What happens to data on a CI pipeline - jenkins

I've been asked to create a CI pipeline for a project at my work, I'm creating a load test with JMeter and Taurus so I plan to integrate it with Jenkins to build all the pipeline. I'm just starting on this field and a question that came to my mind is:
What happens to all the data created by the Load Test? does it goes to the deploy phase or it gets deleted once the test is done, should I clean after the tests end?

The data is being kept in the Jenkins workspace and by default it will be kept in the file system forever.
If you decide to publish the artifacts they will be available at Jenkins build dashboard via the web interface.
You might also be interested in Jenkins Performance Plugin which allows plotting performance trend charts and conditionally marking builds as unstable or failed depending on pass/fail thresholds
Example configuration can be found in the How to Run a Taurus Test through Jenkins Pipelines article

I am not completely familiar with your setup but as far as I can see from a quick research, JMeter does the same as every other testing framework and generates HTML reports. Jenkins wont delete them, unless you explicitly delete them (rm file.html) or call cleanWs (clean workspace). If the job is deleted so are the files.
So the test result file should still be present in the deploy phase. You can use a plugin to collect the result. Or just archive it. Or do whatever fits your workflow.
There is generally no need to clean it up (you usually configure Jenkins to delete old builds which takes care of that)


Jenkins - Job A sets the build number for Job B without reloading project configuration from disk

I want to have one Jenkins job control the build number of another job but without the inconvenience of reloading the entire project configuration from disk. I have seen that it's easily possible to directly update the nextBuildNumber file of the target job (I can do this as a build step of Job A) but this does not take effect immediately. Restarting Jenkins or even reloading the Jenkins configs from disk takes way too long and can only be done when there are no builds in progress.
I have tried the groovy script mentioned in the below post by running it from the Manage Jenkins > Script Console. The same post also suggests the script can be saved as a file and run from the CLI. Can it be run from a build step?
I want Job A to determine Job B's next build number and set it so that Job B can run (later in the same day) with the desired build number.
Perhaps I should clarify. I'm not familiar with Groovy so I'm looking at the various build step options like "Execute Windows batch command" which I have a lot of experience with. I can see an "Invoke Gradle script" option so I was wondering if there may be a plugin that can run Groovy scripts perhaps?
The reason this requirement has arisen is that we are compiling a product for two different platforms. We want to compile the codebase almost simultaneously for both platforms with two jobs (A & B) which will both update the JIRA cases included in the builds. We feel it will be less confusing to have both these jobs running with the same build number so that when we talk about a particular issue being addressed in build #75, say, we won't have to qualify that by stating the full job name. If JOB-A build #75 and JOB-B build #75 are both compiled on the same day from the same codebase we can test and compare the results of both builds with far less confusion than if the build numbers go out of sync.
Obviously, in the short term we will use the Set Next Build Number plugin to manually keep the build numbers in step but we want to automate this if possible.
Depends on whether or not you are using Version Number plugin:
[ X ] Create a formatted version number
Build Display Name [ X ] Use the formatted version number for build display name.
Assuming you are NOT, this groovy script will do:
def NextNumber=42
job.nextBuildNumber = NextNumber
You will need groovy plugin for that. Place that in an "Execute system Groovy script" step. Make sure to choose system groovy. That will execute on the master, where the job config and metadata is stored so you have access to the Jenkins internals and data.
I'd suggest you should really be using the above options rather than relying on "keeping both jobs in sync" via a script or manually. You can then pass the label to be used from the first job as a parameter to the second job. That would also require Parameterized Trigger as well as Version Number plugins.
You can even use ${BUILD_DATE_FORMATTED} or ${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}, etc.
Postdate: thinking about the problemspace from a different perspective, that of running 2+ builds on different platforms (simultaneously), there's a plugin for that: Matrix project. You can run it as a freeatyle job on multiple nodes or is excellently described as Matrix building in scripted pipeline. Not sure how that would tie in to JIRA.

