Failed to install an auto prefixer extension for brackets - brackets

I have created my web page, and I need to simplify a manual work for prefixes by installing autoprefixer in my bracket code editor. I have tried to install it in two ways, one by pressing installation button found from search, and by copying github link.
below is a screenshot. Please anyone who can help me to solve this problem. Thanks

What I did is to close my editor and restart in again, then everything work fine


how to fix error when install bluetooth-escpos-printer?

I want to make my app, can print so I have run npm install react-native-bluetooth-escpos-printer --save
as enter link description here documentation.
after that I want to make it sure that my project running well after it,
but I found error like , and when I try to link the project the error using this command react-native link react-native-bluetooth-escpos-printer
it also bring me to the another error like Unrecognized command "link".
i dont have idea hot to fix it, please anyone can tell what am I suppose todo
Since no one is maintaining this package. I used which is one of the PR for this package which resolved the insecure protocols and used to keep the changes. Hope it helps!

Unable to resolve "./SafeAreaProviderCompat" from "node_modules/#react-navigation/bottom-tabs/src/views/BottomTabView.tsx"

I'm building an expo react native app (sdk 46.0) and when loading the app I am confronted with the error in the title. How can I fix it?
Their might be some issue with the package. I remember once I encountered some errors with the bottom tab navigation. what i did was that i tried some previous versions and one of them worked for me.
so what i recommend.
1] first kill the terminal , make new terminal and start expo using
expo start -c
This will clear the cache. Then Check if it works.
Sometime we also have to close the software itself that we are using for development like (vs studio) and then re open it and try step 1.
2] Try re-installing the same Package. Their might be a possibility it's not correctly installed and repeat step 1
3] Try to install previous versions. That may work and repeat step 1
Also Check your imports. Thanks. (Hope this resolves your issue)

Brackets won't install Emmet plugin

I have just installed the text editor Adobe Brackets to try it out and my first action was to install my favourite plugin, Emmet. I was frustrated to find that the installation failed. I have tried downloading the emmet zip file and dragging into the Extension Manager but the result is the same. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Brackets and restarting Windows. I am not prepared to use Brackets without Emmet so how can I fix this?
I am using Windows 10 and I note that Brackets will only install a 32-bit version. Brackets version is Release 1.12 build 1.12.0-17621 (release d3b783b99)
When the installation fails. Which problem do you have? (Error code or something?)
Have you even tried to run Brackets as Administrator?
Have you followed the guide in GitHub for Emmet in Brackets?
Aha! I appear to have solved the problem. I removed all the other newly installed plugins and then tried to install Emmet - this time with success. There must have been a conflict, tho not sure with what.
Thanks for your response
I had the same problem. I just closed Brackets and then re-opened it by right clicking the icon and opening as an Administrator. Once Brackets is open again go as normal to install Emmet from Extension Manager. Problem Solved!!!! :)
In case someone else runs into this issue and the other methods don't work, as they did for me, try this.
Attempt to install Emmet from the Extension Manager and while it's attempting, type in the URL referenced in the downloading window. This will begin the ZIP download on your own machine. Then you can drag the ZIP onto the Extension Manager "Drag .zip file here" section to install.
for me it was a matter of having no other extension installed. Pretty lightweight, the brackets AND with the necessary plugs (swatch, SCSS, classhint, lint), I'll keep using it. Just saying..
Open this link and download the zip file.
then drag the zip file from windows explorer into extension manager in brackets

How do I manually add Pods/Headers/Public to the Header Search Paths configuration?

I ejected from expo.
I ran ‘react-native link’ in the terminal
I moved into the iOS folder and ran ‘pod install’ in the terminal.
Then I opened the padel.xcworkspace in xcode. When I try and build the app
I get an error that says the React/RCTBridgeModule.h file is not
After much googling I understand that I need to “manually add
Pods/Headers/Public to the Header Search Paths configuration” as
described in the expo docs
I have absolutely no idea how to do this. Can someone please help me?
When I click on the error message in build time this is what I see:
Where am I supposed to add ‘Pods/Headers/Public’
My best guess is that I have to add an additional path in the ‘Header Search Paths’ section. The problem is that I don’t understand where BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR corresponds to so I don’t know how to walk it to the pods folder.
Any suggestions?
Finally found the answer to this on step 3 of the docs on manual linking in react native

Run custom shell script '[cp] embed pods frameworks' no such file or directory

Just finished resolving my errors after converting to Swift 3 only to get this error when trying to compile. I have attached a screenshot for clarity, it does not look like the system is looking for a .app file or .sh file. Really don't know too much about the Pods, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Seem to have found a solution. My project name had a space in the middle of two words, very bad practice I know. Not entirely sure what caused this error, though one could possibly conclude that since the problem originated in the Pods framework, it could be related to Cocoapods, rather than migration to Swift 3.
I traced the problem to the Pods framework for my project after searching extensively for solutions to this problem.
Fixed the double quotes to single quotes on the line highlighted, and the project built instantly. Hope this helps anyone else having a similar issue!
• Just restart your system..... It Looks crazy but my problem solved.
Swift4/5 Xcode10 Same Issue...
After upgrade cocoapods, reset pods, clean the build folder...., all these tries, it still fails... until I found this post.
However, there's no space in my project name, but do have a special characrter <'> in it. I decided to give it a try to see if it is the source of issues. After following along the instructions in how-do-i-completely-rename-an-xcode-projec, the project builds successfully, finally.
So just a note: avoid using space or other special characters in the project name, that may cause some unexpected errors
