cycle to accommodate such changes?
I am not sure if this is a good question (since it is too general and not formulated good), but I suggest you to read about bias - variance tradeoff. Long story short, you could have low bias\high variance machine-learning model and get 100% accurate results on your test data (the data you used to implement a model), but you could cause your model to overfit the training data. As result, when you will try to use it on data which you haven't used during training it will lead to poor performance. On the other hand, you may have high bias\low variance model, which will be poorly fit to your training data and will also perform just as bad on new production data. Keeping this in mind general guideline will be:
1) Obtain some good amount of data which you could use to build a prototype of machine-learning system
2) Split your data into train set, cross-validation set and test set
3) Create a model which will have relatively low bias (good accuracy, actually - good F1 score) on your test data. Then try this model on cross-validation set to see the results. If the results are bad - you have a high variance problem, you used a model which overfit the data and can't generalize well. Re-write your model, play with model parameters or use different algorithm. Repeat until you get a good result on CV set
4) Since we played with the model in order to get a good result on CV set, you want to test your final model on test set. If it is good - that's it, you have a final version of model and could use it on prod environment.
Second question has no answer, it is based on your data and your application. But 2 general approaches might be used:
1) Do everything I mentioned earlier to build a model with a good performance on test set. Re-train your model on new data once in some period (try different periods, but you could try to re-train your model once you see that performance of model dropped down).
2) Use online-learning approach. This is not applicable for many algorithms, but for some cases it could be used. Generally, if you see that you could use stochastic gradient descent learning method - you could use online-learning and just keep your model up-to-date with the newest production data.
Keep in mind that even if you use #2 (online-learning approach) you can't be sure that your model will be good forever. Sooner or later the data you get may change significantly and you may want to use whole different model (for example switch to ANN instead of SWM or logistic regression).
DISCLAIMER: I work for this company, Datmo building a better workflow for ML. We’re always looking to help fellow developers working on ML so feel free to reach out to me at anand#datmo.com if you have any questions.
1) In order to deploy, you should first split up your code into preprocessing, training and test. This way you can easily encapsulate the required components for deployment. Usually, you will then want to take your preprocessing, test, as well as your weights file (the output of your training process) and put them in one folder. Next, you will want to host this on a server and wrap an API server around this. I would suggest a Flask Restful API so that you can use query parameters as your inputs and output your response in standard JSON blobs.
To host it on a server, you can use this article which talks about how you can deploy a Flask API on EC2.
You can load and model and serve it as API as given in this code.
2) Hard for me to answer without more details. It's highly dependent on the type of data and the type of model. For example, for deep learning, there is no such thing as online learning.
I am sorry that my comments does not include too much detail* since I am also a newbie in "deployment" of ML. But since the author is also new in ML, I hope these basic guidance could be helpful as well.
For "deployment", you should
Have ML algorithms: You may use free-tools, or develop your own tool using libraries in Python, R, Java, .Net, .. or use a system on cloud..)
Train those ML models using training datasets
Save those trained models (You should search this topic based on your development environment. There are some file formats that Tensorflow/Keras provide, or formats like pickle, ONNX,.. I would like to write a whole list here, with their supporting language & environment, advantage&disadvantage and loadability but I am also trying to investigate this topic, as a newbie)
And THEN, you can deploy these saved-models on production. On production you should either have your own-developed application to run the saved model (For example: an application that you developed with Python that takes trained&saved .pickle file and TestData as input; and simply gives "prediction for the test data" as output) or you should have an environment/framework that runs the saved models (search for ML environments/frameworks on cloud). At first, you should clarify your need: Do you need a stand-alone program on production, or will you serve a internal web-service, or via-cloud, etc.
For the second question; as above answers indicate the issue is "online training ability" of the models. Please additionally note that; for "online learning", your production environment has to feed your production tool/system with the real-correct label of the test data as well. Will you have that capability?
Note: All above are just small "comments" instead of a clear answer, but technically I am not able to write comments yet. Thanks for not de-voting :)
Regarding the first question, my service mlrequest makes deploying models to production simple. You can get started with a free API key that provides 50k model transactions a month.
This code will train and deploy, or update your model across 5 global data centers.
from mlrequest import Classifier
classifier = Classifier('my-api-key')
features = {'feature1': 'val1', 'feature2': 45}
training_data = {'features': features, 'label': 2}
r = classifier.learn(training_data=training_data, model_name='my-model', class_count=2)
This is how you make predictions, latency-routed to the nearest data center to get the quickest response.
features = {'feature1': 'val1', 'feature2': 77}
r = classifier.predict(features=features, model_name='my-model', class_count=2)
Regarding your second question, it completely depends on the problem you are solving. Some models need to be frequently updated, while others almost never need to be updated.
