Remove a GSource(timeout) and adding the same GSource to the same context without recreating the source - glib

There are 2 threads. Thread 'A' is the manager and Thread 'B' is the worker.
I created a GmainContext in 'B'. Then I added a timeout source and attached it to the GMainContext in 'B'.
The Thread A starts. It works for a while and it wants to remove the timeout source from 'B'. After sometime it needs to add the same source, possibly with the same source id back to the same context in GMainContext in 'B'.
I think its possible, but I am unaware of implementation.
Here is what I tried.
static GMainLoop* _mainLoop;
static GMainLoop* _taskThreadLoop;
static gboolean _toTaskThread(void* /*data*/)
return true;
static gboolean _toMain(void* /*data*/)
printf("Main Thread\r\n");
return true;
void* taskThreadMain(void* /*data*/)
GMainContext *context = g_main_context_new();
_taskThreadLoop = g_main_loop_new(context, FALSE);
GSource* toSource = g_timeout_source_new(5000);
g_source_set_callback(toSource, _toTaskThread, nullptr, nullptr);
g_source_attach(toSource, context);
// Run the loop on taskThread
// Destroy all the resources used in this thread
return nullptr;
int main()
_mainLoop = g_main_loop_new(nullptr, true);
g_timeout_add(2000, _toMain, nullptr);
GThread* taskThread = g_thread_new("thread", taskThreadMain, nullptr);
if (_mainLoop)
What should I do in the main()so that the source in taskThread is removed and how do I add it back.


How to get memory rd/wr trace for a specific function call using PIN tools

I am trying to dump mem rd/wr trace for a specific function call from my application and after researching a bit I came across a solution to do so.
But since I am very new to PIN usage, I am not sure how to pass routine names (refer to Routine(RTN rtn, VOID *v)) from application to pin tools so that the right callback function gets trigerred. Can someone please help?
As of now If I run the given pin tools, my trace.out is empty because "!isROI" is always set to false.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pin.H"
#include <string>
const CHAR * ROI_BEGIN = "__parsec_roi_begin";
const CHAR * ROI_END = "__parsec_roi_end";
FILE * trace;
bool isROI = false;
// Print a memory read record
VOID RecordMemRead(VOID * ip, VOID * addr, CHAR * rtn)
// Return if not in ROI
// Log memory access in CSV
fprintf(trace,"%p,R,%p,%s\n", ip, addr, rtn);
// Print a memory write record
VOID RecordMemWrite(VOID * ip, VOID * addr, CHAR * rtn)
// Return if not in ROI
// Log memory access in CSV
fprintf(trace,"%p,W,%p,%s\n", ip, addr, rtn);
// Set ROI flag
isROI = true;
// Set ROI flag
isROI = false;
// Is called for every instruction and instruments reads and writes
VOID Instruction(INS ins, VOID *v)
// Instruments memory accesses using a predicated call, i.e.
// the instrumentation is called iff the instruction will actually be executed.
// On the IA-32 and Intel(R) 64 architectures conditional moves and REP
// prefixed instructions appear as predicated instructions in Pin.
UINT32 memOperands = INS_MemoryOperandCount(ins);
// Iterate over each memory operand of the instruction.
for (UINT32 memOp = 0; memOp < memOperands; memOp++)
// Get routine name if valid
const CHAR * name = "invalid";
name = RTN_Name(INS_Rtn(ins)).c_str();
if (INS_MemoryOperandIsRead(ins, memOp))
// Note that in some architectures a single memory operand can be
// both read and written (for instance incl (%eax) on IA-32)
// In that case we instrument it once for read and once for write.
if (INS_MemoryOperandIsWritten(ins, memOp))
ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)RecordMemWrite,
// Pin calls this function every time a new rtn is executed
VOID Routine(RTN rtn, VOID *v)
// Get routine name
const CHAR * name = RTN_Name(rtn).c_str();
if(strcmp(name,ROI_BEGIN) == 0) {
// Start tracing after ROI begin exec
} else if (strcmp(name,ROI_END) == 0) {
// Stop tracing before ROI end exec
// Pin calls this function at the end
VOID Fini(INT32 code, VOID *v)
/* ===================================================================== */
/* Print Help Message */
/* ===================================================================== */
INT32 Usage()
PIN_ERROR( "This Pintool prints a trace of memory addresses\n"
+ KNOB_BASE::StringKnobSummary() + "\n");
return -1;
/* ===================================================================== */
/* Main */
/* ===================================================================== */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Initialize symbol table code, needed for rtn instrumentation
// Usage
if (PIN_Init(argc, argv)) return Usage();
// Open trace file and write header
trace = fopen("roitrace.csv", "w");
// Add instrument functions
RTN_AddInstrumentFunction(Routine, 0);
INS_AddInstrumentFunction(Instruction, 0);
PIN_AddFiniFunction(Fini, 0);
// Never returns
return 0;

