What is the best way for the user to close numerical keyboard in iOS in Flutter app? - ios

I am working on a Flutter app. A problem I encountered is that there is no default "Done"- or "Close" button for the numerical keyboard on iOS.
I made an ok solution where the user can close the keyboard by tapping outside the keyboard or swiping downwards. But the ideal solution would be to have a "Done" button in the bottom right corner of the keyboard like Android does right?
I tried the following package keyboard_actions. But it was very buggy in my app. When the keyboard appeared it pushed up the text in the text field.
Why didn't Apple add a default "Done" button for the numerical keyboard? How do you solve this in the simplest and best way?


Can I make a shortcut to the main system keyboard in my custom keyboard extension?

From an iOS custom keyboard extension, I'd like a shortcut button to the main ABC system keyboard. NOT just to advance to the next keyboard. Is this possible? If so, how?
Note: This is not a 'how do I do it' question, it's a theoretical question whether it's possible. Currently, iOS necessitates an 'advance to next keyboard' button for all custom keyboard extensions. As far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be a way to access/shortcut to just the main system keyboard. handleInputModeList(from:with:)

TextField.inputView opens custom keyboard in app

I am building keyboard app, and I am wondering if there is a possibility to open my custom keyboard when user pressing on textField within my app. Keyboard is built using storyboard.
I know that I can force textField to open number Pad, Phone pad and other Apple's keyboard options but can I open my own keyboard without going to settings and adding my 3rd party keyboard.
Thanks in advance.
No, it's not possible, You have to add keyboard once from settings and then automatically your keyboard will pop up.
if you really want your own keyboard without adding settings then you need to develop your own custom inputView.
Additional notes I have just go through better approach which might be helpful for you check here and about your second question to detect keyboard please visit here
Note: Apple will not allow you to forcefully active your own keyboard at anycast because of its policy violation.

UITextField Cursor and Keyboard Issue

My app was running fine on ios 8.4, but now after trying it on ios 9 beta, once the app is opened, the cursor on the UITextfield doesn't show up.
The keyboard doesn't come up. Shouldn't it come automatically?
The app works perfectly fine till ios8.4. Can some one help me out?
After one tap gesture on the UITextField, cursor doesn't show up at all.
Also, I tried checking the tintColor property as well as suggested by some users, but it is default blue.
Is there some specific change made in the way keyboard works on ios9?
A Situation - When I click on Login button, Alert message is displayed and then on pressing ok, the keyboard appears with a cursor but I can type only 1 character and suddenly the cursor and keyboard disappears. Then again, click on login, get the error message, cursor is available, type 1 character and cursor and keyboard disappears again.
Why is cursor on visible when tapped on a UITextField. This according to me must be a simple automatic thing. I have used resignFirstResponder and becomeFirstResponder too.
Anything to do with the Views here? For example, super view or something?
Thanks in advance!
Shrikant Kekane
The situation you have described is not happening when I tried the same.
The steps I followed:
Drag and drop one UITextField in Storyboard.
Give it required constraints.
Build & Run.
Keyboard and cursor both work perfectly in iOS9 simulator.

Cannot enable iOS8 Custom Keyboard

I'm trying to design a custom keyboard for iOS 8. Here are my development steps:
1. Created new project (Single view)
2. Created a new target: File > New > Target, and in the iOS template group chose the Custom Keyboard template.
Then I tried to enable the keyboard based on the documentation steps, which are:
1. Run the app
2. In iOS Simulator, press home button (Command+Shift+H)
3. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards.
4. Tap Add New Keyboard.
5. In the Purchased Keyboards group, tap the name of your new keyboard. A modal view appears with a switch to enable your keyboard.
6. Tap the switch to enable your keyboard. A warning alert appears.
7. In the warning alert, tap Add Keyboard to finish enabling your new keyboard. Then tap Done.
My problem is in step 5. The modal view does not show a switch to activate the keyboard, it shows an empty view like bellow:
I clicked on Done button and it shows my Custom keyboard in activated list:
But when I want to use this keyboard, for example in spotlight, it won't show my keyboard
Clicking the done button will activate the keyboard. There are some definite bugs in those menus.
To change keyboards, you can also try just tapping on the button to change keyboard, rather than holding it like you were in the last screenshot.
Also, it looks like you have the language for that keyboard set as persian, and my guess would be that it is not appearing because your system language is not persian (or the text field you are typing in doesn't support persian).
I wouldn't be surprised if there are other bugs in the simulator that would affect this. I'm glad to hear you were able to get it working.
After you click done, it should install the keyboard, even if you don't see the list in the settings table.
About the keyboard not showing up - you need to kill the app before running a new keyboard. it's a known issue on the simulator.
good luck!

iOS guided access keyboard bug

I'm development an app through titanium. When I was running it on actual iPad, I got a bug that keyboard cannot close if guided access was enabled.
Guided Access is on in settings
Focus on a TextField, keyboard shows up
Triple click on home button, start Guided Access. (With Password). Note, the keyboard is still up for textfield.
Click "Resume" button, return back to app.
Now, if you try to dismiss keyboard, it just stuck there. And keyboard no response until next TextField or TextArea.
And this always happens. I'm not sure if this is a bug from Titanium or iOS itself. I'm trying to replicate by native objective c code.
Does anyone have clue how to fix this?
I've tried to replicate by native SDK. Nothing happened. So I guess this is a bug only for Titanium.
Finally address the problem, when you open the number pad for guided access then go back to app, it will cause the textfield lose focus. So, if user tap/click the textField, then there will be no problem.
And there is another scenario: There are two window, A and B. B has a textField, and I've set it focus when it opened. In Window A, I triple click home button and open the number pad to enter password. Go back to app, open window B. Now since I've programmatically focus the textfield, so nobody click the textField. Now if you try to dismiss the keyboard without touch/click the textfield, you will see the same bug happened before. While if you click the textField, manually re-focus it, there will be no problem.
