How to have communication between Docker Containers and A Linux VM on my windows Host - docker

I have a Hyper-V machine and Docker running a few containers. I need them to be able to ping each other. Is there a way I can do this. Ive tried putting them on the same nat but im not sure I even accomplished that. There both on my windows host and i spin up the docker containers using a yml file.


How to access `docker-compose` containers, in Minikube

I want my web-server to have either a Kubernetes config and a Docker-Compose config.
I run them on a MacBook (no native containers support), so at the moment I
run docker-compose on Docker Desktop
run kubectl on a Minikube VM
(I stick to Minikube because of the convenient commands like minikube ip & minikube service, that I rely on in my scripts)
This makes slow and inconvenient to switch from one setup to the other (suspend Minikube, start Docker Desktop, rebuild the images, re-run the services; and vice-versa).
They won't share built images or containers, and they run in different environments.
I tried running docker-compose on Docker from the Minikube VM.
Works fine, but I cannot connect to the service, because there is no tunnelling or port-forwarding from the Host machine to the Minikube machine
(while compose takes care of the inner forwarding from $(minikube ip):8081 to docker-container-webserver:8080.
How to open the connection from the Host machine (browser) to the container (web-server) running inside Minikube?
I tried minikube tunnel but it didn't seem to help (it is designed to work with Kubernetes LoadBalancer services).

Docker desktop networking Windows and Linux nodes

I have a windows service within a Docker container that needs to access a MySQL database in a Linux container on the same machine (dev machine currently).
I thought of creating an overlay network on the two "nodes" on the same machine but this isn't possible as creating the swarm worker fails on windows after creating the swarm master on linux.
Is this possible, if not what is the easiest way of doing this? The purpose of the windows container is simply to deploy to a test environment to gather data. Do I need to deploy the linux to the cloud or another machine maybe, so the windows container can communicate?
You can simply use docker compose, it will create the network automatically. Replace the MySQL host with the MySQL service name you defined in the compose yaml file. Detailed information please refer to docker-compose.

Confused about container network isolation with Docker

I have Docker running on a couple of Ubuntu 18.04 vms and also on a Synology DS218+. There is inconsistent behaviour between the two with regards to the ability for containers to access other hosts on the local network. I am confused as to what exactly is happening here:
My method of testing this is to launch an interactive shell with bash into a container that has ping installed. From that I can test connectivity to other containers and to the docker hosts. The containers are using default bridge networks. I understand this should mean that they can only communicate with other containers that are on the same bridge network.
On the Synology, when I bash into a container, I am not able to ping the host that the machine is running on. That seems to be desired behaviour. However, if I try to ping other machines on the host network, the container receives a response. This shouldn't happen as the default bridge network is supposed to be isolated from the host network. I tried taking down all containers, stopping the docker daemon, flushing iptables and bring everything back up again. Same result.
On the Ubuntu hosts, I can not only ping other machines on the host network, but the host that the container is running on.
Is there something I am missing here?

Docker inside Windows VirtualBox

here's the thing: I tried to install docker inside a windows which runs inside virtualbox, and off course I failed due it's not possible (now I know this is due Hyper-V not used by virtualbox and required by docker).
Since for me migrating to VMWare ain't an option, I dig a little bit and found out that there's no problem on running docker inside a linux distro (which runs inside a vbox), so here's the question.
Is it possible to run 2 different virtual machines with virtualbox, one with linux (running docker inside it), and the other one with windows as my development environment, both at the same time and to develop on windows and then deploy and run tests on docker? If this is possible, how? Any links or keywords for me to search for would be appreciated.
Sure! You need to do following steps:
You should set your VMs network so then can see easily each other
You should expose docker daemon on TCP socket on VM with linux
On VM with windows you need to create some override for docker client so he will connect to remote daemon on linux machine
Please keep in mind when you expose some service under ports you won't access that on VM with windows on localhost - instead of that you need to type: :

Assign hostnames to exposed docker ports

Okay so in Vagrant/VVV you can assign different hostnames to your different projects so when you go to your website shows up.
This is very convenient if you are working on dozens of projects at the same time, As far as I know such thing is not possible in docker (it can't touch hosts file), My question is, is there something similar we can do in Docker? Some automated tool maybe?
Using docker for windows.
Hostnames can map many containers together. In docker compose, there's a hostname option. But that's only within the Docker network bridge, not available to the host
Docker isn't a VM (although it runs within one in Windows).
You can edit your hosts file to have the HyperVisor available, but you're supposed to have the host ports forwarded into the container.
Use localhost, not any hostname.
If you prefer your Vagrant patterns, continue using it, but provision Docker containers from it, or use Docker Machine
