Kubernetes mountPropagation clarifications - docker

I have a docker image A that contains a folder I need to share with another container B in the same K8s pod.
At first I decided to use a shared volume (emptyDir) and launched A as an init container to copy all the content of the folder into the shared volume. This works fine.
Then looking at k8s doc I realised I could use mountPropagation between the containers.
So I changed the initContainer to a plain container (side car) in the same pod and performed a mount of the container A folder I want to share with container B. This works fine but I need to keep the container running A up with a wait loop. Or not...
Then I decided to come back to the InitContainer pattern and do the same, meaning mount the folder in A inside the shared volume and then the container finishes cause it is an InitContainer and then use the newly mounted folder in container B. And it works !!!!
So my question is, can someone explains me if this is expected on all Kubernetes clusters ? and explain to me why the mounted folder from A that is no longer running as a container can still be seen by my other container ?
Here is a simple manifest to demonstrate it.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: testvol
- name: busybox-init
image: busybox
privileged: true
command: ["/bin/sh"]
args: ["-c", "mkdir -p /opt/connectors; echo \"bar\" > /opt/connectors/foo.txt; mkdir -p /opt/connectors_new; mount --bind /opt/connectors /opt/connectors_new; echo connectors mount is ok"]
- name: connectors
mountPath: /opt/connectors_new
mountPropagation: Bidirectional
- name: busybox
image: busybox
command: ["/bin/sh"]
args: ["-c", "cat /opt/connectors/foo.txt; trap : TERM INT; (while true; do sleep 1000; done) & wait"]
- name: connectors
mountPath: /opt/connectors
mountPropagation: HostToContainer
- name: connectors
emptyDir: {}
here the manifest to reproduce the behavior

This works because your containers run in a pod. The pod is where your volume is defined, not the container. So you are creating a volume in your pod that is an empty directory. Then you are mounting it in your init container and making changes. That makes changes to the volume on the pod.
Then when your init container finishes, the files at the pod level don't go away, they are still there, so your second container picks up the files when it mounts the same volume from the pod.
This is expected behavior and doesn't need mountPropagation fields at all. The mountPropagation fields may have some effect on emptyDir volumes, but it is not related to preserving the files:
All containers in the Pod can read and write the same files in the emptyDir volume, though that volume can be mounted at the same or different paths in each container. When a Pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted permanently.
Note: A container crashing does not remove a Pod from a node. The data in an emptyDir volume is safe across container crashes.
The note here doesn't explicitly state it, but this implies it is also safe across initContainer to Container transitions. As long as your pod exists on the node, your data will be there in the volume.


How to attache a volume to kubernetes pod container like in docker?

