Run multiple Jenkins jobs from the single Jenkinsfile? - jenkins

I have two jobs that kind of upload the file to the server. Both jobs are the same except they upload to different remote URLs.
Currently, I am using two Jenkins files in the same git repository for these jobs. But these files are almost the same except server URLs are different.
I tried to use the single Jenkins file and passing the server URL as a parameter from a new parent job. These two children's jobs are running concurrently and one of them is succeeding while another one is failing.
So, My question is can we run multiple jobs pointing to the single Jenkinsfile?

My approach works fine but I was making silly mistakes of not passing the workspace name as a parameter and thus both child jobs were sharing a workspace.
After setting the workspace name through a parameter, this approach works fine.


How to copy parameters from one pipeline to another without copying entire pipeline?

On our team, only few people have Jenkins access to perform admin operations as it is Production Jenkins server which developers continuously use for builds.
Sometimes I have to enhance any pipeline or fix issues of pipeline. For that admin has created one pipeline for me so I can add code there and test it. I am suppose to use only that pipeline to test anything.
But I test different pipelines, each pipelines has different parameters list. In this case, I've to add parameters one by one and copying all details of that parameter like Groovy Script, default value etc. which takes lot of time.
Is there any way/plugin using which we can simply copy only parameters from one pipeline to other?
I think you should know each job has a config.xml which represents the job configuration. You can get it by <job_url>/config.xml.
Get the config.xml of the job you want to debug, then extract the xml block for job parameters from the config.xml
Prepare an empty structure config.xml, inject the job parameters' xml block into the empty config.xml
Call Jenkins Rest API to update/save the config.xml to your debug job, then your debug job has target job's params.
You can write a script to implements above 3 steps.

Storing Jenkins pipeline job metadata?

Is there a way where to store some metadata from Jenkins pipeline job, e.g:
We have a Jenkinsfile which builds a gradle project, creates docker image and pushes it to google cloud
Then a "Subjob" is launched which runs integration tests (IT) on that docker image. Subjob receives a couple of parameters (one of them - the generated docker image name)
Now sometimes that IT job fails, and I would like to re-run it from the main job view, so idealy:
we have a plugin which renders a custom button in blue ocean UI on the main job
By clicking that button a subjob is invoked again with the same parameters (plugin queries the jenkins api, get params of this job, and resubmits the subjob).
The problem ? How to get/set those parameters. I could not seem to find a mechanism for that, expect artifact storage. I could get away with that by creating a simple json/text file and uploading it as artifact, and then retrieving it in my plugin, but maybe there is a better way?
Stage restart is not coming to Scripted Pipelines so that does not look like ant option.
Maybe you can use the Jenkins API to get the details of the build?
Instead of lastBuild you can also use the build number or one of lastStableBuild, lastSuccessfulBuild, lastFailedBuild, lastUnstableBuild, lastUnsuccessfulBuild, lastCompletedBuild
There is a parameters key there with all parameter names and values used in the build.
More details on
Also, any reason you can't use the replay button in the IT job?

Can a single seed job process DSLs from multiple repos?

I recently managed to convert several manually-created jobs to DSL scripts (inlined into temporary 'seed' jobs), and was pleasantly surprised how straightforward it was. Now I'd like to get rid of the multiple seed jobs and try to structure things more cleanly.
To that end, I created a new jenkins-ci repo and committed all the Groovy DSL scripts to it. Then I created a job-generator Jenkins job that pulls from the jenkins-ci repo and has a single Process Job DSLs step. This step has the Look on Filesystem box ticked, with the DSL Scripts field set to jobs/*.groovy. With global push notifications already in place, this works more-or-less as intended: if I make a change to the jenkins-ci repo, the job-generator job automatically runs and regenerates all the jobs—awesome!
What I don't like about this solution is that it has poor locality of reference: the DSL scripts for the job live in a completely separate repository from the code. What I'd really like is to keep the job DSL scripts in each individual code repository, in a jenkins subfolder, and have a single seed job that processes them all. That way, changes to CI setup could be code-reviewed right alongside the code. To me, that just feels like an ideal setup.
Unfortunately, I don't have a clear idea about how to make this happen. If I could figure out a way to make the seed job watch multiple repos, such that a commit to any one of them would trigger it, perhaps I could inject another build step before the Process Job DSLs step and (somehow) script my way to victory, but... I'm unsure how to even get to that point. (I certainly don't want to do full clones of each repo in the generator job just to pull in the DSL scripts!)
I suspect I'm not the first person to wish they could put the Job DSL scripts alongside the code, though perhaps I'm over-estimating the benefits. Any advice on this topic would be much appreciated—thanks!
Unfortunately there is no direct way of solving this. Several feature requests have been opened (JENKINS-33275, JENKINS-37220), but AFAIK no one is working on any of them.
As a workaround you can use the Pipeline Multibranch Plugin and create a multibranch project for each of your repositories. You must then add a simple Jenkinsfile to each repo/branch and use the Jenkinsfile to execute your Job DSL scripts. See Use Job DSL in Pipeline scripts for details. This would require minimal coding, but I think each repo must be cloned for this to work because the Job DSL files must be available on the file system.
You can use Job DSL to create the multibranch jobs, see multibranchPipelineJob in the API viewer. This would be your "root" seed job.
If your repos are hosted on GitHub, you can also checkout the GitHub Organization Folder Plugin. With that plugin you must only create one job for each organization instead of multiple multibranch jobs.

Jenkins - Running concurrent jobs with "circular" parameter

I'd like to run several builds concurrently in Jenkins for the same job. I run at maximum 3 builds concurrently. I want each build to run with a parameter that must be unique from a pool for parameters. For instance, pool=[1, 2, 3]: The 1st build picks "1", 2nd picks "2" and the 3rd picks "3".
I must ensure that different builds can't pick the same parameter.
After building, the parameter is available again.
How can I do it?
Alternative: How can I count the number of builds running in this project and pass it as parameter?
At first, select the checkbox button named build-concurrently-if-neccesary to ensure the same job could build concurrently. you'd better read the help-html seriously before
The isolated environments for building different jobs make that data could not be shared each other in a simple way.
Here is a solution that trigger the buildWithParameters link by jenkins rest api to control the pool in the program procedure of your own.
add a string-parameter in job's config.
post the string parameter to http://$JENKINS_SERVER_URL/job/$JOB_NAME/buildWithParameters
Maybe it's the most convenient way if no available plugin found.
I found a plugin in github and asked the author to publish it. It works well and solves my problem.
Jenkins Parameter Pool Plugin

Generic jenkins jobs

I wonder, if it is possible to create generic parametric jobs ready to copy where the only post copy action is to redefine its parameters.
During my investigation I find out that:
- I can use parameters in svn path definition
- I can define the flow of builds using *Build Flow Plugin*
However I cannot force Jenkins to use parameters inside job names definition for promotion process. Is any way to achieve that?
Since I create sometimes branches from master I would like to copy the whole configuration of jobs but only one difference most times is that in the job name definition I replace master with branch name.
Why it not possible to use a parameter as the branch name?
Then when you start to build the job, you can input the parameters based on the branch you want to build.
Or find some way to get the branch info and inject it.
For example, we have one common job, which will monitor maybe 20 projects, if any of those job was merged into git, our gerrit trigger plugin will start to work, and all of job name, and branch is got dynamically from parameters.
Hope this works for you.
