I am unable to filter the "Amazon Linux 2" AMI while creating the launch configuration under the AMI drop down menu. I can see My AMI, Marketplace in the drop down. Where am I going wrong?
You can find it by searching with AMI id.
Actually the AMI name for amazon linux 2 is - "amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.20200917.0-x86_64-gp2"
You can find the name and id from an already running instance. (ami id differs by region)
Sorry for being late, but I hope it helps.
Installing Jenkins from ICP catalog successfully deploys but showing not ready & not available, hence not able to launch it.
I have Enterprise version of ICP available with me. I was following tutorial on my hosted ICP
I installed bluecompute-ce it was installed and became available in 3-5 minutes. As per tutorial it says jenkins is already available which was not in my case I tried installing it using the same steps but after installation I see Jenkins is deployed by its showing not ready & not available (Ready & Available column showing 0).
Dont know what is the problem exactly.
Ready & Available column should show 1 as its showing in others.
Found out the issue. I was not creating persistent volume before deploying jenkins. there are two ways to make it. Either uncheck create persistent volume option if you want it to be there then first create persistent volume and add details of it.
Using 'Click to Deploy', I already deployed LAMP stack.
Now i want to use 'Click to deploy'and then deploy Jenkins in the same GCE instance(dont want another fresh GCE instance)
Is there an option to use 'Click to deploy' for multiple tools or only once per GCE instance?
What is the best approach to install multiple tools using Click to deploy or Google Launcher under single Google Compute Engine instance?
Plz someone help!
Bitnami developer here.
Right now you can't use "click to deploy" twice in the same GCE instance.
You could access your instance via ssh, download bitnami jenkins stack and install it. Take into account that you'll be installing another apache server so you won't be able to use port 80 again (as well as with mysql).
I installed latest OpsCenter (v5.0.0, through AMI 3cf7c979), found here) on EC2 m3.large. When adding new nodes through the admin interface (port 8888), I get this error:
Error: Start stage failed: Failed to start node [ip]: Timed out waiting for Cassandra to start.
The log on the individual server is:
CassandraDaemon.java (line 235) Directory /mnt/cassandra/data doesn't exist
CassandraDaemon.java (line 239) Has no permission to create /mnt/cassandra/data directory
How come new nodes don't have the permissions to create the /mnt/cassandra dir?
I generated a key/secret with all permissions for the "Amazon EC2 Credentials".
If I manually SSH every new instance, create the /mnt/cassandra dir, chown it and restart the service - it works. I expected it to happen automatically.
Opscenter 5.0.0 is configured with a default AMI version. When you attempt a cloud provision via the UI, you'll see an AMI version is already specified. This is the version to use with opscenter. There are newer AMIs (such as the versions you linked) but as yet they are not fully supported in opscenter, which is why there is an issue with provisioning when you attempt to use them.
With the document you linked, that is instructions for using AMIs via the EC2 console. That is a different provisioning experience than when you provision via opscenter. This is the difference you are experiencing.
As a future improvement to opscenter, I think possibly changing that field from a text box to a drop down to make it clear which AMIs are supported might clarify this sort of problem.
I ended up ditching the AMI. It was probably not up-to-date. I installed opscenter with apt-get on a fresh ubuntu machine and everything worked great.
i have a working environment for my rails app hosted on vm.
I'm using Eclipse + Remote System Explorer on ubuntu to edit the files.
The thing is that i'm unable to use the remote search option (the search button seems to be greyed out).
It's pretty usefull and i will need it to improve productivity...
the thing i did for now was :
- add the ssh route on fstab
- search the files with the local search option
This method is not good for me cause i'm working on a vm so i need to do it all over again, and it only works on one particulare network...
I resolved the VM issue by using kvm instead of virtualbox
Does anyone have done the rails application deployment on EC2 using poolpary gems and Chef server(not Chef solo). Please share your experiences if you know some blogs or code links(except poolpartyrb.com and related to it).
The poolparty script must be able to launch an selected AMI instance with two EBS blocks(data and DB) use one elastic ip,fetch code repo and install Chef server on selected instance. Or if you have used Chef server for rails deployment please share your exp.
How far did you get with your pool party script?
launching EC2 instances is explained in this detailed example
the EBS part is explained in this github issue
to deploy an application from git, use chef's deploy resource
installing chef is done using gem install chef
Maybe you can share what you have and where exactly you're currently stuck.