I am new to Kubernetes but familiar with docker.
Docker Use Case
Usually, when I want to persist data I just create a volume with a name then attach it to the container, and even when I stop it then start another one with the same image I can see the data persisting.
So this is what i used to do in docker
docker volume create nginx-storage
run -it --rm -v nginx-storage:/usr/share/nginx/html -p 80:80 nginx:1.14.2
then I:
Create a new html file in /usr/share/nginx/html
Stop container
Run the same docker run command again (will create another container with same volume)
html file exists (which means data persisted in that volume)
Kubernetes Use Case
Usually, when I work with Kubernetes volumes I specify a PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) and PV (PersistentVolume) using hostPath which will bind mount directory or a file from the host machine to the container.
what I want to do is reproduce the same behavior specified in the previous example (Docker Use Case) so how can I do that? Is Kubernetes creating volumes process is different from Docker? and if possible providing a YAML file would help me understand.
To a first approximation, you can't (portably) do this. Build your content into the image instead.
There are two big practical problems, especially if you're running a production-oriented system on a cloud-hosted Kubernetes:
If you look at the list of PersistentVolume types, very few of them can be used in ReadWriteMany mode. It's very easy to get, say, an AWSElasticBlockStore volume that can only be used on one node at a time, and something like this will probably be the default cluster setup. That means you'll have trouble running multiple pod replicas serving the same (static) data.
Once you do get a volume, it's very hard to edit its contents. Consider the aforementioned EBS volume: you can't edit it without being logged into the node on which it's mounted, which means finding the node, convincing your security team that you can have root access over your entire cluster, enabling remote logins, and then editing the file. That's not something that's actually possible in most non-developer Kubernetes setups.
The thing you should do instead is build your static content into a custom image. An image registry of some sort is all but required to run Kubernetes and you can push this static content server into the same registry as your application code.
FROM nginx:1.14.2
COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html
# Base image has a working CMD, no need to repeat it
Then in your deployment spec, set image: registry.example.com/nginx-frontend:20220209 or whatever you've chosen to name this build of this image, and do not use volumes at all. You'd deploy this the same way you deploy other parts of your application; you could use Helm or Kustomize to simplify the update process.
Correspondingly, in the plain-Docker case, I'd avoid volumes here. You don't discuss how files get into the nginx-storage named volume; if you're using imperative commands like docker cp or debugging tools like docker exec, those approaches are hard to script and are intrinsically local to the system they're running on. It's not easy to copy a Docker volume from one place to another. Images, though, can be pushed and pulled through a registry.
I managed to do that by creating a PVC only this is how I did it (with an Nginx image):
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: nginx-data
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 100Mi
# Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx
app: nginx
replicas: 1
template: # template for the pods
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.14.2
- mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
name: nginx-data
- name: nginx-data
claimName: nginx-data
restartPolicy: Always
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
app: nginx
- name: http
port: 80
nodePort: 30080
type: NodePort
Once I run kubectl apply on the PVC then on the deployment going to localhost:30080 will show 404 not found page means that all data in the /usr/share/nginx/html was deleted once the container gets started and that's because it's bind mounting a dir from the k8s cluster node to that container as a volume:
/usr/share/nginx/html <-- dir in volume
/var/lib/k8s-pvs/nginx2-data/pvc-9ba811b0-e6b6-4564-b6c9-4a32d04b974f <-- dir from node (was automatically created)
I tried adding a new file into that container in the html dir as a new index.html file, then deleted the container, a new container was created by the pod and checking localhost:30080 worked with the newly created home page
I tried deleting the deployment and reapplying it (without deleting the PVC) checked localhost:30080 and everything still persists.
An alternative solution specified in the comments kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/… by

How to merge data from docker image with kubernetes volume (NFS)

I have a docker image that contains data in directors /opt/myfiles, Lets say the following:
I want to deploy that image to kubernetes and mount an NFS volume to that directory so that the changes to these files are persisted when I delete the pod.
When I do it in docker swarm I simply mount an empty NFS volume to /opt/myfiles/ and then my docker swarm service is started, the volume is populated with the files from the image and I can then work with my service and when I delete the service, I still have the files on my NFS server, so on next start of the service, I have my previous state back.
In kubernetes, when I mount an empty NFS volume to /opt/myfiles/, the pod is started and /opt/myfiles/ is overwritten with an empty directory, so my pod does not see the files from the image anymore.
My volme mount and volume definition:
- name: myvol
mountPath: /opt/myfiles
- name: myvol
server: nfs-server.mydomain.org
path: /srv/shares/myfiles
I read some threads about similar problems (for example K8s doesn't mount files on Persistent Volume) and tried some stuff using subPath and subPathExpr as in the documentation (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#using-subpath) but none of my changes does, what docker swarm does by default.
The behaviour of kubernetes seems strange to my as I have worked with docker swarm for quite a while now and I am familiar with the way docker swarm handles that. But I am sure that there is a reason why kubernetes handles that in another way and that there are some possibilities to get, what I need.
So please, can someone have a look at my problem and help me find a way to get the following behaviour?
I have files in my image in some directory
I want to mount an NFS volume to that directory, because I need to have the data persisted, when for example my pod crashes and moves to another host or when my pod is temporarily shut down for whatever reason.
When my pod starts, I want the volume to be populated with the files from the image
And of course I would be really happy if someone could explain me, why kubernetes and docker swarm behave so different.
Thanks a lot in advance
This can be usually achieved in Kubernetes with init-containers.
Let's have an image with files stored in /mypath folder. If you are able to reconfigure the container to use a different path (like /persistent) you can use init container to copy files from /mypath to /persistent on pod's startup.
- name: myapp-container
image: myimage
- name: path
value: /persistent
- name: myvolume
path: /persistent
- name: copy-files
image: myimage
- name: myvolume
path: /persistent
command: ['sh', '-c', 'cp /mypath/*.* /persistent']
In this case you have a main container myapp-container using files from /persistent folder from the NFS volume and each time when container starts the files from /mypath will be copied into that folder by init container copy-files.