part of gpu memory is not released after asynchronous resize

I'm facing some problem with gpu resize using opencv.
Here is my code:
#define MX 500
#define ASYNC 0
class job {
cv::cuda::GpuMat gpuImage;
cv::cuda::Stream stream;
cv::Mat cpuImage;
~job() {
printf("job deleted\n");
void onComplete(int status, void* uData) {
job* _job = (job*) uData;
delete _job;
void resize(job* _job, vector<uchar> buffer) {
_job->cpuImage = cv::imdecode(buffer, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
if (ASYNC) {
_job->gpuImage.upload(_job->cpuImage, _job->stream);
cv::cuda::resize(_job->gpuImage, _job->gpuImage, cv::Size(100, 100), 0, 0, cv::INTER_NEAREST, _job->stream);
_job->>cpuImage, _job->stream);
_job->stream.enqueueHostCallback(onComplete, _job);
// _job->stream.waitForCompletion();
} else {
cv::cuda::resize(_job->gpuImage, _job->gpuImage, cv::Size(100, 100), 0, 0, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
delete _job;
vector<uchar> readFile(string filename) {
std::ifstream input(filename, std::ios::binary);
std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(input),{});
return buffer;
int main() {
for (int i = 0; i < MX; i++) {
vector<uchar> buf = readFile("input.jpg");
job* _job = new job();
resize(_job, buf);
while (true) {
// wait
return 0;
When I run resize synchronously (ASYNC = 0), the code works perfectly fine. But when I run it asynchronously (ASYNC = 1), it seems that some gpu memory is lost somewhere despite the fact that I have deleted all created GpuMats and Streams. The more loop I run, the less free memory I have. is there a bug or part of my code is wrong?
problem solved.
here is the note of the callback from OpenCV docs:
Callbacks must not make any CUDA API calls. Callbacks must not perform
any synchronization that may depend on outstanding device work or
other callbacks that are not mandated to run earlier. Callbacks
without a mandated order (in independent streams) execute in undefined
order and may be serialized.
I had read the note but didn't actually notice that even deleting a cv::cuda::* still causes problems. So the solution is to avoid "touching" any cv::cuda::* in the callback, even deleting or releasing.

How to interrupt an xQueueReceive() API in FreeRTOS?

In the following code
SendMessage() is the API called by the user to send a message over USB
UsbDataReceived() is the function called by another thread when data is received on the USB
Task() is the thread created in init() that reads from the queue filled by SendMessage() and calls the low level usb function to send a message
UsbConnected() is the function called by another thread when a USB device is connected.
I need to implement the following behaviour:
Once a message has been sent, no new messages can be sent up to when an answer for the last message has arrived
When UsbConnected() is called, all of the queues must be emptied and if the thread Task() is waiting on the queue AnswerQueue, it has to be unblocked so that it can go back to wait on the queue CommandQueue
An example of my best solution is listed below.
I had to post an EVENT_QUEUE_RESETTED message on both of the queues with a particular order.
Is it possible to achieve the same result in a less cumbersome way?
void UsbhOut(Message_t );
int UsbConnected;
QueueHandle_t MessageQueue;
typedef enum
} Event_t;
typedef struct
Event_t Event;
uint8_t Data[32];
} CommandQueue_t;
typedef struct
Event_t Event;
uint8_t Data[32];
} AnswerQueue_t;
void init(void)
MessageQueue = xQueueCreate(sizeof(Message_t), 10);
AnswerQueue = xQueueCreate(sizeof(Message_t), 10);
xTaskCreate(Task, "", 200, NULL, 1, NULL);
void UsbConnected(void)
CommandEvent.Event = EVENT_QUEUE_RESETTED;
UsbConnected = 1;
/* The order here is fundmental */
xQueueSend(AnswerQueue, &AnswerEvent, 0);
xQueueSend(MessageQeueue, &CommandEvent, 0);
int SendMessage(uint8_t * Data)
CommandQueue_t CommandEvent;
CommandEvent.Event = EVENT_NEW_MESSAGE;
memcpy(&CommandEvent, Message, 32);
if(xQueueSend(MessageQueue, &CommandEvent, 0) == pdTRUE)
return 0;
return -1;
void UsbDataReceived(uint8_t * Data)
AnswerQueue_t AnswerEvent;
AnswerEvent.Event = EVENT_NEW_ANSWER;
memcpy(AnswerEvent.Data, Data, 32);
xQueueSend(AnswerQueue, &AnswerEvent,0);
void Task(void *pvParameters)
CommandQueue_t CommandEvent;
AnswerQueue_t AnswerEvent;
CommandCallback_t * Callback;
xQueueReceive(UsbhStaticData.CommandSenderQueue, &CommandEvent, portMAX_DELAY);
if(CommandEvent.Event == CommandSenderQueueData_t::EVENT_QUEUE_RESETTED)
/* Low level Usb fucntion used to send Data */
xQueueReceive(UsbhStaticData.AnswerReceivdQueue, &AnswerEvent, portMAX_DELAY);
if(AnswerEvent.Event == AnswerReceivedQueueData_t::EVENT_QUEUE_RESETTED)
else if(AnswerEvent.Event == AnswerReceivedQueueData_t::EVENT_ANSWER_RECEIVED)
You could use Queue Sets
FreeRTOS Queue Set API
That way you could create a Queue Set containing a queue and a semaphore. Your task would block on the Queue Set. It would then get unblocked by either receiving a message from the queue or you incrementing the semaphore.