Run jenkins post build step on the slave node instead of Master

I have created a Jenkins job and am able to assign it to run on the master/slave using their label name in Restrict where this project can be run. My job needs to do this
Copy test data to a target folder (not Jenkins workspace)
Run the test
Summarize results
Cleanup the folder with data - Yet to be implemented
Regarding step4, I have to delete the data before marking the job as complete. I have considered a Conditional Build step and it looks to be working in all cases except when the job is aborted.
I am considering a Post Build step using PostBuildTask/GroovyPostBuild and it only works when the job is assigned to run on Master. The issue here is when I try to run the job on Slave1/Slave2, the same task doesn't seem to work and I realized that its being executed on Master instead of Slave1/2.
Would appreciate any guidance on how I can solve this issue.
Yes, Post build steps run on Master by default. So, you need another plugin allow you to choose which node you want to run Post build step. In my system, I use "Flexible Publish" plugin that I see it can solve you issue
Flexible plugin example

How to achieve Roll back using Jenkins

I know this Forum is not to provide strategy's.
Using Jenkins I have set up CI and CD to my Dev,QA and Staging environments. I am stuck up with Rollback strategy for all my environments.
1- What happens if my build fails in Dev
2- What happens if my build fails in QA and passed in Dev.
3- What happens if my build fails in Staging and passed in Dev and QA.
How should I roll back and get things done considering DB in not in place. I have created sample workflow but not sure its an right process.
Generally you can achieve this in 2 ways:
Setting up some sort of release management tool that tracks every execution of your pipeline and snapshots the variables, artifacts, etc... that was used on that exact execution, then you can just run an earlier release of it (check tools like octopus deploy)
If you are using a branch strategy with tags you can parameterize your jobs, passing the tag you wanna build, and build the "earlier tag" if something fails. Check the rebuild option for older job executions.

Jenkins with Shared jobs

I am working with Jenkins, and we have quite a few projects that all use the same tasks, i.e. we set a few variables, change the version, restore packages, start sonarqube, build the solution, run unit/integration tests, stop sonarqube etc. The only difference would be like {Solution_Name}, everything else is exactly the same.
What my question is, is there a way to create 1 'Shared' job, that does all that work, while the job for building the project passes the variables down to that shared worker job. What i'm looking for is the ability to not have to create all the tasks for all of our services/components. It be really nice if each of our services/components could have only 2 tasks, one to set the variables, another to run the shared job.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance.
You could potentially benefit from looking into the new pipelines as code feature.
Using this pattern, you define your build pipeline in a groovy script rather than the jenkins' UI. This script is then kept in the codebase of the project it builds in a file called Jenkinsfile.
By checking this pipeline into a git repository, you can create a minimal configuration on the jenkins' side and simply tell it to look towards a specific repo and do the things that pipeline says to do.
There's a few benefits to this approach if it works for your setup. The big one being that your build pipeline will be fully versioned just like the project it builds. And the repository becomes portable, easily able to be built on any jenkins' installation across as many jobs as long as the pipeline plugins are installed.

Parallelizing tests with Jenkins

I am using Jenkins for integration testing.
Just to give the context. At the moment I have a separate build server which produces the build daily and Jenkins is not used as the build server. The build server executes the unit testing in my case.
When build process is complete it invokes the Jenkins job. In that job Jenkins start to deploy the build into the Virtual machine. I have a script for doing this.
Followed to that my plan is to run several scripts for doing the end-to-end testing.
Now I have several question in this regard:
How to parallelize the execution of the end-to-end tests?
As I am adding scripts after script I am getting worried how manageable it will be?
I am always using the web interface for adding and changing the scripts. How to do this from the command line?
Any ideas for a good tutorial? Any pointers from all of you? Thanks!
Looks like Build Flow Plugin is what I need.
You might want to try and see if you can use the Build Pipeline plugin before build flow. Much better visualization of what is going on, less scripting.
I link Build and deploy jobs in one sequence and then have unit and integration test jobs linked separately off the build job. You can then use Fail The Build plugin to have downstream jobs fail upstream ones.