Copy files from container to host while inside the container

I'm working on automation pipeline using Kubernetes and Jenkins. All my commands are running from inside the jnlp-slave container. The jnlp-slave is deployed onto a worker node by Kubernetes. I have -v /var/run/docker.sock on my jnlp-slave so it can run docker commands from inside the container.
I'm trying to copy files inside the jnlp-slave container to the host machine (worker node), but the command below does not copy files to host machine, but to destination of the container itself:
docker cp <container_id>:/home/jenkins/workspace /home/jenkins/workspace
Since the container is executing the command, files located inside the container is copied to the destination path which is also inside the container.
Normally, docker commands are executed on the host machine. Therefore, the docker cp can be used to copy files from container to host and from host to container. But in this case, the docker cp is executed from inside the container.
How can I make the container to copy files to the host machine without running docker commands on the host? Is there a command which the container can run to copy files to the host?
P.S. I've tried mounting volume on the host. But the files only can be shared from the host to the container and not the other way around. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
As suggested in comments, you should probably redesign entirely your solution.
But let's summarize what you currently have and try to figure out what you can do with it and not make your solution even more complicated at the same time.
What I did was copy the files from jnlp-slave container to the other
Copying files from one container to all others is a bit an overkill (btw. How many of them do you place in one Pod ?)
Maybe your containers don't have to be deployed withing the same Pod ? If for some reason this is currently impossible, maybe at least the content of the /home/jenkins/workspace directory shouldn't be integral part of your docker image as it is now ? If this is also impossible, you have no other remedy than to copy somehow those files from the original container based on that image to the shared location which is also available for other containers existing within the same Pod.
emptyDir, mentioned in comments might be an option allowing you to achieve it. However keep in mind that the data stored in an emptyDir volume is not persistent in any way and is deleted along with the deletion of the pod. If you're ok with this fact, it may be a solution for you.
If your data is originally part of your image, it should be first transferred to your emptyDir volume as by its very definition it is initially empty. Simply mounting it under /home/jenkins/workspace won't make the data originally available in this directory in your container automagically appear in the emptyDir volume. From the moment you mount your emptyDir under /home/jenkins/workspace it will contain the content of emptyDir i.e. nothing.
Therefore you need to pre-populate it somehow and one of the available solutions to do that is using an initContainer. As your data is originally the integral part of your docker image, you must use the same image also for the initContainer.
Your deployment may look similar to the one below:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: sample-deployment
replicas: 1
app: sample-app
app: sample-app
- name: pre-populate-empty-dir
image: <image-1>
command: ['sh', '-c', 'cp -a /home/jenkins/workspace/* /mnt/empty-dir-content/']
- name: cache-volume
mountPath: "/mnt/empty-dir-content/"
- name: app-container-1
image: <image-1>
- containerPort: 8081
- name: cache-volume
mountPath: "/home/jenkins/workspace"
- name: app-container-2
image: <image-2>
- containerPort: 8082
- name: cache-volume
mountPath: "/home/jenkins/workspace"
- name: app-container-3
image: <image-3>
- containerPort: 8083
- name: cache-volume
mountPath: "/home/jenkins/workspace"
- name: cache-volume
emptyDir: {}
Once your data has been copied to an emptyDir volume by the initContainer, it will be available for all the main containers and can be mounted under the same path by each of them.