pthread_kill ends calling program

I am working on Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS. I have a strange problem with pthread_kill(). The following program ends after writing only "Create thread 0!" to standard output. The program ends with exit status 138.
If I uncomment "usleep(1000);" everything executes properly. Why would this happen?
#include <nslib.h>
void *testthread(void *arg);
int main() {
pthread_t tid[10];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
printf("Create thread %d!\n", i);
Pthread_create(&tid[i], testthread, NULL);
Pthread_kill(tid[i], SIGUSR1);
printf("Joining thread %d!\n", i);
printf("Joined %d!", i);
return 0;
void sighandlertest(int sig) {
//return NULL;
void* testthread(void *arg) {
struct sigaction saction;
memset(&saction, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
saction.sa_handler = &sighandlertest;
if(sigaction(SIGUSR1, &saction, NULL) != 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sigaction failed!\n");
printf("Starting while...\n");
while(true) {
return 0;
If the main thread does not sleep a bit before raising the SIGUSR1, the signal handler for the thread created most propably had not been set up, so the default action for receiving the signal applies, which is ending the process.
Using sleep()s to synchronise threads is not recommended as not guaranteed to be reliable. Use other mechanics here. A condition/mutex pair would be suitable.
Declare a global state variable int signalhandlersetup = 0, protect access to it by a mutex, create the thread, make the main thread wait using pthread_cond_wait(), let the created thread set up the signal handle for SIGUSR1, set signalhandlersetup = 0 and then signal the condition the main thread is waiting on using pthread_signal_cond(). Finally let the main thread call pthread_kill() as by your posting.

pthread_Join can't return after call pthread_cancel?

I used Eclispse Indigo + CDT 8.0.2 + cygwin to develope a multi-thread systerm, the code is below:
pthread_mutex_t mutexCmd = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t signalCmd = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
void * Func(void * arg)
int iStatus;
while (1)
int a = 1;
pthread_cleanup_push(pthread_mutex_unlock, &mutexCmd);
iStatus = pthread_cond_wait(&signalCmd, &mutexCmd);
if (iStatus) {
err_abort(iStatus, "signalCmd status error");
if(arg->Cmd != navi_Go) //Just a command tag;
//do some work
return NULL;
int main()
int iStatus = 0;
pthread = tid;
iStatus = pthread_create(&tid;NULL, Func, NULL);
err_abort(iStatus, "Start pthread error");
// do some work
//Cancel thread
void * retval;
iStatus = pthread_cancel(tid)
iStatus = pthread_join(tid; &retval);
err_abort(iStatus,"Stop thread error");
return iStatus;
where program run, it stop at "iStatus = pthread_join(tid1; &retval);" couldn't go forward anymore, I think the thread could be happed to deadlock, but can't find the reason. I supposed after call pthread_cancel(), the thread will exit and return to the pthread_join(),
who can tell me what's wrong with my code?
Don't put cleanup_push and _pop inside the while loop. Don't call them more than once. If you look at them, they are macros that wrap the code between them in { }. They setup a longjump that is used when you call pthread_cancel.
pthread_cleanup_pop(1) tells the pthread library to not only pop the cleanup entry off the stack, but to also execute it. So that call will also implicitly call:
Since you've already unlocked the mutex, that call has undefined behavior (assuming the mutex type is PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL). I imagine that call is just never returning or something.
Note that your code has other problems handing the cleanup - if you execute the continue for the loop, you'll call pthread_cleanup_push() a second time (or more), which will add another cleanup context.
There may be other problems (I'm not very familiar with pthread_cancel()).