Unable to write file from docker run inside a kubernetes pod

I have a docker image that uses a volume to write files:
docker run --rm -v /home/dir:/out/ image:cli args
when I try to run this inside a pod the container exit normally but no file is written.
I don't get it.
The container throw errors if it does not find the volume, for example if I run it without the -v option it throws:
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path '/out/file.txt'.
But I don't have any error from the container.
It finishes like it wrote files, but files do not exist.
I'm quite new to Kubernetes but this is getting me crazy.
Does kubernetes prevent files from being written? or am I missing something obvious?
The whole Kubernetes context is managed by GCP composer-airflow, if it helps...
docker -v: Docker version 17.03.2-ce, build f5ec1e2
If you want to have that behavior in Kubernetes you can use a hostPath volume.
Essentially you specify it in your pod spec and then the volume is mounted on the node where your pod runs and then the file should be there in the node after the pod exits.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test-pd
- image: image:cli
name: test-container
- mountPath: /home/dir
name: test-volume
- name: test-volume
path: /out
type: Directory
when I try to run this inside a pod the container exit normally but no file is written
First of all, there is no need to run the docker run command inside the pod :). A spec file (yaml) should be written for the pod and kubernetes will run the container in the pod using docker for you. Ideally, you don't need to run docker commands when using kubernetes (unless you are debugging docker-related issues).
This link has useful kubectl commands for docker users.
If you are used to docker-compose, refer Kompose to go from docker-compose to kubernetes:
Some options to mount a directory on the host as a volume inside the container in kubernetes:

Docker volume vs Kubernetes persistent volume

The closest answer I found is this.
But I want to know is that, will the Dockerfile VOLUME command be totally ignored by Kubernetes? Or data will be persisted into two places? One for docker volume (in the host which pod running) and another is Kubernetes's PV?
The reason of asking this is because I deploy some containers from docker hub which contain VOLUME command. Meanwhile I also attach PVC to my pod. I am thinking whether local volume (docker volume, not K8 PV) will be created in the node? If my pod scheduled to another node, then another new volume created?
On top of this, thanks for #Rico to point out that -v command and Kubernetes's mount will take precedence over dockerfile VOLUME command, but what if as scenario below:
dockerfile VOLUME onto '/myvol'
Kubernetes mount PVC to '/anotherMyVol'
In this case, will myvol mount to my local node harddisk? and cause unaware data persisted locally?
It will not be ignored unless you override it on your Kubernetes pod spec. For example, if you follow this example from the Docker documentation:
$ docker run -it container bash
root#7efcf5ef12a2:/# mount | grep myvol
/dev/nvmeXnXpX on /myvol type ext4 (rw,relatime,discard,data=ordered)
You'll see that it's mounted on the root drive of the host where the container is running on. Docker actually creates a volume on the host filesystem under /var/lib/docker/volumes (/var/lib/docker is your Docker graph directory):
$ pwd
$ find . | grep greeting
You can override this with the -v option in Docker:
$ docker run -it -v /mnt:/myvol container bash
root#1c7211cf43d0:/# cd /myvol/
root#1c7211cf43d0:/myvol# touch hello
root#1c7211cf43d0:/myvol# exit
$ pwd # <= on the host
$ ls
So on Kubernetes you can override it in the pod spec:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: mypod
- name: mycontainer
image: container
- name: storage
mountPath: /myvol
- name: storage
path: /mnt
type: Directory
You need to explicitly define a PersistentVolumeClaim and/or PersistentVolume. This is not done for you.
